Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1456 An old friend now asks about his return date!

Luo Li looked at Mr. Xinyi and asked slowly: "I wonder how Senior Xinyi knew my title of Xian Qin?"

Mr. Xinyi smiled and said: "For seven thousand years, my Yixin Sect has been looking for a way to open the Xianqin ruins, but the title of Xianqin has long been in the fairy world and is no longer granted. It can only be inherited. It is almost impossible for ordinary immortals to have a title of immortal.

So the Xianqin ruins have never been opened by my sect!

The ancestor of my sect who ascended to heaven asked for a treasure in the fairy world. With this treasure, he can explore the immortal cultivators in the Lingtu Honghuang world. Anyone In the Lingtu Honghuang Realm, whenever a strong person appears, we will secretly investigate the other party, but in the past seven thousand years, there has been no harvest.

Until the beginning of the year, your sect rose in the South China Sea. Unintentionally, we investigated and found the title of Daoist Luo Li.

It is really hard to believe that Daoist Luo Li is actually the seventh-class Xiaoyao Hou, which is beyond our imagination. It is really amazing! "

So that's it. The treasure of the fairy world can investigate the cultivators above the Lingtu Honghuang Realm, so it can find its own title. Luo Li nodded, but hesitated and asked: "Senior Xinyi, this Lingtu Honghuang Realm is full of immortals. world, waste, piled up.

How could there be Xian Qin relics in this Lingtu Honghuang world? "

Mr. Xinyi bit his lip and said slowly: "Daoyou Luoli, I didn't treat you as an outsider, just tell the truth.

The Xian Qin relics》≮, ww♦w., are the ancient Xian Qin relics, which have existed for at least 36 million years. They should be the relics after the era of Yu Qingcheng, the sword emperor of the fairy world, and before the era of the Lord of Creation.

I don't know how this relic fell into the Lingtu Honghuang world, but fortunately it was discovered by our sect.

To be honest, when The discovery of this relic in 1999 also set off a bloody storm in the Lingtu Honghuang Realm. Countless sects fought for it, and finally everyone found that this relic must be opened by the eighth-level free marquis of Xianqin, and finally it fell into the hands of our sect.

Daoist Luo Li, please rest assured. We will make a great oath with you, and we will never cross the river and destroy the bridge, nor will we kill people to silence them. In addition, no matter what we find in this relic, we will give you corresponding rewards.

My Yixin Sect has been established for 370,000 years, and its reputation is still worth it. "

Luo Li nodded. It's useless to say it or not! Now that I have come to someone else's territory and received their Xuanhuang Pill for enlightenment, how can I not go!

Luo Li said, "Don't worry, senior. I will definitely go."

Mr. Xinyi nodded and said, "Okay, okay, please stay in my sect for a while. The Xian Qin ruins are hidden. If we want to open it, we can only open it with the help of the Council's celebration and the induction of thousands of cultivators' minds.

You should rest well in my sect first, and we will set off in secret one day before the ceremony."

With this, Luo Li stayed in the Xin Sect and enjoyed the highest VIP treatment.

This celebration was really lively, with countless cultivators gathering here. There were crowds of people.

Many of the cultivators took this opportunity to sell various specialties, or exchange cultivation experiences with each other, and there were also various auctions to sell fairy treasures from the fairy world and various secret treasures from the outside world.

The people of Hunyuan Sect all traveled around, and they enjoyed the highest VIP treatment here.

Luo Li did not go out to wander around, and got 300 Xuanhuang Pills of Enlightenment. Luo Li began to refine the pills and practice silently.

Refine the Xuanhuang Pills of Enlightenment and operate your own three avenues!

Slowly, it seemed as if there were lines interweaving between heaven and earth, and there were unknown rules that turned into order, derived inexplicable power, and constructed various avenues in the void.

In front of Luo Li's eyes, the world was constantly changing.

The sun rose and the moon set, spring, summer, autumn and winter, all things withered, the grass and trees withered, from movement to stillness, from stillness to movement, everything in heaven and earth is the avenue.

From birth to withering, through vitality, extreme prosperity, and then to the end of prosperity, extreme tranquility, returning to the origin, there are avenues between heaven and earth, looming.

Luo Li's eyes, from bright to dim, from vitality to emptiness, and then reversed, changing with these avenues, capturing their trajectories, and evolving with them.

Among these avenues, there are three that belong to Luo Li!

That is Yuanshi, Taishang, and Zhenhuo!

As Luo Li practiced, these three avenues became clearer and more obvious in Luo Li's eyes!

Others are still playing, but he is practicing. Others are still drinking and having fun, but he is the only one awake. Everyone is drunk, but I am the only one awake. This is an indescribable loneliness.

But as soon as Luo Li enters the state of practice, everything disappears immediately. This kind of silent practice without knowing the years and sorrows is vaguely Luo Li's favorite.

In the operation of the Great Dao, in the slightest increase, in the lonely practice, in the dark without anyone cheering, he becomes stronger step by step and realizes his ideal step by step.

Even if it is lonely, it is better than being despised and pitiful.

Even if it is lonely, it is worse than being killed by the enemy.

