Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,458 Nightmare Beast in the Land of Eternal Rest!

Luo Li was led through thousands of twists and turns, passed through several restrictions, and arrived at a main hall.

In this hall, there are countless water mirrors on the walls. Those water mirrors always show the scene in Yishin Sect.

There is still one day left before Daqing. On this night, it can be said that there is an endless carnival feast in this Yixin Sect.

In the water mirror, those carnival people, on their bodies, emotions turned into auras, which were attracted and injected into one place.

Mr. Xinyi looked at this scene and just couldn't help but smile. When he saw Luo Li coming here, he said:

"Fellow Daoist Luo Li, it's time. Let's get ready to set off. Before that, I'll introduce you to a few friends!"

Following his instructions, Luo Li looked and saw six monks next to Mr. Xinyi, four men and two women, all of whom were in the late Mahayana stage.

One of them was dressed as a monk, and his whole body seemed to be filled with fine iron, but his eyes were wrapped with a black cloth. He was blind!

Mr. Xinyi said: "Longhumen, Huang Yuliang! In the late Mahayana period, the master of Longhumen!"

Huang Yuliang looked at Luo Li and just nodded slightly as a salute, with a kind of arrogance, but he didn't take Luo Li seriously.

Luo Li didn't pay attention and saluted slightly.

Next to Huang Yuliang, there is a beautiful woman with long hair hanging down like clouds until her thighs. Her eyebrows are picturesque and her skin is as good as snow. Moreover, her aura is rich and her eyes are deep, making her charming even more charming. Her soft and graceful temperament makes people love her.

"Jiuyuan Sect, Chen Rumeng, has met fellow Taoist Luo Li!"

The woman introduced herself softly and was very gentle, but Luo Li knew that she was the leader of Jiuyuan Sect, a woman who was not inferior to men, and a very powerful character. Luo Li immediately returned the gift.

The person on Chen Rumeng's left is wearing a golden crane crown with wings spread on his head, a bright green Taoist master's robe, a red tassel on his back and purple tassels, and his sleeves are folded with his hands. The Taoist with a leisurely attitude has purple eyebrows and purple pupils. The most surprising thing is that three feet above his head, there is also the same purple light flowing, with a precious aura, and the whole body is fairy-like. The general idea is outstanding. Unforgettable at first sight.

Mr. Xinyi introduced: "Dafan sect, Magatama Sanren, late Mahayana, master of Dafan sect!"

Beside this Magatama Sanren was an old man, dressed in gray-white Taoist robes, mango shoes, and a white silk ribbon tied around his waist. The bun is rolled up casually, showing the spirit of immortality!

"Ichthyosaurus Sect. Wei Bufan! Master of the Ichthyosaurus Sect in the late Mahayana period!"

Next to Wei Bufan was a man in his thirties who looked like a master. He had a sallow complexion, skinny bones, and a mustache.

"Tianjia Sect, Zhan Feiyu! Late Mahayana period. Master of Tianjia Sect!"

Finally, there was a woman, who looked like a girl, with a tall and well-proportioned figure. Her slightly brown skin was not absolutely delicate, but it seemed to be emitting a hazy light. Her waist-length hair is almost black. It is hung casually, with seven or eight small braids on it.

The whole person exudes a wild, desolate, ancient and domineering beauty, with an indescribable flavor. It looks weak, but it is as tough as a diamond! "

"Vajra Sect, Eternal Sky, Late Mahayana, Master of Vajra Sect!"

After being introduced one by one, Luo Li frowned, "Good guy, there are seven first-class sects in the entire Zhejiang and Anhui areas, all with sect leaders. This Xianqin ruins are really amazing!"

Luo Li got to know each other one by one, and Mr. Xinyi said: "Okay, it's almost done, let's get ready to go!"

Luo Li suddenly said: "Wait a minute, all sect leaders, as agreed, please swear by the Dao that after this matter is over, you cannot target our Hunyuan Sect, target me, kill donkeys, or kill people to silence them!"

All seven sect masters were dispatched. The ruins of Xian Qin were definitely not simple, so Luo Li asked them to take an oath.

Huang Yuliang snorted coldly and said: "With the status of the seven of us, can we still lie to you?"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Everyone, if you don't swear an oath, I will never go!"

Na Chen Rumeng looked at Luo Li, with a kind of charm in his eyes, as if begging Luo Li. Under this gaze, even the stone man would feel pity and the trees would bend down.

But Luo Li's eyes were cold and he didn't care at all, and said: "The road is difficult, if you make a mistake, you will be doomed. I wish you this oath, so please swear it!"

The oath of a wish is a powerful oath. If you swear to make your wish your true heart, any little language traps or divergent words will be useless!

Mr. Xinyi sighed and said: "Okay, everyone, let's take an oath!

I wholeheartedly believe in my sect, and hereby swear an oath that I will never attack Luo Li during this exploration of the ancient ruins of Xian Qin. No matter what happens, I will not kill or silence Luo Li and the Hunyuan sect. My wish is my vow, and the road will come true! "

He swore an oath, looked at Luo Li and said, "You also have to swear an oath not to attack us, not to spread a word about this ruins!"

Luo Li also swore a great oath, and everyone did the same, and this was the end.

Wan Gu Changkong said: "Okay, let's go, don't waste this time!"

Mr. Xinyi said: "Okay, follow me!"

After saying that, he activated a magic circle in the hall and started teleporting with everyone.

