Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1451: Fortune and disaster are hidden in the great way!

The Haiben clan surrendered, and the Canglang clan left.

So far, the South China Sea area has been completely controlled by the Hunyuan Sect!

After taking control of the South China Sea area, Luo Li immediately ordered to start searching for the source of spiritual energy in the Sword Shark Royal Family's lair.

The Sword Shark Royal Family is different from other forces. They all have the inheritance of cultivating immortals and can condense spiritual veins. They cannot condense spiritual veins at all. They can only attract spiritual veins, build a nest above the place where the spiritual veins are, and passively absorb spiritual energy.

Condensing the spiritual veins into a source requires slowly casting spells to condense them successfully. However, after destroying the Sword Shark Royal Family, the two opposing forces attacked, so Luo Li and others did not have time to condense them. In the last battle, no spiritual veins were captured. pulse.

Now that it's fine, no one is disturbing the Hunyuan Sect. Luo Li and others spent a long time condensing the spiritual veins at the Sword Shark Royal Family's lair. It took more than a month to condense three low-level spiritual veins there.

The Sword Shark Royal Family is the largest intelligent life form in the sea in the South China Sea. Although over ten thousand were killed by the Hunyuan Sect, there are still other branches. qule)d

These are the indigenous elves in the sea, and they cannot be exterminated completely. Luo Li's heart moved, and he began to recruit the Sword Shark Royal Murlocs in the same way as the Sea Clam Clan.

This South China Sea is so big that there are only about twenty disciples of Hunyuan Sect in total, and they cannot control it at all. Therefore, anyone who is willing to be used by Hunyuan Sect can become a vassal of Hunyuan Sect, obey the orders of Hunyuan Sect, and serve Hunyuan Sect. Zong serves!

This Sword Shark Royal Murloc has a characteristic, that is, it is loyal to the strong. The clan that has a grudge against Luo Li has been eliminated by the Hunyuan Sect. The other Sword Shark Royal Murlocs are all willing to surrender and serve!

Immediately, many murlocs from the Sword Shark Royal Family came to surrender, and some even came from outside the sea to join the Hunyuan Sect.

At this point, the Hunyuan Sect recruited the sword shark royal murlocs. Use them to control the South China Sea!

These three spiritual veins were brought back to the Hunyuan Dojo, and they were immediately stimulated. The area of ​​the Likong Island could once again be expanded.

After the Haiben clan surrendered to Luo Li, they watched Luo Li and others collect spiritual veins. When the spiritual veins were collected, someone from the Haiben clan immediately asked to see Luo Li!

They promised Luo Li that they were willing to dedicate a small spiritual vein and ask the Hunyuan Sect to teach him the method of condensing spiritual veins.

This sea clam clan is not as good as the sword shark royal family. At least the sword shark royal family immediately attracts the spiritual veins in the sea to one place, while the sea clam clan cannot even do this.

This is the importance of knowledge!

Luo Li thought for a while and agreed. Immediately, members of the Haiben clan led Luo Li and others to the depths of the sea, where they found a spiritual vein spreading out.

Luo Li and others continued to cast spells to condense the spiritual veins and lead them back to the Hunyuan Dojo.

Together with this low-level spiritual vein, Hunyuan Dojo now has ten small-scale low-level spiritual veins. These ten small-scale low-level spiritual veins are gathered together. It transformed into a medium-sized mid-level spiritual vein, and the spiritual energy suddenly surged.

Get stimulated by this. The Hunyuan Dojo has once again expanded its area, and at the same time, the Likong Island can be expanded again, turning it into a medium-sized island with a radius of 500 miles based on its original size.

Luo Li kept his promise and taught the method of condensing spiritual veins to the sea clam clan.

The clam clan is endlessly happy. He began to condense small spiritual veins and collected them into his lair.

Luo Li sneered, if this sea clam clan really surrenders sincerely, then that's it. If they are playing tricks and want to rebel, this condensed spiritual vein will only benefit themselves in the end!

After taking control of the South China Sea area, Luo Li and others began to practice with concentration. This time, no one would disturb them.

However, according to the rules of the Immortal Cultivation World, this area of ​​the South China Sea belongs to the Hunyuan Sect. The Hunyuan Sect has built several defensive air formations over the South China Sea, and dispatched murlocs of the Sword Shark Royal Family to patrol the four directions in the sea!

Any monks or flying boats that pass through the South China Sea area must report to Hunyuan Sect and pay the fairy beads!

