Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,454 Just like the clear light of the river and sea!

True Saint Mu Jing spurted blood, fell down, and died!

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, this guy is really strong, his swordsmanship is very powerful.

Suddenly, a powerful aura appeared in the body of the True Saint Mu Jing, and an illusory figure appeared on his body.

That figure is extremely illusory, but it also possesses powerful power. That kind of power is terrifying, tyrannical, and overwhelming to the heaven and earth!

Under this power, Luo Li and others were immediately suppressed and unable to move!

Qingzhumei said: "This, this is the spiritual thought of an immortal!"

This is an immortal thought, which was originally injected into the body of True Saint Mu Jing. When True Saint Mu Jing died, this fairy thought was activated.

The immortal spiritual thought looked at Luo Li and others, as if staring at them, taking in all the appearance and aura of Luo Li and others, and then the figure disappeared all of a sudden.

As the figure disappeared, the body of True Saint Mu Jing immediately burned, and everything on his body was turned into ashes.

At this moment, another figure flashed past, as fast as lightning. This time, to everyone's surprise, it was Xiao Hui. He rushed past him at the moment when the True Saint of Dusk Scene turned into ashes.

The true saint of the dusk scene turned into flying ashes, and the immortal thoughts disappeared. Xiao Hui proudly rushed to Luo Li's side and said:

"Father, look, I have gained something."

He held two treasures in his hands, and in just a moment, he actually pulled out the immortal treasures Biyue Imprisonment Spirit Mirror and Xusheng's Separation of Paths Ruyi Boots from the True Saint Du Jing.

As expected, he was born as a treasure-thief rat. Although his fighting ability is not strong, he is best at finding things.

Luo Li took the two immortal treasures and said, "Well done, Xiao Hui, you have done a great job."

This is a real fairy treasure. Only those who ascend to the Mahayana can prepare fairy treasures. And judging from the past, they should not be first-level fairy treasures. They are full of magic power.

In fact, in the previous wars with the Hunyuan Sect, immortal treasures were also seized, but they were all first-order immortal treasures. They were just fake and worthless, and they were all sold to pay off debts.

Qingzhumei frowned and said: "Sect Master, the origin of this True Saint Mujing is unknown. I feel that this person is not simple. He is powerful and possesses several immortal treasures."

Luo Li nodded and moved it gently in his hand. The Fairy Blue Moon Imprisonment Spirit Mirror emitted a faint light. Luo Li said:

"It's not simple, it's not simple. Look, this is an immortal treasure, and it shouldn't be a first-level immortal treasure. I can activate it.

I am only in the middle stage of Hedao. You must know that even in the late stage of Mahayana, I can only drive the first-level immortal treasure.

No ordinary lower realm sect would have such a strong opponent! It must be the lower courtyard disciple of the immortal sect who has such strength and such a treasure. "

The old immortal said from the side: "It seems that we have caused trouble. If the immortal thinks of us, he will definitely take revenge.

These children seem to be the main cause. There must be some secret in them. The ship blew itself up and Mahayana committed suicide. The other party wanted to eliminate this secret, so that's why it happened. "

Luo Li said: "Since they want to keep this secret, it's very simple, let's spread it.

If a secret is known to everyone, it is no longer a secret and has no value. "

After saying that, Luo Li began to create images, copying the whole story of the incident and the image of the True Saint of Dusk Scene into a bamboo slip, and then handed it to Qingzhumei and said:

"You immediately go to other inland areas, copy this bamboo slip, and spread it everywhere for me.

I suspect that the True Saint Mu Jing is also a pseudonym, but it doesn’t matter. We will use the excuse of finding the true Saint Mu Jing. We are willing to give 10,000 fairy beads to any monk who knows his identity, so that we can spread the news to all directions. !

As long as this matter spreads, I feel that the other party will stop. The matter has been exposed, and killing and silencing it is meaningless. "

Qing Zhumei and others took Luo Li's bamboo slips and said together: "Yes, disciples obey!"

They immediately went in all directions.

This South China Sea area is an offshore area, facing the south, adjacent to the Zhuyang Sea Area and the Daxi Sea Area, which are the two major outer sea areas.

On the other side, there are the inland areas, namely Zhehao area and Fuling area.

Whether it is the outer sea or the inland, unlike the South China Sea area, they are areas with many sects. Each area has several, or even dozens of lower realm sects.

The reason for this is because, in this ancient world of spiritual land, the most important thing for a monk is his spiritual vein.

The South China Sea region, this kind of transitional region that is neither far sea nor inland, has experienced natural disasters and catastrophes in the past, and the spiritual veins were destroyed. The resources are too barren. Among them, the spiritual veins are all small ones, and there are no medium-sized ones in the entire region. The existence of spiritual veins.

Other regions are completely different, with countless spiritual veins, and countless resources, and all sects are also countless.

The Zhehao area and Fuling area close to the South China Sea are coastal areas with rich resources and various products. Each has many lower realm sects.

However, even in this coastal area, there are differences, as well as differences between rich and poor.

There are a total of twenty-three lower realm sects in the Zhehao area, while there are only twelve lower realm sects in the Fuling area.

Among them, the Feiyu Sect that destroyed Likong Island was in the Zhehao area.

Feiyu Sect, the poem number in the sect: The new voice is the first to appear, and the broken feathers are flying freely with a few flakes of frost. It is not a wild sect like Canglang Sect, but a third-class sect in the lower realm. At least one of the sects has a spiritual immortal, a mysterious immortal, and two virtual immortals supporting them in the fairy world.

Qing Zhumei and others went to the Zhehao area and Fuling area to spread the news.

It doesn't have to be spread throughout the country. Both places are wealthy places with countless monks. Many of them engage in various businesses to make a living, and there are monk organizations dedicated to spreading the news.

As long as they are found, Xu Yi Xianzhu, within a day, the mission halls of all major sects in the entire Zhejiang and Anhui areas will be tasked with finding the true identity of Mu Jing Zhensheng.

Like the nine counties and thirty-nine prefectures on the north coast, this coast is dominated by the Zhejiang-Hao area. There are five coastal areas. Together, they form one large area, called the Zhejiang-Anhui area.

When the news spread, it turned out that the identity of Mu Jing Zhensheng was fake and no one knew him at all.

But after that, no one came to bother or kill anyone.

In addition, the spread of this news has brought another benefit, that is, popularity.

Originally, the South China Sea area was considered to be a wild and rural land, in dilapidated condition, but now a Hunyuan Sect has appeared to unify the South China Sea, and it seems to be very rich. It does not take the fairy beads seriously at all, and it immediately attracted people from the Zhejiang and Anhui areas. The attention of many sects.

These sects were all lower realm sects, and they quickly found out that the Hunyuan Sect was the henchman of the Red Lotus Sect!

Although the Red Lotus Sect has been destroyed, it is an old sect in the immortal world with a rich heritage. A group of outer sect disciples are rich in wealth, which immediately attracted the attention of all major sects.

Many sect monks, as well as casual cultivators, began to go here, and the Hunyuan Sect's market began to become lively!

On this day, the Hunyuan Sect received a flying talisman, which was an invitation from the Zhejiang and Anhui Region Sect Council, inviting the Hunyuan Sect to participate in the Zhejiang and Anhui Region Sect Ceremony! r1152


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