Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1448: The younger brother takes action, the boss enjoys the blessing!

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What immortal body?"

Xiaoshan said: "It should be my instinct mark, left to my immortal body!"

Xiaoshan's former body was the Demon Lord, and the immortal body he reshaped should be very powerful!

He continued: "This immortal body, how should I put it, father, I feel that I have inherited your original power, and it is also the body of the supreme true demon. The fusion of the two should be an immortal body that has never appeared in this world. , let’s call it the True Demon of Yuanshi!

This immortal body is far better than your ninety-nine immortal bodies. It can be compared with the Lord of Time and Space, Yin Yang Kuangke and the others! It can even be said that it is better than them! "

After saying that, she started to cast a spell to create a fairy body construction diagram. Luo Li was surprised, but he was even more happy because he had another powerful fairy body construction diagram.

Xiao Hua, who was sleeping next to him, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I seem to have inherited the supreme power of my father, and coupled with the body of the true Tao of the universe, mine should be called the Supreme Taoist Master!"

After saying that, he also started to create a construction diagram of the immortal body.

This little flower is the dream god transformed into the Taoist clone, so he and Xiaoshan each inherited Luo Li's Yuanshi Supreme Power.

Xiaoxue said weakly: "Mine, mine is not as powerful as Xiaoshan's, nor is it the immortal body given to us by those fathers. Mine seems to be the source of life in the ninety-nine immortal bodies!"

Although her construction is only the source of life, one of the ninety-nine immortal bodies, it has its own characteristics, which is more suitable for her!

After saying that, she also started to create the fairy body construction diagram.

Seeing Xiaoxue say this, Xiao Hui, who had been silent, let out a sigh of relief.

He also said: "Mine is not one of these immortal bodies. Mine seems to be the Netherworld Spirit Lord among the ninety-nine immortal bodies!"

Xiaoshi, who had been silent all this time, said: "Mine is different from them. It should be an ancient immortal body of the same level as the Lord of Time and Space. Yin Yang Kuang Ke. Mine should be Long Ao Peerless!"

He also started building a fairy body construction diagram!

Xiao Qing said: "Cause and effect come first!"

She didn't say a word more!

Xiaohong said: "Father, I inherited your power of true fire. Mine is the strongest, and mine is the true fire overlord!"

They created their own immortal body construction plans, and they created them one by one immediately. The same spell, the same power, the fairy body structure diagram created is completely different!

The source of life among the Ninety-nine Immortal Bodies, Nether Spirit Lord and the immortal skills possessed by Luo Li are both golden immortal body construction plans.

And that Long Ao Peerless, the Overlord of True Fire, the Supreme Being of Cause and Effect, is purple-gold! and the Lord of Time and Space. Yin Yang Kuang Ke is all the same color!

Finally, the True Demon of Yuanshi, the Supreme Taoist Master, was colored glaze! You can tell at a glance that it is far superior to everyone else!

Luo Li was happy and said: "Okay, okay!

However, hills and flowers. Don't be proud, the immortal body is just the beginning. And only the one that suits you best is the best!

In addition, others should not underestimate themselves. Now you are all at the same starting line. Your future efforts are the key! "

Luo Li put away these immortal body construction plans. So far he has:

Purple gold glass, wind body and cloud body, earth spirit body, Dao bone corpse saint, empty immortal body. Ice pure and pure, Nine-Yang body, Wuwu Immortal body, Houyuan Immortal body, Rock Immortal body, the source of life, Netherworld Spirit Lord!

The Lord of Time and Space, the Crazy Guest of Yin and Yang, the Refiner of the Five Elements, the Vajra of Divine Self, the Peerless Dragon, the Overlord of True Fire, the Supremacy of Cause and Effect, the True Demon of the Origin, and the Supreme Taoist Lord!

A total of twenty-one immortal bodies!

Looking at these immortal bodies, Luo Li frowned, because he had not yet cultivated the immortal body, but it still belonged to the most ordinary body. Should he choose one to practice?

The Twelve True Spirits transformed into people, and they suddenly increased the power of the Hunyuan Sect and began to practice.

However, when cultivating in this immortal world, the human skills are no longer effective, and the skills must be replaced.

Luo Li would not use those three common people to fool his children. He gritted his teeth and took them to the Jade Sky Temple to choose the exercises he would practice for them.

