Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,452 There is a road to heaven, but don’t take it!

Luo Li was promoted to the middle level of Hedao. There was no need to involve any Dao disputes. He could avoid a catastrophe and live happily!

As Luo Li was promoted to the middle level of Hedao, other Hunyuan Sect disciples were also promoted one after another. ¢£

First there are Xiaoshan, Xiaohua, Xiaoqing, and Xiaoshi among the twelve true spirits, then Xiaohong, Xiaobai, Xiaojin, Xiaohei, finally Xiaosha, Xiaosun, Xiaoxue, and the last one is Xiaohui!

Xiaoshan and Xiaohua are the clones of the Demon Lord and Taoist Master, Xiaoqing is from the Witch Lord, and Xiaoshi is from the Dragon God. The four of them have the highest potential, so they followed Luo Li and were promoted to the intermediate level of Hedao the next day.

Then Xiao Hong is the God of Fire like Luo Li, so the first in the second batch, Xiao Jin, and Xiao Hei are the gods of time and space, so they follow closely behind.

Xiaobai is Luo Li's first spiritual beast. His temperaments are compatible and his auras are attracted to each other, so he is also in the second rank. After Luo Li was promoted, three days later, the four of them were also promoted!

Xiaosha, Xiaosun, and Xiaoxue at the back, among them Xiaosha, Xiaosun, mainly killing and fighting, slow in cultivation, and Xiaoxue, have a weak personality, so they were promoted on the tenth day after Luo Li was promoted.

In the end, Xiao Hui is the lazy one. He was lazy and lazy, so he was promoted in the 12th day!

After they were promoted, one month later, the three evil corpses were also promoted!

After all, the three evil corpses are zombies who became immortals, and their immortal bodies are not inferior to the twelve true spirits, so the time is later.

Qing Zhumei shook her head and said: "It seems that our three old brothers are much worse than these kids!"

The old man said: "Yes, yes, these guys all have extraordinary backgrounds. It's really depressing!"

The middleman said: "No. The three of us have to work hard, we can't be pulled down like this!"

The three evil corpses suddenly became full of fighting spirit. After many years, they finally found a goal for them to strive for and catch up with the twelve true spirits.

Everyone was promoted one after another, and the Hunyuan Sect became increasingly powerful. On this day, someone suddenly broke through in the South China Sea region of Hunyuan Sect!

It was a small sea boat, which appeared in the South China Sea for the first time and crossed the South China Sea.

According to the rules, they need to pay three fairy beads. When they enter the South China Sea, the murlocs of the Sword Shark Royal Family will surround them and give them a pass flag. Collect fairy beads.

But Haizhou was very arrogant and said:

"What Hunyuan Sect, why haven't we heard of it!"

"This is the territory of Canglang Sect. Are you, the Sword Shark Royal Family, crazy? You actually want our fairy beads?"

They didn't want to hand over the fairy beads at all, and they threw away the royal fishmen who were chasing them. They didn't want to hand over the fairy beads at all.

but. Less than a thousand miles into the South China Sea, they were surrounded by countless sword sharks. Unable to move forward.

It happened that Xiaoxue was on duty that day, so she went over to collect the fairy beads in person!

Seeing these countless sword sharks surrounding his ship, the ship had to stop and had to hand over three fairy beads. When it was time to hand over the fairy beads. Among them, a child suddenly rushed out and shouted for help.

The captain of the ship immediately struck the child, severely injuring him. Haizhou deformed and suddenly turned into a flying boat. It flew up like crazy and was about to escape!

Xiaoxue is the most kind-hearted and likes children. When she saw the child being seriously injured, she immediately became angry and took action to stop it.

But the flying boat was very fast and flew up through the barrier, trying to escape from this place.

However, this South China Sea, under the arrangement of the middleman, has countless magic formations spread over the sea, and has been firmly controlled by the Hunyuan Sect.

The flying boat could only fly thousands of miles before being caught up by everyone. This was an act of contempt for the Hunyuan Sect and must be severely punished!

To everyone's surprise, the flying boat was blocked and immediately controlled by the three evil corpses.

On the airship, the crew members suddenly committed suicide one by one, and were completely destroyed physically and mentally. Some of them even killed dozens of children on the ship.

But they were unsuccessful and the children were saved by Qingzhumei.

This Haizhou was brought to Hunyuan Sect, which was very strange.

This flying boat did not have any sect marks, and it was impossible to tell where it came from. The crew members simply committed suicide one by one, and their body and soul were destroyed. This did not even leave a chance to search for the soul.

Only a group of children survived. Counting the injured child, there were twenty-eight in total. They were all seven or eight years old, and all of them were cute and clever.

However, they have no memory of the past, where their home is and who they are.

The seriously injured child was saved by Xiaoxue's hands. He couldn't remember where his family was or who he was, but he knew that he was kidnapped by these bad guys and shouted for help.

The middleman looked at these children and said: "They all took a magical medicine and forgot the past!

However, this kid is very powerful. After taking this magical medicine, he still has residual memory, which is beyond ordinary people! "

The old man said from the side: "Sir, these children are not simple!"

Luo Li asked: "Why isn't it simple?"

The old man said: "I don't know, but I have a feeling that although these children look very ordinary now, they all have extraordinary potential inside!

They are extremely suitable for cultivating immortals. They have full heavenly spirits, round earth pavilions, long auras, and spiritual roots of wisdom! "

Luo Li said: "So good? How do they compare with Zhang Shiqi?"

The old man shook his head and said: "There is no comparison, not to mention Zhang Shiqi and the others, even the three of us can't compare with them!

Only the potential of the Twelve True Spirits is slightly better than theirs. These children have a bright future!

I suspect that they have extraordinary origins, but they were stolen secretly by a large sect, used fairy medicine to erase their memories, and were accepted into the sect and trained well, so that they can become a large sect in the future! "

Luo Li laughed and said, "In this case, our Hunyuan Sect is here to stay!"

He looked at these children and said, "You can't remember where your home is. From today on, this is your home. Are you willing to live a good life and grow up here?"

The rescued child hugged Xiaoxue and said, "I like my sister, and I want to live here!"

The other children nodded one after another, and now they are staying and becoming the second batch of disciples of the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect!

Hunyuan Sect suddenly gained a lot of popularity, and everyone was very happy!

These disciples, who had just started practicing in the Hunyuan Sect, immediately discovered their potential. They practiced the three secret techniques with great ease and quickly mastered them.

The next night, Luo Li was practicing when he suddenly felt an impulse, as if something was about to happen!

He immediately stood up, came outside the hall, and looked in all directions.

There is nothing unusual about this Hunyuan Dojo, but Luo Li feels dangerous!

Luo Li started to cheat and shouted loudly:

"I see you!"

He suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Senior, since you have arrived at our Hunyuan Sect, please come out and talk!"

As his words resounded everywhere!

Outside his Hunyuan Dojo, a figure slowly appeared. The man looked at the Hunyuan Dojo and said coldly:

"Remnants of the Red Lotus Sect, be well. If you don't take the road to heaven, there will be no way to hell!

Originally I just wanted to kill those little things. Now that you feel me, don't blame me! "

This person is clearly a middle-level Mahayana man! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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