Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1413: The clouds on the head are smashed to pieces!

The mist rose and expanded quietly, and Luo Li immediately sensed it.

Although Luo Li is not as powerful as in the Zhongtian Lord World and can sense the world, his instinct is still there, and he immediately knew that there was mist around.

But Luo Li didn't pay attention. He thought this was a natural reaction in the immortal world. Maybe it was like this on the immortal road.

All Luo Li continued to move forward.

However, Luo Li began to be cautious secretly. This mist was hazy and there might be danger in it.

On the immortal road, step by step, two people suddenly appeared in front of them.

Luo Li looked over and saw that it was the two monks who gave him tokens from the Immortal Platform. He frowned and said slowly:

"Two fellow Taoists, blocking the way, what are you doing?"

Zhao Wen looked at Luo Li with a sneer and said, "You bastard who ascended here from the lower world, you should know what we want to do!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, and the surrounding fog dispersed, but a thousand feet away, the fog turned into a circle, surrounding the three of them.

Suddenly Luo Li found that he was already in a deserted forest, and unknowingly left the immortal road.

Luo Li took a long breath and said: "It turns out that the fog is caused by you. There are probably various restrictions on the Immortal Road, so you can't do anything. Use this method to lure me here!"

The mist is vast, like a sea of ​​clouds. The hanging clouds rest on the sails of the sky, falling into the North Sea and breaking through Wanjun Mountain. There are two characters in the fog. It seems that it must be the magic of Yun'an Sect? "

Zhao Wen nodded and said: "Sure enough, all the bastards from the lower world are extraordinary people. No wonder they can take away my immortal fate. Hate, hate, hate!"

She looked at Luo Li hard. But Luo Li could feel that what she was looking at was not him, but someone else. That person might have ascended from the lower world to the immortal world and taken away this girl's destiny, but this girl was no match for that person. So I took it out on the monks from the lower realm who also ascended!

Zhou An said: "Junior sister Zhao Wen, hurry up, this red cloud smoke consumes a lot of real energy, kill him quickly!

By the way, don't damage the body too much, otherwise it will be worthless! "

Zhao Wen walked towards Luo Li and started to spit out cloud energy on her body. The cloud energy transformed around her, turning into twelve magical weapons like flying scythes, which moved with her thoughts.

This is the characteristic of Yun'an Sect's immortal arts. Disciples of this sect are best at moving clouds and energy to transform all things. They can transform into various immortal weapons and treasures that can travel across the world, and they can also be transformed into destructible attacks that can break through the earth.

The ancestors of his sect once transformed into cloud hammers in the fairy world. Destroy Beihai Sect and shatter Beihai Sect's Immortal Gate, Wanjun Mountain. So the poem number in the door is like this.

The twelve flying sickles were hooking towards Luo Li as if they were alive. She was going to torture Luo Li to death here.

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Originally, I thought that the world of immortality was a place where the weak preyed on the strong and was in chaos. I didn't expect that this world of immortality would be even more unbearable!"

After saying that, he clenched his fists with both hands and began to accumulate strength, preparing for a fight!

Zhou An, the male cultivator behind him, laughed. Said: "You are a minor cultivator in the realm of returning to the virtual world. When you come to my immortal world, you have not yet advanced to the realm, and you still want to fight to the death. It is really ridiculous!"

Amidst his laughter, the word Yuanshi appeared on Luo Li's left hand, and the word Taishang appeared on his right hand!

This is a sign that has never appeared in the world of immortality.

It was as if two unknown powers were condensing on Luo Li's hands!

Zhou An was stunned and said: "Junior sister, it seems that this guy has some skills, little..."

Before the word "heart" came out, Luo Li rushed forward in an instant, rushing towards Zhao Wen!

Zhao Wen sneered. In an instant, the six cloud scythes turned into thousands of knife shadows. Repeatedly for an instant, thousands of cloud knives slashed at Luo Li. The cloud scythes transformed.

This is one of the Yun'an Sect's Thirteen Immortal Ways. The magical effect of this method is to turn the energy of clouds and mist into a solid treasure, which is the way to transform the virtual into the real.

The red cloud mist just now is also one of the Yun'an Sect's Thirteen Immortal Ways. This one is to turn the energy of clouds and mist into an illusion, attracting people into the jar without knowing it, and killing people invisible. It is a method of transforming illusions into illusions!

These thousands of cloud knives are not random cuts, but secret methods. Thousands of sword shadows can hit one place, even if you have a mid-level defensive weapon, you can still cut it open.

Ordinary ascended monks who encountered this method would most likely die tragically from the cloud sword, but in the face of these thousands of sword shadows, Luo Li just punched him!

A left fist blow!

The hands of the Qing Dynasty from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty break all laws in the world!

Even though this place is an immortal world and the other party is practicing immortal arts, it is impossible to escape under this hand.

The Yun Dao, which could cut through mid-level defensive immortal weapons, was shaken by a fist and suddenly changed, and then it hit Luo Li.

However, at this moment, their sharpness, which turned into immortal weapons, all disappeared, and they were just ordinary clouds. The clouds were of no use when blowing on Luo Li.

After breaking the spell with one punch, Luo Li rushed towards Zhao Wen and punched out with his left fist!

When Zhao Wen found out that her magic was broken, she was shocked. Her body swayed in an instant, the clouds moved, and she moved away in an instant, retreating thirty feet away!

This is also one of the thirteen immortal ways of the Yun'an Sect. Riding on the mist and soaring into the clouds, using the cloud energy to move and escape, this is the way to escape through virtual transformation!

