Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,380 Tianluo Umbrella from the Yuan Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty!

After hearing Luo Li's order, Taichu No. 10 immediately started to contact him, and soon the kind-hearted old monk started to contact Luo Li. ``

Seeing Luo Li, the old monk immediately said: "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to the Lord of Taichu, your business is booming, the market is getting bigger and bigger, this has changed too much, it's like a fairyland!"

When the old monk came here, he was completely shocked. The Taichufang City had changed so much!

Luo Li smiled and said, "Old Zen Master, how are you doing lately?"

The old monk replied: "Okay, very good! May I ask the Lord of Taichu, after the evolution of Fangshi, you have not yet opened, and you are looking for me in a hurry. I don't know what's the matter?"

Luo Li said: "I have a big deal. Just like you, an old customer recently arrived at the Kasyapa ruins and worked as an extraditer!"

Hearing this, the old monk was immediately shocked and said: "The ruins of Kasyapa? Extradite people!"

Then he immediately said seriously: "My Buddha is merciful. The relics of Kasyapa and the eminent monks of our sect have also gone to save them, but they were unable to convert the Buddha spirits in them. Legend has it that only by extraditing people can they have such power.

I never thought that I would be so lucky to meet this extraditer in my lifetime. I wonder what the Lord of Taichu wants me to do in this wandering world? As long as we can transcend the many grievances of Buddhas in the Kassapa Relics, we, the Whispering Buddha Sect, are willing to give everything! "

When Luo Li heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, that's it. The last time you sold me the golden lantern, I sold it to him. With the golden lantern, he overcame many Buddhas' grievances.

However, there were many grievances against the Buddha in the Nagasyapa ruins, and he could not overcome them by himself. So I'm looking for some help.

In addition, there were many Buddha spirits after salvation and many Buddha treasures, which were of no use to him, so he sold them all to me.

It's useless for me to keep it, I just think of you, I can match you, and then I will collect 10% of the profit from the middle, what do you think? "

The old monk immediately said: "Yes. Yes. No problem!"

When it comes to liberating the demonic grievances in Kasyapa's ruins, the old monk can do anything.

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, I won't care about you. I'll let you get in touch directly."

Finished. Luo Li pretended to leave. Then Taichu No. 10 turned into a monk and negotiated with the other party. Let Taichu No. 10 contact you. Lest the other party see the truth.

The reason why only Luo Li can transcend the ruins of Kasyapa is that Luo Li injects his moral power into the Buddha's light and uses his own power of true fire to assist in the refining. Whether it is moral power or the power of true fire, before The eminent monks who came here did not have that, so they were unable to transcend these demonic grievances.

But when it comes to salvation, it is true that there are specialties in the art, and there are dedicated monks to do this.

Through Taichu No. 10's narration, the old monk quickly discovered Luo Li's advantages in transcendence and formulated a plan to transcend the demonic grudges.

The old monk provided Luo Li with a diagram of a Buddhist formation, and then took out 666 Buddhist treasures and arranged them in the Kasyapa ruins according to this formation.

The most important thing about this formation is speed, which must be completed in a very short time. Because the ruins of Kasyapa itself are a large maze that changes all the time. Xuemei can suppress the changes in a short time, so the formation time is extremely short.

After the arrangement of the grand formation was completed, Luo Li took control of the grand formation and carried out salvation. In fact, the principle was no different from before, which was to replace the Buddha lamp with the grand formation and replace the original salvation object with the entire Kasyapa ruins.

The most critical one is the deliverance of Buddha nature. Relying on the Buddha power in the Hunyuan Golden Lamp cannot provide enough Buddha power at all, so the help of the whirling world is needed.

Fortunately, Taichufang City has been promoted to the realm of the field and has annexed all the chambers of commerce in other Tianyuan Alliance. Among them, there is a special building in the Badaroguo Buddhist Hall called the Reincarnation Daigo Hall. It is a Buddhist monk who will pass away when he passes away. Cultivate Buddhist power by yourself, store it in a special magic weapon in this hall, and then return to this place after reincarnation to retrieve the Buddhist power.

This building was annexed by Taichufang City and renovated, so that the Buddhist power of many Buddhist monks in the whirling world could be gathered and passed on to Luo Li, so as to transcend the evil grievances of Kasyapa's ruins.

The Whirlpool World really tried its best to help. After thinking about it, Luo Li first passed the densely packed Buddha spirits of salvation in the Hunyuan Golden Lamp to the old monk of the Whirlpool World.

This is considered a deposit!

This Buddha spirit belongs to the spiritual body and can be transferred in Taichufang City. Looking at the Buddha spirits exuding endless Buddha light, the old monk was so excited that tears filled his eyes and he cried directly.

