Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,459 Sitting alone in Huangting without intention!

Many nightmare beasts have escaped without a trace, and they are safe here!

Their attitude towards Luo Li was completely different. They were no longer as contemptuous as before. They all had a look of surprise, admiration and disbelief.

Everyone looked at Luo Li in amazement, and it took a long time for Zhan Feiyu to say:

"As expected, he is the seventh-level Xiaoyao Hou of Immortal Qin!

Unexpectedly, this indestructible nightmare beast could be killed like this? "

The golden crystal in Luo Li's hand said: "Fellow Taoists, this is what the Nightmare Beast left behind. This place is your relic. Can you keep it?"

The seven people on the other side looked at each other. There are seven of us, but there is only one crystal. How can we divide it?

Luo Li knew that the seven of them were not monolithic, so he said this.

Mr. Xinyi said: "You got this from killing the Nightmare Beast. You can keep it for yourself as a thank you gift!"

Luo Li said: "Thank you very much!"

Wan Gu Changkong said; "Let's go quickly. The celebration over there only lasts for an hour. If the spiritual energy is not collected enough by then, we will be sent out of this Xian Qin ruins. Time is precious!"

So everyone immediately speeded up and arrived at the entrance to the second floor.

Luo Li took the golden crystal into the second layer of ruins.

After entering, no one noticed that as soon as this thing left the place of eternal sleep, this eternal dream lacked a cornerstone. It seemed insignificant, but the entire dream began to shatter.

This is what dreams are like, a trivial change will wake you up.

The escaped nightmare beasts began to be shattered one by one. In this place of eternal rest, countless creatures sleeping here began to revive.

However, they slept for too long. After waking up, they were immediately shattered. As they woke up and shattered one by one, the entire eternal sleep place began to collapse.

Everyone doesn't know all this.

They came to the entrance of the second floor and everyone entered. The second floor was also a small world of its own.

This place seems to be a metal palace. The entire world is made of endless refined iron, and there are square palace rooms everywhere.

After arriving here, Luo Li found that Mr. Xinyi from the Yixin Sect, Zhan Feiyu from the Tianjia Sect, and Wangu Changkong from the Vajra Sect all had a kind of joy in their eyes, as if they were very happy to be here.

They are all very familiar with this and are leading the way. This time they are not running like crazy in the last hall, but strolling forward.

Halfway through, there was a loud roar in the distance.

Then a huge puppet made of fine iron appeared at the side. This puppet moved like electricity, like a living person.

Seeing this puppet, Luo Li immediately said: "Xian Qin War Warriors?"

When the Xian Qin warriors appeared, Luo Li immediately noticed that the three Mr. Xinyi all had happy eyes on their faces.

Mr. Xinyi said: "I am so lucky this time. When I get here, I see the war figurines of the ancestors!"

Zhan Feiyu also said: "The war figurines passed down by the ancestors are not in vain!"

The three people immediately rushed over, and in Mr. Xinyi's hand, a beam of fairy light, which was an immortal treasure, turned into a giant net, trapping the Immortal Qin war warrior.

This movement was smooth and smooth, as if the three of them had practiced it countless times, and the Immortal Qin war martyr was immediately trapped.

Then the three of them surrounded the Immortal Qin war terracotta warriors and watched non-stop.

At this time, Luo Li discovered that the Immortal Qin war martyr had a layer of golden light to protect his body, which was exactly the same as the Tianjia brilliance on Zhan Feiyu of the Tianjia sect, and this Xianqin war martyr was the same as the King Kong of the King Kong Sect. The same goes for the puppets. In the end, the energy that moves the Xian Qin war figurine is exactly the same as the aura of Mr. Yi Xin Zong Xin Yi!

Wei Bufan from the Fish Dragon Sect said: "Hurry up, time is running out!"

Mr. Xinyi immediately said: "Right away, right away!"

As if seeing Luo Li's hesitation, Jiuyuan Zongchen said with a smile like a dream:

"Fellow Daoist Luo Li, in fact, the seven major sects of our Zhejiang-Anhui Council all came from the same source, which is the ruins of Xian Qin.

In this second layer of ruins, our ancestors initially trapped this Immortal Qin warrior to explore the next layer.

But gradually, through the Immortal Qin war martyrdom, the Yiyuan Sect obtained the method of moving the vitality of the Immortal Qin war martyr, and created the single-mindedness skill, and the Tianjia Sect obtained the armor method of the Immortal Qin war martyr, and this was how Tianjia Sect was born. Jiamen, and the King Kong Sect obtained the structural refining method of the Xian Qin warriors, and the King Kong Sect was born!

It can be said that their three major sects rely on this Immortal Qin War Warrior to become stronger and stronger and advance to the first-class sects in the lower realm. I believe that when they completely master everything about this Immortal Qin War Warrior, they will definitely be able to advance to the Immortal Realm. Come down! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "That's it!"

Jiuyuan Zongchen Rumeng continued:

"So now, they are so crazy when they get the opportunity to understand the Immortal Qin War Warriors. Through this, they can discover the mistakes in their own cultivation. After ascending, they can quickly become immortals!"

Luo Li said: "If that's the case, then why don't you capture this Immortal Qin war martyr and take it back for further study?"

Jiuyuan Zongchen said like a dream: "It's impossible, this Immortal Qin War Warrior is indestructible, it can only be trapped but cannot be destroyed.

