Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,443 The empty garden is full of insects, and the dragons and snakes are cut off!

Following the order from the leader of the Hunjie Sect, the twelve immortal boats immediately rose up, and auras of light gathered together. This aura turned into a terrifying force and dispersed the clouds and mist.

Following the movements of the twelve immortal boats, eight outer disciples of the Hunyuan Sect immediately began to take action in the clouds and mist.

I heard a sudden explosion of thunder in the distance.

The whole sea seemed to be shaking with the sound.

Then I saw hundreds of sea fish suddenly rushing out of the sea in the distance.

These sea fish jump out of the water from time to time, fly above the water, and fly in the air. Each of them is the size of a calf, and there is a spear-like thorn in front of the mouth. They look more like a fusion of tuna and shark!

This is the sword shark group in the South China Sea. This is the most powerful sea family in the South China Sea. However, there are rarely fish schools so close to the island. They are all lured by the formation of middlemen.

In an instant, the sea fish rushed to the fairy boat and crashed towards the fairy boat one after another.

But the twelve sea boats burst out with endless brilliance. After these sword sharks collided with each other, they were shattered one by one. Although the sea boats kept shaking, they were safe and sound!

Zhao Jun looked at these sea fish and said coldly: "But a group of sword sharks is like breaking through my Hunjie Gate. It's ridiculous!"

At this moment, a shocking wave of water suddenly exploded behind the sword shark.

The water waves were like pillars, extending all the way to the sky. They were actually entangled with the dark clouds in the sky, forming huge water pillars coiling in the sky.

I saw hundreds of water columns sweeping across the world!

In the water column, a huge and terrifying dragon head suddenly appeared. As soon as the dragon head was swallowed, several sword sharks were eaten by him in one bite, and then another dragon head stretched out. Continue to devour and look carefully, there are nine water pillars gathered together, and the nine dragon heads are one!

Suddenly on top of the fairy boat. Someone shouted in horror:

"It's the Nine-Headed Dragon, it's the Nine-Headed Dragon Clan!"

In this area of ​​the South China Sea, sword sharks are the most numerous, and their natural enemies also live here, and that is the Nine-Headed Dragon Clan.

The difference is that among the sword shark clan, the powerful ones have wisdom, give birth to the emperor class, and establish power.

Although the Nine-headed Dragon clan is a dragon beast. But there is no intelligence at all, only animal instinct, which is to know how to eat, drink and kill, so it is easy to control. Under the temptation of the three evil corpses, they were immediately attracted and followed the sword sharks to here.

I saw the nine-headed dragon clan appearing in the distance. The leader of Hunjie Sect frowned and snorted coldly, saying:

"You want to break my immortal formation. Dream! Hang Jie Bai Zang, everything will come true!"

Following his words, thirty-three rays of light suddenly erupted on the sea boat, and the thirty-three Hunjie Sects joined together to release their own heavenly ways.

The way of heaven for all the disciples of Hunjie Sect. They are all the way to the rocks. They are transformed into rocks in the sea, which are invincible and strong. At the same time, they attract endless waves and strong winds!

Suddenly. In this sea area, there were no ships anymore. Under the big waves, countless rocks seemed to appear, forming a sea of ​​rocks, blocking everything!

The sky-connecting water column in the distance and the sea tornadoes roared and rolled in, and the thunder and lightning in the sky sparkled, bringing out an astonishing brilliance.

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, the water column hit the thousands of rocks and exploded with a loud bang!

Then came the angry roar of the nine-headed dragon "His!" "Hi!"

In their angry screams, the tornadoes were shaken into auras and dispersed.

"She is quite capable." Luo Li said softly from a distance!

The nine-headed dragons were obviously angered by the Hunjie Sect. Huge dragon bodies appeared one after another, each one hundred feet long, and the snake head alone was more than ten feet tall.

They all have powerful strength and tyrannical bodies, but they lack wisdom. Otherwise, this South China Sea region would be their world!

The nine-headed dragons hissed wildly!

The leader of Hunjie Sect sneered and shouted: "The rock falls, the sea opens!"

Following his words, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly roared, and then like huge meteorites falling from the sky!

This is the supreme secret method of the Hunjie Sect. Huge meteorites fell down one after another, and landed on the body of the nine-headed dragon. The nine-headed dragon's flesh and blood immediately spattered and screamed in agony!

Some nine-headed dragons were so angry that they rushed towards the twelve immortal boats!

The leader of the Hunjie Sect, his eyebrows darkened, he used seals in his hand and pointed towards the sea. On the sea, a reef actually appeared out of thin air, blocking the way of the nine-headed dragon.


The huge dragon head hit the rocks, blood and flesh splattered.

But the reef was just an illusion and collapsed immediately. The leader of Hunjie Sect shouted again: "Get up, get up!"

Suddenly, countless rocks rose up.

Boom boom boom, there are countless rocks on this reef, and the nine-headed dragons hit them many times, but they are not broken. The leading nine-headed dragon among them let out a mournful cry, and all the nine-headed dragons immediately turned around and ran away.

The leader of the Hunjie Sect sighed. His Hunjie Sect's magic came from the Panshi Sect in the Immortal Realm. It's a pity that because the leader of the Hunjie Sect is not a sect in the lower realm, he is not qualified to bless the immortal realm at all, and cannot shape the prototype of the immortal realm.

