Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1394 Flying flowers are as light as dreams!

Three days later, Luo Li came to Thunder Demon Sect!

Luo Li was extremely familiar with this. When Yuan Lei Zhenyi ascended, Luo Li came here specially to send Yuan Lei Zhenyi back to the west, thus cutting off his path to ascension.

Luo Li is here again today, this time he wants to completely destroy the Thunder Demon Sect!

Thunder Demon Sect, the poem title in the sect: Ten thousand thunders unite into one, shaking the world, crossing the heaven and earth, I am the Thunder Demon.

Back then, there were many masters, and there were countless powerful people in the sect, and they were among the top twenty sects in the world.

However, that was in the past. Ever since Yuan Lei Zhenyi failed to ascend, the Thunder Demon Sect has been experiencing constant catastrophes and besieged Hunyuan Sect. Jin Lei Zhenyi and others died in the battle, and they all came to fight against the Taiyuan Sword Sect. Lei Ming Zhenyi was also killed by Luo Zhenyi. Away from the massacre.

During this catastrophe, the Thunder Demon Sect also encountered disaster, and lost two major Huixu. Now there are only three major Huixu left in the sect. It can be said that the strength has been drastically reduced.

So this time, although they reunited with Kunlun and attacked the Hunyuan Sect, they did not shout loudly. Unexpectedly, Luo Li remembered them and came to destroy the sect.

Far away, still three thousand miles away from the Thunder Demon Sect, Luo Li released his true energy to announce his arrival.

Liehuo Zhenqi soared to the sky. In an instant, the Thunder Demon Sect immediately knew that Luo Li was here. Countless monks screamed, cried for their fathers and mothers, and fled desperately. The Thunder Demon Sect immediately closed the mountain gate and released a defensive formation.

I saw lead clouds hanging low in the sky above the Thunder Demon Sect, and the ink-like black clouds surged and galloped like thousands of horses galloping. In the black clouds, streaks of blue and white lightning flashed out from time to time. The entire Thunder Demon Sect was enveloped by the thunder and lightning, and the whole area for hundreds of miles was covered with thunder clouds.

The thunder and lightning emitted infinite power and turned into thousands of electric lights. Everything that the electric light touched began to completely collapse, like spring silkworms spinning fine and continuous silk. The danger is extremely long.

When Luo Li arrived, he flew high and looked at the retreating Thunder Demon Sect. He smiled and said:

"Fellow Taoist from Thunder Demon Sect, Luo Li, come to visit! I don't know. Is it that fellow Taoist who is in charge of the overall situation?"

In the Thunder Demon Sect, an old man replied: "I have met Yuleizi, Taoist Fellow Luo Li. I wonder what your fellow Taoist is doing in the Thunder Demon Sect?"

Luo Li said: "Over the years, countless seniors from the Thunder Demon Sect, such as Zhenzun Yunlei and others, have taught me to chase for thousands of miles and never let go. I almost sent me to the west many times, and I am very grateful.

Today, I came here specially to express my gratitude to you. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness! "

In the Thunder Demon Sect opposite, Yuleizi said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Luo Li, those senior brothers and uncles who have offended you have all passed away. I have offended you many times in the past, so please forgive me.

To express. We apologize, our Thunder Demon Sect, withdraws all petitions, rectifies the name of Hunyuan Sect, and is willing to stay in seclusion for three thousand years starting from today. To show gratitude! "

Luo Li just sneered three times!

It's too late to go into seclusion for three thousand years now, and the punishment is not enough!

That Yuleizi said again: "We, the Thunder Demon Sect, are willing to offer an innate spiritual treasure, please forgive me, fellow Taoist Luo Li!

In addition, fellow Taoist Luo Li. Although our Thunder Demon Sect is not as powerful as you, our Thunder Demon Sect has completely brought the nearby earth veins with a radius of millions of miles under our control.

If our Thunder Demon Sect perishes, we will trigger thunder and fire from the sky, and the four nearby states will turn into a sea of ​​fire, the heaven and earth will collapse, and hundreds of millions of people will die.

