Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1395 Life is always so comfortable!

Buyanzong changed its strategy and its discourse changed.

But Luo Li just smiled and ignored him. After another three days, he headed towards Daluo Jinxian Sect!

This time, he was still 300,000 miles away from Daluo Jinxian Sect, and he was releasing his true energy, burning the sky with fire!

Under this true energy, all the monks were aware of Luo Li's goal.

Luo Li walked very slowly this time, stopping every ten thousand miles to rest for a while.

Countless monks watched from a distance, even if it was very dangerous, they watched secretly.

This will be something they can brag about for the rest of their lives.

Far ahead, still 30,000 miles away from the mountain gate where Daluo Jinxian Sect was located, Luo Li suddenly stopped, looked into the distance, and said with a smile:

"Fellow Taoists, since you have been waiting for me for a long time, please show up!

Let's change places, don't destroy this colorful world! "

After saying that, Luo Li no longer moved forward, but slowly rose up and flew towards the sky!

Following Luo Li's movements, someone in the Daluo Jinxian Sect said:

"Now that you're here, don't leave! Fellow Taoist Luo Li, where can you run away!"

Suddenly, someone appeared, dozens of figures, appearing in all directions, following closely behind Luo Li as he fled.

These figures flew up, and Luo Li immediately fled towards the sky. Looking back, he saw that many of them were old acquaintances.

Among these, the person who took the lead was none other than the old man Qiankun Holy Demon who besieged Hunyuan Sect back then!

He was surprisingly not dead, but actually younger than before. He was dressed in purple clothes, with a golden crown on his head, his long hair flowing freely, and a pair of dazzling wings dancing gracefully behind his back. The face is like white jade, the bridge of the nose is straight, the eyes have a gem-like luster and dreamlike color, and they are solemn and majestic!

He said loudly from behind:

"Luo Li, I almost died in your hands back then. Unexpectedly. Today I am back again."

Behind him is Zhongyuan, one of the three masters of Kunlun. At that time, Wuji, Taiyi, and Zhongyuan were known as the three masters of Kunlun, and they were enemies of the Sword God.

In the catastrophe of heaven and earth, Wuji Taiyi all died in the catastrophe. Only the remnant of Zhongyuan was promoted to the Guiyuan realm and participated in the siege of Luo Li. Besides him, there were at least seven others. Looking at the robes and clothing they wore, they were all Kunlun monks.

Luo Li identified the Dharma King Jidu, Bai Qingyu, Tang Wanjun, and Tian Xingzi one by one by comparing their appearance and aura. These people were all powerful men who had been famous in Kunlun for thousands of years. Luo Li had already heard of their names.

Among them were two women, one of whom was an old acquaintance in Kunlun Mountain. Kunlun Saint Feixue, riding a huge blue bird, was also among the team chasing Luo Li. There were only two of them. Luo Li didn't know them and couldn't tell their details.

In addition to the old man Qiankun Saint Demon, there are eight people from Kunlun. In addition, there are many old acquaintances. Hua Qingyun, the leader of the Chaos Demon Sect, and Tianshu Mingxuan Bai Yunfei, who used to be third in the world, are also among them this time. They went to the Great Brahma God Realm together. Now they have turned against each other.

In addition to him, there is also Fang Wentian, who has turned the world upside down, moved mountains and rivers with energy, and is seventh in the world, and this time he is here.

There are also Mr. Yuanyi of the Haoran Zhengqi Sect, Hui Xuanzi of the Divine Escape Sect, Dragon Blade of Tongtian Xuanji Valley, Jinjia King of the Holy Armor Sect, Wu Daozi of the Supreme Sensing Sect, Hu Bugui of the Night Demon Sect, Xueguang Ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect, Wu Taoist Zhenwo from the Shangtian Dao Sect, Mr. Wu Ding from the Void and Misty Sect, Taoist Tianyan from the Tianmu Sect, Old Man Tianhua from the Hua Mo Sect...