Ordinary monks pass with one fairy bead per person, small flying boats pass with three fairy beads, and large flying boats pass with ten fairy beads!

This is the rule of the world of immortality. One is to earn immortal beads through this, and the other is to declare to the world and show the existence of his sect!

At this time, everyone discovered the mystery of Likong Island. This island happened to be in the center of the South China Sea. It can be said that it is the intersection of the outer sea and the inland. It is just suitable for setting up checkpoints to collect taxes. If you want to bypass this place, It is not impossible to cross the South China Sea without alarming the Hunyuan Sect, but at least tens of thousands of miles will be taken away.

It seems that the Li Kong Sect had endless considerations in choosing this place back then.

Since the location here is so good, Luo Li set aside an area on Likong Island and began to build a city.

This market is for monks traveling between the open sea and the inland to rest or replenish resources.

The construction of Fangshi was very simple at the beginning. An open space was opened on the edge of Likong Island to build a small town with only one main street. There were shops on both sides of the street, selling some Hunyuan Sect specialties or various supplies. resource.

Luo Li and others didn't have time to look after the store, so Zhang Guangxiang, a fisherman from the fishing village, became the steward of this market and managed it.

Unexpectedly, when this market opened, the monks traveling from north to south really liked to stay here for a while, take a rest, and immediately sold the specialties of Hunyuan Sect.

Whether it is Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine, Purple Red Fish, Ice Jade Epiphyllum Tea, Ice Crystal Scented Tea, or Crimson Purple Spirit Tea, they all sell very well, and the monks who come and go like them very much.

Monks have been cultivating for a long time. In their spare time, they will like to drink a pot of spiritual tea or a sip of immortal wine, which not only replenishes their immortal energy, but also enjoys the taste!

Immediately, these specialty products of Hunyuan Sect began to be dumped, and as long as they were produced, they would be sold.

On this remote island, Luo Li and others began to increase their speed in cultivating ice jade epiphyllum. Every time a plant was cultivated, it was sent to the spiritual building to increase the output of various special products.

One day soon, Luo Li suddenly had a strange feeling. He reached out and calculated that he had been in the fairy world for a whole year.

For one year, for the ascended monks, they are like the first seven of a dead person. In the dark, they can feel the world they ascended to.

Luo Li immediately took out the treasures he had collected, which were the three immortal talismans he bought with immortal stones.

These immortal talismans are three immortal talismans that can get rid of cause and effect and reshape the body. He hopes that these three immortal talismans can help the three great ancestors to get rid of the control of the ghost market and control their own destiny.

in addition. On these three immortal talismans, Luo Li wrote what he had experienced in the immortal world, and then according to his feelings, he shook it gently and sent it into the void.

This is the so-called blessing from the fairy world, and only the blessing from the fairy world can be given. Only then can the ascension be proven successful.

I don’t know if they will return to the Hunyuan Sect safely, and I don’t know how many of them will be able to reach their destination. This can only depend on luck. I hope that the fellow disciples of the Hunyuan Sect can receive the blessings of their own fairy world!

Looking back, Luo Li found that he had made great achievements after entering the fairy world for a year.

Here he rebuilt the Hunyuan Sect, and even joined the fifth-level sect in the lower realm. Unifying an area in the prehistoric world of Tu Ling, looking back, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction!

However, this is not enough, you have to continue practicing.

If you want to gain a foothold in this spiritual world, you must at least reach the Mahayana realm.

Luo Li continued to practice Yuanshi Dao and Taishang Supreme. These two sacred scriptures gave Luo Li endless gains.

In a blink of an eye. Another three months later, this day. Luo Li roared loudly, the sound echoing in all directions.

At this point, he has been promoted to the intermediate level of Hedao through hard training!

After being promoted to the middle level of Hedao, disciples of the Hunyuan Sect came to celebrate one after another. Congratulations Luo Li.

But Luo Li shook his head slightly. After being promoted to the intermediate level of Hedao, Luo Li discovered a problem of his own.

My own way of heaven is not as powerful as the world of Zhongtian Lord imagined!

The realm of harmony. It is a cultivation process from the inside to the outside to release one's own way of heaven and earth into the universe.

This external amplification path is particularly important, through which you can establish your own laws of heaven between heaven and earth and control endless power!

Many Hedao true spirits and self-cultivation of the Heavenly Dao can be said to be divided into two types.

One is a unique way of heaven that has never existed between heaven and earth, and the other is a part of the way of heaven that has long existed between heaven and earth.

