Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,457 A dream that lasts for ten thousand years is finally in vain!

Looking at the old man lying on the bed, Luo Li just smiled and didn't take his words to heart.

As if he saw what Luo Li was thinking, Tai Wei slowly said:

"Since I ascended to the sky, I have spent ten thousand years in the Lingtu Honghuang Realm!"

When Luo Li said this, he was stunned. It's impossible. It's only been more than 1,500 years since Tai Wei ascended. How can it be ten thousand years?

Moreover, this fairyland is different from the human world. The lives of cultivators are corroded by the fairy spirit of the fairyland. The return to origin realm can live for five hundred years, and the fusion realm can reach a thousand years. Only the Mahayana can live longer, but Tai Wei is still in the return to origin realm. How can he live for ten thousand years?

Tai Wei continued, "Although the Zhongtian main world was opened by the Transcendent Fairy, I was the first to ascend after the immortal world's passage was cut off!

When you ascended to the immortal world, you should find that 36 million years have passed since our Zhongtian main world and the immortal world's passage were cut off!

As the old saying goes, one day in heaven is a thousand years on earth, but it is just the opposite for us.

I was the first to ascend, and I also caught the last train in this time gap.

So I was the first to ascend, and it has been ten thousand years since now, and the second to ascend was Buyanzong Buyuzi, and it has been seven thousand years since now, and the third to ascend was Haoran Zhengqizong Dadao, and it has been five thousand years since now. After him, the immortal world and the Zhongtian main world, ▲%, w※!"

Speaking of this, Luo Li listened attentively, and he felt that Tai Wei was not lying.

Tai Wei continued, "I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it!

I ascended to the immortal world, and my True Spirit Sect has been in the immortal world for a long time. It was destroyed, so there was no sect to receive me.

I landed in Jiuli Black Water City, which is the receiving city of Jiuli Sect, the immortal world sect. I was practicing in Jiuli Black Water City at that time, and accepted the task of Jiuli Sect, but was tricked by those bastards!

I have been practicing hard. After countless dangers, I traveled all over the world in this spiritual land, worked hard, and finally promoted step by step!

Return to the origin, merge with the way, Mahayana .

After being promoted to Mahayana, the next step is to ascend to immortality, but Mahayana has three tribulations. Heart demon, mortal transformation, thunder tribulation, all three tribulations must be overcome before ascending!

When I reached the three tribulations of Mahayana, I realized that this Jieying City had bad intentions. They set up a large formation to move the heart demon's luck there. I tried to pass the heart demon realm 37 times. I failed every time! "

When Luo Li heard this, his heart moved. He felt that there was something wrong with Jieying City that year, so he left quickly there. Later, he was chased by the masters of Yun'an Sect and escaped.

Luo Li asked, "What is the Heart Demon Luck Transferring Array?" Tai Wei said, "Originally, this Jieying City was created by the Immortal Emperor Yu Zecheng. The weakest sect in the middle sect of the Immortal Realm was responsible for Jieying City. It received monks from the lower world without sects and then assigned them to the various middle sects and lower sects to supplement the strength of the middle sects and lower sects in the Immortal Realm. However, after the Immortal Emperor retired and ascended, in the era of the Lord of Creation, those bastards invented this Heart Demon Luck Transferring Array. Later, as long as we who ascended to the Mahayana realm left a mark in the Jieying City, they would transfer our luck with their disciples. In this way, after we are promoted to the Mahayana realm, as long as we pass the first of the three Mahayana tribulations, the Heart Demon Tribulations, they will transfer the luck of their younger disciples. , transferred to us, we survived this calamity, but they passed it because of this. We inherited the inner demons of their disciples and had to go through this calamity again!

This inner demon calamity is the most invisible. Everything you have done in your life will explode at that time, and many grievances and inner demons will reappear. There are auxiliary methods to pass the three Mahayana calamities, but this calamity depends entirely on yourself.

So they used this method to use us to survive the calamity and help their descendants to pass this calamity. In my life, I have survived the calamity for others thirty-seven times. Hate, hate, hate!

Later, I met Zhong Lizi of the Sun God Palace and Amaterasu of the Creation Sect.

They all ascended after me, but they were lucky. The Creation Sect and the Sun God Valley were all visited by the immortal world.

The two of them had to I went to the sect for shelter and soon ascended to immortality. For the sake of our past friendship, they helped me and finally suppressed the Jiuli Sect and eliminated my luck mark, so that I could be reborn!

However, I have wasted eight thousand years. Although I easily passed the inner demon tribulation, I did not pass the mortal tribulation! "

Luo Li couldn't help asking: "Daoyou Taiwei, what is the mortal tribulation?"

Taiwei said: "There is a difference between humans and immortals, so when you are in the Mahayana stage, you have to shed your mortal body and reshape your immortal body.

At that time, you will regress from the Mahayana stage, return to the mortal state, and finally die.

After death, you will regain your life as a mortal, and be reborn as an immortal. Step by step, you will return to the Mahayana stage, enter the late Mahayana stage, and finally pass the Jiuli stage. Thunder Tribulation, Ascension to Immortality!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Shedding the mortal body and reshaping the immortal body.

I am now practicing the method of the ninety-nine immortal bodies, what does this have to do with it?"

Tai Wei said: "I didn't expect you to have such great luck. When you reach the immortal world, you can get the method of practicing the ninety-nine immortal bodies!