But Luo Li was chasing after him in an instant. Although he couldn't escape as far as his opponent with the Four-nine Escape Technique, he escaped three times in a row, ten feet, ten feet, ten feet. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of him, and then there was a punch!

Zhao Wen never expected that Luo Li would be in front of her so soon. The punch hit her head immediately, but in an instant, an immortal weapon rose above her neck and turned into a golden shield to protect her body.

This is the life-saving immortal weapon Golden Spirit Shield given to the sect disciples by Yun'an Sect. Yun'an Sect practices the way of cloud energy, but the life-saving immortal weapon given to the disciples is the hardest golden spirit shield among the intermediate immortal weapons, because Yun'an Zong's magic, which uses virtuality as the way and clouds as the law, is too illusory, so the life-saving immortal weapon uses the hardest and most real golden spirit shield.

Make up for the deficiency with reality!

But under Luo Li's punch, the golden spirit shield was like paper, shattering silently!

Taishang Guiyi's Hunyuan hand can destroy all bodies. In this fairy world, he seems to have become more fierce and terrifying!

However, the moment when the golden spirit shield shattered gave Zhao Wen a chance to save her life. Her body suddenly turned into clouds and mist. It was none other than one of the thirteen immortals of Yun'an Sect, Feng Qingyun Dan!

This is Yun'an Sect's life-saving method, turning the body into an illusion. You can avoid life and death, you can hide from powerful enemies, this is the way to transform your life with emptiness!

But Luo Li was determined to kill him when he struck, and he would not hold back at all. He would hit the female cultivator who turned into clouds with his left hand!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty held hands. Break all laws in the world!

That Feng Qingyun Dan was suddenly broken, and the woman turned into cloud state. The spell backfired, and her body immediately shattered and dissipated. The female cultivator died!

With a pop, the cloud energy completely dissipated, and this time the female cultivator turned into cloud energy. Completely transformed, the entire body, body and spirit were destroyed, and was completely transformed into nothingness by Luo Li's punch!

But in that cloud, something fell from the void and fell into the grass.

The male cultivator in the back is Zhou An. He opened his mouth and said: "How is that possible! You actually killed Junior Sister Zhao Wen. You are crazy, you are crazy, her father is the master of my Yuandangyundang lower courtyard!"

Luo Li sneered and said: "You are so powerful, why was your daughter's destiny taken away by others and made her crazy? Take it out on me!"

Zhou An said: "That is a grand ceremony hosted by the immortal of our sect from the lower realm. Who dares to cheat? Senior Brother Li Changhu is a reincarnated immortal. Who dares to offend!

Besides, she is crazy not because Senior Brother Li Changhu took away her destiny. It's because Senior Brother Li Changhu never liked her at all! "

As he was speaking, the clouds surrounding the three people outside began to gather toward the center.

So he deliberately talked to delay time.

The same is true for Luo Li. He blasted the female cultivator with these three punches. He was re-appreciating his Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Shou and Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Shou.

Gradually, the words "Yuanshi Taishang" on the left and right fists disappeared, and the terrifying power dissipated, but it was more powerful.

A biting dog has no teeth, so why should it be so conspicuous!

The handwriting disappeared, Luo Li snorted coldly, no longer delaying time, and went straight towards him with a fatal strike.

Zhou An saw Luo Li coming straight towards him and shouted: "I am a disciple of Yun'an Zong Yuandang Yundang lower courtyard, you dare to kill me!"

Clouds of gas spurted out from his body, and all kinds of beasts began to appear in front of and behind him!

Kunming, Dapeng, Peacock, Mandrill, White Bat, Golden Jiao, Yellow Wolf, Drought Demon...

These ferocious beasts transformed by the cloud energy immediately transformed into real spiritual beasts. Each of them exploded with true energy, and they were extremely powerful, not much weaker than Zhou An.

One of the Yun'an Sect's Thirteen Immortal Paths, Fenghu Yunlong, uses cloud energy to transform into spiritual beasts. This is the way to transform spirits from the void!

And with the appearance of these Yunlings, Zhou An's body disappeared and hid among many Yunlings.

But Luo Li punched, Yuan Shi came up to Qing Tianluo and shouted: "Break!"

This punch was no longer just an iron fist. A magic power arose from the punch. The original power spread and spread over a radius of about three feet. Under this punch, the cloud spirits that had just been transformed immediately began to dim and dissipate. , turned into clouds and disappeared!

Zhou An, who was hiding, immediately appeared in Yun Ling. This time he was frightened and was about to run away.

Luo Li dodged and used the Four-nine Escape Technique to reach his eyes and punch!

With one punch, Zhou An's only resistance was shattered, the golden spiritual shield!

Zhou An shouted: "Don't kill me, I, I have a big secret to tell you, I..."

Puff, punch, headshot!

The body fell to the ground, dead!

Luo Li sneered, what a secret, let's die first before telling it! Want to rob me, dream!

With a punch to the head, Luo Li searched Zhou An's body to see if there was any magic weapon for storage. However, there was no magic weapon for storage on him at all. Luo Li couldn't help but frown, and his work was in vain. .

Suddenly, Luo Li was stunned, and the Taichu Cave Heaven in his body seemed to tremble. With this tremor, a kind of power appeared on Luo Li.

Looking at Zhou An's body, there was a faint layer of light. In the light, there seemed to be an illusion, which should be a dimensional cave. However, with Zhou An's death, that dimensional world began to become unstable and began to collapse.

Luo Li stretched out his hand, and the power appeared all at once, attached to Luo Li's hand, and suddenly he tore through the glimmer of light, penetrated into Zhou An's dimensional world, and fished out the things stored in it! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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