Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,396 Good deeds reap the fruits!

Luo Li killed Qin Wanru because she was the leader of the Heart Demon Sect, and was the best at controlling battle formations and commanding battles. She was also the person who knew Luo Li best.

If this woman is not eliminated, future battles will be extremely difficult.

Another point is Xuemei. Xuemei pretended to be a heart demon and was exposed because the cultivators wanted to kill Xuemei and get the power of the heart demon. Among the decision-makers of the Kunlun Alliance, there was no one else who knew that Xuemei was an undercover and wanted to get the power of the heart demon except her.

Xuemei and Qin Wanru both practiced the power of the heart, and the two of them counteracted each other. In order to make Xuemei's heart demon power explode, Qin Wanru must die first!

As soon as Luo Li moved, all the Return to Origin True Self present moved in an instant.

Everyone knew how powerful Luo Li was. Several major gates had been destroyed by Luo Li, and they were all cautious with him.

Seeing Luo Li take action, everyone took action, attacking, defending, restraining, and doing everything. But at this moment, suddenly, a great force appeared between heaven and earth. Even though everyone was Guiyuan Zhense, at this moment, they were all in an indescribable state of stiffness.

Then, they watched Luo Li wield the Hunyuan Golden Whip and beat Qin Wanru to death with one whip. Qin Wanru shattered like a meteor and completely disappeared!

"What's going on?"

"What power is controlling us?"

"Why don't you hide?"

Everyone was shocked!

At this time, the old man Qiankun Shengmo shouted: "I know, this is a lighthouse, the lighthouse defense system, it thinks we are extraterritorial demons, and is stopping us!"

At this time, everyone discovered that it was the lighthouse defense system that was silently activated. In this Chunan area, 129,600 lighthouses. All lit up, forming a terrible heaven and earth formation, forming an overwhelming restriction on the 36 Guiyuan Zhense.

That is, they are now in the Guiyuan realm and have mastered their own way, otherwise under this lighthouse. If they were to return to the void, they would be powerless now and all waiting to die!

Tongtian Xuanji Valley Dragon Blade shouted: "How is it possible? How could Luo Li control the lighthouse defense system!"

Wulian Sect Wuliang Dao Master shouted: "It doesn't make sense, it's impossible!"

They didn't know that all the lighthouse defense systems in the Chunan area were made by Luo Li.

Luo Li had done something with this at the beginning. The reason why no one saw it at the time was because it needed to be seen in three dimensions. The reason why the catastrophe in the Chunan area ended so easily was due to Luo Li's moral power.

The backdoor of this lighthouse system is to cooperate with this Chunan world. The two cooperated seamlessly, and the entire system was controlled by Luo Li.

Luo Li designated the other party as an invader in the Chunan area, and immediately the lighthouse system was activated. Start to restrict them and lock them. Cut off their connection with this world.

After killing Qin Wanru, Luo Li immediately took action again. The next target was Tianyan Taoist of Tianmu Sect!

This person's eyes can see through time and space, and he must be killed!

Instant. Luo Li arrived beside him. Tianyan Taoist of Tianmu Sect was different from Qin Wanru, who was killed by the inner demon. When he saw Luo Li rushing towards him, he immediately shouted: "Thousand eyes and ten thousand pupils, open the eyes!" In an instant. A thousand eyes appeared beside him, each eye represented a spell of Tianmu Sect. In an instant, thousands of eye spells blasted towards Luo Li! Luo Li rushed towards him frantically, and at the same time, Luo Li's eyes were also opened! God's Eye! There is a difference between gods and mortals, and you can't look directly at them! Eye to eye, break eyes with eyes! Suddenly, Tianyan Taoist screamed, and his thousands of eyes and ten thousand pupils were injured at the same time. All the pain, gathered together, made Tianyan Taoist unbearable at once. In fact, if Tianyan Taoist only used one eye spell, or more than a dozen, even if he was injured, it would not be a big deal. With his Guiyuan realm, he would not be hurt at all. But at this moment, he used more than a thousand eye spells, and all his eyes were injured. The accumulation made him unbearable. In this unbearable moment, a sword flashed by!

"Hunyuan hides the universe, the divine sword cuts the calamity cloud!"

The sword flashed, and the sword split the sky!

A sword slashed out, no matter how far away, no matter how much time and space separated, a sword went down, and it was in front of you in an instant, slashing, splitting, shattering, and destroying!

Under this sword, all space is not an obstacle!

No matter what your cultivation is, no matter what changes you have, cut!

The Taoist of Tianyan was immediately split into two, two into four, four into eight, and then turned into thousands of fragments and died!

Beside the Taoist of Heavenly Eyes was his best friend, the Infinite Taoist Master of the Infinite Sect. The Infinite Taoist Master was furious and roared:

"Kill my best friend, die! Maha Ultimate Infinite!"

In the void, endless Sanskrit sounds rang out:

"The sea is infinite, the mountains and rivers are infinite, the sun and the moon are infinite, the stars are infinite, the heaven and earth are infinite, the void is infinite, the fixed infinite, the directionless infinite, the ice and snow are infinite, the yin and yang are infinite, the chaos is infinite, the clouds are infinite, the purple lightning is infinite, the demon removal is infinite, the delusion breaking is infinite, the ultimate infinite, the eternal infinite, the extinction is infinite."

It was as if a giant sun suddenly rose on him, and the infinite white light made the ten thousand miles of void as bright as day, infinite light. Then a beam of light, as thick as ten miles, burst out, and stretched for three thousand miles at once, engulfing Luo Li!

This is the strongest spell of the Infinite Sect, Maha Ultimate Infinite!

