Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,449 Honglian’s fellow disciples come to find their roots!

When the war started, all the sword sharks disappeared, leaving only the sword sharks. Without the cooperation of the sword sharks, almost 90% of the countless magical powers that the sword sharks were good at were useless.

Although there were only fifteen people from the Hunyuan Sect who took action, these people were all powerful, with extraordinary origins, and shady intentions. After the battle, the winner would be determined immediately.

The Sword Shark people were completely defeated, and only the Emperor of the Overlord, who was powerful and in the early stage of Mahayana, was the only one.

But they were held back by the three evil corpses, and the other sword sharks were completely slaughtered by the twelve true spirits.

Among the twelve true spirits, Xiao Sha was the most ferocious. In his hands, the evil spirits turned into swords, spears, swords and halberds, flying in all directions.

Thousands of swords, axes, and axes, the power of the evil spirits, endless murderous intent. If they are hit by them, the sword shark people will immediately fall into pieces. If they are scraped by them, they will scream death!

As Xiao Sha Sha rises, he can't stop shouting that all the sword sharks he killed turned into strange ghosts, which he used to kill his former clansmen.

Xiao Sha is the spirit of the tiger, and this is his divine power. He acts as the tiger's minions, and the murlocs he kills all become his minions and are driven by him.

In the end, hundreds of minions were flying around Xiao Sha, moving with him, turning into a storm of minions, wiping out all the murlocs wherever they went.

Xiao Sun is the most aggressive and specializes in killing powerful masters among the sword sharks. If he were not the Overlord Emperor and was surrounded by three evil corpses, he would be the first to challenge them.

The best ones are Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei. One of them is the God of Time and the other is the God of Space. Time and space intersect.

The fishmen who fought with them found that time and space were completely chaotic, and they died inexplicably.

Xiaobai and Xiaohong are competing. You kill one, I kill another, both want to surpass each other, but they quietly cooperate with each other, which is even more powerful.

The most bizarre thing is the hill. Xiaoqing, Xiaohua!

One of them is the Way of Destiny, the other is the Way of Cause and Effect, and the other is the Dream God. The fish-men who come to them either die inexplicably or fall asleep.

The twelve true spirits fought in all directions, looking chaotic. But vaguely, the twelve of them formed a large formation.

Cooperating with each other and supporting each other, the strongest battle formation was formed silently.

This is the most powerful thing about the Hunyuan Sect, the way the disciples of the sect cooperate!

They were not disciples of the Hunyuan Sect back then. But they are part of Luo Li, the most powerful formation of the Hunyuan Sect. They are also masters, almost instinctive in their bones!

In the sky, the most thrilling battle was the three evil corpses fighting against the overbearing emperor.

This overbearing emperor was in the early stage of Mahayana and was very powerful. Three evil corpses surrounded him and attacked him, but he was slowly suppressed by him.

but. No matter how hard the Overlord Emperor exerted his power and how fiercely he attacked, he could not kill the three evil corpses. These three evil corpses were like brown candies, clinging to him. Hold him, trap him.

There was no way to trap him. No matter how angry or powerful he was, he could not escape the siege of the three evil corpses.

Luo Li sat there, just drinking tea silently, watching the battle in the sky, motionless!

Suddenly, Luo Li jumped up suddenly and flew into the air instantly!

Because at this moment, the three evil corpses finally created an opportunity!

An opportunity that the dominating emperor could not retreat, hide, or avoid! All the energy of the Overlord Emperor was on the three evil corpses. At this moment, he ignored Luo Li's existence!

So Luo Li moved!

As quiet as a virgin, as active as a rabbit!

Soaring into the sky, the Four-Nine Escape Technique, and then a punch! One punch!

One punch breaks the law, one punch breaks the body!

With the cooperation of the three evil corpses, the overlord emperor was killed in one blow.

He didn't even scream or react, and was beaten to death by Luo Li on the spot!

As soon as the overlord emperor died, the sword shark people were defeated miserably and fled in all directions.

