Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1393: Thunder Demon Sect Three Days Later!

Boom boom boom, the Qianji Sect was in chaos, twelve true spirits were running rampant in all directions, and countless fire giants stood up.

The Qianji Sect suddenly fell into a catastrophe.

However, Luo Li's twelve true spirits and the countless fire giants are not demons who kill everyone on sight. Wherever they go, those who do not resist will be immediately let go, and those who run away will be ignored. Only those who do not stop fighting will be destroyed. kill.

Luo Li has only one purpose, and that is to kill Buyi Zhenyi. If the Qianji Sect loses his control, it will collapse.

In addition to Buyi Shinichi, the Qianji Sect also has a powerful force, and that is the guardian!

Generally, each person has his or her own preacher and guardian.

In Hunyuan Sect, Luo Li is the preacher. If the sect encounters a catastrophe, he must pass on the tradition.

As for the Hunyuan Sect protector, Luo Li didn't know who he was specifically, but he guessed it was Zhenzun Yuchen. .

These protectors are all sects who step forward and sacrifice their own existence at the most critical moment. They generally have terrifying magical powers and can die together with extremely powerful beings who surpass themselves.

In Nalanda Temple, the sweeping monk and the handyman were among the three people who were probably the guardians of Landa Temple. They were all unknown, but extremely powerful. They had all been promoted to the Guiyuan realm, second only to Abbot Xuanci.

As for the ordinary monks of the Qianji Sect, Luo Li is not someone who is easy to kill. As long as they don't block his way, he will let them go.

In a main hall of the Qianji Sect, the twelve elite disciples of the Qianji Sect, all in the foundation-building realm, gathered here.

One of them, the True God Transformation Master, looked at them and said slowly:

"The secret collection of my Qianji Sect, the cave heaven and the blessed land, are all in your hands!

Remember, you are the hope of our Qianji Sect and the seeds of our future rise.

You teleport away from here immediately. No matter what the Qianji Sect is, you must keep your identity secret for a hundred years. Start practicing according to the information I left you. If you don't enter the void, don't stand out!

Remember, remember! "

Just then, bursts of cheers came from outside!

"Master Lingfeng showed off his might and killed that flaming demon!"

"Unexpectedly, Master Lingfeng is so powerful, but he actually hides his strength!"

"The Balrog is dead, that terrible demon is finally dead!"

All the elite disciples here immediately looked at the God-Transforming True Master. If Luo Li was eliminated, they wouldn't have to flee far!

But the transformed god shook his head and said:

"Junior Brother Lingfeng is the protector of our Qianji Sect, but it's useless, that Fire Demon is too strong!

As a preacher of Qianji Sect, I order you to leave immediately! "

The cheers outside suddenly turned into screams!

"Master Lingfeng failed!"

"Ah, the devil is back, back again!"

"Fight with him, fight with him, and protect our homeland!"

"Protect the Patriarch of Buyi! Fight him!"

Hearing these shouts, all the disciples turned pale, knowing that the guardian of the Qianji Sect had failed.

The True God Transformation Master was very calm and continued:

"Remember, remember, no matter what the future of the Qianji Sect is, or what news there is, within a hundred years, your identity is not allowed to be revealed, and you are not allowed to come forward until you return to the void!"

One of the disciples said: "Master, why!"

The True Master of Transformation God said: "No matter what the outcome of this battle, our Qianji Sect has suffered a catastrophe. Even if the demon turns around and leaves now, our Qianji Sect will lose many of our former allies and enemies in the past." In his eyes, it’s just a piece of fat!

It can be foreseen that in the future, if I lead the Ji Sect, the sect will be divided, foreign enemies will invade, there will be countless traitors, and we will be in dire straits, and the future is difficult to estimate.

Our sect, Jindan Zhenren and above, have registered with other sects. They cannibalize our sect and will not give us a chance.

If our sect wants to revive, the only chance it has is you. You are just building the foundation and are people beyond their attention. Rely on the resources I give you, hide your identity, and according to your talents, you can hope to transform into a god and return to the void!

No matter what happens to the Qianji Sect by then, as long as you come back strong, our sect can still prosper, otherwise we will be devoured by them!

Okay, you go, leave through the secret teleportation array of my Qianji Sect, God bless me Qianji! "

After saying this, the disciples looked at each other, then knelt down together and kowtowed to this transformed god!

One of the leading disciples said: "We must practice hard to avoid returning to the void and never reveal our identities!

In the future, I will revive my Qianji Sect and kill that flame demon Luo Li! "

The True Master of Transformation God nodded and said: "Let's go! Flying threads can cause changes in life and death, slender shadows can destroy mountains and rivers, pull down the stars and the moon with ten fingers, and a thread can lead to the sky!"

All the disciples repeated the poem together: "Flying threads can cause changes in life and death, slender shadows can disturb mountains and rivers, and pull down the stars and the moon with ten fingers. A thread can lead to the sky!"

Then everyone stood up, left, passed through the secret teleportation array, and teleported away.

The True God-Transformation Master pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand, and twelve more disciples were teleported here. Looking at them, the True God-Transformation Master said:

"Listen carefully, from today on, you are the hope of our Qianji Sect, the seeds of our future rise..."

The duty of the guardian is to continue the sect's orthodoxy. These seeds of the future are true and false. Some are just cannon fodder to attract enemies, while others are the real hope for the future.

