Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1421: Seeing him entertaining guests, seeing his building collapse!

Luo Li also sent congratulatory gifts.

It was also the Lingxi soil. There were more than fifty kilograms of Lingxi soil left in the storage ring. Luo Li took out three kilograms and gave it as a congratulatory gift.

The steward at the door rolled his eyes and glanced at Luo Li and Liu Chunliang, knowing that they were two poor people.

However, the Red Sky Sword Sect ranks 196th among the lower realm sects in the prehistoric realm of the spiritual land and enjoys the treatment of the second-level lower realm sects, so it can naturally withstand these autumn winds.

He said disdainfully: "Two congratulatory gifts, two guests, fourth-class table seats, please come in!"

This Scarlet Sky Sword Sect is a flowing banquet that entertains guests from all over the world. As long as you have gifts, even a spiritual bead, you can have a feast.

Of course, if you get one spirit bead as a gift, the banquet you eat cannot be compared with the banquet you get ten spirit beads.

No one is a fool, so naturally there will be comings and goings.

The fourth-class banquet was for guests like Luo Li, who took three kilograms of Lingxi soil, equivalent to twenty or thirty Lingzhu.

Just like that, Liu Chunliang took Luo Li inside. Under the guidance of others, he came to the fourth-class table and sat down to wait for the food.

The fourth-class table seats are only slightly better than the fifth-class table seats. When ten people are gathered together, the food is served.

However, this dish is quite tough, with four cold dishes, ten meat dishes, and four bowls of soup, including a snake soup. The snake soup contains endless fairy energy, but it is a pity that it only costs ten yuan, one piece for each person. Luo Li took a bite. He was stunned for a moment and said:

"Good guy, this immortal energy is equivalent to at least twenty immortal beads!"

Liu Chunliang said: "Of course, this is a specialty of the thirty-seven spiritual buildings in Tai'an Mansion, the famous Blood Spirit Snake.

It is said that Tai'anzi killed three rebellious snake immortals in the Jiuqu Linglong Realm who fled to the Great Desolate Realm of Spiritual Earth. The Golden Snake Immortal in the Jiuqu Linglong Realm rewarded the spiritually built blood snake well, which can produce twelve snakes every three days. Spirit snake, a spirit snake is worth five hundred fairy beads!

pity. The most celestial part of this snake soup, the courage, has been taken away! "

Luo Li nodded, and Liu Chunliang introduced again: "Look at the boots on the feet of these disciples of the Red Sky Sword Sect, they are all low-grade immortal weapons, and they are also the specialty of spiritual construction, Tai'an cloth.

This spiritual building has a mulberry forest. A kind of mulberry bark can be produced, which can be used to weave cloth into Taian cloth and then make boots, which is most suitable.

Tai'an boots made of this cloth have the magical effect of walking freely on thin ice, which is the low-level magical effect of trapped immortals and greasy magic. They can easily break through the Ice and Earth Technique and the Skynet Technique!

This pair of Tai'an boots, even though they are mid-level immortal weapons, have at least three thousand spirit beads in them. They look good when you wear them! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Good stuff!"

Liu Chunliang said: "Brother, just follow me. After this banquet, I will help you get a pair of Taian boots. But you can treat me to three big meals!"

Luo Li said: "No problem, it's a joke!"

After the two of them finished eating, they left and returned to the inn, where Liu Yu was already waiting.

With Liu Chunliang, Liu Yu is no longer needed. Luo Li paid the bill and Liu Yu left gratefully.

Just like that, the next day, the two went to eat and drink again.

As long as you get a gift, you can eat for three days. So they can continue to eat!

Luo Li just wanted to get acquainted with Liu Chunliang, and then came the next most critical question, where to buy the magic secret book!

Luo Li went around this city. Although there were many bookstores selling various magic secrets, the so-called magic secrets in them were all mainland goods, full of flaws and worthless.

When he arrived here the next day, Liu Chunliang was suddenly stunned and said:

"It's strange. In the past, I thought that Tai'an Mansion was a place of good fortune and good fortune.

It was still the same yesterday, but why has this fate changed today?

It's only been a day, what happened? "

Luo Li naturally asked: "What kind of luck?"

Liu Chunliang said: "Our Yili Xiaoya Sect doesn't have much fighting power, but the only thing we have is that we can watch our luck and luck!

Avoid evil and seek good luck, and save yourself!

It was fine here yesterday, but today the luck here has changed, and it seems like disaster will happen soon.

Could it be that some terrible disaster is coming? No way? "

Luo Li couldn't help but nod, and when he suddenly heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but take a breath of air, and then said:

"What kind of evil star?"

Liu Chunliang laughed and said: "Yes, yes, how is it possible? The so-called evil star is just a rumor. The evil star only happens once every ten thousand years. The evil star has not appeared for tens of millions of years. How is it possible!

Go, go, have a big meal and go back to practice! "

This day I had another big meal and then went back to rest.

The third day, this day is the official day of the Red Sky Sword Sect’s grand ceremony!

On this day, he went to eat for nothing again, but Liu Chunliang was dressed differently from before. He was wearing a scholar's robe and his breath was calm. It was completely different from the previous two days.

He brought Luo Li here and entered the fourth-class seat according to yesterday's steps. However, this time he did not sit down to eat. Instead, he pulled Luo Li to stand up and quietly walked in the inner palace of the Chixiao Sword Sect in Tai'an Prefecture.

After turning three times and five times, advancing seven times and retreating eight times, he came to a palace wall. He touched it gently and said:

“The Master said: If a good dog doesn’t block the road, drive away!”