What's left is to chase and kill. The three evil corpses and the twelve true spirits chased down the Sword Shark Man's lair in one go, broke into the nest, looted the Sword Shark Man's lair, and returned with a great victory!

However, the sword sharks have not been wiped out. There are endless sword sharks in the sea. Among them, sword sharks can evolve at any time. This race cannot be exterminated.

This time, it was another big harvest.

Although there are no immortal buildings in the lair of the Sword Shark Man, there are countless resources and minerals, all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, as well as many immortal beads and immortal stones, all of which are worth at least 1,200 immortal stones!

Sword sharks are everywhere. They swim in the sea and collect countless wealth, so this sword shark is so rich.

However, they do not have immortal buildings, because they are just fish-men and can only rely on their own instincts to practice. They have no immortal cultivation system at all, unlike Yin Long Palace, which has the inheritance of Li Kong Sect!

That's why these Sword Sharks peep at Hunyuan Sect's lower realm sect qualifications. As long as they have this qualification, they can go to the immortal world and buy various methods of cultivating immortals.

But they didn't get the method of cultivating immortals, and instead perished because of it.

In this battle, countless resources and fairy beads were obtained, but Luo Li was not in a hurry to repay the debt, but used them for the training of many Hunyuan Sect disciples.

Luo Li himself also seizes the time to practice and practice the Supreme Dao of Yuanshi!

The more Luo Li practiced in these two sacred scriptures, the more he felt that they contained supreme methods, were extremely mysterious, and contained countless knowledge that he needed to learn and master.

The other three evil corpses, the twelve true spirits, and the eight outer disciples are all like this. Each has its own secret book that needs to be practiced.

For Hunyuan Sect, cultivation is the first priority.

However, God does not give them this opportunity!

The destruction of the Sword Shark Royal Family suddenly frightened the only two remaining factions in the South China Sea, the Canglang Sect and the Haiben Clan.

Since the Hunyuan Sect arrived here, in less than a year, the Yinlong Palace was destroyed, the Hunjie Sect was destroyed, and the Sword Shark Royal Family perished. The Hunyuan Sect was too powerful and ambitious. The next step might be him.

The rabbit dies and the fox is sad, so these two forces immediately united to strike first and fight against the Hunyuan Sect.

The Canglang Sect has two Mahayana True Sages, one of whom has been promoted to the intermediate level, and the Haiben clan also has a Mahayana primary level, and the two major forces are united, vaguely. Besiege the remote island.

Luo Li shook his head. The trees wanted to be quiet, but the wind was not stopping. It seemed that if you wanted to practice quietly, you must first fight and create a world of your own. Just have a chance.

The two major forces faced each other. To be honest, the Canglang Sect and the Haiben Clan were very strong, and Luo Li and others did not dare to attack them rashly.

The Canglang Sect and the Haiben Clan did not dare to attack the Hunyuan Sect rashly, and they vaguely surrounded the Hunyuan Sect on Likong Island.

On this day, suddenly, in the distance in the void, a large group of people passed by!

That team of people. There were three to four hundred monks, including immortal chariots flying into the sky and countless immortal birds!

There is a guard of honor in front, with thousands of fire beasts opening the way. In the middle, there are thousands of red lotuses, like the sea and the tide, and red clouds are rolling behind. Extraordinary momentum.

Seen from a distance, this team of people. It has endless momentum and majesty!

Seeing such momentum, the Canglang Sect Mahayana True Saint slowly flew up and shouted:

"Flying across the sea, listening to the waves by the sea!

I am Taoist Haibo of the Canglang Sect, fellow Taoists. May I ask what happened to you when you came to the South China Sea? "

In the eyes of this Mahayana, there is no Mahayana True Self in that team, only the forty-two Hedao True Spirits. However, this group of people is too powerful!

Among the team, on the red lotus throne in the center, a person raised his voice and said: "After his calamity fire hole burned, the divine light was as bright as a red lotus.

