Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1444 Li Daitao froze into the mud!

Heavy fog covers this sea area, and in this sea area, the battle begins.

A ferocious man rushed over, holding a heavy hammer, which weighed 70,000 kilograms. He was the strongest man in the Hunjie Sect!

He roared and rushed towards Luo Li, swung the heavy hammer and blasted towards Luo Li!

But with one punch from Luo Li, the heavy hammer shattered him, and then with another punch, the big man was beaten into powder.

A Hedao young woman stared at Luo Li and screamed: "Kill my senior brother, I will fight with you!"

He reached out and took out an immortal treasure, inserted it into his chest, and used his own life to activate the immortal treasure. Immediately, the immortal treasure turned into a soul-stealing fairy bird. It is said that anyone under the Void Immortal can steal souls and fall out of thin air. , blasted towards Luo Li.

Luo Li stretched out his fist, Yuanshi Shangqing, and with one punch, all the magic of the soul-stealing fairy bird was broken and shattered!

A Hedao old man suddenly rolled up, his whole body turned into a rock, and used the power of his body to explode the strongest attack, rolling towards Luo Li.

Luo Li punched, bang, smash!

Kill, kill, kill!

All the methods of the left fist are destroyed, and all the methods of the right fist are destroyed. All the methods of Hunjie are destroyed!

Kill him happily!

Under Luo Li's iron fist, all the Hedao true spirits of Hunjie Sect died under his fist.

One, two, three...

Some people saw Luo Li being so ferocious and immediately wanted to run away, but when Luo Li caught up with him, he punched him and killed him!

Another Hedao True Self from the Hunjie Sect was blown up by Luo Li. Luo Li shook his head, stopped fighting, and stopped fighting. There was no Hedao True Spirit from the Hunjie Sect alive, and the rest were ordinary monks with no fighting spirit. , if we continue to fight, it will be a massacre!

Luo Li whispered: "Surrender!"

The old man replied calmly: "Sect Master, our sect only has twelve people. After these people are surrendered, it will be difficult to control them!

If the news is leaked, the most powerful one in the Hunjie Sect is the Mahayana True Sage! "

Luo Li said: "Then you deal with it! Keep it clean!"

The old man replied: "Thank you so much, Master!"

There was endless joy in his words.

After all, the three of them are the three evil zombies. Zombies like to eat meat. This opportunity has come. They couldn't be happier.

After Luo Li finished speaking, he turned and left.

After about half an hour, everything calmed down and there were no more screams.

On the sea, on the remaining immortal boats, figures swayed, and many Hunjie Sect disciples began to clean up the battlefield.

However, they were no longer human beings, but were killed by three evil corpses. Transform into zombies and follow their orders.

The fog cleared, and Luo Li's eight outer disciples looked at all this stupidly.

Suddenly someone asked: "Did we win? Did we win?"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes, we won!"

"The Hunyuan Sect is invincible!"

"A good man is born in the world between heaven and earth. There are things he can do and things he should not do!

We are just common people. Don't seek immortality, live in heaven and earth, just strive for one breath! "

Immediately everyone cheered.

"The Hunyuan Sect is invincible!"

"A good man is born in heaven and earth, and he has something to do. He has something not to do!"

We are just ordinary people, we don’t seek immortality, we live in the world, we only strive for one breath! "

I didn’t expect that I actually won, it’s hard to believe!

Luo Li said: "Don't be too happy too early. It's better to chase the poor bandits with the remaining brave men!"

Immortal Hunjie Sect, things are not over yet! "

Soon, Qingzhumei sent a message: "Sect Master, we've finished cleaning up!"

Luo Li said: "Get on the boat!"

He took his disciples and boarded the immortal boat.

When they arrived on the Immortal Boat and saw the messy battlefield with countless flesh and blood flying everywhere, some disciples suddenly started to vomit.

Luo Li shook his head. These disciples still need to be tested. Luo Li said: "Set the boat and go to Hunjie Gate!'

There was a battle among the Twelve Immortal Boats. Eight of them sank, but four were still available. They immediately set off and headed straight for the Hunjie Gate.

Luo Li said: "Hunjie Sect has two dojos, but those dojos are on the island, so if nothing unexpected happens, they will not be closed down!

So we have to deceive them, enter the dojo, and then kill the Mahayana True Saint and seize the foundation of Hunjie Sect! "

Qingzhumei and the other three said together: "Yes, disciple understands!"

