Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,421 The disciples of Red Lotus have backbone!

The two sat there, and Luo Li listened as Liu Chunliang began to introduce the many heroes present one by one.

This Mahayana celebration of Ning Taoist was really attended by many heroes, including more than ten first-class sects.

Liu Chunliang kept talking eloquently!

"In our world of spiritual earth, the first-class sects are the top 108. These sects at least have lower courtyards in other small worlds, and there are flying immortals in the sects, otherwise they would not be able to become the first-class sects at all. First class sect.

The second-class sects are from 108 to 365. If you want to become a second-class sect, there will be earth immortals in the sect.

The third-level sect is from 366 to the back. There is no specific numerical limit for this, but there must be a spirit immortal in the sect. If there are three or more spirit immortals, they can compete for the position of the second-level sect.

In fact, your Red Lotus Sect has the ancestor of the Red Lotus. He is a spiritual immortal and should be regarded as a third-class sect.

But apart from your ancestors, there are no immortals in the Red Lotus Sect. It has been three thousand years since your Red Lotus Sect gave birth to an immortal. This is a single-root grass phenomenon, which is the most taboo in the immortal world, so it is also considered as the fourth level for you.

If your sect has one more Xuxian, it will be a third-class sect. However, I heard that your Red Lotus Sect has become stronger in the past thousand years. Now there are twelve Mahayana. I can’t see that in three hundred years, a Xuxian will be born. Then you will be happy!"

Luo Li chuckled and didn't answer. What about the Red Lotus Sect? Don't worry about Luo Li's business!

Liu Chunliang continued: "The fourth-class sect is a sect that must have Xuanxian in charge. If there are three Xuanxian, it can also be counted as a third-class sect.

Our fifth-level sect is the sect with only three Void Immortals or above, and our sect is the worst. There are only three Void Immortals. If one ancestor dies in the immortal world, our sect will become a wild cultivator. If no Void Immortals are born in three hundred years, the final encouragement period will have passed. We died miserably! ":

While the two were chatting, the master Ning Daoren, who was sitting in the hall, suddenly stood up and walked excitedly outside.

Liu Chunliang said: "Ah, a big guest is here. I'm so excited that I went straight out to greet him!"

Luo Li nodded and saw it!

After a while, Taoist Ning welcomed a few people in. The leading people were all wearing Yun'an robes.

These few people, whose highest state is no more than a body, were allowed to sit in the first place by Ning Dao Ren. They swaggered and looked extremely majestic!

Luo Li felt a chill in his heart, come on, enemies are gathering together!

Liu Chunliang said: "Ah. It turns out to be a major sect in the immortal world. This is the Yun'an sect of the middle sect. It's rare, it's rare!

This Yun'an sect has the existence of a golden immortal! Moreover, the two hundred and sixty-seven immortal realms under his sect formed the Sea of ​​Clouds Immortal Realm, which was extremely tyrannical! "

Luo Li asked hesitantly: "There is a golden immortal at the middle gate of the immortal world? What about the upper gate?"

Liu Chunliang said: "Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

The supreme being in the fairy world. If there is no Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal sitting in the door, what is the door visit?

In these years, under the Heavenly Emperor Yu Zecheng, the Sword Emperor Yu Qingcheng, the Lord of Creation. Under the governance of more than a dozen immortal Qin commanders, the immortal world will expand infinitely, and Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal will surely come to visit! "

Yu Zecheng? Luo Li was stunned. He seemed to have heard this name before. The Daluo Hunyuan Jinxian Chenglan who taught the law in his sect seemed to be Yu Zecheng's junior brother?

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "By the way, do you know that Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal became blue?"

Liu Chunliang heard this and said, "Don't you know? Chenglan, the ninety-ninth great Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal of the Hunyuan Sect, is known as the ancestor of the Yuye Immortal. It is said that the Yuye Immortal Domain in the current immortal world is more than a thousand immortal worlds. It was created by him!

However, as early as 36 million years ago, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect had ascended collectively to a higher latitude world, and the entire sect's nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine immortal realms flew away from the immortal world together!

Moreover, those who ascend are the essence, leaving at least hundreds of immortal realm legacies, such as the Rainy Night Immortal Realm and so on, all left by the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

They set a precedent for ascension in the immortal world. Although their descendants have also ascended, they are not as grand as the Xuanyuan Sword Sect!

The Lord of Creation, who has always aimed at the Emperor of Heaven, implemented the mixed-blood human race policy, diluted the Immortal Qin title system, and made the Immortal Realm extremely powerful. In the end, it only gathered 3,666 Immortal Realm Ascension, and it was still Just make do and leave no legacy! "

When Luo Li heard this, he was stunned. Thirty-six million years ago? No, Hunyuan Sect was only born 120,000 years ago? This time difference is too big, isn’t it!

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Why so many years? I remember the ancestor told us the story of the Emperor of Heaven and others, it seems that it happened hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

Liu Chunliang thought for a while and said: "By the way, your Red Lotus Sect's ancestor ascended from the lower world!

Their lower realm should have been cut off from the fairy world. As long as it is cut off from the fairy world, time will not be equal. Have you not heard the legend that one day in the sky will last a thousand years on earth?

But that’s not right. Thirty-six million years is like hundreds of thousands of years. The time is not equal, unless it was the small human world built by the Immortal Emperor and others in the era of great development of the Immortal World! "

Hearing what Liu Chunliang said, Luo Li hurriedly changed the subject and asked again: "What is the current form of Xian Qin and what is the title of Xian Qin?"