Suddenly the wall of the mansion shook, and he led Luo Li through the wall and came to the other side of the wall.

When he got here, Liu Chunliang gasped for air. The spell just now consumed a lot of his energy. It took him a long time to recover and said:

"Okay, let's get over it!"

Luo Li asked hesitantly: "Where is this place?"

Liu Chunliang said: "Second-class banquet place! Guests here will be given a return gift when they leave, and that is Tai'an boots!

However, the gifts here are not cheap. We two poor devils can't afford them. Anyway, the Red Sky Sword Sect has a great cause and doesn't care about gifts!

But, brother, you have to do a favor! "

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What's the matter?"

Liu Chunliang said: "Outer disciples do not represent the sect, only inner disciples can represent the sect.

I, the Yili Xiaoya Sect, look down on me at all, but only your Honglian Sect does!

Therefore, I can only help you modify your identity nameplate and replace the outer door with the words inner door, so that you can represent the Red Lotus Sect here to participate in the grand event. They will have face and treat you warmly!

Of course, this is just a lie, fake, and can only last for one day. This is the ancestor of our Yili Xiaoya Sect. It only leaves us with some ability, which can only transform sects below the fourth level! "

Luo Li frowned and said, "So this is your goal! But now that's it, you can only continue!"

Luo Li was not afraid of heaven or earth, but he couldn't get out even though he was here!

He took out his identity plate, Liu Chunliang took a breath, and the identity on the nameplate suddenly changed. Luo Li became an inner disciple of the Red Lotus Sect!

Liu Chunliang was so tired again that he took several pills before he recovered and said: "I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I'm really trying my best!"

After saying that, he walked forward, taking Luo Li with him. Go forward.

As soon as he walked out of several courtyards, someone quietly gathered around him. Someone shouted:

"The guests have stopped, who is coming?"

Liu Chunliang stretched out his hand, measured out his identity plate, and said: "Luo Li of the Red Lotus Sect, and Liu Chunliang of the Yili Xiaoya Sect, are here specially on behalf of their respective sects. Congratulations to the old hero Ning Taoist!

I wish the old hero Ning to ascend as soon as possible, and I wish the Chixiao Sword Sect to be everlasting!

But after we came in, the Tai'an Mansion was too big. I couldn't find the banquet location.

I don’t know where your house arranged for us to go, but the boy who greeted us is also missing! "

Luo Li had to learn from him and show his identity plate!

The other party was stunned, stretched out his hand to explore, and suddenly became happy and said:

"I didn't expect that all the sects from Beihai and Central Plains would come to congratulate me. It's so honorable. It seems that this young man made a mistake. Quick, quick, please come inside!"

After saying that, he sent Luo Li and the two of them into the main hall inside.

This main hall is the real guest hall, a square that can accommodate a thousand people. The core of it is the celebration platform, and outside is a circle of seats that can accommodate a hundred people. This is a first-class banquet for entertaining distinguished guests.

After that, there is a circle of seats that can accommodate thousands of people. This is a second-class banquet to entertain distinguished guests!

Luo Li and Liu Chunliang let in, and the welcoming etiquette shouted loudly:

"Honglian Sect, we have a visitor! I wish the old hero Ning to ascend as soon as possible, and I wish the Chixiao Sword Sect to be everlasting!

Yili Xiaoya Sect, guests are arriving! I wish the old hero Ning to ascend as soon as possible, and I wish the Chixiao Sword Sect to be everlasting! "

This is to add face to today's ceremony. Although the Honglian Sect is only a fourth-level sect and the Yili Xiaoya Sect is a fifth-level sect, they are all sects from other regions, and they have come all the way to give them face.

The two of them were assigned to a seat. Although this seat was towards the back, it was completely made of red sandalwood fairy wood. Here, each person had a set of delicious food!

At the fourth-class banquet, each person only had a small piece of the Blood Spirit Snake, but here, each person had three, and the snake's head and gallbladder were all there.

Liu Chunliang smiled and said: "Brother Luo Li, it's not bad to hang out with me!

Look, this wine is Tiangang wine produced in Chiming Immortal Realm, and these cashew nuts are Lingshan fruits produced in Jiuyuan Immortal Realm. There is no bad thing, and, just wait! "

He left his seat and returned after a while. He handed Luo Li a storage bag and said:

"The specialty of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect, Tai'an boots, in return, a pair of three thousand spirit stones, a profit!"

Luo Li smiled and took it away, and then imitated Liu Chunliang and put it on directly. Immediately the shoes changed with Luo Li's feet and became very heel-like.

At this time, the first guest arrived. Liu Chunliang watched and gave instructions:

"Look at that red-haired Taoist, he is the red-haired ancestor of the first-class sect Chiyan Cave. He has reached the Mahayana and Great Consummation and will ascend soon. It is said that the upper sect has already negotiated an agreement and is just waiting for the ascension to accept it!"

"Look at those four girls again. Yes, yes, the quadruplets are the quadruplets of the Huyan family of the cultivating immortal family. These disciples of the Huyan family were born as either triplets or quadruplets. They are connected in spirit and can improve their realm together. It’s very mysterious!”

"Look at that, the third-class sect Yan Xingzong, their flying escape is famous all over the world!"

"It's strange. According to today's hexagram, the Red Sky Sword Sect will be in bad luck, but it makes no sense at all. How is it possible!

How strange! "

"Forget it, it's none of my business. I watched him build a Zhulou, I watched him entertain guests, and I watched his building collapse! I once slept in this moss-green tile pile..."


The prologue is slowly unfolding, don’t be impatient, the excitement is coming later!

It’s a new month, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket, something will happen! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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