We know that you will not be injured by this, but these casualties, under their control, will be counted as the actions of the Hunyuan Sect and you. From the past, it seems that you have been very helpful to ordinary people. Please also Sir, please let me, Thunder Demon Sect, go! "

The Thunder Demon Sect relented and was willing to declare itself a sect for three thousand years. It was also willing to reveal an innate spiritual treasure, and finally threatened Luo Li with death together.

This shared destruction will lead to the collapse of heaven and earth for millions of miles around, the destruction of four major states, and the death of at least hundreds of millions of people. This is really a huge catastrophe, but everyone in the Thunder Demon Sect is going to die, so they can't control that much!

Luo Li is not afraid of threats. He can find a way to eliminate this catastrophe and destroy the Thunder Demon Sect, but it is not worth wasting this energy and wasting this time!

After all, Kunlun is his real enemy this time!

In addition, if he really pushed hard and destroyed the Thunder Demon Sect, countless other people who came to him would be waiting and watching, which would have a bad effect.

Luo Li thought for a moment and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll let you go!"

As soon as these words were said, cheers immediately erupted from the Thunder Demon Sect!

Luo Li said again: "However, don't think that I can't destroy you!"

Then Luo Li suddenly attacked the Thunder Demon Sect that was full of thunder and lightning!

Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand!

He stretched out his right hand, slowly clenched his five fingers into a fist, and struck the Thunder Demon Sect with a distant blow!

One punch, boom!

The Thunder Demon Sect, protected by endless thunder and lightning, suddenly shattered into pieces, revealing the sect portal inside.

All of a sudden, countless monks from the Thunder Demon Sect were in a daze.

Luo Li stretched out his hand again, and the innate spiritual treasure that had been prepared immediately flew up and automatically fell into Luo Li's hands. Then Luo Li turned around and sang loudly:

"Momo Qinghan goes up to the small building, the dawn is like a poor autumn, and the light smoke billows to paint the screen.

The flying flowers are as light as dreams, the boundless silk rain is as thin as sorrow, and the precious curtains are hung with small silver hooks. "

Go far away!

All the stupid Thunder Demon Sect disciples immediately knew that this time the Thunder Demon had survived the catastrophe, and some couldn't help but burst into tears.

The meteorite suddenly flew up, chasing Luo Li, and said from a distance:

"Fellow Taoist Luo Li, please stay!

Taoist friends, be careful. Kunlun has united the top ten to come to the door, and gathered all the powerful people in the world, Taoism, Buddha, demons, demons, and witches. Seventeen Guiyuan Zhenyi gathered together. Under the leadership of the Holy Demon Old Man of the Universe, they will do harm to the Taoist friends. ! "

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Old Man of the Holy Demon of Qiankun?"

Yulei Zi said bitterly: "Yes, he was the instigator of the last siege of Hunyuan Sect. After the failure, they betrayed our Thunder Demon Sect and caused catastrophe. They excluded us from the Kunlun Alliance. Otherwise, I The Thunder Demon Sect will not decline like this!

Now that I, the Thunder Demon Sect, have sealed the mountain, I don’t want them to have an easy time! "

After saying that, Yuleizi turned around and left, and the Thunder Demon Sect closed its doors and ignored worldly affairs for three thousand years.

This incident immediately spread throughout the world.

This time the public opinion is completely different from the last time. It is no longer full of indignation and one-sided. Another voice emerged.

The Hunyuan Sect also took action. Unlike Luo Li who was fighting in the field, the three major Huchan Huchan and others went to other sects everywhere to persuade other sects to return to the Xu Zhenyi without asking them to defect on the battlefield. Just ask them to remain neutral!

Seeing Luo Li, he only broke through the Thunder Demon Sect's formation, but did not destroy the Thunder Demon Sect. Many people who came to the door also knew that Luo Li was not crazy and destroyed everything. Gradually, the direction of the wind continued to change, leaving only fifty people who condemned the Hunyuan Sect. Many people came to the door, more than twenty at once, all in silence.

Some people started calling. Peace and restraint, negotiation first.

Luo Li left the Thunder Demon Sect and took out the innate spirit treasure. This innate spirit treasure was a stone the size of a fist, as if made of iron, and contained endless energy of chaos.

