Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,412 The Return from Immortality to Bitao!

Luo Li secretly let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, when he got here, he was extremely careful, pretending to be in the realm of returning to the virtual world, and reshaping his physical body after ascension. His body contained immortal energy, but the other party was unable to discover his true strength and did not take himself seriously. Only then did he avoid disaster.

At this time, Shen Beihu walked past Luo Li, as if he had just accepted a mission. He had made two new friends, both of whom were in the Hedao realm. They were talking and laughing, and passed by Luo Li without even looking at him. Luo Li glanced.

This guy is really ruthless, so fine, I don't care about Luo Li's life or death.

Luo Li shook his head, pretending to check the mission, then kept shaking his head, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said:

"It's too difficult, too dangerous, too dangerous!"

The realm of returning to the void that he displayed can be said to be the lowest among the monks who ascended in Yun'an Jinglei City, at the bottom of the fairy world. The token evaluation does not have the prototype of the fairy realm. The combat potential and quality are evaluated. It's normal to not be able to accept these tasks.

In fact, Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven is in the process of evolving, so the opponent has not discovered the prototype of the Immortal Realm and is hiding his strength. Otherwise, with his peak Guiyuan state, even a powerful Hedao warrior can fight!

Turning around, Luo Li left here and walked around the city a few more times.

He paid careful attention to see if anyone was following him or staring at him. Gradually he was sure that no one was watching him, and Luo Li let out a sigh of relief.

Then Luo Li mingled in Yun'an Jinglei City.

In that city, Luo Li didn't speak easily. He just watched silently, carefully observing, listening to other people's conversations, observing the goods in the shops, and checking out all the scenes.

Careful disguise. Imitating the expressions of everyone in the city, the traces of Zhongtian Lord's world faded little by little, and gradually looking over, Luo Li saw that there was a person from the fairy world.

During this observation, Luo Li discovered that the fairyland was indeed divided into day and night. Shops are also closed one after another.

However, he actually felt tired and sleepy at night and wanted to sleep. Fortunately, there were stone tables and benches everywhere in the city. He found a bench at random and spent the night.

During the day, the shops are open and everything goes as usual. The fairy world is really a good place. The various treasures that are extremely rare in the world of Zhongtian are just mass merchandise here. It's very common, as long as you have fairy beads, you can buy it.

The extremely rare ninth-level magic robes, ninth-level magic weapons, and ninth-level divine swords in the world of Zhongtian Lord are just ordinary items here and can only be regarded as immortal weapons.

This fairy weapon is divided into three levels: low, middle and high. A low-level magic weapon costs about dozens of fairy beads, and a mid-level magic weapon requires hundreds or thousands of fairy beads. As for high-level immortal weapons, only immortal stones can be purchased!

In fact, fairy stones are the currency in the fairy world, and the so-called fairy beads are broken fairy stones. In the prehistoric world of spiritual land, everyone uses fairy beads as the basic currency. The official exchange price is 10,000 fairy beads for one fairy stone. However, in reality, it takes about 12,000 fairy beads to exchange for one fairy stone.

The real good things are fairy treasures. Legend has it that it is also divided into nine levels, but in the entire Yun'an Jinglei City, there are only a few large shops with one or two fairy treasures as the treasures of the store. And they are still first-level immortal treasures.

The ordinary Guiyuan True Self, the Hedao True Spirit, the Royal Envoy's mid-level immortal weapon, and the Mahayana True Sage's high-level immortal weapon are already very good!

In the prehistoric world of spiritual land, only the Mahayana true saints who are about to ascend will spend all their wealth to buy fairy treasures and prepare to keep them for use in the fairy world.

The reason why this world of spiritual land is called this is because most of this world is filled with ancient spiritual land, full of immortal plants, and full of spiritual beasts.

Legend has it that the reason for this is that the immortals in the immortal world deliberately do this. Unlike the monks in the lower world, who enjoy endless prosperity and do not think about cultivation, they are like flowers in the greenhouse, so they deliberately set up this ancient world to train their descendants.

In this wild world of spiritual land, leaving the fairy city and entering the wilderness is very dangerous, but there are also countless opportunities, resources everywhere, and endless spiritual beasts.

Those who work hard here have a bright future!

In fact, this ancient world of spiritual earth is where many great powers in the fairy world open up wasteland and seize land from other big worlds. Those resources that are useless to them are easily integrated into this ancient world of spiritual earth, leaving it to the monks who are cultivating here and preparing for ascension. .

There are even a large number of other alien beings in this ancient world of spiritual land, which were deliberately left behind by the immortals. Being enemies with the human monks is a kind of training.

Moreover, it is said that every ten thousand years, this ancient world of spiritual earth turns things upside down, reshapes the world, and reshuffles the cards to prevent the aristocratic families in the ancient world of spiritual earth from running rampant, occupying resources, and oppressing their descendants.

In addition to these, Luo Li still found that there is one difference between Yun'an Jinglei City and the world of immortals, that is, there are too many rice shops, vegetable shops, and restaurants.

Among the rice shops, there is mainly a kind of fairy rice, three kilograms of which is equivalent to one fairy bead.