I am Wang Yaowu, the great elder of Honglian Sect! "

Hearing this, the Mahayana True Self was stunned and said: "Red Lotus Sect, isn't the Red Lotus Sect destroyed?"

Wang Yaowu said coldly: "Nonsense!

Our Red Lotus Sect is doing well, here on Likong Island, we just want to avoid the limelight temporarily and change our name to Hunyuan Sect! "

It turned out that this wave of people were the remaining disciples of the Red Lotus Sect. When the immortal killed everyone and destroyed the Red Lotus Sect, some of the Red Lotus Sect disciples were trained outside and immediately left the sect and survived.

When the matter was over, they wanted to return to the Red Lotus Sect, and found that the Red Lotus Sect had been completely destroyed and the mountain gate was reduced to ruins. However, after the guidance of an expert, they found that the Red Lotus Sect had not disappeared, but had only changed its name.

Over the past few days, these disciples have gathered together to look for the renamed Red Lotus Sect, and finally found it.

Luo Li actually knew that this Wang Yaowu was just a steward of the outer sect of the Red Lotus Sect. It was because of his boldness in selling the quota of outer disciples of the Red Lotus Sect that Luo Li became a disciple of the Red Lotus Sect.

These guys got together and wanted to get back the qualifications of the Red Lotus Sect. Even if no one can ascend to the immortal world in three hundred years, being able to resell the qualifications to shape the immortal realm in these three hundred years is still a big fortune.

Hearing Wang Yaowu's explanation of his origin, Taoist Master Haibo of the Canglang Sect couldn't help but frown. It turned out that he thought that the Hunyuan Sect was just a wild cultivator, but he didn't expect that he actually had a heel!

The Red Lotus Sect is famous. It was a major sect in the ancient immortal world. It was once one of the top ten powerful forces in the immortal world, so majestic!

Although it is ruined now, the foundation is still there. Regardless of the opponent's group of small alliances, there may be some immortal magic that can kill Mahayana.

Otherwise, how could the Yinlong Palace, Hunjie Sect, and the Sword Shark Royal Family be destroyed? The opponent only had three or four people at the beginning, but they were so powerful. Now this guy has hundreds of people, how can he still do it?

This Mahayana True Sage of the Canglang Sect saw these people as powerful masters like Luo Li, and he couldn't help but feel terrified!

That group of people ignored him. In their eyes, the Mahayana in the countryside was nothing to be afraid of. They headed to Likong Island in a mighty manner!

Arriving above Li Kong Island, Wang Yaowu shouted:

"After his calamity fire hole burned, his divine light was as bright as a red lotus.

Where is Luo Li of the Red Lotus Sect? "

Luo Li was stunned, flew out of the dojo, and said, "Who are you?"

"I am Wang Yaowu, the great elder of Honglian Sect! You don't recognize me anymore? I was the one who led you into Honglian!"

Wang Yaowu was in charge of the outer sect of the Red Lotus Sect. He introduced almost all the outer disciples to the sect. He also resold his disciple qualifications, and all their information was destroyed with the Red Lotus Sect. It was impossible to remember whether Luo Li was introduced to the sect or not. .

However, he knew that Luo Li would rather die than give in, and was finally appreciated by the Honglian Ancestor. Such a strong-minded disciple subconsciously thought that Luo Li was the disciple he had introduced into the sect, so he said so.

"Luo Li, you are the pride of our Red Lotus Sect. Our Red Lotus Sect is proud of you. You don't have to be afraid in the future. We are here. All our Red Lotus Sect disciples are back. Let's expand the Red Lotus Sect together!"

Wang Yaowu began to speak loudly, and the other Red Lotus Sect disciples also cheered!

Luo Li looked at them, smiled suddenly, and said: "Ah, it turns out that all of you from the same sect have returned, great, great, our Red Lotus Sect should be prosperous again!

Come in, have a banquet, serve wine, and celebrate the return of our fellow disciples! "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!


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