Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,422 All Illusions Red Lotus Sky!

This sound is getting closer and closer, as if it has traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers and is coming straight to here!

Among the monks around Luo Li, some looked at Luo Li, then everyone looked at Luo Li, and someone shouted:

"Quickly, abandon the sect!"

"If you don't want to live anymore, don't kill us!"

"That's Xuan Xian. Quick, quick, leave the sect. If you want to die, don't kill us!"

Everyone surrounded Luo Li and yelled, but Luo Li couldn't leave any sect at all. Instead, he sat there grandly, looking at everyone with a smile. ≥

Liu Chunliang on the side picked up the fairy wine on the table and started drinking it. Maybe this was his last sip.

Then I saw a huge finger appear on the nine heavens, which was ten thousand feet in size, and slowly fell down!

Fall towards Lin'an City!

That voice continues!

"You have backbone, you have backbone, you are such an ant, the last dead remnant of the Red Lotus Sect, I will slowly crush you to death!"

Seeing the finger appear, all the guests present screamed, death is right in front of them!

Some people are about to escape, but the entire Tai'an City has been locked by a powerful force and cannot leave at all!

The entire city began to sink slowly under that finger, making a rattling sound under the huge force.

Liu Chunliang let out a long sigh and said: "So that's it, Luo Li, it's you who are here, and the Red Sky Sword Sect is in disaster, so that's what happened!"

Ning Daoren, the leader of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect, yelled: "I am Ning Daozi, the leader of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect. This is the Immortal City of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect. Senior, every injustice has its owner and its debtor has its owner. Senior Liao, you want revenge. We can help you." , Please don’t bring harm to us, senior!”

As soon as he shouted these words, the fingers suddenly stopped, as if he heard Ning Daoren's words.

Then, the voice sneered and replied: "Chixiao Sword Sect. I actually know Fairy Ji from your sect and have a good relationship with her.

However, I am not alive anymore and I can’t care about that much anymore. You should be buried with me and feel honored to be buried with me! "

After that, those huge fingers. It fell again, trying to crush Tai'an City and Luo Li to death!

Among the people in the city, some were crying, some were struggling desperately, and some were trying to escape, but it was all meaningless!

Ning Daoren cried out sadly, this is his home, for his home. For the sake of his relatives, he shouted: "The sword soared in the red sky, and the night frost grew in the purple palace. Thousands of thunders rippled. Thousands of shores extinguished the stream of light."

Disciples of Chixiao, for the sake of our homeland, let’s unite our swords and protect our sect! "

After saying that, he jumped up and his whole body turned into a sword light.

This sword light. It's sparkling, red and dazzling, but it carries an indescribable air of frost!

Following his roar, other Chixiao disciples also shouted:

"The sword rises in the red sky. Night frost arises in the purple palace. Thousands of thunders stir, and thousands of shores extinguish the stream of light."

They all rose up with their swords, and the purple light began to merge. This was the most powerful move of the Chixiao Sword Sect. Thousands of thunders rippled, and thousands of rivers of light were extinguished.

In an instant, the hundreds of disciples of the Red Sky Sword Sect present merged and turned into a sword light. The sword light changed, soared into the air and headed straight for the finger!

Luo Li looked over and saw the Wanzhang finger falling slowly, and then a sword light rose up, responding to the finger.

The fingers were like mountains. Compared with the sword light and the fingers, it was like a toothpick rushing towards the mountain. The two collided in the air!

Boom, those thousands of sword lights were extinguished in just a flash!

The finger was not affected at all and continued to fall. Ning Daoren and other Chixiao disciples were all turned into flying ashes.

The fingers continued to fall, and soon reached the sky above Tai'an City, pressing on the city's defensive air shield. With a bang, all the air shields shattered, and they were about to crush Luo Li. Luo Li would definitely die.

At this moment of life and death, a Sanskrit sound sounded between heaven and earth!

"In the earthly furnace, all living beings attract the fire of karma. There are many fears of life and death, and life is endangered by the morning dew. If the white head is seen for the first time, the beauty is gone. The red lotus once appears, and in the third life, the red lotus karma fire..."

On the nine heavens, a huge flaming lotus appeared!

The owner of the finger in the void laughed wildly and said: "Old Honglian, you can't hold back, you have crossed the line, and you will definitely die!

Okay, okay, I've avenged myself, let's die together! "

The fingers were about to speed up and grind Luo Li into powder. At this moment, the lotus bloomed. With the blooming, the huge fingers suddenly burned. The powerful Xuanxian who had just shocked everyone was in this fierce fire. , turned into ashes!

Everyone was stunned. Looking over, the Xuanxian of the Liao family was completely refined in the fierce fire, turned into fly ash, and died!

Then the fire lotus flashed in the void, and Luo Li disappeared without a trace. Along with the fire lotus, it also disappeared without a trace!

Luo Li was instantly absorbed into the flaming lotus, and saw a person sitting in the lotus!

This person is like a blazing red lotus, with flying flames, endless fire, and endless raging fire. If you look at it, it can turn people into flying ashes.

He looked at Luo Li and said, "I didn't expect that our Red Lotus Sect would encounter a great disaster today, and many of our disciples would be wiped out. But there is still one person who would rather die than retreat from the sect. God will not destroy our Red Lotus Sect!"

Is this person the ancestor of the Spirit Immortal Red Lotus? Luo Li immediately saluted and said, "I've met my ancestor!"

Ancestor Honglian didn't even look at Luo Li and said: "I, Honglian, have spent my whole life just to regain the great cause of my immortal clan and rescue the ancestor back to the world. It's a pity that my efforts failed. I didn't expect this Liao family puppy to be so strong." , broke through the spiritual earth world, attracted the attention of the immortal world, saw through my disguise, and severely injured me.