I have been searching for seven thousand years, and finally got the immortal body practice method of the Gengjin immortal body!

This immortal body is not the other immortal body. No matter how you practice according to the immortal body method, your flesh and blood also contain mortal blood.

Only after the mortal catastrophe can you truly give birth to immortal energy and be promoted to immortal.

With this immortal body practice method, you start practicing now. When you shed the mortal world, you can reshape the immortal body. It will be very easy to cast an immortal body and reduce the time of shed the mortal world.

In fact, among the three tribulations, the tribulation of becoming a mortal is the easiest. As long as you keep a normal mind, you can succeed in becoming a mortal.

It's just that during the process of dying, your cultivation level plummets. You can survive without getting hurt. But back then, I was just a lonely person. After thirty years of dying, I returned to the realm of Guiyuan, but I was attacked by a powerful enemy. So far, Injured, this calamity did not survive!

Once Tuofan was injured and failed to overcome the tribulation, and there was no progress in his life, I was completely heartbroken, so I joined this Yixin Sect and spent the rest of my life! "

Luo Li nodded, now knowing Taiwei's life in the fairy world!

Taiwei took another sip of the Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine, which seemed to be in a high mood, but Luo Li knew that he had already returned to the light, that the immortal energy had completely corroded his body, and death was right in front of him!

He looked at Luo Li and said, "It's a good fate for me to see you off, fellow fellow!'

Luo Li said: "Fellow Taoist Taiwei, have a good journey. If you have any wishes, just tell me. Whatever you can do, I will definitely do it!"

Taiwei shook his head and said: "The Jiuli Sect cheated me all my life, but I have taken revenge and killed thirty-seven geniuses in their outer courtyard. I have no regrets in my life!

If you can do it, and in the future, you can achieve the position of great power, don't let this city of Jieyin in the prehistoric world of the spiritual land harm those who ascend later!

Thank you fellow Taoist for seeing me off, this is for you! "

After speaking, he threw a bamboo slip over and said: "It contains my cultivation experience, and it contains the experience of surviving the Mahayana heart tribulation. Haha, I am afraid that no one in this spiritual world has more experience than me. !

There is also the Gengjin Immortal Body that I collected. It was originally a thank you gift for my corpse collector, but now it is given to you! "

But Luo Li didn't care at all. Even if he had an immortal body, he was super powerful. This Gengjin immortal body was just average.

The sun sets in the west, and the dim sunlight slowly shines into the window. Through the crystal glass window, it dims a little bit. Half of the sun has sunk into the mountains. This is the last moment of sunlight.

Under this sunshine, Taiwei opened his eyes wide and stared at the sunset, wishing to swallow the sun. Finally, he sighed and said slowly:

"Life is short, and the years are like songs. The beauty of the past is sitting beside the bridge. She will never come or go, die or live. It is a dream that lasts for ten thousand years, but she finally wakes up."

The vast yin and yang shift, and life is like morning dew. Life is like sending it away suddenly, and there is no solid stone in life.

Then Taiwei tilted his head, death!

Luo Li sighed and recited the rebirth mantra next to him to see him off:

"Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil, life will eventually die, spirits will eventually perish, and all things will eventually perish. In glory, they are just a handful of loess and a handful of green ashes! A hundred years of life is like a dream. How can there be anything eternal? The sunset is apocalyptic, and the horror is audible, but it lasts only a moment..."

In this spell, a little bit of Taiwei's true spirit falls into the nature of the fairy world.

After a long time, Luo Li finished chanting and said: "Fellow Taoist Taiwei, let's have a friendship and let's see him off!"

Many disciples immediately replied: "Yes!"

After buying a gold coffin, collecting the body, and sending it to the Yixinzong cemetery to perform religious rituals, Luo Li saw off Taiwei.

After everything was done, Luo Li was about to leave. The steward of the Charity Home came over and took out a bunch of things, all of which were strange artifacts. He said:

"Fellow Taoist, these are the relics left by Taiwei. They are the fruits of his many years of exploration. Fellow Taoist, you can take them away!"

There is not a single fairy or a good thing here. The good things have long been left behind by the steward.

Luo Li didn't want it either, and said, "You can keep these, you don't have to..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Li was stunned, reached out among these things, and took out something.

It was a strange item similar to a badge, cross-shaped, made of neither gold nor silver, with a simple style and a prehistoric atmosphere. However, it was a very ordinary item and not worth a cent, but Luo Li was interested in it. Among them, I feel a kind of original power!

Luo Li was stunned, picked up the object, and said, "I'll keep this as a souvenir!"

The steward of the Charity Home took one look at it and said, "Well, this is the treasure that Taiwei got after bragging about exploring some ancient ruins and narrowly avoiding death when he was still alive.

However, after hiring many palm-eye gentlemen and spending a lot of unjust money, it was finally determined that it was just an ordinary ornament and was worthless. "

Luo Li shook his head, this is not a waste. When you get it in your hand, the Yuan Qi is definitely good!

What exactly is this?

It’s a pity that Taiwei has left and will never be known!

Luo Li couldn't help but pin the badge on his chest, and everyone returned to their residence.

The next day, before dawn, someone came to invite him.

Before that, Luo Li took out the Lingyin Bag, put the twelve true spirits into the bag, followed the man to the Yixin Sect Hall, and the adventure began!


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