Luo Li showed an unbelievable face, and then he cast a spell desperately. Countless white feathers flew out from his body and transformed into magic circles. However, under the light, they were all shattered, and then the white feathers turned into a There are several ferocious beasts, but under this Maha ultimate immeasurable, everything is illusion, those ferocious beasts are all shattered, and finally Luo Li suddenly stops!

It was as if everything around him was still!

At this time, Taoist Wuliang shouted: "Not good!"

The violent emotions caused by the death of his best friend are absolutely impossible for him, because the Master of Infinite Taoism has advanced to the realm of Guiyuan through his own cultivation. His heart is like glass and he controls the Infinite Tao. Even if life and death are in front of him, he will not be like this. mood.

This emotion came too suddenly, it was caused by external forces, it was Xuemei's inner demon temptation.

Xuemei is the inner demon of the ancient demon. Luo Li killed Taoist Tianyan just to stimulate Taoist Wuliang and use this to create a trace of anger in his heart. Magnify infinitely and confuse your mind!

His Maha Ultimate Boundless missed slightly, but the one he hit was not Luo Li!

The still world suddenly became clear in the eyes of the Infinite Taoist. That Luo Li is there, it is Bai Yu, the supreme elder of Baiyu Holy Witch Sect!

Bai Yu, the supreme elder of Bai Yu Holy Witch Sect, never expected that his own Taoist Wuliang would give him a fatal blow!

Then this still world was like the glass world being shattered, and the world seemed to become an eternal scene in this moment. Suddenly erupting like a landslide and tsunami, Bai Yu, the Supreme Elder of the White Feather Holy Witch Sect, shattered into billions of crystal fragments almost at the same time, and the crystal fragments danced lightly under the cold moonlight. Extremely colorful.

Master Wuliang couldn't help being furious, but at this moment he calmed down completely to fight against the invasion of the opponent's inner demons. He looked at Luo Li and was about to continue taking action.

But Luo Li waved his hand and punched!

Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand!

He stretched out his right hand and slowly clenched his fingers into a fist. It was a distant blow to the Infinite Taoist Master!

One punch down. boom!

This was when Master Wuliang regained his breath. He never expected that Luo Li would strike here. Under this terrible blow, Master Wuliang felt that his Wuliang Avenue was being invaded and destroyed, and then his eyes went black. , turn into dust and go away!

This immeasurable Taoist master. He is the person Luo Li fears the most, so he kills him first!

At the moment of the fight, Luo Li killed Qin Wanru, beheaded Taoist Tianyan, and trapped the White Feather Holy Witch. Kill the infinite Taoist master.

Everyone was in an uproar. At this time, everyone had escaped the suppression of the lighthouse formation. The Golden Armor King of the Holy Armor Sect turned into a ball of golden light and rushed over.

The Blood Demon Sect's Blood Light Patriarch is a sea of ​​blood, the Void Sect's Mr. Wu Ding is aimless and directionless, and the Tongtian Xuanji Valley Dragon Blade transforms into thousands of formations in the void to break down the interference of the lighthouse system.

At this moment, Luo Li smiled and disappeared without a trace with the help of the lighthouse system.

Zhenyang Tianwu yelled: "Find him, don't let him escape!"

Wu Daozi, the Supreme Induction Sect, shouted: "He didn't run away, Dragon Blade, be careful!"

When Luo Li came thousands of miles in front of the Dragon Blade of the Mysterious Valley of Heaven, he punched him!

Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand!

In battle after battle, Luo Li has become proficient and familiar with this move. He is no longer like before, punching out and leaving his whole body weak!

This punch is delivered!

The intention of the fist is like the tide, the intention of the fist is like the mountain, the intention of the fist is like the sea, the intention of the fist is like the prison, and the intention of the fist is like the sky.

Following Luo Li's every move, the world was turbulent and the various formations around Dragon Blade were shattered one by one!

But he was not afraid at all, as the void three-dimensional formations rose again!

Then, those large formations roared to pieces again, and with one punch, they poured down with a rumbling sound of destruction. Nothing in the world could block this brilliant punch.

Kill gods when you meet them, kill Buddhas when you meet them, the sky can be penetrated, and the earth can be broken.

Life and death are right in front of Dragon Blade. At this critical moment, Mr. Wu Ding of the Niu Piaomiao Sect shouted: "Xiu Piaomiao turns his head empty!"

In an instant, the dragon blade was moved three thousand miles away, avoiding the fatal blow. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and saved his own life.

With great joy and joy in my heart, I felt my heartbeat speeding up endlessly, and then with a bang, my heart core shattered!

Not only the core, but also the core of the Dragon Blade's formation was shattered, and then the shattering began to expand. Everything in the Dragon Blade was dissipated and destroyed in this shattering!

Invisibly, Xuemei took action, using the power of the inner demon to kill people silently!

Before Long Yan died, he shouted: "Be careful, Luo Li has helpers, inner demons, inner demons..."

With a click, the dragon blade died!

Luo Li smiled, and this time he flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone started to catch up, but found that it was difficult!

The lighthouse defense system has spread to every corner of the world, everywhere, across the sea, and all existences that are inconsistent with its nature have been rejected and suppressed.

The entire Chunan region is Luo Li's home field, and the entire world is Luo Li's world!

Without Luo Li, there would be no Chunan region today, and there would be no construction of the lighthouse system. The cause then is the result today!

At this moment, the many remaining strong Guiyuan warriors were like prey trapped in the formation. The entire world was like a maze, and they were trapped in it!

Zhenyang Tianwu said: "No, we didn't catch him, he caught us!"

Hunter and prey, at this moment, the roles are reversed! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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