Those Buddha spirits were led by the old monk back to the Whirlpool World. Although there was no aura there and the Buddhist family was the only one there, these Buddha spirits either reincarnated or lived in the Pure Land of Buddha in the Whirlpool World. They had their own choice.

This is exactly the life they expected. At this point, they will be free from the resentment of the Buddha and completely liberated.

Seeing these redeemed Buddha spirits, the last doubt disappeared. In the whirling world, countless eminent monks sat down one after another, gathering the Buddhist power they had cultivated bit by bit, and injected it into the reincarnation Daigo Hall in Taichufang City by the old monk.

Suddenly, above the whirling world, the Buddha's voice was vague, the Buddha's light was shining, and the endless Buddha's power gathered together.

Through Taichufang City, these Buddha lights appeared in Luo Li's hands.

Luo Li started to arrange it. He and Xuemei looked at each other and said, "Let's get started!"

Xuemei immediately suppressed the entire Kasyapa ruins. At this moment, the ruins seemed to be still!

In an instant, all the true spirits flew out of Luo Li's Taichu Cave, including the old immortal and the middleman, who were all found by Luo Li to help.

In a very short period of time, they planted 665 Buddhist magic weapons in the Kasyapa ruins. In the center, the Hunyuan golden lamp flew high and illuminated all directions!

The formation will be completed within ten breaths.

These Buddhist powers appeared in needle holes here and there, and then spread throughout the ruins. Luo Li began to recite the Rebirth Mantra!

Following the Rebirth Mantra, Luo Li opened up his moral power to the greatest extent and injected endless good deeds into the Buddha's power here, and began to transcend the Buddha spirits in the entire Kasyapa ruins!

Endless Buddha light spread throughout the ruins, and at this moment the ruins suddenly emitted countless rays of light.

Those Buddha spirits that turned into Buddha's resentment all awakened. They seem to know their future and look to the sky!

"Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil, life will eventually die, spirits will eventually perish, and all things will eventually perish. In glory, they are just a handful of loess and a handful of green ashes! A hundred years of life is like a dream. How can there be anything eternal? The sunset is terrifying, but it lasts only a moment..."

In this rebirth mantra, Luo Li's good deeds were quickly consumed under the power of countless Buddhas in the entire whirling world. The Buddha's resentment spread all over Kassapa's ruins. One by one, they knelt down. Pray devoutly, your bad karma will dissipate, and you will transform back into a Buddha spirit. Fly into the Hunyuan golden lamp.

As they disappeared, golden good deeds were injected into Luo Li's body! Then it is dissipating, transcending, and re-condensing and injecting!

So, three days and three nights later!

With a roar, the last Buddha's resentment was transformed into a little spiritual light and injected into the golden lamp.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar in the Kasyapa ruins. Originally, the existence of these Buddha resentments was like the beams of a house. Although they were decayed, they supported the entire house. Now that the beams were pulled out by Luo Li, the entire ruins suddenly became Without the pillar, the endless space-time storm suddenly soared, shaking wildly throughout the ruins.

Boom, boom, boom!

The palaces were shattered one by one, the buildings collapsed one by one, and the whole world seemed to be destroyed. Luo Li and Xuemei in the ruins were also in the same situation, facing the greatest danger, being swept away and destroyed by this space-time storm.

Luo Li stretched out his hand and put away the Hunyuan Golden Lamp. The other Buddha treasures had no choice but to give up and run away.

But this time and space storm spread all over the world, blocking all possibilities for Luo Li to escape. Luo Li could escape, but Xuemei could not leave. Once she left, Xuemei would be involved in the storm and would definitely die!

Luo Li gritted his teeth, he blocked Xuemei behind him, protected her, and was about to light the Hunyuan Golden Lantern.

But there were too many Buddha spirits in the Hunyuan Golden Lamp. The suppressed golden lantern, the defensive golden light, could not be ignited. Luo Li roared suddenly, and in an instant, he transformed, and his whole body was born with endless true fire. He used his true fire to fight against this terrible time and space storm, and he did not leave.

Fire rises to fight against the storm of time and space!

The endless time and space storms are entangled with Luo Li's fire. In the true fire, the flames are raging. The end of the world, the creation of the world, the end of the world, the creation of the world. Worlds are born and destroyed, even the time and space storms are refining.

But the space-time storm was too powerful. In less than an instant, all the ninth-level magic weapons on Luo Li were shattered one by one. They were all shattered by the impact of the space-time storm and the flames!

Not only that, Luo Li's body began to collapse bit by bit, cracks appeared, and finally it also shattered!

Luo Li died!

At the moment Luo Li died, Shenwei Shen's life suddenly started!

Liuchen Lingying Taishangzhengyi's Five Elements Bead appeared in a trance, and then merged into Luo Li's remaining flames.