Entering here, the old man was stunned when he saw Luo Li bringing so many children!

Luo Li said: "Hurry up and say hello, this is Grandpa Yuxiao!"

Immediately, the twelve true spirits saluted together and said, "I have met Grandpa Yuxiao!"

The old man was stunned for a long time, and then he seemed to come to his senses and said: "It hasn't been so lively for a long time, you can choose the secret book!

When Immortal Emperor Yu Zecheng and his elders were here, my place was the Immortal Qin Sutra Library, but unfortunately later, alas..."

Immediately everyone started to choose, and soon everyone found a technique that suited them.

Xiao Sha chose the book "Seven Killing Techniques of the Gods", Luo Li frowned and said: "This book can only be used to cultivate to the realm of immortals!"

Xiao Sha smiled and said: "Father, this is just a starting point for us. We have our own road. We can use this to travel. When we reach the realm of immortals, we can throw away this walking stick and find our own way!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay!"

Others are also choices, and they all choose the exercises that suit them.

Xiaoxue chose the "Eternal Immortality Technique" and Xiao Sun chose the "Sacred Technique of Fighting"...

When they were choosing, Luo Li started to sweat. These secrets were cheap at 300 immortal stones and expensive at 500. Luo Li didn't have much savings here!

But this is the method of cultivation, the basic foundation, which is very important!

But it doesn’t make sense if you buy this one and not that one!

But that's all it can do, because I really don't have a fairy stone!

Xiaoshan saw Luo Li like this and said, "Father, I don't need to buy any secret books. I will reshape my body and inherit the Yuanshi Dao you have cultivated!"

Hearing this, Luo Li was very happy and saved countless spiritual stones, but Xiao Shan was fixated on reading a book of immortal magic called "The Theory of Heaven's Destiny".

Xiaohua also liked the book "Sleeping Dreams", while Xiaoqing chose "The Theory of Cause and Effect"

At this moment, the old man appeared and said, "Luo Li, since they call me grandpa, I can give them a discount. How many immortal stones do you have?"

Luo Li took what he had gained from Hunjie Sect, those fairy stones and fairy beads. He took out all the immortal treasures and weapons and said, "It's too different!"

After calculation, after purchasing these secret books, I am still short of 3,211 Immortal Stones!

The old man said: "It doesn't matter. If there is not enough left, you can borrow it and calculate it as one cent profit!"

Then he added: "Not compound interest!"

The interest rate was already very low. Luo Li immediately said, "Okay, I'll borrow 3,200 immortal stones!"

He left behind 110,000 immortal beads, and the sect still needs to develop to prepare for emergencies!

So each of the twelve true spirits got a cultivation secret book suitable for him and returned to the Hunyuan Sect. They immediately started practicing.

They were all born with Luo Li and are part of Luo Li. When Luo Li ascended, he was in the Guiyuan realm, so they were all born in the Guiyuan realm.

However, they practice very quickly. Because their paths have become extremely clear. And with such powerful magical secrets, in less than a month, all of them were promoted to the realm of Hedao, their bodies grew up, and they all turned into teenagers of thirteen or fourteen years old!

During this period, Luo Li also practiced. Luo Li is currently in the early stage of He Dao. If he does not advance to the middle stage of He Dao, neither the Three Great Evil Corpses nor the Twelve True Spirits will be able to advance to the middle stage of He Dao.

this day. A month had passed since the Hunjie Sect was destroyed. Suddenly the middleman frowned and said, "Sect Master, something seems to have happened!"

Luo Li asked: "What's going on!"

The middleman said: "Through the large formation I set up, I found that a large number of sword sharks were coming and going towards our Likong Island, and there were also a large number of warriors from the sword shark emperor clan appearing!"

The Sword Shark Emperor clan is a powerful force in the South China Sea. Yin Long Palace was bullied by them and forced back here.

The Sword Shark Emperor clan is the evolution of the Sword Shark, possessing wisdom and magical powers, and is very powerful!

Luo Li said: "It's coming fiercely, and it's coming with bad intentions. Get ready to fight!"

With one command, the warning bell sounded on Likong Island!

Suddenly, all the fishermen fled towards the island.

During this period of time, the number of vassal civilians of Hunyuan Sect has reached more than 5,000.

