Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,461 A sword moves mountains and rivers to move the world!

In order to get the endless treasures in the Xian Qin ruins, everyone took action and attacked the iron chain crazily.

Under their attack, the iron chain made a rattling sound and looked like it was about to break.

Luo Li never took action, he always felt something was wrong!

That Hunyuan Immortal Palace is too fake, there is something wrong with this immortal!

Thinking of this, Luo Li's eyes widened and he looked over.

Although the power of the divine eye disappeared, its effectiveness was still there. Luo Li looked at it intently, wanting to see what was going on here?

Under his gaze, the divine eye saw through everything and truly appeared. Gradually, the entire environment seemed to change. The huge and magnificent palace began to dissipate, and another scene gradually appeared in front of Luo Li.

What kind of fairy palace is there? In front of Luo Li, it is clear that this place is a cage. In that cage, there is a person locked up, it is the immortal. He holds up the iron chain that locks his hands, and the others are frantically breaking it. Open that chain.

Luo Li was shocked and couldn't help but shout: "Be careful, stop..."

But the immortal suddenly looked at Luo Li, as if he had made a silent gesture!


Under his look, the words Luo Li wanted to shout out immediately froze and he couldn't say a word.

Luo Li was very anxious and wanted to shout out these words, but the other party just made a move and imprisoned Luo Li, unable to make any response.

Luo Li immediately circulated his true energy, and the original power appeared in his left hand. Under this power, the imprisonment began to loosen.

Even if the immortal ban is imposed, Luo Li cannot be trapped.

The immortal looked at Luo Li, shook his head slightly, and seemed to say:

"It's useless! If you don't believe me, try it."

His movements cannot be seen by the other seven Mahayana.

At this time Luo Li broke through the confinement of immortality. He shouted: "Stop, don't be fooled, this is fake. This is a prison, he is a liar!"

Luo Li yelled. The other seven Mahayana immediately heard Luo Li's roar and stopped attacking the chain.

Mr. Xinyi asked: "Luo Li, what did you say? What's fake?"

Luo Li said: "This is all false. He is actually a prisoner. He is asking you to break the chains that lock him! He wants to escape..."

Huang Yuliang immediately interrupted Luo Li: "How is that possible? It's nonsense!

How could this good Hunyuan Immortal Mansion be fake? "

Magatama Sanren shook his head and said: "My magic didn't show it? How could it be fake?"

Chen Rumeng said: "Are all these fairy treasures fake? Fake?

impossible. As long as I have these immortal treasures, I can easily ascend to immortality, and then be promoted to earthly immortal, heavenly immortal, Da Luo Hunyuan golden immortal! "

Wanli Changkong said: "The foundation of all ages, from now on, I will transcend the world, soar into the sky, and achieve endless dominance!"

They are all unbelievable!

They have all been confused by the immortal. In their eyes, there is no problem here, they just find problems. He also created reasonable explanations for himself and turned a blind eye.

At this time, the immortal said: "Remember, only the first monk to enter the Immortal Mansion can master the Immortal Mansion!"

As soon as he said this, Huang Yuliang shouted: "What's fake? The treasure is right in front of you. What's fake? It's you who wants to scare us away. You want to be the best. Break it for me!"

He immediately took action, and several others took action frantically. Mr. Xinyi looked at Luo Li. Look at that immortal, he also roared. Just take action, for fear of falling behind everyone.

They have all been fascinated by the wealth. Confused by the immortal mansion, Luo Li shook his head, they were finished.

Luo Li immediately backed away slowly. They were finished. He had to leave, leave here, and escape.

Luo Li just retreated seven or eight steps, but before he could get far, he heard a roar and the chain collapsed.

Magatama Sanren of Dafanmen shouted: "I opened it, I opened it!"

He broke the iron chain, but it seemed that at this moment, the Fish Dragon Sect Wei Bufan rushed into the immortal mansion and shouted: "I came in first, I came in first!"

Seeing Wei Bufan rushing in, Dafanmen Magatama Sanren shouted: "Asshole, I opened it!"

He also followed the attack, and Chen Rumeng and Wanli Changkong rushed in.

At the moment when the iron chain was broken, Mr. Xinyi's mind moved, and he suddenly became conscious. He also realized something was wrong in his intuition. He pulled hard and grabbed Huang Yuliang of Longhumen and Zhan Feiyu of Tianjiamen, and held them tightly. Both of them.

The three of them did not enter.

The immortal looked at the three of them and said, "Why don't you go in? There are many immortal treasures inside. If you find them, they will belong to you!"

Mr. Xinyi held on to the other two people tightly. He looked at the immortal and said, "You, you, who are you?"

The last sound was almost a roar!

The immortal laughed and said: "Who am I?

I am Gu Beichen, the Yuanchen Sword Emperor of the Hunyuan Sword Sect! Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal! "

Thirty-five million years have passed since the ruins of Immortal Qin sealed Hunyuan Sword Sect Yuanchen Sword Emperor Gu Beichen. During countless catastrophes, the people who sealed it have long since left the immortal world, or the immortals have banished Chen. People know the seal of this place.

This sealed place fell into the wild world of spiritual soil and became dust among dust.

It turned out that there was a five-element seal outside and an immortal spirit lock inside. However, as time passed, two layers of the five-element seal were broken. This time Luo Li came here, and unintentionally, the other three layers were also broken, and the outer seal completely disappeared.