Liu Chunliang said: "Our Immortal Realm is collectively known as the Immortal Qin Empire. However, that is the old lunar calendar. After the Lord of Creation succeeded to the position of Immortal Emperor, he vigorously developed the hybrid human race, expanded the scope of control of the Immortal Realm, and diluted the centralization and unification of the Immortal Qin. Implement the senate system, hold democratic elections, and abolish aristocratic rule, so now the title of Xian Qin is an honor, and the aristocracy is not a source of income!"

Having said this, Luo Li understood that it turned out that the Zhongtian Lord World should be the small world originally developed in the era of Immortal Emperor Yu Zecheng. At least Sword Emperor Yu Qingcheng personally went down to the world to establish the Taibai Sword Sect.

Later, during the crisis of Xian Qin, the cosmic star sea suddenly lost contact with the fairy world. In the world of Zhongtian Lord, it was only a few hundred thousand years. In the fairy world, 36 million years have passed. Xuanyuan Sword Sect and others have already ascended. , left the fairy world.

Luo Li was speechless when he heard the news.

Suddenly, he thought that if he ascended here, his master would ascend here. It's already thousands of years, tens of thousands of years later?

Probably not, now it is connected to the fairy world, and the time is equal!

Just when Luo Li was thinking wildly, another person walked in outside, it was the ascended colleague Shen Beihu. He is also wearing Yun'an's robe!

When he came here, he went straight to the people of Yun'an Sect, talking in a low voice...

Liu Chunliang was stunned and said: "Mongrel beasts! What is this Yun'anzong doing? Mixed-blood beasts without refined blood are all admitted to the Lower House. Are they crazy?

Let me see what they are talking about! "

After saying that, Liu Chunliang was in a trance. It’s like reading lips!

Then he said softly: "Among the guests... below, none... found... Luo Li, he... is no longer here!"

Then he was startled, looked at Luo Li, and said, "No, they seem to be looking for you!"

In the fairy world, appearance is completely meaningless and can change. It all depends on vitality locking. When Luo Li ascended, he did not refine the identity jade slip. So there are no traces of vitality left.

The only people who had seen him were a few ascended colleagues, Zhang Tianshi and four others. Two of them had been killed by Luo Li, so the ascended colleague Shen Beihu took advantage. Because he had met Luo Li and could identify Luo Li's vitality, he took this opportunity to join the lower court of Yun'an Sect.

Later, the sect vigorously hunted Luo Li, but failed to find him, so Dang Neng left. He gradually gave up chasing Luo Li, but Shen Beihu did not forget it.

At this point, he deliberately walked around and searched among the ordinary guests, hoping to find Luo Li and claim credit.

Fortunately, Luo Li was in this hall, and everyone in the hall was a respectable person, so he didn't expect it!

Liu Chunliang read the sentence and read that the other party was looking for Luo Li. He was shocked!

Luo Li was still shocked and said: "What Luo Li, maybe he has the same name!"

Liu Chunliang said: "Whatever, let's go. It's better to be careful. You still owe me three big meals!"

After speaking, he secretly put away the delicacies in front of his table.

Luo Li also slowly lowered his head, it was better to escape.

At this moment, Shen Beihu suddenly looked here, and his eyes widened suddenly. He saw Luo Li at a glance and couldn't believe it!

He stood up suddenly and was about to say something. Luo Li's heart suddenly jumped wildly, danger!

At this moment, a bang sounded!

With this loud noise, the whole world was shaking, and everything in the hall was trembling.

Some people fell down all of a sudden, and Shen Beihu, who stood up, immediately turned into a meat ball and rolled far away.

Luo Li shouted: "What's wrong? The earth cow turned over?"

Liu Chunliang was shocked and said: "No, no, it's the immortals who have entered the world. Crazy, crazy, the immortals forced their way into our world of earth spirits. This is seeking death!"

At this moment, a voice came from the sky, spreading throughout the entire spiritual land!

"Ancestor Honglian, you shameless old man, you only want to seize the immortal treasure, destroy my clan, destroy my immortal mansion, and kill my whole family!

If I fight you, I won’t survive anyway! You can destroy my Immortal Mansion and destroy my Liao family, then I will destroy your Red Lotus lineage, cut off your sect’s ancestral court, and kill all your Red Lotus Sect disciples! "

Liu Chunliang was shocked again: "This, this is the Xuanxian Liao Jun, the Xuanxian of the Liao family's cultivating immortal family. It turns out that the Red Lotus Sect was responsible for the destruction of the Liao family!"

Crazy, crazy, the ancient realm of spiritual earth is the cradle of immortals, and those below the golden immortal will be killed if they enter! "

The world continues to tremble. This is a strange phenomenon caused by the entry of Xuanxian into the world.

Liu Chunliang was shocked, looked at Luo Li, and said: "No, no, hurry up, brother Luo Li, leave the Red Lotus Sect quickly!

The other party wants to destroy the Honglian sect, but he is a Xuanxian who has access to Xuanli. If you don’t leave, you will be dead! "

When Luo Li heard this, he quickly called up his identity plate and wanted to leave the Red Lotus Sect!

But the identity of the inner disciple of the Red Lotus Sect does not change at all!

Liu Chunliang was dumbfounded and said: "Ah, after my Yi Li Xiaoya Zong forged his identity, he will disappear for at least a day and a night!

I'm sorry, brother Luo Li, I hurt you! "

At this moment, the voice continued to sound!

"It's so happy, it's so happy, the Red Lotus Sect is destroyed, the mountain gate is shattered, the ancestral court disappears, and not a single one of the 300,000 disciples is left. They are all dead. It's so happy, so happy!"

There is endless joy in the words!

Suddenly, the sound got louder and louder!

"Hey, there is actually a dead leftover. He would rather die than leave the Red Lotus Sect. Good job. He has backbone and backbone. I like it. Then go to hell!"

That voice is coming straight here!


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