Three batches of disciples were sent out in succession, and suddenly the sound of crying came from the distance!

"The Patriarch, the Patriarch has passed away!"

"The Patriarch, the Patriarch is dead!"

"That demon forced the Patriarch to death!"

"I lead the Machine Sect, it's over, it's over!"

In the main hall of Qianji Sect, Buyi Zhenyi sat in front of Hua Luoli and died completely!

In fact, this commoner Shinichi was about to turn into dust and dissipate a long time ago. He has been surviving on the willow sap planted by Xie Lian and has no fighting power at all. Otherwise, he would have taken action just now.

Seeing Luo Li approaching, he chose to sit down and die.

This Bu Yi Zhenyi is the spiritual leader of the Tuo Tuo Sect. Without him, the Tuo Tuo Sect would have been torn apart long ago. Once he died, no one from the Tuo Tuo Sect has returned to the void. It can be said to be destroyed and removed from the Tuo Sect.

Luo Li looked around, sneered, and shouted: "Let's go!"

The twelve true spirits returned, Luo Li rose into the sky and left here.

Danxia Mountain was left in a mess and turned into ruins. The majestic mountain has disappeared. Luo Li cut a huge crack and turned it into two halves of the mountain. The Weiming Lake also collapsed and Qinglian was completely destroyed.

Countless monks from the Qianji Sect were wailing and crying, and some even committed suicide directly on the spot, making a scene full of mourning.

In the distance, countless monks from other sects looked at this scene and pointed. Many of them had greedy eyes in their eyes.

The Qianji Sect has occupied this place for countless years, gaining advantages in the world, countless resources, and hundreds of blessed lands. Now that the sect has returned to the void and is completely destroyed, this is a huge piece of fat.

Luo Li escaped, and in the air, he returned to the cave sky, looked at Xuemei, and said:

"How was the harvest?"

Xuemei said: "With Xiao Hui's guidance, I have gained a lot these two times!

However, Landa Temple is too poor. It is one of the top ten temples in the world. It does not even have a tenth-level magic weapon, which is really unexpected. "

Luo Li nodded and said: "This is normal. Landa Temple follows the line of ascetic Buddhism. They pay attention to self-cultivation and do not pay attention to magic weapons.

In addition, the Seventy-Two Special Skills of Small Freedom Wuxu Visualization and Treasure Refining Technique can integrate the magic weapon into oneself. Even if there is a magic weapon, it is also refining, so it is normal to not have a tenth-level magic weapon.

Finally, it is said that 30,000 years ago, our ancestor Wang Yangming blocked the entrance to Landuo Temple and demolished it once. "

Xuemei nodded and said: "This Zianji Sect is different. This sect is very wealthy and has too many good things. There are more than three hundred light-level spiritual objects. Unfortunately, there are no tenth-level magic weapons!"

Luo Li said: "If there was one, I'd probably have used it long ago. How can a tenth-level magic weapon be so easy to possess?

Okay, our next goal is to take out the petition and see who scolds me Hunyuan Sect the most! "

Luo Li started to watch, and then said: "After leading the Ji Sect, the opponent will definitely fight back!

I will definitely prepare it and give it a good look!

Therefore, I must be familiar with that goal, and the battle must be resolved quickly, and cannot be delayed like the Qianji Sect!

The most criticized White Feather Holy Witch Sect, the Yin Yang Sect, is unfortunately too far away and doesn’t have enough time!

The Sky Demon Sect can't find the mountain gate, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago!

Thunder Demon Sect, hey, this place is the one I am most familiar with, and it’s not far away. Although I’m not happy with the scolding, will the debt of chasing me down again and again in the past be repaid in due time? "

Then Luo Li said: "Three days later, the Thunder Demon Sect!"

Xuemei said: "I know, Thunder Demon Sect!"

Luo Li flew towards the Thunder Demon Sect. On this day, the sky was full of flying Talisman Skylarks, and the news of the collapse of the Leading Machine Sect suddenly spread to all directions.

The four sides were shocked again. Three days ago, the Landa Temple was closed. Although the Landa Temple was extremely powerful, it had not been visible to the public for many years, and it was only closed. It was unknown what the damage was.

But the collapse of the Jiji Sect was shocking. More than a dozen people died in the battle, the mountain guarding formation was broken, and the sect was destroyed. It was unbelievable.

The sect's formation has been the biggest barrier for all major sects since ancient times. Even though the Hunyuan sect has fought countless sects and beaten the opponent to pieces, it can rarely break through the opponent's sect's formation and destroy the opponent's sect.

The Shenwei Sect did not return to the void back then, but it was the combined efforts of the six major sects that destroyed it.

The Eight Gods Temple had not just come to the door, it was also destroyed by the combined efforts of the two major sects of the Hunyuan Sect and the Evil Demon Sect.

As a result, now, Luo Li can destroy every one of them with one punch. This is completely shocking news.

When this news came out, for a moment, countless people in the world were filled with indignation and anger because of the destruction of the Qianji Sect!

But among the more than sixty people who came to condemn Luo Li, a dozen of them remained silent and stopped talking.

The most scolding elders who came to the door gradually quieted down and did not curse as loudly as before, forcing the Hunyuan Sect to hand over Luo Li.

Everyone is paying attention. Since Luo Li has built Landa Temple and destroyed the Qianji Sect, who is his next target?

Faintly, the world is in turmoil, and I don't know who will be the next victim! r1152


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