The fire is fierce, the true meaning is endless, the fire knows nirvana and rebirth!

The true meaning is immortal, the fire rises, and Luo Li's body condenses and appears again, perfect!

But the space-time storm continued, and it was so fierce at that time. Luo Li was injured again, cracked, shattered, and resurrected again, and the cycle repeated.

Under the endless pain, Luo Li was not afraid at all, but laughed!

The raging fire refines my divine body. The fire will never be extinguished, and my body will never die!

Luo Li defended Xuemei with all his might and persisted!

Hold on, hold on, hold on!

Back then, I was just a little boy, and you left me. I couldn't resist at that time. Now I am the invincible Luo Li. I will definitely protect you and protect you forever!

With this belief, Luo Li used his own way and his own flesh and blood to fight against the storm of time and space, and persist!

Looking at Luo Li who was turned into powder by time and space storms time and time again, Xuemei struggled desperately. She didn't want Luo Li to suffer in order to protect her. She wanted to sacrifice herself, but she couldn't break away from Luo Li's protection!

Gradually, she stopped struggling, and just looked at it dreamily. The long-lasting memory revived little by little, and tears fell from her eyes.

This kind of persistence is not without its benefits. This time and space storm is like a big mill, sharpening Luo Li!

Luo Li's Avenue of Fire, during this tempering, many edges and corners, countless strange fires, were ground and dissipated, merged into the real fire, and completely integrated!

In this storm of time and space, Luo Li gritted his teeth and persisted. Luo Li's Avenue of Fire became more and more perfect and powerful!

After reaching a certain level of power, Luo Li suddenly discovered that the thirty-five heavenly ways he had mastered before were actually being swallowed up by his own way of fire!

When he was promoted to return to the void, Luo Li mastered the thirty-five heavenly ways, including the heavenly way of fire. However, later, Luo Li focused on practicing the fire way, and the other heavenly ways were inactive.

But today, they have changed!

Metal, wood, water, and earth gradually separated and merged into Luo Li's avenue of fire, then the sun, moon, spring, autumn, summer, and winter, and then wind, thunder, hardness, softness, lightness, Weight, movement, stillness, division, combination, truth, falsehood...

Finally, there is the way of heaven and earth. Of the thirty-five avenues, only the last ten are left: time, space, yin, yang, life, death, light, darkness, dryness, and glory. The other avenues are all merged with the avenue of fire!

The storm of time and space wreaks havoc on all things, but it will eventually dissipate!

Gradually, the space-time storm dissipated, and Luo Li let out a long breath. At this point, he returned to normal. He managed to withstand the invasion of the space-time storm and survived.

He guarded Xuemei fiercely, and Xuemei suddenly hugged Luo Li and shouted:

"Brother Luo Li, Brother Luo Li, I remember, I remember, I am Xuemei, I am Xuemei!"

Luo Li looked at Xuemei and immediately knew that her memory had returned. He also hugged her and shouted:

"Xuemei, Xuemei, you are back, you are back!"

They were separated when they were young, and now they are finally reunited and back!

The two hugged each other and cried, and they separated after a long time. In fact, there was more of a family relationship between them.

Luo Li smiled and said: "Okay, we have a narrow escape. We almost died. Let's see how much reward the old monk gives us this time!"

After saying that, he started to contact the old monk, and immediately contacted the old monk through Taichufang City!

Looking at the countless Buddha spirits in the Hunyuan golden lantern, the old monk was very excited and said:

"Donor, thank you for your kindness. We will give you whatever you want!"

Luo Li smiled and said, "Don't be ridiculous, what exactly do you have there?"

The old monk said: "This time, we are willing to show the greatest sincerity. We have an eleventh-level magic weapon, which is the cause of the mutation of our whirling world. The spiritual energy has been absorbed by the magic weapon as our thank you gift!"

Luo Li frowned and said, "What is this magic weapon? It causes the aura of your wandering world to mutate? How can I thank it for being so dangerous?"

The old monk said: "Don't worry, you will never smile. This treasure is called the Shangqing Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella. It is the supreme treasure!"

Hearing this, Luo Li was stunned and said: "The Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella of the Shangqing Dynasty? How come I seem to have heard of it?"

The old monk said proudly: "Of course, this treasure is the first treasure that flew out of Fenbaoyan during the Fenbaoyan event a hundred thousand years ago. It was captured by the powerful person in my world at that time."

"Shangqing Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella? Such familiar words?"

"Ah, now that I think about it, it turns out to be it!"

Luo Li suddenly remembered the Hunyuan Sect's method of ascension that he obtained by sowing seeds in the fairy field!

"Shangqing Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella!"

"With an umbrella in hand, you can jump out of the Three Realms and not into the Five Elements!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster novels!

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