Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,440 Yuanshi is Yuanshi, Taishang is Taishang!

Luo Li looked at the sky. The scale of this thunder disaster was too big, even to the point of despair. It was not much weaker than the Mahayana Immortal!

You must know that this is the fairy world, and the three thousand heavenly ways are controlled and used here, so the thunder catastrophe ascending here is not as violent as the lower world. Such thunder catastrophe is already very terrifying!

Just as Luo Li was thinking, suddenly, the sky and the earth seemed to be lit up by a sun. The void seemed to be torn apart by lightning. A bolt of thunder fell towards Luo Li's head, followed by the roaring thunder that resounded throughout the world. !

The thunder fell, like a giant dragon coming with its claws!

Luo Li took a long breath, stretched out his hand, punched out, and shouted:

"What a thunder tribulation, break it into pieces for me!"

With a click, this terrifying thunderbolt was immediately shattered by Luo Li!

Luo Li blasted the tribulation thunder, but it was not without cost. Blood spurted out from his left hand, which was directly blasted by the thunder!

Luo Li cursed loudly:

"In the world of Zhongtian Lord, it is this endless thunder, boom boom boom!

Damn, it’s so annoying to do this in the fairy world! "

Suddenly he soared into the sky and went straight towards the tribulation thunder. He waved his iron fist and blasted the tribulation thunder!

Boom, boom, boom!

The second, third and third thunderbolts were all shattered by him!

But starting from the fourth thunder tribulation, Luo Li's expression showed a little solemnity. His hands were as heavy as ten thousand catties and he could no longer punch!

But Luo Li was not afraid at all, he still charged forward and continued to punch, "My way, your little calamity thunder can't stop it, break it to me!"

In Luo Li's hand, a real fire ignited. This real fire was different from before. There is no distinction between Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Shou and Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Shou. They are both a kind of true fire, Yuanshi Taishang True Fire!

Boom, boom, boom. There were three more tribulation thunders, and Luo Li faced them forward. Under his iron fist, there were three more tribulation thunders, and they were shattered by him!

At this moment, there was an explosion in the sky, and the boundless clouds of endless calamity began to condense rapidly, and all the calamity thunders began to form. They all gathered at one point, and that point was so powerful that it even caused the void to begin to turbulence and collapse.

But in this thunder's life, you can be sure that this will be the last thunder!

In the final analysis, Luo Li could only advance to the realm of Hedao, and no calamity thunder should be born in this immortal world. It's just that Luo Li's way is too terrifying, attracting thunder!

Saw this last thunder. Qingzhumei and the three of them were extremely nervous!

Qingzhumei shouted: "Sect Master, hold on!"

Lao Immortal also shouted: "Sect Master, hold on!"

Other outer disciples of the Hunyuan Sect also shouted: "Sect Master, hold on, hold on!"

The calamity cloud seemed to be slow, but in an instant, the huge whirlpool of dark clouds had completely formed. Numerous electric lights could be faintly seen wandering and gathering in the vortex, and in an instant they condensed into a blood-colored lightning as thick as a bucket and struck straight down from the vortex.

Different from the previous thunders that were as winding as snakes, this divine thunder, as thick as a bucket and as long as a hundred miles, was as straight as a spear, piercing down at a speed that exceeded the speed of human mental reaction. This condensed and undispersed thunder light contained all the power of thunder. Only wait until you meet the target before delivering the strongest blow.

Luo Li laughed. For this blow, he no longer used his fists, but directly used his body to rush over and collide with this terrible thunder!

Boom! The lightning fell into his body and disappeared. The power of thunder contained in the lightning was directly refined by Luo Li's way of fire!

Yuanshi Taishang is really popular! Invincible! Strongest!

Immediately, the calamity clouds in the sky dispersed, Luo Li slowly fell, and he was promoted to the realm of Hedao!

The outer disciples of Hunyuan Sect immediately cheered and jumped, extremely happy!

The same goes for Qingzhumei and the others. They immediately gathered around to congratulate Luo Li.

Luo Li looked at his hands and was extremely happy. At this point, there is no distinction between Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hands and Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hands. They are all a kind of real fire, Yuanshi Taishang True Fire!

Qingzhumei asked: "Congratulations, sect master, congratulations, sect master, sect master, what kind of avenue have you mastered?"

Luo Li replied proudly: "Yuanshi Taishang True Fire Avenue!"

Suddenly, a vision happened!

The avenue formed by Luo Li actually began to split!

The merged Primordial Power began to separate little by little, and the Supreme Power also separated!

Luo Li was stunned. What was going on? It is unheard of that after the Tao is combined, the Tao can still be separated? How is this going?

Kaka kaka, kack!

At this point, Luo Li's avenue was actually divided into three. It was no longer the Yuanshi Taishang True Fire Avenue, but Yuanshi Avenue, Taishang Avenue, and the True Fire Avenue!

Luo Li's idea failed. The Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Shou is still the Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Shou, the Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Shou is still the Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Shou. They each return to their own way, just like before.

Luo Li stood here stupidly, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. When they split just now, Luo Li discovered the reason!

Although Luo Li's way of true fire is the way of the origin of the universe, one of the mysteries of heaven and earth, and is supremely powerful, but compared to the power of Yuanshi Taishang, these two ultimate powers of the universe are still far behind.

The so-called Yuanshi Taishang True Fire Way is simply impossible.

This is like putting a cup of sea water in a water cup, which is to promote that the sea has been put into the water cup.

Inserting into the earth is just as ridiculous as shouting, I fucked the earth!

It's ridiculous to think that an earthworm shakes a big tree!

Therefore, my own integration of Yuanshi Taishang True Fire Avenue only succeeded for a moment and lasted for a short period of time!

But this short period of time caused a catastrophe, and even though he survived the catastrophe, the two powerful forces still returned to their own paths.

However, Luo Li was not without gains. At this point, he was promoted to the Hedao realm. After this fusion, although the power of Yuanshi Taishang left, Luo Li used this to master three Hedao heavenly ways at once!

Moreover, Luo Li's True Fire Avenue has become even more refined after this baptism!

At this point, Luo Li has more understanding of the power of the Yuanshi Supreme. These two terrible powers, Luo Li is able to control them with all his strength!

At a critical moment, the three powers can be combined into one. Although it is only for a short moment, it can have the most powerful and invincible power.

However, there is also a disadvantage. The supreme power of Yuanshi, who originally lived in peace and harmony, has a vague feeling of restriction and restrains each other.

After all, they are the most ultimate power in the universe, and they all have their own pride. The more Luo Li masters them, the stronger their exclusivity will be!

However, no matter what, Luo Li has now entered the realm of harmony.

Just as Luo Li and the others were celebrating, there was an old man at the Hunjie Gate in the distance, looking at this place from a distance and exclaiming;

"With such a terrible calamity, it seems that this so-called Hunyuan Sect must be eliminated, otherwise our Hunjie Sect will surely suffer!"

On that distant continent, strong men are also looking towards here!

Countless strong men gave orders!

"Investigate immediately to see where the catastrophe occurred!"

"Who is this person? He is so powerful. Find him immediately!"

"Find him, win him over if you can, but kill him if you can't!"

In the center of the ancient world of spiritual land, in the tall Tianlong City, suddenly a golden dragon statue opened its eyes. This was the arrival of the immortal's thoughts!

In the void not far from Sky Island, the Barefoot Immortal couldn't help but smile.

Luo Li's catastrophe attracted the attention of countless people, and the drama gradually began! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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