Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1381 Crystal Beads Glowing Dew Slurry!

"Shangqing Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella!"

"With an umbrella in hand, you can jump out of the three realms and not into the five elements!"

Luo Li's heart was beating wildly. In the fairy field, the key to the Hunyuan Sect's ascension was pointed out. Unexpectedly, it came to him like this. It was really effortless to find it without any effort!

At this time, twelve eminent monks appeared, all of them were true Buddhas equivalent to the realm of returning to the void. They worked together to carry a jade umbrella.

Luo Li frowned, this Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella from the Qing Dynasty was so heavy?

The old monk joined them, and everyone cast spells together to send it to Taichufang City through the Void Trade Road, and then Luo Li took it.

When Luo Li took this umbrella in his hand, the first thing he felt was that it was heavy!

This kind of weight is not among the weights. The weight is less than one kilogram. If it is placed on the earth, it will not cause any damage.

But the power and momentum contained in it are unimaginable. Ordinary Return to the Void True One cannot be held at all, and will fall to the ground if you let go. Therefore, the other party needs ~no~mistake~little~~~quledu~twelve eminent monks to pick it up and send it away Come.

When you hold it in your hand, it's like the sun in the sky, held in your hand. Although it looks ordinary, it contains terrifying and endless power!

At this point, this Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella of the Qing Dynasty does not have any storage space, or the Dimension Cave can collect it and put it into the storage magic weapon. The magic weapon will collapse immediately. If it is placed in the Dimension Cave, it will collapse immediately. Dimensions emerge from the cave.

Luo Li was not an ordinary person who returned to the void and controlled the avenue of fire. He held the Heavenly Umbrella of the First Qing Dynasty firmly in his hand.

Looking at this Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella from the Qing Dynasty, it is no different from an ordinary jade umbrella. It's just that neither the jade umbrella handle nor the jade umbrella surface is made of any material.

This material is neither gold nor silver, nor wood nor jade. Even if Luo Li controls the endless magic in the world, he can't see what it is made of. However, the entire jade umbrella is warm and restrained, smooth and lustrous, and the color is condensed inside, holding it. An unforgettable color. Just like the cycle of stars. At first glance, it feels like you are in the depths of the universe.

Luo Li tried to open the umbrella, but found that it was under his own urging. This heavenly umbrella from the Qing Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty could not be opened.

The old monk saw Luo Li about to open the umbrella. He shouted hurriedly: "Don't drive. Don't drive!"

Legend has it that once this umbrella opened, all the spiritual energy in our whirling world was absorbed by it. This is why our whirling world is like this! "

Luo Li heard his words. Not paying attention, he continued to try to open the umbrella, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open it.

The time has not come yet!

Luo Li shook his head, put away the umbrella, looked at the old monk, said a few polite words, ended the conversation, and the transaction was completed!

This Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella of the Qing Dynasty could not be stored in the cave. Luo Li carried it on his back, and it felt like he was carrying a giant mountain on his back, which was extremely heavy.

Xuemei returned at this time. While Luo Li was trading with the old monk, Xuemei went over to explore the ruins.

When she saw Luo Li, she said, "Brother Luo Li, come and see, it's very strange!"

Luo Li followed Xuemei into the ruins.

At this point, after the crazy baptism of the time and space storm, the entire ruins underwent tremendous changes. Whether it was the Buddhist hall or the pavilions, they all disappeared and were turned into powder by the time and space storm.

The entire ruins are in a very strange state, with countless crystal-like tiny particles suspended in the air.

Xuemei said: "Brother Luo Li, these crystal particles are very mysterious!"

After speaking, she picked up one, but the crystal particles immediately fell off in her hands, as if they were not in the same world as her.

Luo Li frowned and said, "What is this?"

Xuemei said: "To be precise, this is the essence of the world of Kasyapa!

The great world of Nagasyapa was destroyed by the demonic calamity, and the entire world was condensed into the ruins of this place. Later, you overcame the demonic grudges, and after being baptized by the storm of time and space, the entire world was supposed to be shattered and dissipated.

But Brother Luo Li, you used your body to block the time and space storm and saved me. I didn't die. Because of your blockage, the world didn't shatter and dissipate.

But all those ruins and ruins disappeared, and in the end only these crystal particles remained. "

Luo Li reached out and touched it. Strangely, Xuemei couldn't touch it, but Luo Li could.

Luo Li held a crystal particle in his hand. There were dense runes on it, layer upon layer, as if they were formed by superposition of spells. However, this was not made by man, but evolved through the storm of time and space.

They were born from Luo Li, so only Luo Li can touch them.

However, these crystal particles seem to be scattered in this world.

Xuemei said hurriedly: "Brother Luo Li, collect these crystals quickly. Only you can collect them. This is the essence of a big world!

These world essences can make the monk's dimensional cave extremely strong, expand and become stronger. "

When Luo Li heard this, he immediately collected them. All these crystals were immediately put into Taichu Cave Heaven by Luo Li.

Suddenly Taichu No. 10 said: "Master, master, please seal these world crystals first!"

Luo Li took action immediately, and flames suddenly appeared, turning into boxes and sealing these crystals.

He believed in Taichu No. 10, and sure enough, Taichu No. 10 said:

"Master, this essence of the world is very cherished and has great mysterious uses.

Master, I suggest that when you advance to the Guiyuan realm, you use the essence of the world here to 90% evolve Taichu Cave Heaven.

In this way, with the essence of the world and your advancement, Taichu Dongtian's evolution must be perfect.

Leave the remaining 10% to me. I have a way to refine them into the evolutionary essence of the dimensional world.

The evolutionary essence of the dimensional world that I refined can strengthen other people's dimensional caves, but the real meaning is not like this.

If the opponent uses this evolutionary essence to strengthen his own dimensional cave, and encounters you and becomes your enemy, you can activate the trap I left, and use the characteristics of these essences from a big world to form a time and space companion, so that the other party's dimensional cave , and your Taichu Cave Heaven will be linked together.

At that time, our Taichu Cave Heaven can annex the opponent's Dimension Cave Heaven. If the other party is your enemy and loses the Dimension Cave Heaven, at least half of his cultivation will be ruined!

The sect conference is coming soon. If the Hunyuan Sect wants to rise, I think you must have many enemies! "

Everyone who returns to the void has his own dimensional cave. This move is extremely vicious. Luo Li thought about it, nodded and said, "Okay! You can do it!"

"By the way, can Taichufang City open for business?".

"Master, don't worry, Taichufang City is ready for business!"

"Then how long will it take for Taichufang City to continue to be promoted?"

"Master, Taichufang City has been promoted to the seventh level of the realm of field. I have collected all the materials. The only thing that needs to be promoted is time. Taichufang City has just been promoted to the realm of field. It will take at least five years to consolidate before the realm can be improved."

"As you said before, if Taichufang City can be promoted to the realm of Xu, and I ascend to the Immortal Realm, at that time, if Taichufang City is sold, the Aurora Chamber of Commerce will send people to continue operating it, Hunyuan Sect will receive dividends, and the Aurora Chamber of Commerce will I will extract the source of a sea of ​​stars and refine the treasure of the world for me!

What exactly is going on? "(To be continued...)

Chapter 1,381 Crystal beads and dew slurry!:


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