Otherwise, if your Hunjie Sect can have the prototype of the Immortal Realm, the spells in the door will be several times more powerful, and a rock can block the nine-headed dragons!

And that Hunyuan Sect, I have never heard of it, can actually become a fifth-level sect, and have five immortal realm shaping qualifications in one year, I am really envious.

When the time comes, I will destroy the Hunyuan Sect and ask them why they don't have a Void Immortal. How did they get the qualifications for this prototype of the Immortal Realm?

As long as the Hunjie Sect has the prototype of the Immortal Realm, it will surely rise!

Just as he was thinking, one of the thirty-three light pillars on his sea boat suddenly dimmed and disappeared, and then a real scream came from the sea boat.

"Monster, monster, what is this?"

"Help, help!"

With the help of the nine-headed dragon's attack, Qingzhumei sneaked into a fairy boat, quietly came into the opponent's crowd, and ate one of the Hedao true spirits in one bite.

Then it turned into a terrifying giant beast, massacred on the sea ship, eating everyone in sight, and destroying ships in sight!

The most powerful thing among Hunjie Sect monks is the art of body refining. His whole body is like a rock, invulnerable to invulnerability. At the same time, he can trigger ocean tides and activate water spells. However, when encountering this giant beast transformed from green bamboo plum, he eats it into his stomach one bite at a time. In the powerful The body refining technique is also ineffective.

The leader of the Hunjie Sect was stunned for a moment. He counted with his fingers and found out that a Hedao True Spirit in his sect had been silently plotted and was dead. That person massacred his younger disciples on the ship.

The leader of Hunjie Sect was furious and shouted: "Elder Zuo, the four great protectors, go over and kill the powerful enemy quickly to avenge the disciples of my sect!"

Immediately four or five figures flew up and headed straight for the fairy boat where the battle was taking place!

At this moment, another beam of light went out, and another Hunjiemen Hedao true spirit was attacked and killed.

This was Lao Immortal's move to secretly kill a powerful enemy.

At the same time, waves of fog seemed to rise above the sea. Everyone in the entire fleet was surrounded by this fog. Even if they were not far away, they couldn't see who was on the left or right!

Many Hunjie Sect disciples seemed to have lost their direction and couldn't tell what was going on. It was clear that the front was the hull of the ship, but when they stepped down, they fell into the sea.

The twelve immortal boats were all destroyed silently, and sea water poured in.

The leader of Hunjie Sect was furious and shouted: "Illusion formation? Chaosing my camp, you really underestimate me, Hunjie Sect!"

"The disciples of the Hunjie Sect obeyed the order, and the wind and frost covered the rocks for a long time, and the grass and trees clouded the sky.

Build my Hunjie formation! "

Following the words of the leader of the Hunjie Sect, all the disciples of the Hunjie Sect suddenly shouted together:

"Hang Jie Bai Zang, Shun Cheng Wan Shi!"

In an instant, countless rocks appeared and joined together, and then thousands of ocean waves rose up on them. All the disciples of the Hunjie Sect united their true energy into one and could be used by everyone.

This true energy is the unity of everyone, and it is vast and vast. Under this true energy, Qingzhumei, Lao Immortal, who attacked by surprise, was immediately restrained and forced to death!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted softly in the distance:

"What a pure and natural stone. There are mosquitoes in the empty garden, and broken stones are broken by dragons and snakes. Today, I will destroy you!"

I saw a young man flying into the sky, stretched out his left hand, and turned it into a punch, suddenly focusing the endless waves generated by the disciples of the Hunjie Sect.

That punch seems to contain thousands of brilliance. Under this brilliance, all laws are destroyed and everything returns to its original state!


The Hunjie sea wave in the sky dissipated all of a sudden, and all the Hunjie disciples felt a chill all over their bodies. When the Hunjie sect leader opened his mouth, blood spurted out!

The endless tide surrounding the reef has been broken, exposing the rock mass of the reef. The rocks at this time are just ordinary stones, there is no mystery at all!

In an instant, Luo Li flashed and landed on the boat. The person in front of him should be a Hedao True Spirit from Hunjie Sect. He was dressed gorgeously. He should be a big shot. It was him!

When he got in front of him, he hit him with his right fist!

When Zhao Jun, the leader of the Hunjie Sect, saw that something was not good, he immediately roared, activated his Hunjie True Body, and raised seventy-two layers of reef defense all over his body. He was extremely confident that even the Mahayana True Sage could not break his invincibility. defense.

But under Luo Li's right fist, the so-called Hunjie true body was as fragile as tofu. With a pop, the seventy-two layers of reef defense were shattered one by one.

Zhao Jun was shocked. At this time, two immortal talismans he bought with a lot of money were activated. One was a defensive talisman and the other was an escape talisman. They were both refined by spiritual immortals and were activated immediately. When in danger, he must protect and escape. .

At this time Luo Li punched again, Yuanshi Shangqing, everything returned to Yuan, any immortal talisman, any magic, all dispersed!

Zhao Jun was shocked and immediately shouted: "Don't kill me, I am Zhao..."

Then with another punch, Taishang Guiyuan, with a pop, the head was smashed into pieces, killing him on the spot!

"No, Master!"

"Master, master!"

The Hunjie Sect disciples around him kept wailing, but Luo Li didn't care at all and went straight to the deputy sect leader of the Hunjie Sect who seemed to be an important figure!

The killing begins, blood dyes the sea red, and Hunjiemen falls! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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