Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,423 Rebuilding the Hunyuan Sect in the Immortal Realm!

Seeing the Red Lotus Ancestor turned into ashes, Luo Li was stunned and sighed. It was a pity.

There must be countless good things in the ancestor's fairyland, but it was a pity. I can't break my oath and exterminate the human race for those things.

Seeing the Red Lotus Ancestor turned into ashes, the barefoot immortal also sighed and said: "He is also a figure, but it's a pity that he has been practicing hard for more than 100,000 years and turned into ashes!"

The barefoot immortal shook his head again and said: "They are all crazy. As an immortal, he actually entered the Lingtu Honghuang Realm in his true body. This place is restricted by many Daluo Hunyuan Jinxian. Below the Jinxian, except for the guardian, entering this place will collapse the immortal path and die."

He seemed to sigh, and seemed to be completing some ritual, and finally said: "Okay, The case of breaking in was confirmed. Xuanxian Liao Jun entered the Lingtu Honghuang Realm because of hatred, killed 317,654 people of the Red Lotus Sect, destroyed the mountain gate of the Red Lotus Sect, and the immortal building collapsed. Nothing existed.

Honglian, the spiritual immortal of the Red Lotus Sect, returned to the Lingtu Honghuang Realm to protect the sect and kill Xuanxian Liao Jun, but because he violated the immortal rules, he collapsed and died!

All the parties died, so far, the case is closed! "

After saying that, a fairy seal appeared in his hand, and he pressed it against the void, and suddenly a ray of light flashed!

This barefoot immortal didn't know that the Red Lotus Patriarch had been severely injured before returning and was about to die, so he closed the case so hastily.

There is also another possibility that he knew it clearly and did it on purpose to save trouble. It's better to have less trouble than more. It's better not to get involved in some things!

Then he looked at Luo Li, frowned and said: "Your name is Luo Li? Let me see, huh?

You are the only survivor of the Red Lotus Sect, an inner sect disciple. Good boy, when Liao Jun came here, all 2,263 outer disciples of the Red Lotus Sect left the sect, but you did not leave, you have backbone. Boy, it seems that the Red Lotus Sect has only you left, you are honored to be promoted to the leader of the Red Lotus Sect and control the Red Lotus Sect!"

Instantly, Luo Li's identity nameplate changed, from the original inner sect disciple of the Red Lotus Sect to the leader of the Red Lotus Sect!

The barefoot immortal said to Luo Li: "According to the regulations, your Red Lotus Sect no longer has any immortals, and will automatically fall to the fifth level of the lower realm sects!

If your sect does not produce a mysterious immortal or three spiritual immortals within three hundred years, it will completely fall out of the ranks of the lower realm sects and become a wild sect of scattered cultivators.

During this three hundred years, your sect will enjoy the treatment of a fifth-level sect. Every year, your sect will be given five opportunities to shape the prototype of the fairyland. In addition, you can purchase various immortal resources from all walks of life in the fairy world, and you can also participate in various activities organized by all walks of life in the fairy world. In addition, your sect can hold an ascension meeting to recruit disciples. In short, a fifth-level sect can The treatment you enjoy. All your sects have it! "

Luo Li nodded immediately after hearing this. Suddenly, he had an idea and said:

"Barefoot Immortal, now I am the only one left in the Red Lotus Sect. The sect has been completely destroyed. I have nothing but this reputation. The Red Lotus Sect has countless enemies. If they know that I want to revive the Red Lotus Sect, they will definitely destroy it. Please help me, Immortal!"

Barefoot Immortal nodded after hearing what Luo Li said, and said, "It makes sense. How do you want to deal with it?"

Luo Li said, "I want to change the name of the sect to avoid enemies! When the time is right in the future, I will change the sect back!"

Change it back? How is it possible! Maybe in the next life!

Luo Li's heart was pounding, looking forward to the answer of the barefoot immortal!

The barefoot immortal thought for a moment and said, "That's fine. Three hundred years will pass in a flash anyway. If the sect cannot produce a Xuanxian or three Xuxian, no matter what the name is, it will be cancelled.

However, the sect changes, and the poem name must also change. This poem name is very important. You must think it through and don't just pick it randomly!"

Luo Li immediately said, "Let's call it Hunyuan Sect. The poem name is, one qi gives birth to all things, and Hunyuan breaks the universe!"

The barefoot immortal frowned and said, "It seems that you have been prepared for a long time. Okay, let's call it Hunyuan Sect!

