Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,442: Dragon Trap Lock, Dragon Slaying Blade!

With the distance so close, Luo Li and others immediately flew into the air and headed straight there.

Now that Luo Li has been promoted to the Hedao realm, it is no longer like the Guiyuan realm. It is difficult to fly in the air. However, it still won't work for too long and too far away!

This hundred miles is enough. The four of them flew there and arrived there quickly.

When they arrived at the place where the light fell, the middleman immediately released the sea boat as a foothold.

Qingzhumei just jumped, fell into the water, turned into a sea beast, and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The old man and the middleman also entered the water one after another and began to salvage.

In less than a moment, Qingzhumei floated up and fished out something.

Those things were just falling brilliance, but some were big iron lumps, some seemed to be jade pipes, and some looked like a gold brick.

Most of these things are waste and have little value at all.

Qingzhumei continued to fish in the water, and the middleman and the old man also started to fish out things.

Various utensils were placed on the sea boat. After a while, Qingzhumei emerged and said:

"A total of forty-six fallen objects have been fished out. There is nothing left!"

Luo Li looked at those things, shook his head slightly, and said, "They're all trash!"

Although one or two of these things contain spiritual energy, they are all waste and useless.

Everyone suddenly became interested in literature, ww♦∷→t speechless.

Luo Li said: "Did I think wrongly and it was just an accident?"

There was no treasure like Luo Li imagined, it was all a pile of rubbish.

The middleman suddenly said: "Sect Master, besides here, there is another place six thousand miles away where something fell!"

This is the magical effect of the Blue Water Golden Beach Pavilion and Sky Array! The middleman used the magic circle and felt that something had fallen there.

The middleman then said: "Sect Master, what we fished out there and here. And Li Kong Island, it's exactly a straight line!

This, this is too straight, not bad at all! "

If you don't understand this, you are a fool and you are too close. Afraid of taking responsibility.

Luo Li's eyes lit up and he said, "Let's go there!"

Everyone immediately took the boat and swam there.

About an hour later, we arrived there.

Everyone started to salvage, and this time they picked up five things, but among them were three strange objects.

One is an object similar to a chain, and there is a strange large knife that looks like a large kitchen knife. The last object was a metal ball, about the size of a fist, extremely delicate, emitting a glorious light.

These three things were absolutely treasures. Luo Li immediately put them away and everyone returned to Hunyuan Sect.

But these three babies. Luo Li and the others were ignorant and didn't know what it was.

Return to Hunyuan Sect. Luo Li and others immediately connected to the altar and headed to the Yuxiao Palace, where there were countless books that could be used to find out what this thing was.

Soon Luo Li and the others discovered that the chain was called the Dragon Trap Lock and that the broadsword was called the Dragon Slaying Blade. These were the treasures of the artifact world that were specially designed to deal with dragons. Using these two treasures, one can transcend realms, trap dragons and slay them.

The Dragon Clan does not belong to one of the Nine Realms, but it is a prominent family in the universe. They exist in all major worlds. In addition, the dragon clan is full of treasures. Whether it is the fairy world or the artifact world, there are people who specialize in killing them and seizing various treasures.

Seeing the trapped dragon lock and the dragon-slaying blade, Luo Li immediately remembered Tianlong Palace. When he fought against Yin Long, Luo Li had a doubt as to why the relics of the Li Kong Sect were specially given to him.

Now they are sending the Dragon Trap Lock and the Dragon Slaying Blade. The purpose is too obvious!

But the metal ball has not been identified, and I don’t know what it is.

Suddenly, the middleman said: "Wait a minute, sect master, someone is riding a sea boat into the battle! Coming towards our Likong Island!"

Luo Li looked at Lao Immortal and asked, "Who is it?"

The Blue Water Golden Beach Pavilion and Sky Formation can only sense the other party, but cannot determine who they are.

Long before that, Lao Immortal had subdued the sea beasts in the surrounding sea areas and used them as his minions to monitor the surrounding areas.

The old immortal immediately began to contact those sea beasts. After a long time, he said:

"This is the Hunjie Sect, with twelve sea boats and a thousand people, including thirty-three Hedao and one hundred Guiyuan. Good guys, it can be said that they came out in full force!"

Luo Li took a deep breath and said, "What's supposed to come is here anyway. Get ready for battle!"

The middleman nodded and immediately gave the order to ring the bell!

Hearing the bell, the fishermen on Likong Island immediately packed up their belongings and ran towards here. Zhang Shiqi among them took out the Lingyin bag and put all the fishermen on Likong Island into the bag for protection.

Then Luo Li put away the dojo, put it into the prototype of his fairyland, and looked at his men in front of him.

Three evil corpses and eight outer disciples!

After these years of practice, five of these eight outer disciples have reached the state of transformation into gods, and Ying Yuecheng and Zhang Shiying have been promoted to the state of returning to the virtual world!

Then Luo Shuiqing is still Nascent Soul and has made no progress!

The middlemen set up a large formation, and the battlefield was within a thousand miles of the sea outside Li Kong Island. However, within a thousand miles range, Luo Li and others could not fly that far to fight. Someone in the middle was needed to support them, so these outer disciples also had their own tasks.

Luo Li said slowly: "Every plant and tree here was built by us, and the ruins have been turned into gardens!

This is our home, our place to rest and recuperate!

But there are people who peek at our wealth and want to destroy us, seize our homes, and destroy everything we have?

You say, what should we do?

Let them destroy everything about us? "

Zhang Shiqi was the first to shout: "No!"

Then everyone else shouted, "No!"

Luo Li said, "If you don't want to, what should we do?"

Ying Yuecheng shouted, "Fight, protect our homeland!"

Eight outer disciples shouted together, "Fight, fight, fight!"

Luo Li nodded and shouted, "Okay, open the formation, separate them, and kill them all!

Then go to Hunjie Gate and destroy Hunjie Gate!"

Under Luo Li's order, the eight outer disciples immediately drove a bone boat each to the designated place as the person to meet them.

The middleman began to cast a spell, and the formation started slowly. Unknowingly, fog rose above the sea.

The twelve sea boats of Hunjie Gate headed straight for Likong Island!

The leader was Zhao Jun, the master of Hunjie Gate. When Luo Li was promoted to a higher realm in the heavenly tribulation, the supreme elder of Hunjie Gate gave an order to leave three Hedao True Spirits to guard the gate. It can be said that Hunjie Gate came out in full force.

Zhao Jun looked into the distance and asked:

"How far is it from the Sky Island?"

One of his subordinates replied: "Reporting to the Sect Master, it's still 700 miles!"

Zhao Jun nodded and said: "Okay, we'll be there soon!"

Suddenly, he saw the rising sea fog, he smiled coldly and said: "A last-ditch struggle?

Haha, using this little trick in front of my Hunjie Sect, you are overestimating yourself!

Give it to me, break it!" (To be continued...)


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