Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,445: The Immortal Chess is broken!

This kind of power rises into the sky, majestic and vast!

Under this power, both Luo Li and the three evil corpses could not help but retreat!

Terrible and powerful ferocious power!

This is the violence of the Mahayana True Saint!

In this fairy world, Luo Li had a feeling. It was as if he and the three evil corpses were equivalent to the strength of Jindan Zhenren in the human world, but this old man had already reached the power of Zhenzhen Zhenzhen!

Unexpectedly, Hedao and Mahayana are just the same realm, but they are so different!

In fact, this is normal. If Luo Li and the others were in the human world and in the Hedao realm, they could completely overturn the world and destroy the continent. They would have endless power.

But here is the immortal world, dominated by immortal energy. Of the three thousand heavenly ways, only the nine dimensions have not changed. The remaining many heavenly ways have been suppressed by the immortal energy and no longer have the power of the heavenly ways.

Therefore, the monks here are pitifully weak even in high realms. The realm of returning to the void is equivalent to the Qi training period in the human world.

According to this kind of power suppression, Luo Li and the others thought that the same was true in the Mahayana realm, and the three of them could completely defeat them.

However, they did not expect that the next step in the Mahayana realm would be the Immortal. Entering the Mahayana can be said to be the closest thing to an immortal.

Therefore, the suppression of the immortal energy on them is insignificant, but they have powerful and terrifying power.

It can be said that between Hedao and Mahayana, a single step makes a world of difference!

It's a pity that Luo Li has never seen the true sage of Mahayana show his power, and the highest level of the three evil corpses is only the Hedao realm. In the human world, the gap between Hedao and Mahayana is completely different from that in the fairy world!

So the great elder of Hunjie Sect took action. The four of them, Luo Li, knew immediately that they were spoiled!

There is a huge difference in strength!

At this juncture, Luo Li immediately cut off his power and fell under this pressure. With a plop, he fell down, then looked at Qingzhumei and shouted:

"Sect Master, what should we do?"

Luo Li showed weakness, and Qingzhumei immediately understood. He yelled: "It doesn't matter. Kill this old dog and return to the sect. There will be countless rewards!"

Then Qingzhumei began to transform, turning into a terrifying giant beast like a colorful tiger. He rushed straight towards the great elder of Hunjie Sect.

The old immortal transformed into three heads and six arms, holding the remaining ninth-level magic weapon. He rushed over with Qingzhumei, and the middleman flew up. In his hands, there were thunder, lightning, fire, and ice. Endless spells rushed past like running water.

The great elder of Hunjie Sect looked at Qingzhumei coldly and said: "The culprit, die!"

As he roared, it spread all over his body. A terrifying shock wave was generated and emitted suddenly, like a beam of light, ejected from his mouth. Under this beam of light, the green bamboo plum was immediately hit. Then following this beam of light, it flew out all of a sudden!

This beam of light. Keep going, one strike at a time. It actually made a big hole in this dojo, and then it went straight away, spreading for thirty miles.

In this beam of light, Qingzhumei's body was shattered by the bombardment and turned into thousands of fragments, flying in all directions. With one blow, Qingzhumei was shattered.

But with this blow, the Great Elder of Hunjie Sect also used all his strength. He wanted to kill the leader of Hunyuan Sect with one blow and capture the thief first!

At this time, Old Immortal rushed in front of him, swung the remaining ninth-level magic pillars, and hit him with a roar, but those magic pillars were all shattered, and the great elder of Hunjie Sect was not hurt at all.

His Hunjie real body has been cultivated to the most powerful state, and the attack of the old immortal is completely ineffective against him.

He looked at the old immortal. In his mouth, there was a powerful aura condensed, and he was ready to take action to kill the old immortal.

At this moment, Luo Li suddenly jumped up, using the Four Nine Escape Techniques continuously, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of the great elder of the Hunjie Sect, Yuanshi Shangqing, Taishang Guiyi!

He didn't say anything, just punched loudly.

When he punched, the middleman roared, and with a bang, the remnants of thunder, fire, and ice that the middleman had just emitted automatically formed a magic circle on the ground. In an instant, it seemed that the main hall and the outside were Dojo, cut open.

The reason why the great elder of Hunjie Sect has such great power is because he is integrated with this world. He is this world and has such power, so the middleman cuts them apart.

At this time, Luo Li's iron fist had arrived, bang bang bang!

The Great Elder of Hunjie Sect looked disdainful at first when he saw Luo Li swinging his fist, but it immediately turned into surprise, astonishment, and finally horror!

With a pop, he spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted, "How is that possible!"

He has been practicing for countless years, and the real body of Hunjie, which is said to be indestructible, is like tofu under this iron fist. It is vulnerable to a single blow and explodes immediately.

Then the great elder felt a pain in his body, a feeling that he had not experienced in many years, appeared again.

He was injured, and he might... die!

Endless fear arose, and he spurted out blood, and then with a bang, he used this blood escape to fly away immediately.

