Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,453 Comes like thunder to collect the wrath!

While Luo Li was talking to him, the three evil corpses and the twelve true spirits slowly walked out and looked at the Mahayana True Saint.

The Mahayana True Sage spoke, looked at Luo Li and others, then stretched out his hand, and a divine sword appeared in his hand.

This sword looked like a dragon but not a dragon, like a dragon but not a dragon. It flew lightly and nimbly, as if it were alive. When he took it in his hand, he seemed to be very careful, as if he cherished his lover, and whispered something.

Seeing this scene, Qing Zhumei said: "Sword cultivator, Immortal Sword!

Be careful of the opponent, one sword can defeat all enemies! "

Luo Li snorted coldly, and the nine spirit gates on the periphery of the Hunyuan Dojo were injected with endless spiritual energy. The nine palaces, golden palaces and jade seals of the Hunyuan Gate were slowly activated.

Then Luo Li slowly flew up, and everyone else also flew up. Hunyuan Sect did not have the habit of hiding within defenses to avoid fighting.

Everyone flew up, and Luo Li shouted: "One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan destroys the universe, Hunyuan Sect Luo Li, if you don't kill nameless ghosts on your hands, will anyone dare to sign up?"

The Mahayana True Sage just sneered and said: "Just remember that it is Mu Jing who kills you!"

After saying that, the true saint of Mu Jing stood upright with his sword and displayed his sword light. Luo Li and others suddenly felt a ray of light lighting up, like a flash of thunder, shaking all directions, so they couldn't help but focus on it.

The sword light emitted instantly. The fairy sword rolled, as fast as thunder, and as vigorous as a swimming dragon. It made the figure of the true saint in the dusk scene extremely tall. The sharpness and sharpness of the fairy sword exploded instantly, shocking People's hearts.

After issuing a sword, he unexpectedly launched his sword at Luo Li and others at the same time.

The sword light was flying, and the tiny rays of light dispersed, like a dream.

This sword came like a thunderbolt to suppress its wrath, and then ended up like a clear light in the river and sea. As soon as the sword light came out, Luo Li and others were all in a daze, and their expressions were in a trance. There is such a swordsmanship in the world, it is so powerful!

This is the ultimate killing move of True Saint Mu Jing. With one sword strike, the opponent is in a confused dream and dies.

When he first entered the Mahayana, he used this sword technique to kill a powerful mid-level Mahayana man. Now facing Shi Dao, he didn't care at all. In his eyes, Luo Li and others were already dead.

But Xiaohua suddenly woke up and shouted: "It's like a dream, wake up!"

This sword was the power of the fairy sword, exuding the power of endless dreams. Everyone was struck by it, but Xiaohua was the dream god, so she immediately woke up, took action, and cracked it.

The True Sage Mujing couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect Luo Li and the others to be able to break through his Dream-like Disillusionment Living Sword.

But he was not timid at all. On the contrary, he erupted with sword light, which was extremely decisive and mighty!

This sword suddenly changed from dreamlike to illusory, and suddenly became like a classic and light, resolute and sharp!

This attack came without any warning, but it was definitely abnormal. A breath of determination suddenly enveloped the entire sky!

As cold as snow, as cold as lightning. Just like the first melting snow in spring and the sudden fall of autumn frost.

The biting chill felt on the backs and hearts of Luo Li and the others.

The sword light gradually bloomed and spread like water waves, and in an instant, it enveloped the entire sky!

The sky turned purple and electric!

Carrying the power to destroy all things, it turned into thousands of cold sword lights and surged towards Luo Li and the others like an overwhelming force!

Before this sword light, everyone's expressions changed. At the critical moment, Xiao Jin yelled: "Empty as a world!"

Xiaohei also shouted: "Yunyun Ruoshi!"

The two of them cast spells immediately, and for a moment, the world seemed to expand, not only in space, but also in time.

Space is unstable and time is uncertain!

That sword, which was like a shadow, used the concept of time and space at this moment. The terrifying attack that was supposed to hit and kill was suddenly deflected. When the sword went down, no one was hit, and it failed!

The face of True Saint Mujing changed and he said coldly: "You have some ability!"

He wanted to draw his sword again, but Luo Li didn't give him a chance!

If he were to draw his sword again, there would be casualties, so what's the point?

Luo Li roared, stretched out his hand, and a sharp magma ax flew out, heading straight for the True Saint Mu Jing. It was Pangu's world-destroying ax!

At the same time, Xiaoshi looked at the True Saint Du Jing and also let out a long roar.

The roar of the dragon god was as terrifying as the lion's roar in Buddhism. At this moment, the true saint of Mu Jing froze for a moment, and then Luo Li's Pangu world-destroying ax was in front of him.

Everyone thought together: Death!

But the heart-shaped jade pendant worn on the chest of True Saint Mu Jing was emitting light. In an instant, True Saint Mu Jing was like a phantom, as if he did not exist in this world. Luo Li's Pangu world-destroying ax suddenly hit However, he disappeared together with the phantom, leaving True Saint Mu Jing unscathed.

The Immortal Treasure Spirit Shadow avoids disaster and saves the life of True Sage Mu Jing!

However, Luo Li sent out an ax and charged instantly!

Keep moving forward!

Rushing towards the opponent, making fists with both hands, all the power of Yuanshi Taishang is condensed. As long as you rush over, you will kill him!

As Luo Li exerted his strength, the wind surged and the thunder was faint.

Not only Luo Li, but the other three evil corpses, as well as the twelve true spirits, all rushed over and couldn't let him use his sword anymore!