Strange, I seem to have heard of this sect's name. It seems that the immortals used it before. world existed?" As he spoke, he began to operate, and took out the immortal seal, which was a seal, and said: "Okay, the Red Lotus Sect has changed its name, and is now called the Hunyuan Sect. The sect's poem is: One Qi creates all things, Hunyuan breaks the universe! Sect Master Luo Li, nothing else! No resources, no classics, the sect is destroyed, and the ancestor is dead! You are the only one left, alas, it's still a level 5 sect, too pitiful, forget it, I will help you, and give you a temporary mountain gate. "After speaking, the barefoot immortal waved his hand, and a map appeared in front of Luo Li, which was the world map of the Lingtu Honghuang Realm. Luo Li looked at it and saw that the world was divided into 81 regions. The nine counties and 39 prefectures on the north bank and the North Sea region where the Red Lotus Sect was located all belonged to one of them. On this map, there are thousands of red dots. The barefoot immortal said: "These red dots are all spiritual places of heaven and earth, with at least one small spiritual vein, and they are not occupied by anyone. You can choose one at will to build a sect station. In the future, if you want to build a fairyland, you can draw from these spiritual veins to build a Taoist temple!" Luo Li nodded and said, "Thank you for your guidance!" Looking over, he saw countless red dots, thousands of them. Luo Li was immediately confused. He looked at the barefoot immortal and said again: "Immortal, I really don't know how to choose, please help me!

If the Immortal helps me, I will always remember the Immortal's kindness. If I can ascend to the Immortal Realm in the future, I will definitely thank you handsomely! "

The Barefoot Immortal looked at Luo Li and said, "Everyone gave up the sect, but you didn't give up. Loyal and righteous man, okay, I'll help you!

Go ahead, you make a request, I'll help you choose!"

Luo Li said, "First, avoid the North Bank area!"

Here, the Yun'an Sect is eyeing us covetously, the farther the better!

The Barefoot Immortal nodded, stretched out his hand, and half of the red dots on the map disappeared!

Luo Li said again, "It's best not to be a dead place, not too dangerous and chaotic, but it's best to have a wild forest, and not too desolate, so that we can find treasures and get resources in the wild forest, and we can also go to other people's immortal cities to buy and sell supplies!"

The red dot disappeared half again!

Luo Li said again, "It's best not to be near a large sect, otherwise, near those large sects, they will definitely bully...'

The red dot disappeared again!

Finally, there were only three left, and the barefoot immortal said, "You choose!"

Luo Li looked over and saw a Miao Wu area, where there were Wu people, close to the Bowang wilderness, which was a cliff. One was in the South China Sea area, close to the open sea area, but also near the sea, which was an island.

The other one was the underground world, in a huge cave, the underground capital.

When Luo Li saw this, he immediately chose the South China Sea area, which was somewhat similar to the Chunan area of ​​the Hunyuan Sect in the past.

And above the sea, there are rich resources, and the underwater world is mysterious!

Luo Li nodded and said, "Thank you, Immortal. This is it. South China Sea area!"

The barefoot immortal said, "Okay, I'll take you there!

By the way, all the books of your Red Lotus Sect have been destroyed. I have a suggestion for you. You can contact Yuxiao Xianhai and say that I introduced you. They will directly give you a first-level membership, so that you don't have to accumulate resources for a long time and be exploited and oppressed by them!

Although Yuxiao Xianhai does not have the resources of other Xianhai big shops, it is the only unique secret method of cultivating immortals, so that you will have no way forward and it will be difficult to make progress!

However, the law is not passed on easily. These various secret methods are very expensive. You must be mentally prepared!"

Luo Li said, "Thank you for your guidance, senior!"

In an instant, the space flashed, and Luo Li appeared on an island.

This island was in a mess. It seemed that there were countless buildings here before, but those buildings have been shattered.

Especially on the other side of the island, there is a straight cliff, as if it was cut open by someone.

The barefoot immortal said: "This is it. This is the contract document for this place. From now on, this place belongs to you!

Thirty feet below the main hall, there is a spiritual eye of the earth vein. There is a low-level spiritual vein there. You can build a spiritual building and absorb spiritual energy.

This is the method of building the altar of the fairyland. After it is built, you can contact the fairyland, and then the fairyland will give you the method of the prototype of the fairyland. You can put this altar into the fairyland to prevent it from being occupied by others. You..."

Just when the barefoot immortal was talking non-stop!

Beside the two of them, there were two others, smiling at them, but Luo Li and the barefoot immortal could not see each other!

One of them laughed and said, "Brother Zecheng, look, I promised you to rebuild the Hunyuan Sect, and it has been completed!"

Another person shook his head and said, "Brother Chenglan, you are too lazy. I promised Xiaoya to rebuild the Hunyuan Sword Sect for her in the fairy world, but you created a Hunyuan Qi Sect for me!"

That person was the Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal Cheng Lan. He laughed and said, "Brother Zecheng, it's just one word. Look, how interesting!

I didn't exert any power behind the scenes. Everything was up to fate. This young man is just a great opportunity to rebuild the Hunyuan Sect step by step!

If you really want the Hunyuan Sword Sect, then I will give him the opportunity of the Hunyuan Sword Sect!"

Another person shook his head and said: "No, I never thought that the first batch of small worlds we built back then would reconnect with the fairy world and ascend to become a fairy!

Let's not change his fate, let it be, let's see how far he can go!

Do you feel that looking at him is like the feeling of you and I working hard to cultivate the fairy world?

I have a feeling that the fairy world seems to have reached a time of change again, and his appearance is the seed of change in this world!"

Cheng Lan laughed and said, "Okay, you are the leader of Xuanyuan Sword Sect, you are the invincible Yu Zecheng, I listen to you, let it be, young man, don't let us down!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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