Luo Li immediately understood what this treasure was. The Divine Iron Chaos Stone was the first opening of heaven and earth. The fine iron condensed by the energy of chaos has experienced thousands of disasters. There is such a small piece left, which contains endless chaos energy.

The treasure that Hunyuan Sect relies on for the Pangu Ax trial outside is similar to this, but it is dozens of times worse than this Chaos Stone. This is a good thing.

Luo Li put it away and waited silently. One day later, Luo Li contacted the Hunyuan Sect's branch here to inquire about world affairs.

Look at the information in your hand. Luo Li smiled. Of the voices of condemnation, only thirty-one people came to the door, but among them, the most violent voice of condemnation was from the Jiuyang Sect!

This Nine Yang Sect almost cursed Luo Li angrily. The other sects just followed the words of those top ten.

Luo Li shook his head and said: "This is too underestimated my IQ, all fools know it, do you want me to go to Jiuyang Sect and then besiege me?

Haha, actually it doesn’t matter, sooner or later there will be a battle, but in this battle, it is not up to you to decide the battlefield! "

Two days later, Luo Li did not go to Jiuyang Sect, but to Juemo Sect!

The Huangquan Absolute Demon Sect, also known as the Life and Death Demonic Sword Sect, is one of the thirty demons and one of the sixteen swords in the world. The poem in the sect reads: Above the poor blue sky and down to the underworld, life and death are just between one sword!

The monks in this sect like to practice swords the most. What they pursue is the way of swordsmanship that can determine life and death in an instant. Their swordsmanship is the most ferocious and powerful, forcing themselves and their enemies to a dead end. If the enemy does not die, I will die.

This sect has also fought to the death with Luo Li many times, and this time it is also very active in reuniting with Kunlun!

Luo Li is here!

In this battle, the devil is covered in dust!

They are too strong and cannot kill Luo Li, so they have to die by themselves!

In one breath, Luo Li killed the six major members of the Jue Demon Sect, broke through the mountain gate formation of the Jue Demon Sect, and flattened the Jue Demon Sect!

The Juemo Sect was destroyed, the orthodoxy was lost, and perished!

After this battle, the world was once again horrified!

For a moment, there was a rumbling sound, and everyone was surrounded by soldiers. The thirty-one families who condemned Luo Li came to the door, and now it became nineteen families, and everyone was watching.

Three days later, Luo Li arrived at Tianyi Sect.

One of the four major killer sects, famous for their killings, came to visit one of the nineteen, but Luo Li came to kill him!

They came to the door, only to kill the three major returners. That day, everyone dispersed. To Luo Li's expectation, there was no one else in the mountain gate. Everyone evaded Luo Li, and it was empty. .

The Killer Sect is not as stupid as other sects, and the sect is there until people die!

Luo Li shook his head, left his handwriting, and left happily!

So far, fifteen families have come to condemn Luo Li!

Three days later, Shenxiao Dao, one of the fifteen families, shocked the three major disciples to death with one punch. Shenxiao Dao also stayed in seclusion for three thousand years!

After this battle, out of the fifteen families who came to criticize Luo Li, only seven families were left, all of which were among the top ten!

Even the Jiuyang Sect, which was the most scolding, hurriedly quit and apologized directly!

At this time, the Wuyan Sect, one of the top ten disciples, suddenly turned around.

"Luo Li's role in the catastrophe of all races!"

"The Great Brahma God Realm invaded the Zhongtian Lord World, and Luo Li once turned the tide!"

"The best master in the world is Huo Deluoli!"

"Violence cannot solve problems, everything should be based on peaceful negotiation!"

For a time, the world was in an uproar again. These days were like a roller coaster. Shocking news came one after another. What on earth is going on?

It seems that the Hunyuan Sect has completely won, and Luo Li has conquered the world of God alone!

But Luo Li smiled. He knew that no matter what, he had to fight against the many powerful men in Guiyuan led by the old man Qiankun Holy Demon.

There is no blood spilled on the ground, a real battle, defeating them, killing them, everything is an illusion! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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