Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1411 The fairy world is darker, darker, darker!

After saying this, the two of them nodded. It is indeed true. If the immortal world is not good, who will still cultivate immortality and who will ascend?

After leaving the Ascension Platform, there was a bench and stone table in front. There were three monks there. Zhang Tianshi led Luo Li and the two of them here. After giving an unclear look, he said:

"New here, come and register!"

Among the three people, two women and one man were all young and wearing gorgeous robes. The robes were dotted with stars. Luo Li could tell at a glance that they were definitely equivalent to the ninth-level magic weapon in the world of Zhongtian Lord!

When Shen Beihu saw the other party wearing a gorgeous robe, he suddenly remembered that he was naked. He immediately reached out and took out a robe in his own dimension.

It's a robe, but it's better to say it's a tiger skin skirt with upper body. It seems that he is used to it in his hometown!

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Taoist Beihu, is your dimension still there?"

Shen Beihu said: "Yes, there is, but there is only one foot in the space left, and except for this ninth-level robe, all magic weapons, magic weapons, and elixirs below the ninth level are shattered!"

Luo Li sighed and said: "My dimension has been completely shattered! There is nothing left!"

At this time, a female cultivator on the bench said with a smile: "Tell me your masters and origins."

Luo Li and Shen Beihu began to tell their origins!

The woman stretched out her hand, and a black stone tablet appeared next to her, which was three feet high. She said, "Use your best ability to attack this test stone tablet!"

Shen Beihu smiled, showing his tiger fangs, and then he suddenly shot at him. Immediately, a colorful tiger was transformed and blasted towards the stone tablet.

With a bang, the stone tablet was shaken, leaving a scar that was a foot deep!

The female cultivator nodded, stretched out her hand and flew out a token.

"Shen Beihu. Loose cultivator, Hanyin Mountain Xinghai, sub-species tiger man, fusion state, possessing the prototype of the immortal realm! The combat potential and quality are rated as above average!"

Then the female cultivator said: "This is your identity name tag in Yun'an Thunder City. This is your name tag. You have an identity in the fairy world. You can use this name tag to get loans, take on tasks to make money, and learn spells in our Yun'an Thunder City." Rent a training space and enjoy all the benefits in the city.

However, if you practice in this city, you will not receive any fairy beads for the first three months of ascension. In the fourth month, you will have to pay five fairy beads every month as a fee!

You put it away and bind it with your hard work! "

Shen Beihu took it and put it away carefully.

The female cultivator looked at Luo Li. Luo Li started punching!

Luo Li kept an eye on Hua Wuyan and Longhun, but they warned him. He didn't use Yuanshi, Taishang Magic, he just used real fire and punched, but no scars were left at all!

The female cultivator shook her head and took out a token!

"Luo Li. Loose cultivator, a person from an unknown world. A pure-blooded human race, returning to the realm of virtual reality. There is no prototype of the immortal realm! Let's evaluate the combat potential and quality!"

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "I was born in the world of Zhongtian Lord, Hunyuan Sect!"

The woman no longer had a good face and said: "They are not monks from the immortal world, they are all casual cultivators! There is no record of the world of Zhongtian Lord, so it is an unknown world!"

Luo Li put away the token, but it was not bound to refining.

At this time, Zhang Tianshi spoke again, but now Luo Li was no longer in his eyes, only Shen Beihu!

"You two, our Yun'an Jinglei City is controlled by the three major sects of Yun'an Sect, Jingxian Sword Sect, and Leihuang Sect!

Among them, the poem title of the Yun'an Sect is: The hanging clouds are settled and the sails are leaning on the sky, falling into the North Sea and breaking through the Wanjun Mountain. It is one of the eight hundred schools in the immortal world.

The poem title of the Jingxian Sword Sect: Jingxian thousands of miles away with a sword, thunder and rain ringing in the mountain springs!

The title of the poem in the Leihuang Sect: Thousands of feet of clear stream and hundreds of steps of thunder, the brilliant heaven and earth are stung by dragons and snakes!

They are all one of the three thousand lower sects, and they are powerful. In Yun'an Jinglei City, you can join our three major sects.

In fact, I am a disciple of the Yun'an Sect. I see, fellow Taoist Beihu, that you are a man of delicate bones and well-connected muscles. You are a once-in-a-million-year cultivator of immortality. I can recommend you to join our Yun'an Sect. "

Zhang Tianshi started to trick Na Shen Beihu into joining his Yun'an Sect.

"Don't join Yun'an Sect just because you can easily. You need to go through many tests. Not everyone can do it. There are many difficulties!"

Start playing hard to get!

However, Shen Beihu didn't say a word, and Zhang Tianshi said again:

"But don't worry, ascension is not easy. Everyone has gone through this ordeal. We in Yun'an Jinglei City are considerate of the monks in the world. In this city, you can come to us for interest-free loans, and we teach various cultivation methods here.

