Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,382 The Sword God flies into the sky and ignites real fire!

Luo Li asked lightly, and Taichu No. 10 immediately replied:

"Master, as far as I know, our Taichufang City looks like a traders' guild, but in a sense, it is just a seed!"

Luo Li was stunned and asked: "Seeds?"

Taichu No. 10 replied: "Yes, master, seed!

Plant a seed in spring and harvest a bucket of grain in autumn!

It should be a cultivation method created by super powers in the endless ancient times. Master, during the growth of your Taichufang City, countless strong people traded here and countless goods circulated here.

Whether it is those powerful people or those goods, it can be said that they are the essence of each big world, especially the immortal currency, which is the luck of the world.

Taichufang City is like a seed. These essences circulate in Taichufang City, just like water. To a certain extent, they nurture and support the growth of Taichufang City.

Taichufang City absorbs the essence of countless big "quled" worlds that flow through it, and grows little by little, and finally grows to the realm of ruins. At that time, it is fully mature, and a fruit will be obtained, which is this Taichufang City. Wherever you go, all the origins of the sea of ​​stars gather together to become the treasure of the world!

This kind of treasure, whether in the fairy world or the real demon world, is an extremely cherished thing and is priceless! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "I understand, I understand. The principle is the same as that of the Book of Heaven. It uses the universe as the melting pot and all living beings as raw materials. It's so bold!"

Taichu No. 10 continued: "Yes, master, but the master who created this method has been too long ago. They have either died or left this universe.

This kind of world treasure is meaningless to them and they don't care about it anymore, so the method is still there and the beneficiary has become the owner of the chamber of commerce.

With this treasure, you should have something to rely on when you reach the immortal world, and your journey to immortality will be prosperous now! "

Luo Li nodded. Said: "Okay. From now on, we will focus on the promotion of Taichufang City and promote to the realm of Xu as soon as possible!

I don't know why, but I feel like it's a far away world. Someone is calling me! "

Taichu No. 10 said: "Yes. I understand. In fact, master, these memories were slowly born after I was promoted to the realm of field."

And not all Void Plane Trader Guild magic spirits will have these memories. It was because you controlled the true meaning of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, and with the penetration of the true meaning of heaven and earth, I awakened these memories. "

Luo Li said: "I wonder what the treasure of the world will look like?

I wonder what the scenery will be like in the fairy world? "

At this time, Luo Li had already collected the remaining world essence from Kasyapa's ruins. The ruins here had completely turned into nothingness. Luo Li looked at Xuemei and said:

"There's no point here anymore, let's go!"

Xuemei smiled and said: "Brother Luo Li, I found you. Wherever you go from now on, I will follow you!"

The two left here, because the ruins here disappeared, the whole continent roared, and the whole world felt like it was about to collapse.

The two of them soon arrived at the seaside. Luo Li was stunned for a moment, only to see the pilot whale still at the seaside, waiting for Luo Li.

It saw Luo Li and said: "Although it is very dangerous here, but you give me travel expenses and benefits, I am not that kind of unscrupulous waste. Come on, I will send you away!"

Luo Li treated him sincerely, and this pilot whale also responded to Luo Li sincerely, risking his own life and waiting here.

Luo Li cupped his fists and said, "Thank you very much!"

With Xuemei, he boarded the pilot whale. The pilot whale immediately left here, rushed out of this terrifying sea area, and returned to the West Sea area.

After leaving this sea area and stepping out of the Zhongtian Lord World, Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

However, when he looked into the distance, he always had the feeling that someone was calling him in the distance, and he didn't know who it was?

But if you feel carefully, the call seems to have disappeared, without the slightest feeling.

Luo Li said goodbye to the pilot whale, flew away, and returned to the Hunyuan Sect.

He plans to advance to the Guiyuan realm.

The journey with Xuemei was uneventful. Luo Li soon returned to the Xuanzhou Continent in the South China Sea. The distant Xuanzhou Continent was right in front of him. Luo Li said to Xuemei:

"Xuemei, this will be your home from now on!"

Xuemei smiled and said: "Wherever you go, I will go there with you!"

Luo Li was happy in his heart, and Xuemei said again: "Brother Luo Li, I don't want to see other people, let me hide in your dimensional cave!"

Luo Li put away those world essences and did not evolve Taichu Cave Heaven, so he could still hide people. Since Xuemei didn't want to see people, Luo Li said:

"Okay, come in!"

Xuemei is a relative to Luo Li, it can be said that she is a close relative. Luo Li has great trust in her, and Xuemei immediately entered Luo Li's Taichu Cave, hiding silently!

Luo Li continued to escape and returned to Hunyuan Sect.