He bumped backwards. He couldn't control the dojo now. He broke open the main hall behind and escaped towards the back.

The middleman's magic circle intercepted it immediately, but it didn't block it for even a breath of time before it was broken open.

Luo Li immediately chased after him, using the Four-Nine Escape Technique, he jumped up, caught up with him and punched him again, and blood spattered again.

But the great elder flew faster, even if he opened his mouth to spit out his entrails, he would not stop, and rushed into the void in the blink of an eye.

He looked at Luo Li, stared hard, and cursed:

"Asshole, bastard, but you can't catch me anymore, just wait to die!"

As expected of a Mahayana True Saint, he immediately saw that Luo Li's fists needed close combat to explode with power, and his 49 escape technique had a very short flying distance. As long as he could keep a distance, he could use his realm to wear down the opponent!

He tried his best to fly and Luo Li chased him, but the distance between them was getting bigger and bigger. If he continued like this, he would only be pulled away by the opponent, and that would be dangerous.

Luo Li gritted his teeth, but there was no way. His Yuanshi Taishang was all close combat means, without long-range attacks. What should he do?

Hey, it seems that he really has a method that far exceeds attack!

Many of his divine powers were integrated into his flesh when he entered the fairyland, but there was one divine power that was not integrated, that is, Pangu's World-Destroying Axe!

This Pangu's World-Destroying Axe has been with Luo Li for many years and killed countless powerful enemies!

But this axe has a feature. After it is released, it will not destroy a world, but Luo Li himself will die.

So Luo Li has never used it in this fairyland, but today he can't. As long as he is pulled away by the opponent, with the opponent's terrible strength, he will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Luo Li didn't think much, and just shouted at the elder!

Release Pangu's World-Destroying Axe!

When this axe was released, there was no longer the momentum of the collapse of the world in the human world. A sharp axe like magma flew out of Luo Li's hand. This axe was a short axe, only one foot in size, and looked ordinary.

However, the only thing that still had a trace of power was that there was a faint sound of Sanskrit between heaven and earth!

"Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy..."

This Pangu's World-Destroying Axe flew away with a bang, heading straight for the elder, automatically tracking, as fast as lightning, and was about to cut the elder!

But the elder suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the axe at once. With a puff, blood splattered on his hand, but he roared and still grabbed the Pangu's World-Destroying Axe!

He cursed:

"I thought it was some powerful spell, destroy, destroy your head!"

With a click, he crushed the Pangu World-Destroying Axe to pieces!

At this time, he had distanced himself from Luo Li. He was happy that his chance had come and he could kill Luo Li.

Suddenly, he felt the word "destroy" in his ear, and the sound became louder and louder!

"Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy..."

The elder was extremely surprised. He felt it slightly and immediately found that the prototype of his fairyland began to shatter and collapse!

The prototype of his fairyland was like encountering a catastrophe of heaven and earth, with mountains collapsing, the sea boiling, and the sky falling.

This Pangu World-Destroying Axe will never return until it destroys a world. This world is heaven and earth in the human world, and it is the prototype of the fairyland in this fairy world.

Although the Hunjie Sect was not qualified to obtain the prototype of the Immortal Realm, the elites in the sect, such as the Great Elder, still tried their best to obtain the qualification of the prototype of the Immortal Realm in other lower realm sects, otherwise, he would not be able to sit on the position of the Great Elder!

Suddenly, the prototype of the Immortal Realm of the Great Elder collapsed. The prototype of the Immortal Realm and he were originally one. The collapse of the prototype of the Immortal Realm meant his death!

He looked at Luo Li stupidly and roared: "I will die with you!"

Then he rushed towards Luo Li!

At this time, it was Luo Li's turn to turn around and flee. He chased him fiercely, but after only a moment, his body began to shatter because the prototype of the Immortal Realm had been shattered.

He stared at Luo Li and wanted to roar unwillingly, but with a bang, he turned into thousands of fragments and died!

However, at his last moment, the two dojo actually roared and began to collapse. At his last moment, he wanted to destroy the dojo, but he was not strong enough!

There was still a battle in the distance. The middleman and the old immortal were chasing the remaining three Hedao Zhenling of the other party.

The immortal boat in the distance moved over, and many zombies rushed down from the immortal boat and killed into the Hunjie Sect.

Luo Li fell down and landed in the hall, sitting on the throne of the great elder. At this point, the Hunjie Sect was destroyed.

And on the ground, piles of broken meat were merging into a complete arm. It was Qing Zhumei. Although that blow broke him, the most powerful thing about Tiansha Jueshi was this healing power.

Luo Li smiled and looked at the four directions, and said softly:

"The Hunjie Sect is finished, and there are still Canglang Sect, Sword Shark Emperor, Sea Clam Clan, and South Sea Region!

Then Tiannan Region, Lifeng Region...

Hedao, Mahayana, and finally, you..."

He looked up at the sky. Above the nine heavens, countless stars were shining, and each star was a sea of ​​stars. That was Luo Li's goal, the immortal world! (To be continued)


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