Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1441 The stars fall and shine!

Luo Li was promoted to the Hedao realm. With his promotion, the old immortal, the middleman, and Qingzhumei were soon promoted to the Hedao realm. To be precise, they were not promoted, but restored!

When they were born, they were in the realm of Hedao, but as the vitality of heaven and earth weakened, their realm decreased little by little, and now they have finally returned to their original strength.

But if they want to advance to the Mahayana realm, they need their own cultivation!

The three of them recovered their strength, and the middleman came over to report:

"Sect Master, under my command, we have already deployed the next Blue Water Golden Beach Pavilion Sky Formation off the coast of Likong Island.

With Likong Island as the core and thirteen thousand miles of heaven and earth as the array, I can activate this formation as long as the opponent is close to me and is three thousand miles away from the sky island.

This formation has no killing power, but it can separate and scatter the opponent so that they cannot be together.

In this way, the four of us can attack them separately and kill them one by one. "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, well done!"

The middleman added: "However, as a precaution, I suggest that the sect leader buy a Lingyin bag to protect the eight outer disciples of our Hunyuan Sect and the common people."

Luo Li and others all built the Immortal Realm. Once the Immortal Realm took shape, the Yuan Space lost its function and could not hide people. Only by being promoted to Virtual Immortal can the function of collecting people be restored.

This Lingyin bag is similar to the spirit beast bag. It can store living beings and collect these disciples and people to prevent them from being destroyed by Chiyu.

Luo Li nodded and said: "This Lingyin bag seems to be inexpensive, it only costs a few hundred fairy beads. Go buy one!"

The middleman said: "Yes!"

He began to link to the altar and go to many chambers of commerce in the fairy world to buy Lingyin bags.

Soon he finished buying it. Waiting for delivery, the middleman came back with hesitation on his face. He said to Luo Li:

"Sir Sect Master, it seems like there is something big going on in the immortal world?"

Luo Li was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

The middleman said: "I don't know either. But I feel like something is wrong with the Chamber of Commerce. Something big may have happened in the fairy world!"

Luo Li was very curious, so he also connected to the altar, randomly found a chamber of commerce, and immediately felt that something had indeed happened in the fairy world.

In fact, this is a matter in the fairy world, regardless of Luo Li's matter, but for some reason, Luo Li has a strange feeling that this matter will be related to himself!

But in other chambers of commerce. Luo Li couldn't find out anything, so he came to the Yuxiao Palace, picked up the oil lamp, and attracted the old man.

Hearing Luo Li's curious question, the old man dismissed it and said: "You guys, I have nothing to say, a bunch of little mortals. It's so boring to worry about things in the fairy world!"

Although this old man has a tough mouth. But some time ago, Luo Li had discovered that few people came to the Jade Sky Palace. The old man was actually very lonely and liked chatting with people.

Although he said this, the old man said again: "What big thing can it be? It's just that the guys from Yin Yang, Tai Xuan, and Netherworld teamed up to destroy a big world in the artifact world and came back from robbery.

This has been eight thousand years in the immortal world. The world of artifacts was broken for the first time, and everyone just wanted a piece of the pie! "

There was endless sarcasm in his words, and he sounded like he didn't care, but Luo Li still felt a sense of envy.

Yin Yang, Tai Xuan, Netherworld, these should all be the big forces in the immortal world, the artifact world?

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "The world of artifacts? Immortal leader, is that one of the nine realms?"

The old man nodded and said: "Yes, it is one of the nine realms..."

Suddenly, he looked at Luo Li and said, "Maybe, maybe, this matter really has something to do with you!

Boy, go back and wait to pick up the treasure. Barefoot, this kid is in trouble...'

After saying that, he waved his hand, and Luo Li left the Jade Sky Palace and returned to the altar.

Luo Li frowned, what did the old man's last words mean?

What about picking up treasures?

Suddenly, he heard someone outside shouting: "Look, look, what is that sky?"

This was the voice of Zhang Shiqi. Among the eight disciples of the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect, Zhang Shiqi was considered the most stable. He exclaimed like this, something must be wrong!

When Luo Li heard these words, he immediately left the hall and looked up at the sky. He was also surprised!

I saw countless meteors appearing above the nine heavens, roaring and falling towards the earth.

These countless meteors almost blocked the sky, making the sky dark and gloomy.