There is only one life, and you must seize every day. The past is gone forever, and there will never be a chance to make up for it. It is better to seize the present and work hard to control the future.

Three hundred pills were all refined. Luo Li felt that he was one step closer to the late stage of Hedao.

Time flies. There is still one day before the celebration. According to the agreement, it is time to act tomorrow. Luo Li ended his practice and summoned the disciples of Hunyuan Sect.

This time, although the other party said there was no danger, that was the ruins of Xian Qin and anything could happen. Luo Li found them and explained everything clearly.

This time, Luo Li will take his twelve true spirits with him to explore the ruins, and the others will be led by the three evil corpses to celebrate.

Luo Li treated his many disciples and began to assign tasks. After the assignment was completed, Xiao Bai suddenly said:

"Father, I seemed to see an acquaintance in Yixin Sect today, a cultivator who ascended to the fairyland in our Zhongtian Lord World in the past."

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Who?"

Xiao Bai said, "It should be Tai Wei Zhenyi of Zhenling Sect. Back then, he was the first cultivator to ascend in our Zhongtian Lord World.

It was you, father, who changed the heavenly tribulation and helped him ascend, so I have an impression of him!"

Back then, Luo Li used the power of rewarding good and punishing evil to help people ascend, and thereby obtained the blood of the ancient sacred beast. He helped a total of six people, but the heavenly tribulation struck and killed them. I will never dare to do it again!

Luo Li said, "He is there, take me to find him."

Xiao Bai said, "Okay, but his situation is very bad. He was about to die at that time. I don't know if he is still alive now? "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was dumbfounded. Tai Wei Zhenyi was one of the most powerful people in the Zhongtian main world. How could he be so miserable?

Xiao Bai took Luo Li to the Cixiangyuan of Yixin Sect.

The so-called Cixiangyuan is actually the nursing home of Yixin Sect. Some ordinary cultivators who have made contributions to Yixin Sect, when they are dying, have no descendants to take care of them, so the sect sends them here to let them die peacefully.

This place is not dilapidated, but it is also quiet and destitute.

Luo Li frowned and said, "Xiao Bai, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Bai said, "The Yixin Sect is about to celebrate. A few of us walked around and got familiar with the terrain. At least we know where the treasure house is. We walked here unintentionally and saw Tai Wei Zhenyi. "

When he arrived here, Luo Li looked for Tai Wei Zhenyi. When he mentioned Tai Wei's name, the manager of Cixiangyuan said, "Tai Wei, the old errand boy of the Spirit Beast Courtyard, he has been in our Yixin Sect for three hundred years and has cultivated many spirit beasts for our sect. He has made great contributions.

You are his fellow countrymen, so come quickly, I don't think he will survive tonight. "

Tai Wei is a cultivator of the True Spirit Sect, who is best at cultivating spirit beasts. The supreme powerhouse in the Zhongtian main world is just an ordinary old errand boy here. Luo Li felt a pain in his heart.

After saying that, he led everyone to a house, where an old man was lying on the bed. Luo Li took a look and saw that his voice and appearance were exactly Tai Wei Zhenyi who ascended to heaven that year.

However, he was lying on the bed now, unable to move, and the whole person was invaded by the immortal energy. His life was about to die, but there was still a spiritual light in his eyes, as if he was recalling the past.

Luo Li walked over quickly, looked at Tai Wei Zhenyi, and said: "But is it the True Spirit Sect of the Zhongtian main world, Brother Tai Wei?"

Tai Wei raised his head slightly, looked at Luo Li, and said: "Zhongtian main world? True Spirit Sect? True Spirit Sect! Woo woo woo woo woo...'

Tai Wei actually cried, and the long-lost memories came to his mind, and he cried loudly!

Looking at him, Luo Li felt a pain in his heart. Looking at this dying old man, he could not help but feel grief for the old man who was so glorious in the past, but ended up like this in the immortal world.

Taiwei cried twice, then returned to normal. He looked at Luo Li and asked, "Daoyou, who are you?"

Luo Li said, "One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe, Hunyuan Sect Luo Li."

Taiwei nodded and said, "Hunyuan Sect, Hunyuan Sect, our allies, Wood God, Earth Emperor, and Golden Saint, three old guys, I didn't expect that someone from you actually ascended. What's your name?"

Luo Li said, "Luo Li, actually, Senior Taiwei, I have another name, Rewarding the Good and Punishing the Evil!"

Taiwei's eyes lit up, and he looked at Luo Li and said, "It's you, it's you! We are also destined to meet, I didn't expect that I would meet my fellow countryman at the last moment!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes, I didn't expect to see you here, Senior, if you have anything else, if you want to eat or drink, just tell me, I can do it for you!"

After that, Luo Li took out the Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine. When a person is about to die, he should send him off well.

Tai Wei took the Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine with trembling hands. Luo Li helped him up. He took a sip, then closed his eyes and said, "Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine!"

He had drunk this wine before and knew it.

Tai Wei slowly opened his eyes and looked at Luo Li. Suddenly, his eyes burst into a gleam and he said:

"Don't think that I, Tai Wei, am a nobody in this fairy world!

I, Tai Wei, am a peerless strong man in the human world, and I am also a bohemian in the fairy world!"


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