After returning to the sect, Luo Li went directly to the main hall of the Hunyuan Sect and saw Brother Wang Wu sitting there.

Luo Li asked: "Senior brother, has anything major happened to the Hunyuan Sect in the past few years since I left?"

Senior brother Wang Wu shook his head and said: "Uncle Ishikawa, he has been promoted to the realm of returning to the virtual world!"

Luo Li was immediately overjoyed and said, "That's great, congratulations to Uncle Ishikawa!"

At the beginning, Uncle Ishikawa had great faith in himself and refused to use this essence of gods and demons. Today, he finally got the reward. He relied on his own strength and was promoted to return to the void.

Senior Brother Wang Wu added: "However, Junior Brother Xie Yuan, alas, failed in promotion and returned to the void, and returned to dust!"

Luo Li couldn't help but let out a long sigh. At the beginning, Xie Yuan did not use the demon essence and was promoted back to the void. As a result, he forced himself to break through the level and died completely.

Luo Li stretched out his hand and took out twelve demon essences, and said, "I will hand these over to the sect and leave them for the destined ones!"

When Wang Wu saw these demon essences, he couldn't help but nod his head and said: "Good stuff, good stuff!"

He put away the demon essence, and then said: "By the way, Luo Baijin, the eighth in the world, seems to have been killed by someone. With his death, the Fire God Sect lost its support and completely declined. The remaining two returned to the void, each Run for something. Just come to the door and it will be ruined."

After Luo Baijin's death, Luo Li knew that he had always been jealous of talents. The Fire God Sect had no successors and had long been showing signs of decline. With his death, it completely collapsed.

Luo Li shook his head!

Wang Wu continued: "In addition, three years ago, Shi Zhongxian, the fourth best disciple of Taibai in the world, ascended to the immortal world."

Luo Li heard the news. Suddenly he was stunned. Said: "The Immortal in the Stone?"

Shi Zhongxian is actually the father of the Sword God. The reason why the Sword God is what he is today is because of his silent support.

Unexpectedly, he ascended, although it is good news. But I was afraid that the Sword God would be sad because of this.

Think of this. Suddenly Luo Li stood upside down with his eyes!

That calling. He knew who it was, it was the voice of the Sword God!

He is located in Tianyuan Sea, which is a world of its own. Isolated from all things, he did not hear the call of the Sword God. By the time he left, the call of the Sword God had ended.

What was she calling herself for? Is it difficult?

No matter what she does, she calls herself, something must be wrong!

Luo Li couldn't sit still anymore, stood up suddenly, and rushed towards Kunlun.

Xuemei suddenly asked: "Brother Luo Li, what's wrong?"

Luo Li said: "I have a friend who seems to be in trouble. I'll go over and have a look!"

Luo Li escaped and headed straight for the Central Plains area, flying thirty thousand miles away and immediately returned in a flash.

This is too slow, use the sect ally teleportation array!

Although it costs a lot of money, you can reach the Central Plains area immediately.

Just when he was about to use the sect's teleportation array, a strange feeling suddenly came from far away.

It seems to be a tremor of spiritual energy, a resonance of heaven and earth. In addition, there is also a feeling of reluctance and parting!

Luo Li suddenly knew that it was too late and the matter had been settled.

Looking at the sect's teleportation array in operation, Luo Li shook his head, turned around, and returned to the Hunyuan Sect's hall!

Wang Wu rushed over quickly and said excitedly:

"Junior brother Luo Li, there is news, big news, the sword god, the Kunlun sword god who is the best in the world, has ascended!"

Hearing the news, Luo Li felt a pain in his heart. She has ascended and may never be seen again!

This painful feeling was unforgettable, as if his heart was torn in half. Only at this moment did Luo Li know who was hiding in his heart!

Wang Wu said: "It's too hard to believe, I didn't expect that the Sword God would ascend, it was so sudden!

Once she leaves, the situation in Kunlun will change drastically. No, the situation in the world will also change drastically! ‘

The Sword God can be said to be the mainstay of the Zhongtian Lord World. Whether it is the alien Zi Nanda or the pursuit of cross-border immortals, he has presided over almost all the major events in the Heavenly Lord World in these years. With his ascension, the dragons are leaderless and the world is unified. Change.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "How could this happen? How could this happen!"

He couldn't believe it!

Suddenly, in the distance, a sword energy traveled through time and space and headed straight for Luo Li.

This sword energy flashed across the distant sky and earth, and immediately triggered numerous barrier reactions in the Hunyuan Sect. The Earth Fire Dragon's defense system was also greatly shaken, but the sword immediately passed through them and came to Luo Li. Just a lag!