There are also three great witch ancestors, the Supreme Elder Bai Yu of the White Feather Holy Witch Sect, the Black Crow Old Man of the Black Feather Demonic Witch Sect, and the Heavenly Witch of the Zhen Yang Tian Wu Sect.

The one with the aura soaring to the sky, no need to look, must be the Infinite Taoist Master of the Wuliang Sect, and the one with the purple and green auras circulating continuously must be the Yin-Yang Cult Master of the Yin-Yang Sect.

At least four people from the Great Luo Jinxian Sect came. Among them, the one who had been strange to Luo Li was the Wuyan Sect, the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, the Haoran Zhengqi Sect, and several other major Buddhist sects. None of them were here!

Among the remaining people, there was Qin Wanru, the heart-loving true one of the Heart Demon Sect. All the things in the past were gone at this moment, and she finally broke with Luo Li and pursued Luo Li.

These monks locked Luo Li and slowly rose up in all directions of Daluo Jinxian Sect within a hundred thousand miles.

Luo Li couldn't help but curse: "Didn't you say, seventeen Guiyuan? There must be at least thirty people!"

Xuemei said in Luo Li's Taichu Cave: "When I was in the Kunlun Alliance, except for the Sword God, Master Xuanci, and me, there were only five people who were promoted to the Guiyuan realm. Now there are so many, and there is only one Maybe, the devil can help!"

Suddenly Luo Li knew that it must be the demon lord's clone who helped, otherwise there would be so many monks who had advanced to the Guiyuan realm.

As if he heard Luo Li's question, the old man Qiankun Holy Demon said slowly from behind:

"Yes, Luo Li, you are absolutely right! A total of thirty-seven returned true selves!

In the war between all races, although you saved the world, what's the use? You don't know that the human race is the least worthy of saving, and ingratitude is the essence of the human race!

The last time you took action, it aroused the Lord Demon Lord's idea. Lord Demon Lord, you are here again. This time, it is not for the sake of entering the world of Heavenly Lord, but for you. A certain family is not talented, so they recommended themselves and gained the trust of Lord Demon Lord. They originally laid a trap to destroy your Hunyuan Sect.

As a result, you were struggling to your death, and you almost broke the situation, but it didn't matter. Instead, it aroused the anger of the Lord Demon and gave him the next step to ascend to the sky. This time, you can't fly without wings! ‘

A total of thirty-seven returns to the true self!

However, Luo Li was not afraid. He continued to fly out of the world of Zhongtian Lord, and flew towards the distance in the Qingming beyond Jiuxiao.

Those returning true selves followed closely, but not in a hurry, not in a hurry.

Among them, it is even more correct to leave the main world of Zhongtian to fight. Otherwise, there will be a melee on the earth, and the sky will appear, destroying countless people.

Flying above the nine heavens, a meteorite belt appeared in front of him, and Luo Li went straight there.

The crowd followed closely behind, they just clung to Luo Li and were not in a hurry to attack.

Arriving here, Luo Li took a long breath and said, "Okay, Xuemei, it's up to you!"

Xuemei said: "Don't worry, brother Luo Li, leave everything to me!"

There are many people on the other side. How could Luo Li not be prepared? Luo Li and Xuemei set up a large formation restriction here. In an instant, a portal was activated here. Luo Li entered the portal and disappeared.

The old man of Qiankun Holy Demon smiled coldly. He said, "If you want to escape, where can you go?"

The old man of the Holy Demon of Qiankun came here and looked at Taoist Taoist Tianmu Sect. Tianmu Sect Tianyan Taoist immediately stared, and suddenly thousands of divine eyes appeared on him. He immediately opened them, looked at the sky, and looked down at the earth behind him. Then he said:

"This is an ultra-long-distance teleportation formation. The destination is the natural chasm passage leading to the Chunan region!"

The old man of Qiankun Holy Demon said: "I said, with this little ability, I want to escape home!