Among them were people who came to seek refuge from Hunjie Gate, and fishermen who fled from other places after hearing the reputation of Hunyuan Sect.

The eight outer disciples of the Hunyuan Sect took out the Lingyin bags and protected these people. The twelve true spirits and the three evil corpses harvested the spiritual valley. Luo Li put away the Hunyuan dojo and waited silently.

In fact, you can also rely on the spiritual gate defense of the dojo to protect yourself, but that is not Luo Li's character!

There are countless, densely packed sharks and fish here. They can fly in the air in a short time, almost blocking the sky.

This is the most powerful thing about the Sword Shark Emperor clan. They can control the Shark Emperor Fish, and their tactics in the sea of ​​fish are endless!

The Sword Shark Emperor clan arrived here, and among them was a burly Sword Shark Emperor murloc, standing on a huge Sword Shark that was a hundred feet long, and shouted:

"This is the Hunyuan Sect area?"

Luo Li flew up and replied:

"To create all kinds of dharmas together, and Hunyuan to destroy the universe, it is the Hunyuan Sect!"

The fish man said: "I am the Sword Shark Emperor, the Overlord Emperor!

Hunyuan Sect listens to the truth, one month ago, you united with the nine-headed dragon, the sworn enemy of our Sword Shark clan, and killed countless members of our clan!

In addition, you destroy Yinlong Palace and Hunjie Sect. They are all vassals of my Sword Shark Emperor clan!

Finally, you use zombies to continue your path to immortality. So, today, we, the Sword Shark Emperor clan, are here to attack you! "

This overbearing emperor was full of nonsense and came up with various reasons to attack the Hunyuan Sect.

Luo Li frowned and asked: "It turns out to be His Majesty the Overlord Emperor. Our Hunyuan Sect has committed such a serious crime and I don't know what to do?"

Emperor Naha said: "Simple, hand over the secret of your becoming a sect in the lower world!

You don’t have any Xuxian Patriarch at all, so how did you become a lower realm sect?

As long as you hand over this secret and give us your fifth-level sect, we will let you go, otherwise!

My sea of ​​swords and sharks will devour you all!

I, the Sword Shark Clan, have 70 million people in the South China Sea. With one order, other outer regions can come and support a billion people!

Do you want to live or die? "

Following his words, the flying sword sharks screamed together, making the sound shake the world!

Luo Li smiled and said: "I don't want to die, nor do I want to live, I want to pay back the interest!"

After saying that, he looked at Xiaoshi!

Xiaoshi stood up, slowly flew into the air, and endless dragon power exploded on him!

The Immortal Dragon Ao's peerless power was fully unleashed, and he suddenly let out a dragon roar!

The dragon is roaring all over the world, and all races are trying to avoid it!

Suddenly, the countless sword sharks fled in all directions and were no longer under the control of the sword shark emperor clan. Suddenly, only two to three million sword sharks were left out of the tens of millions. The overlord emperor and more than ten thousand clan members were all stunned. What's going on here?

They immediately used their magical powers and began to summon the escaped sword sharks. Under their magical powers, three to five million sword sharks suddenly returned.

But Xiaoshi roared again, Long Xiaotian!

Under this roar, the sword sharks that finally came back scattered and fled again. Even the huge sword shark under the Overlord Emperor also fled!

The remaining ten thousand sword shark royal family were all dumbfounded!

Luo Li said: "Kill, kill without mercy, and earn back the interest!"

Immediately, three evil corpses and twelve true spirits came to kill him!

But now Luo Li doesn't have to do anything, just pick up a cup of ice jade epiphyllum tea and taste it slowly, that's it!

The younger brother takes action, the older brother enjoys the blessing!


Three chapters have been updated, please support with a monthly ticket! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to book friends for the reward in April:

Li Feimo, Book Friends 11101409313717h, pyhuang, Shen up↑ぁ, a6368355, Zuiyan Qianfengding, multa, Virgo's stupid hair, _look, Shunyan, ily123, minute love you, exciting ahaolie, Shuai Shuai Feifei, speed Fei Shao, Shuyou 131016202345348, Zhi Zhang 137, Shuyou 120611202717701, juliys, Shuyou 140621162636673, Tao Ziguo 1, 54 Xiaolan Tao Ziguo 1, Wolf \u0026 Enlightenment, Abyss Eagle, Shuyou 150314162748982

thank you all!


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