Then there are dragon tooth rice, purple spirit rice and other kinds of spiritual rice, but they are all expensive. The vegetable shop sells spiritual grass, spiritual plants, and various spiritual beasts' flesh and blood. There are many customers here, and many monks come here to buy spiritual rice, spiritual plants, and spiritual beasts' flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, with monks coming and going to buy rice and groceries, Luo Li's expression changed slightly. What does this mean?

It represents that the fairy world is different from the human world. In the human world, the true one who has returned to the virtual reality and returned to the original self has long stopped eating the fireworks of the world. In this fairy world, one must still satisfy the appetite and eat.

If I don't eat, will I starve to death? Luo Li doesn't know!

This is no joke, this is the fairy world, everything is enhanced a thousand times, everything is possible.

After feeling this, Luo Li immediately left Yun'an Thunder City.

I don't feel hungry at all now, but as the time of integrating into the fairy world becomes longer, I will definitely be like everyone else. I don't have a fairy bead on my body. By then, in this city, I will

During that observation, Luo Li already knew that there was a Qingyuan Immortal City thousands of miles east of Yun'an Thunder City, and the spiritual rice in Yun'an Thunder City was grown there.

There is an immortal road between the two. Although it passes through the wild land outside Yun'an Jinglei City, there are talismans on the immortal road to suppress it. Wild beasts rarely appear and it is very safe.

Luo Li quietly left Yun'an Jinglei City and walked towards the distance on the immortal road.

After entering the fairy world, Luo Li discovered that although he could also fly, flying consumed a lot of energy, and he could only fly up to ten feet high. If it was any higher, he would fall to the ground when the strong wind in the air blew. In addition, it means that it can fly hundreds of feet away, but its true energy is exhausted.

This flying escape is not as strenuous as walking on the ground.

In fact, this is normal. The world is different from before. If it weren't for Luo Li's Flying Escape, which is the Dharma God's Escape, but the countless fusion essences of the Divine Escape Sect in the Zhongtian Lord World, Luo Li wouldn't be able to escape at all.

But in the final analysis, this divine escape is just a magic in the human world. In this fairy world, it is completely like a small horse and a big cart, that's why it is like this.

However, there was one thing that made Luo Li very happy, and that was the Four-Nine Escape Technique.

Luo Li left Yun'an Jinglei City and used the Four-Nine Escape Technique again and again, gradually realizing the secret. The Four-Nine Escape Technique gave rise to new insights. Although he no longer had the power to escape thousands of miles, and also needed to consume spiritual energy, it still You can easily escape at will within ten feet.

These Four Nine Escape Techniques are originally the secret method of Xian Qin, and the secret method of Xian Qin is the magic of the immortal world, so it is so adapted to the environment here.

However, Luo Li had a feeling that the Four-Nine Escape Technique he had mastered had been simplified and modified in order to be suitable for use in the human world. It should belong to the human version, and there should be other versions in the fairy world.

In addition to the Four Nine Escape Techniques, Luo Li also possesses the Immortal Qin Secret Technique. The mountains are higher than the mountains, and he has also begun to practice. Unfortunately, the large, medium and small Wuxiang completely dissipated during the ascension process and has disappeared, completely lost!

When Luo Li left Yun'an Thunder City, the female cultivator sitting at the reception desk to handle the token for Luo Li suddenly smiled coldly, stood up, and said:

"Senior Brother Zhou An, I have something to do. I want to go out for a while. I'll be back soon. Could you please help me with the shift for a while?"

Another male cultivator, Zhou An, laughed and said, "No!"

The female cultivator was stunned and said, "What do you mean?"

Zhou An said: "Junior sister Zhao Wen, is it the ascended child who left Yun'an Thunder City?

You, you, you still haven't changed your old habits. You hate Senior Brother Li Changhu for taking away your opportunity. Because you are angry and resentful of those who ascended to pure blood, you will kill these ascended pure blood people when you have the chance. "

Zhao Wen, who was told what Zhou An was thinking, suddenly turned gloomy!

Zhou An said again: "This time, I will accompany you, you kill the person, and the body belongs to me!

Although this child is only in the realm of returning to the virtual world and has low potential, he is a pure-blood human race with no foundation, no refining token, and no identity!

So take his blood, refine it, make it into a blood-purifying pill, and sell it to those bastards. You can earn at least fifty or sixty spirit beads!

Anyway, if I stay, I will stay. Although it is not worth a few dollars, it is still an income! "

When the female cultivator Zhao Wen heard this, she just smiled and said, "Okay, let's go together. After a while, he walked away and I lost my senses!"

The male cultivator stood up and said, "Let's go before that pig head Zhang comes back!"

At this time, Luo Li had no idea and continued to move forward, using the Four Nine Escape Technique from time to time, one step at a time, but it consumed too much energy and gave up using it.

After walking for about a hundred miles, Yun'an Jinglei City had disappeared in the distance, leaving only the road underfoot. On the roadside, the forest began to become dense, with countless towering trees spread across the land.

Here Luo Li suddenly felt a strange feeling, that is, hunger in his belly, a feeling he only felt when he was not cultivating immortality, and a feeling he had not felt for many years!

Luo Li shook his head and looked around. He really didn't expect that in the fairy world, everything would return to the past and start all over again.

He continued to move forward, and suddenly, unknowingly, patches of fog began to appear around him, covering the road! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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