So it’s better to die than to save you, the root of our Red Lotus Sect, and regain the great cause of our Immortal Clan!

Child, are you the descendant of the fairy clan? "

Luo Li was stunned, what kind of immortal clan, isn't it an immortal? How to create a fairy clan? What's the meaning?

Ancestor Honglian glanced at Luo Li, and then said: "The true fire of the universe is full of meaning, hiding the five elements, and the moral heart is so obvious, I know, you must be a descendant of Taixu Daode's lineage, good boy!

May I have your name? "

Luo Li replied: "Disciple, my name is Luo Li!"

The ancestor of Honglian said: "Okay, Luo Li, are you willing to inherit the legacy of my immortal clan and save the ancestor of my immortal clan, Honglian Sect, Du'e Honglian, from danger?"

Luo Li was stunned. Said: "Ancestor, this, this, I just joined the Red Lotus Sect not long ago and I don't know anything. Ancestor, aren't you the Ancestor of the Honglian Sect?"

Ancestor Honglian let out a sigh of relief. Said: "I have been seriously injured. Fortunately, the powerful man maintains his identity and cannot kill me with one blow, so he will not give me a second blow!

Time is running out. To make a long story short, our Red Lotus Sect originally had a supreme ancestor, Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal Due Honglian!

Du'e Honglian had been promoted to the realm of Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal in the ancient immortal world era. Eternal and immortal, even though it is framed and imprisoned by traitors, it will remain immortal even if it lasts for hundreds of millions of years.

The meaning of my existence as a disciple of the Red Lotus Sect is to break the prison set by Yu Zecheng of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, save the founder from danger, and restore the glory of our immortal clan! "

Luo Li heard this. Suddenly shocked, Xuanyuan Sword Sect Yu Zecheng? So why is Du'e Honglian actually the enemy of the Emperor of Heaven? this. this……

He said stupidly: "Xuanyuan Sword Sect Yu Zecheng? Patriarch, is this, is this too difficult?"

Patriarch Honglian said: "Don't worry, when the Xuanyuan Sword Sect ascended, the Patriarch took this opportunity. He finally escaped from the prison, but he was still locked up.

As long as we find the trapped object, we can rescue the Patriarch!

Over the years, I have searched all over the world and originally thought it was the treasure of the Liao family. It's a trapped thing. You have to go through so much hard work to get this treasure, but who would have known that it's not the case!

I didn’t expect that this Liao family puppy would be so strong, break through the spiritual earth realm, attract the attention of the immortal world, and inflict heavy damage on me! "

At this point, Luo Li noticed that the fire on the Red Lotus Ancestor began to weaken, and his human form was about to dissipate.

This ancestor of Honglian is going to die soon!

He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Younger disciple Luo Li, listen to me!

Are you willing to inherit the legacy of my Red Lotus Sect, save the founder of my Red Lotus Sect, Du'e Honglian, and then use the power of my Immortal Clan to exterminate the human race?

As long as you inherit my legacy, this, give it to you, this is all my legacy, my blessed land of Red Lotus World, and the way to find the ancestor of my sect, take this treasure, and inherit the cause and effect of my Red Lotus Sect! "

After saying that, a brilliance appeared in his hand. This was his fairyland, which contained all his inheritance!

Luo Li was stunned. This will is to save my ancestor of the Red Lotus Sect, Du'e Honglian, and then use the power of my immortal clan to exterminate the human race.

If you inherit it yourself, you can get the inheritance of a fairy, but you must make such an oath.

In the end, inheritance or not?

Suddenly, a sentence sounded in Luo Li's ears:

"Beep beep, beep beep, discoverer, this warrior is asking you, whether you will always be a human race at any time, and will not become a pawn of other alien races, oppressing the human race, and stand up when the alien races invade the human race. , to protect the human world?”

This was the oath Luo Li made back then, and only then did he obtain the three major formless magic arts!

This voice suddenly sounded, like a warning, like a reminder!

Luo Li smiled and immediately knew what choice he should make!

But in this situation, he had no choice but to remain silent and delay.

Patriarch Honglian was about to say something else, when suddenly a white light flashed and a figure appeared here.

This man's feet were bare, and they were huge, three feet long!

He shouted: "I've been away for a while, but such a big trap has appeared. What can't you think of? You're really looking for death!"

I am the Earth Immortal Barefoot Immortal who is the guardian of the Spiritual Earth and the Great Desolate Realm. Who is that? You and that guy who died just now violated the rules of the Immortal Realm and entered the Spiritual Earth and Desolate Realm. The rules were reversed and you burned your body with fire. You should commit suicide, right? , to avoid pain! "

This Barefoot Immortal is the guardian of the spiritual earth and the wild world. He appears here to maintain order.

Patriarch Honglian sighed, looked at Luo Li, and said, "Luo Li, Luo Li, are you willing to inherit the legacy of my Red Lotus Sect and get my immortal treasure?"

In his expectant eyes, Luo Li shook his head and said: "Grandmaster Honglian, I'm sorry, I can't accept this treasure of yours!

I am Luo Li of the human race. Even if I become an immortal, I am also an immortal Luo Li. I will not use the power of the immortal race to exterminate the human race! "

Hearing Luo Li's words, Honglian Patriarch looked at Luo Li stupidly, roared suddenly, and was about to pounce on Luo Li.

But the Barefoot Immortal was here, and he was too weak to move. Finally, he roared angrily, and with one slap, his immortal blessed land with countless treasures was shattered into pieces, and all the treasures were turned into ashes.

Then his body suddenly burned and turned into ashes! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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