Now that the spiritual lock is broken, Gu Beichen is finally free!

When he said this, he looked at everyone. When he mentioned his name, no one had heard of it. When he mentioned Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal, everyone suddenly changed their colors!

Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal is the ruler of the immortal world and an eternal existence. I never expected that the immortal in front of me is actually Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

Seeing everyone's expressions, Gu Beichen said bitterly: "My little creation, back then I was just competing with you for the master of the fairy world!

asshole! Not only will my Hunyuan Sword Sect be destroyed, but my reputation will also be erased from history. Hateful, hateful! "

Creation of children? Couldn't he be the Lord of Creation? This guy is someone you can't afford to mess with.

Following Gu Beichen's words, he slowly disappeared in the huge Hunyuan Immortal Palace. The four people who revealed the real prison room and rushed into the fairy palace disappeared.

Mr. Xinyi looked at Gu Beichen. His eyes widened and he shouted: "Give me back the allied monks!"

He's about to take action!

Gu Beichen said: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. Give it back to you, give it back to you!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the disappeared Huang Yuliang and others appeared, but the four people's eyes were all dull, as if they had lost their souls and lost their minds. Some of them said:

"Immortal treasures. So many immortal treasures!"

"Become an immortal, be immortal, become an immortal..."

Gu Beichen suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the Magatama Sanren of Dafanmen. The Magatama Sanren of Dafanmen burst out with endless light and made a sizzling sound, as if the whole person was being sent into a frying pan for refining.

Seeing him hurting someone, Mr. Xinyi stretched out his hand, and the heart lamp appeared and shined on the immortal. At the same time, Huang Yuliang and Zhan Feiyu on the side also took action and tried their best.

The three of them went all out. Mr. Xinyi released his natal heart lamp. This time, the heart lamp was like fire, emitting thousands of rays of light that destroyed everything.

On Huang Yuliang's body, the seven dragons and eight tigers appeared again, bursting out with endless fighting power!

But to their surprise, their spell hit Gu Beichen, and Gu Beichen immediately shattered. It's a phantom!

The three of them were stunned, and Mr. Xinyi shouted: "I've been fooled. He's pretending to be a ghost. He's trying to scare me!"

Tianjiamen Zhan Feiyu also said: "Even if he didn't scare us, he has been sealed for countless thousands of years and has long since exhausted his strength. He has no strength at all! We were fooled!"

The three of them immediately discovered that Gu Beichen was just a good-looking guy.

Mr. Xinyi said: "Quick, let's go and tell Uncle Master and the others, and ask them to clone themselves into the lower world and explore what this Gu Beichen is!"

The so-called master uncles are the ascended immortals of these seven sects.

Following Mr. Xinyi's words, the Dafanmen magatama monk suddenly smiled, quickly changed his appearance, and said, "No need, you all can't leave here!"

The Magatama Sanren of Dafanmen suddenly changed and turned into Gu Beichen. It turned out that he had smashed the soul of the Magatama Sanren with just one shot and seized the opponent's body by himself. This was his way of seizing the body!

Seeing Gu Beichen's success in seizing the body, Mr. Xinyi and the others were shocked and took action immediately. Thousands of spells suddenly appeared again.

But Gu Beichen stretched out his index finger, turned it into a sword, and moved it slightly, as if stirring something.

Following his movements, Mr. Xinyi released the light of his natal heart lamp and immediately deflected it. Two pairs of those lights collided and all of them were immediately extinguished. No matter how much light Mr. Xinyi released, the two pairs of lights collided and all were extinguished.

At this time, Huang Yuliang's seven dragons and eight tigers came in front of him. Gu Beichen stuck out his tongue and licked it. This was the tongue sword!

With a click, all the seven dragons and eight tigers were swallowed up by this tongue. Huang Yuliang screamed and collapsed suddenly.

He looked at Zhan Feiyu, who was shocked and immediately released the strongest Tianmen Armor of the Tianjia Sect to protect the three opponents. Of course, Luo Li was forgotten by him.

Gu Beichen smiled and said slowly: "With a sword, mountains and rivers move, and the world changes seven times!

My sword spirit skills have not been neglected after so many years!

seal up! "

This is a word sword. Following his words, the Tianmen Armor released by Zhan Feiyu immediately turned into a chain, locking the other three of them.

No matter how hard Mr. Xinyi and Zhan Feiyu struggled, the chains formed by armor on that day locked them tightly, and they could not move at all.

Gu Beichen laughed loudly and suddenly looked at the roof of the cage. Suddenly he stretched out his hand, pushed it upwards, and shouted:

"Break this damn cage for me. Today I return to heaven and earth and am free again. Look at that, it can still lock me!"

Following his movements, there was a loud noise and a bang. The cage shattered and the entire Xian Qin ruins completely collapsed. Looking over, everyone appeared in the underground cave.

Gu Beichen frowned and said, "Where is the sky? Show it to me!"

A sword flew across the air, and with a bang, the endless rocky ground above his head was immediately pierced open by this sword!

With one breath, a sword reached the sky. The ground beneath their feet immediately soared upwards, traveling thousands of feet underground, and appeared above the earth, revealing the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers! (To be continued)


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