The True Sage Mujing frowned and said, "It's difficult!"

He reached out, took out a mirror in his hand, looked at the sky, and shouted: "Please let the immortal treasure show its power!"

Suddenly, a green crescent moon seemed to appear in the sky, and then sixteen rays of light fell down, falling on Luo Li and the others. For a moment, they seemed to be stagnant and unable to move!

Immortal Treasure Biyue Imprisonment Locking Mirror!

The True Sage of Dusk Scene locked everyone, and then used the fairy sword in his hand to draw out the sword again. On the sword, a green wave rose, becoming more and more wild, like a violent wind that was about to crush the world together. !

When this sword light first started to rise, it was as gentle as spring water and as green as green mountains. Then it began to transform. A touch of emerald green turned into a rushing river. The river was surging and the sea was violent. It contained endless murderous intent. He was about to send out this One sword, one against many, killing them all!

At this moment, Luo Li suddenly dodged, using all his strength and using the Four-nine Escape Technique, he stood out from the confinement of the moonlight and instantly arrived in front of the True Saint of Mu Jing.

The Four-Nine Escape Technique, the secret technique of Immortal Qin, is showing its power at this moment. The Immortal Imprisonment Technique cannot trap Luo Li at all. In fact, this is the real use of the Four-Nine Escape Technique.

Punch out, Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand, strike with all his strength!

Boom, this punch hit the newly formed tide of the sword sea. Suddenly, the sword light, which was as dense as a tidal wave, seemed to be reflected by the blazing sun, melting like ice and snow!

All of a sudden, 30% disappeared!

Luo Li punched again, it was still Yuanshi Shangqing, all methods were broken!

The tide of the sword sea trembled violently, and where the light and shadow swayed, it was like thousands of mountains collapsing with snow, and it was completely extinguished at once.

True Saint Mu Jing looked at Luo Li stupidly, unbelievable!

Luo Li instantly struck again with his left fist. With this blow, Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan's hand shattered everything!

The fairy sword in the hand of True Saint Mu Jing immediately flew up and automatically protected the master, blocking this terrible punch for True Saint Mu Jing. This punch hit the fairy sword.

The fairy sword let out a wail, as if it was rolling desperately.

Luo Li punched again, like a shadow, flashing in an instant without stopping at all, shattering!

With a roar, collision, roll, and bombardment, the fairy sword emitted a dazzling light for a moment, forcing everyone in the distance to close their eyes.

When the dazzling light that rippled like water gradually dissipated, everyone suddenly discovered that the fairy sword in the hands of True Saint Mu Jing was blown to pieces by Luo Li!

Zhensheng Mujing, who lost the fairy sword in his hand, was stunned. Luo Li punched him again and went straight to him, dead!

But the True Saint Mu Jing suddenly took a step back, then another step, and in the blink of an eye, he took dozens of steps back with a strange footwork.

As he retreated, the pair of fairy boots on his feet immediately activated!

This is also an immortal treasure, Xusheng's Ruyi Boots. With every step he takes, a phantom clone is born.

This phantom clone seems fake at first glance, but you can't tell immediately which one is real and which one is fake.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Mujing True Saints appeared in front of Luo Li. Some of them took action, some ran away, some changed their swords, and some cast spells. It was a mess!

At this critical moment, Luo Li snorted, and a strange power also erupted in him, covering thousands of feet in radius. At the same time, a fairy voice sounded in the heaven and earth.

This fairy sound resounds throughout the heaven and earth, and can be heard in a radius of hundreds of miles. The sound is majestic. This is not a human voice, but the resonance of heaven and earth!

"The power is endless, the Netherworld Sea is overwhelming!"

Boom, with a radius of thousands of feet, it was like being suppressed by an invisible object, with Luo Li as its core, pressed down by the void!

It was the secret technique Luo Li obtained from Yin Long that he used here.

Suddenly, within a thousand feet, the seawater pressed down. Under this move and the large-scale spell, the hundreds of phantoms began to collapse one by one under the pressure. In the blink of an eye, only the real Mu Jingzhen remained. Holy.

At this moment, a phantom flashed and rushed past the True Saint Mu Jing.

That phantom was extremely fast, like a monkey. It was none other than Xiao Sun. He was the first in the battle, with endless consciousness. He was the first to break through the opponent's imprisonment, and at this critical moment, he delivered a fatal blow.

When he looked at True Saint Mu Jing's neck, blood splattered, and his wrists and knees were also covered in blood.

True Sage Mu Jing showed an unbelievable look. This blow decapitated his head, shattered his knees, and cut his hands. If it weren't for the magic robes and immortal treasures he was wearing, they would have been torn into pieces.

The robe he wore saved his life. At this moment of life and death, he immediately let out a low roar. On the index finger of his right hand, a spiritual ring shattered and turned into thirteen runes, rising into the void. , it will be injected into his body.

This ring is also an immortal treasure, the Immortal Ring of Prosperity and Destiny. It contains thirteen runes, all of which have endless power of life. As long as it is injected into his body, no matter what kind of damage he receives, he will be fully recovered immediately. .

But at this moment, Xiaoxue pointed lightly and said softly: "Reincarnation as death!"

She is the goddess of life, and she is best at controlling the power of life. Under her finger, the runes that could repair wounds and inject life suddenly changed and turned dark.

Then this rune was injected into the body of True Saint Mu Jing, and the color of True Saint Mu Jing changed. Here and there was the power of life, but the breath of death.

He just opened his mouth, spit out endless blood, and died!

Unexpectedly, Xiaoxue, the most cowardly and weak person, would kill the true saint Mu Jing! r1152


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