What's going on?

All the Hunyuan Sect disciples looked on stupidly. They had never seen this scene before. Everyone was silent and speechless, unable to believe it.

Suddenly Luo Shuiqing on the side shouted stupidly: "Take out the trash, take out the trash!"

In this silent world, this voice is extremely clear.

The falling object gradually approached the ground. This was when Luo Li and the others took a deep breath. They looked at it falling from the sky, but it did not fall into the South China Sea. It seemed to have fallen into another world. It seemed that this disaster had nothing to do with Luo Li and the others. !

Thousands of meteors fell, but there was no roar of heaven and earth as imagined, and the world was shattered.

It was very peaceful there, and it fell as soon as it fell, which was very normal.

The falling meteor lasted for an hour, nothing happened, everything was normal.

Suddenly, Luo Li felt a huge roar coming from the distant continent!

Then, there were vague waves of battle, and the ground began to shake, boom, boom, boom!

It was very weak, that is, Luo Li could feel it, but it did happen.

Following the battle, the still falling meteor shower seemed to be in chaos.

At this time, a voice came from Luo Li's identity plate:

"Attention, all races, attention, emergency, emergency, pack up and salute immediately, it may require the world to be reshaped, everyone is prepared to cross the border to evacuate!"

Luo Li recognized this voice as the voice of the Barefoot Immortal.

How is this going?

Zhang Shiqi suddenly shouted: "Ah, this is the reshaping of heaven and earth!

I heard the elders say that the earth beneath our feet is reshaped every ten thousand years, but it doesn’t seem to be ten thousand years. It has only been eight thousand years, so how can the world be reshaped? "

Suddenly, Luo Li knew it, understood it all at once!

Qin Zhaoyi said at that time that this ancient world of spiritual earth is a big garbage dump of the immortal world, and anything useless to the immortal world will be thrown here.

That is useless to immortals, but it may be extremely valuable to mortals, and it can also be regarded as an opportunity.

The Immortal World robbed a large world of artifacts, things that were useless to the Immortals, and threw them into this wild world of spiritual soil. This is the source of the meteors that fill the sky.

But it seems that something unexpected happened during this process, so it is possible that the human race started to take refuge, reshape the world, and return to the prehistoric world. This is also the origin of the word "prehistoric land" in the spiritual land prehistoric world.

This is not good. Luo Li immediately stretched out his hand and included the Hunyuan Dojo into his own immortal domain. This is the purpose of the Dojo Immortal Mansion. Even if the spiritual earth and the wild world are reshaped, as long as this Dojo Immortal Mansion is put away and reshaped Then he returned and was released, and nothing was lost.

Ordinary mortals can't do it. Those with storage magic weapons can take away some of their belongings, and the rest have to be abandoned. Suddenly everyone started to get busy, packing up their belongings, in case the heaven and earth were reshaped and everything returned to its original state, they could not take it with them. Those who leave are all in vain.

At this moment, the meteor shower left behind roared and became chaos, turning into thousands of meteors and flying in all directions.

There were thousands of brilliance among them, flying towards the South China Sea area.

Those brilliance were getting closer and closer, and they roared down. Some fell on the sea, immediately causing huge waves, and some fell on the island, making a loud noise.

Dozens of rays of light crossed over Li Kong Island and fell toward the distant sea. The place where they fell was less than a hundred miles away from Li Kong Island.

Another voice came from the identity plate:

"The alarm is off, the alarm is off! The danger is eliminated, there is no need to reshape the world, there is no need to reshape the world!"

The battle fluctuations in the distance completely disappeared and never appeared again!

But Luo Li remembered what the old man said!

"Boy, go back and wait to pick up the treasure. Barefoot, this kid is in trouble...'

Luo Li immediately jumped up and shouted: "Quick, go pick up those fallen brilliance!"

The brilliance fell, and the alarm just now disappeared.

Luo Li understood immediately!

All of this was done by the Barefoot Immortal. Although he was the manager of this spiritual world, he also had limitations due to the rules of heaven.

When the stars fall into the wild world of spiritual earth, they must undergo certain processing before they can be contacted by monks. Most of the good things among them will not be left.

But if something unexpected happens during the falling process, then whoever picks it up will count as his!

Therefore, when chaos occurs and brilliance falls, the distance to the Sky Island is less than a hundred miles. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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