Hunyuan Sect, that Earth Fire Dragon is not easy to deal with! "

Then he looked at Tongtian Xuanji Valley Dragon Blade, and Tongtian Xuanji Valley Dragon Blade immediately replied:

"Don't worry, the formation of the Earth Fire Dragon Cannon that interferes with the Earth Fire Dragon in the Xianqin Fortress is ready.

under this interference. As long as we are not within 100,000 miles of Hunyuan Sect, the Earth Fire Dragon Cannon will not be able to hit us. However, it is very dangerous to get within 100,000 miles of Hunyuan Sect! "

Qin Wanru suddenly said: "Based on what I know about Luo Li, he is very arrogant and will not return to the Hunyuan Sect and rely on the power of the sect to fight against us, because except for him, no one else in the Hunyuan Sect has been promoted to the Guiyuan realm. .

So he just chooses a suitable place to fight! "

Qin Wanru didn't know that Fan Wujie had been promoted to Guiyuan!

The old man of the Holy Demon of Qiankun frowned and looked at Taoist Tianyan of Tianmu Sect again. Taoist Tianyan of Tianmu Sect continued to observe, and then said: "Sure enough, Luo Li did not return to Hunyuan Sect. Instead, he went straight to Jiutian and left Chunan area!"

The old man of Qiankun Holy Demon said: "You are seeking death! Fellow Taoist Huixuan, it's up to you!"

Shen Dunzong replied to Xuanzi and said: "Okay, everyone, follow me! We will walk thousands of miles to the end of the world together!"

After speaking, a ray of light emitted from his body, swept across thirty-seven people, and disappeared in an instant.

Luo Li is now located nine days away from the Chunan area. He is flying in the Qingming, looking in all directions.

In the distance, there is a flicker of light from time to time, which is the light emitted by the void lighthouse in the Chunan region.

The thousands of lighthouses scattered over Chunan are all extremely bright at this moment, as if they were lit by someone, emitting endless light!

Luo Li said: "To be honest, I really don't want to do this!"

Xuemei said: "You don't want to do this, they are forcing you!"

Luo Li nodded, looked at the light of thousands of lighthouses around him, and said, "Yes, I didn't expect that the arrangement back then would actually treat fellow human beings today! Alas!"

As he spoke, a ray of light from the distance came here, and in an instant, thirty-seven returned true selves spread out over a hundred thousand miles, surrounding Luo Li up and down.

The old man of the Qiankun Holy Demon said: "Luo Li, Luo Li, why don't you return to the Hunyuan Sect? Why don't you call your fellow disciples to come for help?"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "No need! Everyone is in the Guiyuan realm. In this kind of battle, there is no need to return to the void and die!

I'm very surprised. You are chasing me, not in a hurry. Do you have some other intentions? "

The old man of Qiankun Holy Demon said: "Then you can't control it. You are going to die anyway! There are thirty-seven of us, and you are only one!"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "No, there are only thirty-six people!"

Then he looked into the distance and said: "We have known each other for many years, but you have been hostile to me for many years!

Forget it, it’s not important anymore, fellow Taoist, have a good trip! "

Following Luo Li's words, Qin Wanru felt cold all over her body, as if she was being stared at by a wild beast!

She wanted to struggle desperately, but at this moment, she couldn't move!

In a trance, she seemed to have returned to that time on the sky sea, on the flying boat of the Xingjian Sect that day, when she was still a little girl, using the Heart Demon Fang of the Heart Demon Sect on a person!

In a daze, I returned to that moment. That boy seemed to be smiling at me! But he couldn't move at all. This was the backlash from his inner demons!

The young man's smile gradually turned cold and turned into a sneer. The young man's face gradually changed and grew older, and he picked up an iron whip in his hand!

"One beats the gods, the other beats the immortals, the third beats the universe, the fourth beats the sky, beat! Beat! Beat!"

Then everything became an illusion, Qin Wanru's vision went dark, her body shattered, her last thought!

"I-I'm dead?"

"Death, in his hands, is a well-deserved death, very good..."

Everything sank completely into darkness and disappeared forever. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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