Looking over, a divine sword appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes, it was the Immortal Killing Sword!

The Immortal Killing Sword flew in front of Luo Li, but did not move, and then transformed into the phantom of the Sword God.

But at this time, the Sword God was no longer dressed as a man before, but a graceful woman. She looked at Luo Li with a smile and said:

"Luo Li, I'm leaving!"

Luo Li looked at her, speechless for a long time, not knowing what to say!

This is the audio video of the Sword God!

"Luo Li, actually I don't want to leave, but Xiaoyu was plotted by them and gained the enlightenment of thousands of years of skill. His realm soared all the way, reaching the limit of ascension.

In fact, you should feel that the laughing fish is actually me. The Queen Mother of the West pestered me so hard that she could not fall in love with her. At that time, I encountered difficulties in the way of swordsmanship and could not be promoted to the void.

Finally, I used the method of heaven's treasure mirror to cut off all my cowardice, innocence, and love, and turned them into laughing fish, and I only focused on the Excalibur!

At this point, I was able to achieve the supreme swordsmanship and dominate the world without any defeat!

Laughing Fish ascends, and with her state of mind and cultivation, there is no way she can survive the catastrophe. If she is destroyed, and I die, I can only return to my true self, reshape my body, and merge the two into one to resolve the crisis.

However, the spiritual energy is so high that I can no longer control it, so I can only ascend!

Luo Li, goodbye, I'm leaving. Take care. You have to be careful about them. After they send me away, if they want to do whatever they want in this Zhongtian world, they will definitely deal with the Hunyuan Sect with all their strength. You have to be careful!

Luo Li suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Looking at her, she looked like a fairy in the world, incompatible with this world, otherworldly, so beautiful, so sharp!

When we first met that year, she split the sky with one sword!

When we meet again in the East China Sea, her laziness is amazing!

Fighting against aliens, supporting each other!

Chasing the Immortal, life and death!

Luo Li couldn't help but his eyes turned red. He looked at her and said, "Are you leaving? Are you leaving too?"

Luo Li stretched out his hand fiercely, trying to hold the Sword God's hand, but what he touched was only illusion. The Sword God was no longer there, just a photo!

Luo Li even blamed himself for not being there when the Sword God needed him most!

The Sword God looked at Luo Li and said, "I'm leaving, but I believe we will meet again!

I'm waiting for you in the fairy world. I believe that my Luo Li will be able to ascend to the fairy world and find me! "

Luo Li said: "Definitely, definitely! I will definitely go to the fairy world!"

The Sword God smiled and said: "As promised, no matter the past, no matter the future, no matter the present! I will wait for you in the fairy world, see you there or not!"

Luo Li gritted his teeth and said: "No matter the past, no matter the future, no matter the present! I will go to the fairy world to find you. See you there or not!"

The Sword God suddenly landed in front of Luo Li, kissed Luo Li slightly, and said, "I wanted to do this a long time ago!

Unfortunately, I have never done it. I have no regrets in my life. This is my only regret!

I'm very happy to meet you, my Luo Li. I'm so lucky to meet you. Goodbye! "

After a long time, Luo Li said softly: "Don't leave!"

"Don't go, don't go!"

The soft voice gradually turned into a loud shout!

However, the image of the Sword God gradually disappeared. In fact, she had already left the Zhongtian Lord World!

Until this moment, Luo Li didn't know who he really liked in his life, and who had the greatest position in his heart!

"do not go!"

Luo Li roared loudly, the sound shook the world, he was unwilling, angry, and distressed!

"Who is it, who is it, no matter who you are, you are out of luck!"

"You've completely pissed me off!"

Anger, endless anger, exploded on Luo Li!

Boom, the fierce fire rises!

At this moment, no matter it was in the sky or on the earth, no matter it was the alchemy furnace or the fire pond, all the flames were extinguished at this moment, and then they ignited again, burning crazily!

Luo Li, on the other hand, disappeared and was never seen again!

When fire meets gas, it burns, and the more it burns, the more explosive it becomes! The more it explodes, the more intense it gets! The more intense it becomes, the more prosperous it becomes!

Luo Li has always been calm and calm. Although he has mastered the Heavenly Way of Fire, he has no anger at all. The explosion of fire just cannot be achieved, so he cannot advance to the realm of Guiyuan.

At this moment, Luo Li was really angry because of the Sword God's departure. They, they, harmed the Sword God, which is unforgivable!

The fire is really burning, and with this, I will be promoted to Guiyuan! (To be continued...)

Chapter 1,382 The Sword God flies into the sky and ignites real fire! :


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