In addition, fellow Taoist Beihu, we also have the Kongming Immortal Body of the Ninety-nine Immortal Bodies in the Immortal Realm here, and the refining method of the Fearless Golden Body, which we can also teach you!

In fact, I was originally a demi-human from the pig tribe, but now I have completely refined my bloodline and become a pure-blooded human race, and my ascension is in sight! "

Shen Beihu just didn't speak. Zhang Tianshi seemed to be tired. Seeing that Shen Beihu didn't take the bait, he just said:

"Okay, I've finished escorting you. You can go and feel free to do whatever you want. If you want to find me, come here!"

Luo Li and Shen Beihu clasped their fists and saluted. Anyway, when the other party greeted them, they also thanked them, and then they left.

The two of them walked out of here, Luo Li said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Beihu, why don't you agree to what that Tianshi Zhang said?"

Shen Beihu smiled coldly and said: "It's not a good deal to be on the pole, to be courteous for nothing is to be either a traitor or a thief!

I'm not stupid either, I don't know what's going on here.

Let’s go, let’s go to the city. I seem to have heard that we can take on quests here! "

The two entered the city. The city was very large and full of cultivators.

At first glance, half of the cultivators were mixed-blood humans. There were all kinds of shops selling all kinds of goods.

The ninth-level magic sword in the Zhongtian main world was the most common mass-market commodity here, called a fairy weapon. The currency used here was called fairy beads, which were the size of eyeballs and had seventeen prisms. They looked like a huge diamond, shining brightly!

In fact, they were the spiritual diamonds in the Zhongtian main world. Luo Li had obtained three hundred of them in the ghost market.

After the two walked around the city, they found several places where they could make money, such as the mission hall.

This hall is called Yun'an Hall, where you can take tasks, complete tasks, and exchange for fairy beads. Most of the tasks are to go out of the city for adventure, bodyguard others, refine treasures and elixirs, purchase items, or sell information.

Shen Beihu sneered: "Don't look at that Tianshi Zhang, who looks kind, but I can feel that he is cruel and black-hearted. If you want to deceive me, dream!

It is better to ask for help from yourself than to ask for help from others. Only the money earned by your own labor can be spent effectively without fear of being framed by others!

Only by earning immortal beads here, then buying the method of cultivation, moving forward step by step, and finally ascending, is the great way! '

The cultivators who ascended are all dragons and phoenixes among men. They have experienced endless dangers and have a clear heart of Tao. They are either ruthless or resourceful. Who will be fooled!

Shen Beihu looked at the task list posted on the wall. There was a task that was just right for him. He went to accept the task. Before accepting the task, he suddenly said to Luo Li:

"Although we ascended here together, your realm is too low, so don't follow me. I don't take trash with me. You can do whatever you want!"

In one sentence, he severed his relationship with Luo Li. He didn't want to be dragged down by Luo Li.

Luo Li was speechless. This guy was demolishing the bridge after crossing the river. He cut off his relationship with him before anything happened. He watched Shen Beihu go to accept the task!

The deacon of this hall asked: "Are you new here? Have you refined the identity badge of Yun'an Jinglei City? If you have refined it, you will join our Yun'an Hall and you can accept the task here!" When Luo Li heard this, he immediately realized that the other party was proposing to emphasize that if you refine it, you will join our Yun'an Hall. There is definitely something wrong here! Shen Beihu said nonchalantly: "I have refined the token and can accept the task!" The deacon smiled strangely and said: "Okay, okay, go, take the blue bird feather, one feather for one fairy bead!" Shen Beihu accepted the task, he did not notice that the deacon made a successful gesture to the distance! Zhang Tianshi there looked at Shen Beihu with a sneer on his face, and then slowly left. Luo Li's whole body was cold. It turned out that the temptation of Zhang Tianshi and others at the beginning was all fake. The real killer was here! The people who ascended were all strong and would never be tempted by them, but now they thought that they could make money by their own strength and their own ability. Isn't this a trap! First send away those who have sects and clans, and the remaining people who have ascended, without sects or schools, and without foundation, start to pit!

Although I don't know what they want to get here, it is definitely not a good thing.

Fortunately, Hua Wuyan warned me, and fortunately, I didn't refine the token myself!

This Yun'an Jinglei City is like a post station in a big city in the mortal world. The people who pick up people at the door and store are all black-hearted and hurt people in various ways!

Don't join any organization in the reception city, don't accept any benefits, and leave there carefully!

Only by quietly leaving this Yun'an Jinglei City and integrating into the fairyland continent can you start practicing!

Remember there is a saying in the world of cultivating immortals, the world of cultivating immortals is the law of the jungle, one wrong step, and there is no recovery, this world of immortals is the same, and it is even more powerful!

This world of immortals is even darker, what exactly do they want, and how they die is unknown!

Dark, dark, dark! (To be continued)



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