Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,450 Eat well, drink well, and have a good trip!

Hearing what Luo Li said, these Red Lotus Sect disciples all let out a sigh of relief. They were afraid that Luo Li would not recognize their identity as Red Lotus Sect disciples, and they would be in trouble then.

Now that Luo Li said this, he was accepting their identity, and they were extremely happy. They could have their sect suck blood and marrow again!

When the Red Lotus Sect perished, they were extremely lucky that they ran fast and retreated from the sect without dying.

But they immediately discovered that without the protection of the sect, they were no more than casual cultivators. Those days were too uncomfortable and difficult to survive. Anyone could bully them.

So when Wang Yaowu once again took up the banner of the Red Lotus Sect, they had no choice but to get together again, holding together to keep warm under the banner of the Red Lotus Sect.

Although the Red Lotus Sect's main sect was destroyed, these disciples all had some financial resources, so they were both immortal chariots and flying clouds, with a mighty and huge team.

Now I am extremely happy to hear Luo Li acknowledge them.

Looking at Luo Li, someone sneered. As long as they returned to the sect, they would occupy Luo Li's position and tell him to get lost. Why should he be the leader of the Red Lotus Sect?

Luo Li opened the door of Hunyuan Dojo and invited them in.

These monks are all entering!

After entering, some began to say: "It's too simple. This dojo is just a spiritual building. It's too shabby!"

"Yes, yes, I think back then, our Red Lotus Sect was the Red Lotus Blessed Land. Compared with this place, it was just a garbage dump!"

"Look, what is this Hunyuan Dojo called? What an unpleasant name. Why not call it Honglian Dojo?"

"Hey, this is Hunjie Taiyue Tianling Wine. Come, take a glass with me. It tastes pretty good!"

"This is a purple-colored red fish. It is said that it can prolong life. Catch two and give it a try!"

These guys simply regarded this place as their home and did not take Luo Li and the others seriously at all. Some even saw Xiaoxue Xiaoqing. Said covetously:

"What a beautiful girl. I don't know when I accepted you as a disciple. Come, come, come, let me teach you some of Honglian's secret skills!"

Suddenly, the Hunyuan Dojo was in chaos.

But Luo Li didn't care. He took Wang Yaowu's hand and said, "Oh. Our Red Lotus Sect was destroyed, and I have been frightened. The position of leader of this sect is really difficult!

Fortunately, Mr. Deacon, you are back. That's great. I have your support. I feel relieved! "

Behind the scenes, Luo Li wanted to take over the position of leader of the Hunyuan Sect. Give it to Wang Yaowu, and Wang Yaowu immediately refuses!

"No, no, we, the Red Lotus Sect, are what we are today because of you, Luo Li. We are dedicated to serving the public and are upright, and that is why we are here today!"

"You are a sect leader. This is necessary. How can I occupy the magpie's nest and take away your position as sect leader?"

"However, I can be the Supreme Elder. Don't worry. Leave everything to me here. I'm the best at controlling the sect!"

Luo Li entertained happily, and then said: "Everyone has come from afar, hurry up, have a banquet, serve good wine, and celebrate!

By the way, we recently got a batch of delicious sword shark meat. It’s very delicious. Let’s try it! "

Immediately a banquet was served, and all the more than three hundred monks who came here were seated. Everyone had good wine and delicious food!

Luo Li picked up the wine glass and said, "Fellow disciples, welcome home. Come, let's have a drink!"

After that, drink it in one gulp!

The other monks also drank it in one gulp!

However, there were also scheming people who checked the meat and wine to make sure it wasn't poisoned, found that it was fine at all, and started to taste it.

The wine is very refreshing, the meat is delicious, and everyone is happy!

Luo Li said: "Come on, fellow disciples, have another drink!"

Everyone is celebrating!

After drinking for a long time, Wang Yaowu said: "Luo Li, you'd better take us into the sect first, and then we can drink!"

Luo Li said: "No hurry, no hurry, have another drink!"

Wang Yaowu said: "I drank a lot, let's do something first!"

Luo Li said: "Do things first? Well, there are so many people, so many people have prototypes of the Immortal Realm, it will take a long time!"

Wang Yaowu was stunned and said, "What's the trouble for so long?"

Luo Li said: "Let's go get something. Look, you are wearing a red lotus cart and a fairy beast. You are both rich and wealthy. How can you be blind in vain?"

Wang Yaowu said coldly: "What did you say?"

Luo Li said: "Fall! If you don't fall now, when will you wait?"