Just like the many Hedao true spirits of the Hunjie Sect, they all practice the Reef Avenue, and there are endless differences between them. But in the final analysis, their avenue is the Reef Avenue, and they are all part of the Reef Avenue. .

As for the first great way, currently, in the universe, among the tens of thousands of living beings who have entered the realm of harmony through the ages, only a few thousand people have mastered this way of heaven.

As soon as this kind of Heavenly Dao comes out, it is to overwhelm the Heavenly Dao that shares the same origin with him, and start a Dao battle. Between the two Heavenly Dao, only one Heavenly Dao will be left!

There will only be three thousand heavenly ways in the universe!

In the world of Zhongtian Lord, Luo Li discovered that his own avenue of fire contained the power to destroy and create the world. It was endless in life and reincarnation. It could be said to be unique!

After being released to the outside world, it will definitely surpass the original Avenue of Fire and become one of the three thousand heavenly paths.

So at that time, Luo Li had a premonition that he would fight against the many powerful men who originally controlled the Avenue of Fire in the future, and eventually replace them.

But when he arrived in the Immortal World, Luo Li discovered that this was different from what he had imagined. In the Zhongtian Lord World, the avenue of fire that he was running could be said to be a unique way of heaven besides the three thousand heavenly ways in the Zhongtian Lord World.

After taking the Immortal Realm and setting off the Dao of Fire, there was no such thing as the Heavenly Dao of Fire that could overpower the three thousand Heavenly Dao and become the unparalleled one. On the contrary, it was the same as other Hedao True Spirits, with nothing special about it.

Luo Li finally sighed. It seemed that he still had little knowledge and low level in the Zhongtian Lord World, because there was no Hedao True Spirit in the Zhongtian Lord World.

Therefore, I don’t know the power of the real Avenue of Fire. My own Avenue of Fire is actually contained in the real Avenue of Fire.

Luo Li also made efforts. He integrated the power of the Supreme Primordial with his own Avenue of Fire. The moment the integration was successful, it was a unique way of heaven, because the heavenly tribulation appeared because of it!

But after the fusion, the heavenly tribulation passed, and his own Yuanshi Taishang, the Way of Fire, was decomposed into Yuanshi, Taishang, and the Way of Fire, three heavenly ways. Luo Li's hope was shattered.

It turns out that I am not as powerful as I imagined. It is still difficult to surpass all living beings!

But Luo Li didn't know that he was wrong!

In fact, the avenue of fire in the world of Zhongtian Lord contains the power to destroy and create the world. It is endless in life and reincarnation. To be precise, it is the avenue of fire in reincarnation.

If he practices this avenue and fails to master the Supreme, Primordial Power, his avenue of fire will inevitably become one of the latest three thousand heavenly ways, replacing the original avenue of fire!

Otherwise, why would the Demon Lord and Taoist want to seize this power!

However, during his cultivation, he understood the power of the Supreme from the way of reincarnation fire, and through the Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Umbrella, he understood the power of Yuanshi. Through this, his original way of reincarnation fire was polluted, changed, and no longer pure!

Especially in the immortal world, when he was promoted to the realm of Hedao, the instant fusion of Yuanshi Taishang's Way of Fire changed his Way of Reincarnation Fire, and finally split, and his original Way of Reincarnation Fire degenerated into the Way of Fire. , although the power of the Supreme and the Power of the Origin are very strong, these two heavens have already been understood and controlled by their predecessors!

That’s why we don’t transcend all sentient beings!

However, this is also Luo Li's luck!

If he enters the realm of Hedao, not the Great Way of Fire from Yuanshi, but the original Way of Samsara Fire, then he will offend the powerful existence in the universe!

Even if he is in the spiritual land of the fairy world, the other party will sneak into the fairy world and kill him without sparing any effort!

Because this is a Taoist dispute!

Since ancient times, the changes in the way of heaven have been prepared by super powers for hundreds of millions of years. The wars between each other, tens of millions of years of bloody battles, and the investment of countless vassal races. Only Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal is qualified. !

The little True Spirit of Hedao, involved in Dao disputes, is like an ant, overestimating its capabilities and seeking death!

So this is Luo Li's luck. Although he did not get the way of heaven to replace the Avenue of Fire, he survived and can have the opportunity to continue to transcend!

A blessing in disguise, a blessing lies in a disaster, and a misfortune lies in the blessing! (To be continued...)

Chapter 1,451 There are blessings and misfortunes hidden in the great road! :


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