Their three major sects have tried countless methods, but they are unable to kill the Immortal Qin War Warriors. Look, the opponent is about to break free! "

Sure enough, the giant net began to make a clicking sound, and Mr. Xinyi immediately shouted:

"Stop studying, I can't be trapped anymore! Let's go quickly and go down to the third floor!"

After saying that, the three of them immediately ran towards the distance, followed closely by the others.

Luo Li also followed, and the Immortal Qin warrior broke free from the giant net with a loud bang, and immediately rushed over to chase and kill everyone.

Everyone ran wildly one by one, Luo Li followed closely, among them Huang Yuliang from Longhumen was the last to hold the line.

The Immortal Qin War Warrior was about to catch up. The monk behind him stretched out his hand and cast a spell to trap it and delay it.

Suddenly, the Immortal Qin warrior dodges, escapes from the opponent's siege, moves instantly, and catches up with Huang Yuliang.

At this moment, the siege spell cannot be used.

Huang Yuliang turned around and shouted: "I'll fight!'

In an instant, 3600 blows were fired in an instant, with endless fist shadows and kick strength, hitting the Xian Qin warrior. Each blow was a powerful attack that could easily kill the late Hedao.

But the war figurine was shaken and banged, and this endless attack finally turned into a counter-shock force, sending Huang Yuliang flying.

Huang Yuliang bounced away, and Luo Li was in the second to last position. Suddenly his figure was revealed, and the war figurine rushed towards Luo Li and was about to kill Luo Li.

Everyone shouted: "No, be careful!"

"Don't let him die, or our efforts will be in vain!"

"Save him quickly!"

They cast spells one after another, but the distant water could not quench the near thirst.

In an instant, in danger, Luo Li took a breath and condensed the supreme power of his left hand into a punch!

The war figurine rushed in front of Luo Li, and the punch almost hit it. When it saw the power of Luo Li's left hand, it immediately stopped walking, then stepped back step by step, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Because this supreme power can crush him and end him, he was afraid and ran away!

Everyone was in a daze, what was going on? This has never happened before?

After a long while, Mr. Xinyi said: "Maybe it's the title of Xian Qin. Luo Li's title is too high, so it got scared and left!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "That's probably the case. Let's leave quickly!"

Everyone couldn't figure out why, so they could only continue to move forward, and soon came to the entrance of the third layer of ruins and entered the third layer of ruins.

After they left, the Immortal Qin warrior looked at the entrance to the third floor from a distance. A small crack appeared on his golden body.

In fact, Luo Li hit him, even though it was just a little bit, but he hit him!

The Xian Qin warrior looked at Luo Li from a distance, but at this moment he seemed to be a living person, with a look of relief.

On him, a divine thought came out:

“Didi, didi, didi, the Immortal Alliance’s Immortal Qin war figurine Jin Geng War God Armor No. 7 was seriously damaged, lost control, and is about to collapse!

Unable to protect the place sealed by Hunyuan Sword Sect Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal Gu Beichen, the operation failed, the operation failed, please ask the Grand Alliance to dispatch immediately to replace the Xian Qin war martyrdom, please..."

The cracks grew bigger and bigger, and with a click, the Immortal Qin war martyrdom was completely shattered. As it was shattered, the entire second layer of ruins also began to collapse.

At this time, Luo Li arrived at the third layer of ruins, and immediately felt that he had returned to his homeland. There was a magma ocean here, and everyone was running on the stone steps above the magma ocean.

This is Luo Li's home field, and Luo Li is the happiest.

Luo Li frowned. The first level was the world of wood, the second level was the world of gold, and the third level was the world of fire. This was obviously the order of the Five Elements Outer Palace.

Luo Li asked: "Are there only three levels of ruins here? The fourth level is the ruins gate?"

Mr. Xinyi nodded and said: "Yes, there are only three layers! There should be two layers of earth and water ruins, but they have long since collapsed and disappeared.

Therefore, this ruins can be said to be incomplete. Every time you enter it, you don't know if you can enter it a second time. "

In this world of flames, there are also living beings, and there are many of them.

Some are dragon-shaped flame elves, some are tiger-shaped flame elves, and some are fish-shaped!

When he got here, Luo Li understood immediately and said:

"I know, I know, this is the birthplace of the Dragon Tiger Sect and the Fish Dragon Sect?"

Mr. Xinyi nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. The official entrance to the Xianqin ruins below, where the sealing immortal pattern is the birthplace of Jiuyuan Sect and Dafanmen!"

When they arrived here, Wei Bufan of the Fish Dragon Sect and Huang Yuliang of the Dragon Tiger Sect were extremely happy. They walked at the front and killed all the fire elves that rushed over.

While they were killing them, they realized that it would take ten thousand cultivation sources to enter this place, which was very difficult. From this, they realized that the opportunity to understand the source of this skill was extremely rare.

Several others followed, and everyone moved forward quickly.

Wei Bufan of the Fish Dragon Sect suddenly said: "It's strange. According to the sect's records, there are not so many elves in the Huocanghai. It seems that they are particularly excited and appear endlessly?"

Mr. Xinyi said: "This may be an illusion!"

They didn't know the reason, but Luo Li knew that when he arrived here, he vaguely resonated with the world, as if the whole world was celebrating Luo Li's arrival. r1152


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