Wang Yaowu still wanted to speak, but suddenly he felt his body soften and fall down.

Not just him, but all the Red Lotus Sect disciples fell down and collapsed to the ground one by one!

Wang Yaowu was shocked and said: "How is it possible? I checked and there is no poison!"

Luo Li laughed and said: "The spirit of destiny, the wheel of cause and effect, is not poison, you can't see it!"

This is the strange elixir that Xiaoshan and Xiaoqing refined from the secret books they purchased. With the help of the path of fate and the power of cause and effect, they were all paralyzed and paralyzed.

Then Luo Li walked up to Wang Yaowu and looked at Wang Yaowu.

Wang Yaowu was paralyzed by the sight and said, "Luo Li, what do you want to do!"

Luo Li said: "Don't do anything, just rob!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, reached into Wang Yaowu's prototype of the Immortal Realm, and began to loot it!

Wang Yaowu was shocked. Except for the legendary Immortal Stealing Sect in the immortal world, the prehistoric world had never seen a monk who could invade other people's immortal realm.

Luo Li grabbed it, and immediately grabbed a handful of harvest, and then grabbed it again, and got another handful of harvest!

Wang Yaowu was so distressed. Those were all the wealth he had accumulated over countless years. He shouted: "Luo Li, whatever you do, these are all mine, give them back to me, give them back to me!"

Luo Li said: "What's yours is mine, don't be so open-minded!"

Wang Yaowu said: "We are all disciples of the Red Lotus Sect! You are fighting against each other in the same sect, violating the sect rules, and you will be punished by God!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "You have withdrawn from the Red Lotus Sect. The rules of the Red Lotus Sect can no longer protect you!"

As soon as he said this, Wang Yaowu's face turned pale. They had indeed left the Red Lotus Sect!

Luo Li said again: "Besides, I'm sorry, I'm not a disciple of the Red Lotus Sect either!"

One by one, he took out everything from Wang Yaowu's body, and then said: "Okay, that's it!

Don't waste this person. Since they want to return to the sect so much, then turn into spring mud to protect the flowers and pull them out! "

The so-called turning into spring mud to protect flowers means refining their flesh and blood into flower mud and putting it into spiritual structures to increase the output of spiritual structures!

When Wang Yaowu heard this, he immediately shouted: "No, don't kill me. I am willing to work as a cow or a horse to serve you. I am very good at managing the outer sect!"

Luo Li sneered and said, "Yes, I bought my qualification as an outer sect of the Red Lotus Sect from you!

Want you to be an outside deacon? I'm the one looking for death! "

Wang Yaowu was dumbfounded for a moment, and then he was pulled out screaming and trained into spiritual building mud!

Luo Li began to beg for the second Hedao True Spirit's Immortal Realm. He took out all the good things and then pulled them away.

Among these monks, there were a total of forty-two Hedao True Spirits, and the others were all returned to their true selves. As a result, they were all captured without even making a single move.

If you don't take the road to heaven, there is no way to hell. Come on your own!

Eat well, drink well, and have a good trip!

The disciples of the Red Lotus Sect screamed and cried one by one, and were dragged away one after another. There were more than 300 people, not a single one was left, and they were all destroyed!

At this point, the last inheritance of the Red Lotus Sect has been severed!

Luo Li gained a lot this time. These Red Lotus Sect disciples, the Immortal Cars and Immortal Beasts were really magnificent. Luo Li sold them all, then went to the Jade Sky Palace to pay back the debt, and in the end there were more than a hundred Immortal Stones left. !

The next day, Luo Li discovered that the Canglang Sect and the Haiben clan that had besieged the Hunyuan Sect had all disappeared.

Then the envoys of the Haiben clan came here, wanting to join the Hunyuan Sect and become their vassal!

This sea clam clan is willing to donate three hundred sea clam beads a year for safety!

They are in the deep sea and are difficult to attack. They are also isolated from the world. They want to join the Hunyuan Sect, and Luo Li agrees.

The reason for this is because the Haiben clan knew that the Hunyuan Sect was originally the Red Lotus Sect. They knew the past of the Red Lotus Sect. A dozen monks could destroy the Yinlong Palace, the Hunjie Sect, and the Sword Shark Royal Family. Now hundreds Monk, that's all right!

So the clam clan surrenders!

The Canglang Sect simply put away its dojo and left the Nanhai area directly to go to other regions to avoid the Hunyuan Sect!

I can't afford to offend you, and I can't afford to hide from you?

At this point, Hunyuan Sect unified the South China Sea region and became the overlord of the South China Sea region! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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