"As long as that Mahayana True Saint fights with us, he will not be able to close the dojo. This dojo will be ours!"

Luo Li looked at the middleman, who said:

"Please rest assured, Sect Master, I will use the "Taihua Infinite Heart Technique" to interfere with the world. Even if the Hunjie Sect has any celestial heart cards or other immortal tools, they will be disturbed. The other party will not find out that their disciples are already dead. All clean!"

Luo Li arrived at the club: "There are only four immortal boats left. It's better to eliminate the interference of some people. Immortal people are too fake!"

The middleman said: "Disciple understands!"

The four sea boats set off forward, and Qingzhumei began to devour the leader of the Hunjie Sect. Under the evil corpse spell, he stood up again and transformed into a fake head. There was no flaw in it.

Moving forward all the way, we soon crossed the 20,000-mile sea area, and ahead were the Hunjie Islands!

This Hunjie Sect, their spells and combat abilities are not strong, but they have the wonderful ability to create islands in the sea. Here they transform into islands one after another, forming a ring of seventy-two islands. Looking at it, it is spectacular!

Luo Li said: "It seems that this Hunjie Sect spell is not useless. If you have the chance, just seize it!

When the time comes, we will build the remote island! Turn into the largest island in the South China Sea! "

Qingzhumei said: "Sect Master, why bother building some kind of Likong Island? I think this place is good. Let's just move here!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "No, that Likong Island was given to us by the Barefoot Immortal. We can't leave now, and we can't leave!

Or return there, where the sea creates land, and develop there!

Don't look so poor, but we will turn it into the largest island in the South China Sea and the most prosperous! "

When Haizhou returned, monks from Hunjie Sect came to greet him immediately!

The four large ships stopped immediately, still far away from the Hunjie Gate.

The welcoming monks saw Master Hunjie from a distance and immediately saluted and said:

"Sect Master, are you back?"

Then they're coming!

The leader of the Hunjie Sect said with a cold face: "Don't come here yet. The Hunyuan Sect is good at poison. It is very powerful and highly contagious. Don't get close!"

After all, the rest are zombies, and they are easily discovered when they are close to everyone.

So stop them from coming!

Then the leader of Hunjie Sect flew up and said: "No one should get close to the immortal boat!

I didn't expect that the Hunyuan Sect would be so troublesome. In this battle, we killed more than a thousand disciples. Twenty-one combined, it was really a heavy loss! "

As soon as he said this, the three great Hedao Zhenling who greeted him were extremely sad, and many of his fellow disciples died.

What else do they want to say, ask for details.

The leader of the Hunjie Sect immediately said: "You guys lead the way quickly, I have a big harvest, go see the Supreme Elder!"

Suddenly three Hedao true spirits led the way, followed closely by the leader of the Hunjie Sect, coughing from time to time and covered in poisonous gas, making it difficult to see his face.

The four of them leaped like lightning, and soon arrived at the main island of Hunjie Sect. There were two huge halls here, which were the two grand venues built by Hunjie Sect.

The leader of the Hunjie Sect came to the door of a dojo, looked at the gate, and saw the words written above the door: "Pan Rock Dojo!"

The leader of Hunjie Sect smiled coldly, this dojo will soon be ours!

Entering the dojo, the protective formation of the dojo has no effect on Luo Li and others.

This Hunjie Sect's dojo is not as simple as Luo Li's Hunyuan Dojo. After countless years of development, this dojo has countless pavilions and pavilions.

However, although the main building of this dojo, the Twelve Main Buildings, has a large space and many courtyards, there are not many truly useful immortal buildings.

Soon the leader of the Hunjie Sect was led into a main hall. In the main hall, there was an old man who was reading a scripture there.

When the old man saw the leader of the Hunjie Sect entering, he put down his scriptures and said, "Ah Jun, monks are destined to live and die. Don't be sad about the many fellow sect members who have died..."

He looked at the leader of the Hunjie Sect, and was stunned for a moment. He suddenly stood up and shouted: "Zi Jie Xian! Who are you!"

He saw the incarnation of Qingzhumei, and Qingzhumei smiled coldly and said: "I am not a thing, I am Yama who wants your life!

After saying that, he shook his spiritual bag, and the old man and the middleman, Luo Li, appeared, and the four of them immediately forced themselves towards the old man!

The old man was furious and shouted: "You bastard, you bullied me into being a nobody, so die!"

In an instant, endless pressure broke out on him, and supreme power rose up on him! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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