Luo Li clearly felt that it was heading underground. He teleported like this five times, and then a group of tame beasts appeared in the underground cave, carrying everyone and running towards the distance.

This tame beast is very fast. It is like walking on flat ground underground, teleporting from time to time and passing through underground caves.

Along the way, the beast changed four times, and after walking for a whole night, they finally came to a huge cave, which looked like an underground world with various natural scenery.

When he got here, Mr. Xinyi let out a long breath and said, "We're here, we're here!"

Luo Lichi asked: "Where are the ruins of Xian Qin?"

Mr. Xinyi said: "This is it!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Here?"

Mr. Xinyi said: "Yes, this is the first level of the Immortal Qin Ruins. No one can feel that they have entered the Immortal Qin Ruins. These Immortal Qin Ruins are hidden in nature and are so clever and silent!"

After saying that, Mr. Xinyi released an altar, and they were all waiting here!

Luo Li calculated the time. The celebration over there should officially begin, and Mr. Xinyi's clone should be there to host the celebration.

As time goes by, in that altar. Various auras gradually began to appear. At that time, the emotions, joys, anger, sorrows and joys of all the people who came here to participate in the celebration were absorbed by the celebration and transmitted here.

Mr. Xinyi said: "There is only one way to break through the disguise of this Immortal Qin ruins. Gather the emotions of all living beings and break through the disguise. Okay, it's almost done!"

After saying that, he slapped the altar suddenly, and suddenly the altar roared, and a ray of light emitted. In an instant, wherever the light hit, there was a huge hall. Appeared in front of Luo Li and others.

Zhan Feiyu let out a long breath and said: "How many years have passed, I never thought we would be here again!"

After saying that, a series of armors rose up on him. This was the secret method of Tianjia Sect. He was the first to walk into the hall and went straight inside.

Mr. Xinyi said: "Let's go. Fellow Taoist Luo Li!"

These Immortal Qin ruins are ancient ruins. The damage was serious, and the three outermost halls required violent breakthroughs to enter.

Only by keeping the fourth floor of the palace intact can you use the title of Xian Qin to enter! "

Luo Li nodded. Follow them and enter the first level of the palace.

The first level of the palace is the endless grassland, stretching as far as the eye can see. The grassland on the ground is continuous. There are no hills or hills stretching out under the sky. It is extremely calm and the sun is hot and gloomy.

Violet, hyacinth, and narcissus are everywhere, and the colorful cherry blossoms of black purple, flame red, spotted and golden cover the earth like a velvet carpet.

Cornflowers, violets, flowers everywhere. The air is so fresh that one can't help but lie down on the ground to rest. How comfortable it would be to sleep in the sunshine and on the grass...

Mr. Xinyi said:

"Be careful, don't rest here. As long as you lie down here, you will never get up. This place is called the place of eternal sleep.

You must move forward, don’t stop! "

Luo Li and others walked forward quickly. This grassland seemed to have no end!

But no one wanted to sleep. The grassland soon appeared at the end, and there was a huge hall in front, which was the entrance to the second floor.

About ten miles away from the entrance, suddenly a beast rushed out from ahead.

The beasts looked fierce, like dragons and tigers, very scary. There were also strange snakes with black scales and one wing on their backs. Among them were seven huge stone men, standing tall and powerful!

Huang Yuliang jumped up, and instantly reached the chin of a stone giant. He flew through the air, knocked his knees, and with a bang, the giant turned into thousands of flying ashes.

But those fly ash quickly gathered together, and the giant returned to its original state!

Huang Yuliang said cautiously: "Everyone in the Mahayana realm, be careful!"

Magatama Sanren said in surprise: "How is it possible? This is the legendary nightmare beast, but according to previous records, only one or two will appear. How many hundreds?"

Mr. Xinyi explained: “It seems that this time, we are in the right place!

They sensed the identity of fellow Taoist Luo Li, which was why so many nightmare beasts appeared. "

Then he introduced to Luo Li: "Nightmare beasts are terrible spiritual beasts born in the Land of Eternal Sleep. They are all creatures who died here. They are ferocious beasts in nightmares. They are immortal and cannot be killed. They can only be scattered. Everyone hurry up!”

Everyone speeded up and rushed towards the hall. At this time, many nightmare beasts rushed over, and the battle began instantly.

The Huang Yuliang ran like lightning, hitting one with each blow, and the dust was like a dream. The Nine Yuan Mind Technique transformed into nine giant sky-cutting blades, cutting through everything. The eternal sky summoned twelve diamonds to protect everyone.

But no matter how hard they try, the nightmare beast will be resurrected after being broken into pieces, and then broken into pieces again. It is resurrected and cannot be killed at all.

Everyone deliberately protected Luo Li from being attacked by Shanghai, but under the impact of many nightmare beasts, a tiger-like nightmare beast suddenly broke through and rushed to Luo Li's side.

Mr. Xinyi was shocked and shouted: "No, be careful!"

The tiger bared its teeth and claws, and pounced on Luo Li. Luo Li punched him, Yuanshi Shangqing, and broke all laws in the world!

With one punch, there was a pop, and the tiger immediately flew into ashes, but this time it was completely reduced to ashes and never resurrected. Instead, a golden crystal fell down among the ashes.

For a moment, everyone and the Nightmare Beast were all dumbfounded and looked at Luo Li in disbelief!

All the nightmare beasts, seeing this scene, turned around and ran away, because Luo Li could kill them!

The other seven people all opened their mouths, unable to believe their eyes!


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