Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1379 Tianyuan City, Taichufang City!

Many ancient demons were killed by Luo Li, but Luo Li's battle was also very hard, but the hard work was worth it. . twenty three

Looking at the one hundred and six god and demon essences in his hand, Luo Li was very happy. If these god and demon essences were refined by monks, at least one hundred of them could be born.

If you refine yourself into the Avenue of Fire, you can have at least thirty or forty more strange fires, and your Avenue of Fire will therefore be stronger.

All the hard work was worth it, but the happier thing was that she found Xuemei. Although Xuemei had lost her memory, as long as she lived and lived well, I would be happy for her.

Xuemei was also extremely happy. Killing the five ancient demons was simply unbelievable to her. She admired Luo Li endlessly.

The ancient demon's pursuers disappeared. Although the dog demon escaped, given him a hundred courages, he would not dare to chase Xuemei again. Luo Li was immediately worried that Xuemei would take this opportunity to leave him.

He rolled his eyes and said:

"Fellow Taoist Wangchen, I want to transcend the grievances of the Buddha here. I wonder if you are willing to accompany me?"

Hearing what Luo Li said, Xuemei was even more happy and said:

"That's great. It's my wish to save Buddha spirits. I'm willing to stay with you until I can save them all."

Luo Li smiled, and now he and Xuemei have a relationship, and they will be together in the future.

Luo Li began to achieve salvation here. In the ruins of Kasyapa, there were countless grievances against the Buddha. With Luo Li's salvation, little by little light was born on the golden lamp. Each light was a result of salvation. Buddha spirit.

As the number of Buddha spirits increases, the golden lamp requires almost no lamp oil. It lights up automatically and emits endless light.

In the golden lamp, the sound of Buddhist dharma and Sanskrit sounds are heard all the time, spreading throughout the entire Kasyapa ruins. In this ruins, there is gradually a glimmer of light!

However, if the light increases by one point, the darkness will increase by ten points!

In this Kasyapa ruins, there are countless grievances of Buddhas that have existed for countless thousands of years. Most of them rest in a deep sleep. Gradually with this light, they began to wake up.

The entire ruins are becoming more and more serious as the Buddha's resentment grows. Luo Li became more and more transcendent. The darker!

In a blink of an eye. Three years have passed!

In the past three years, Luo Li, in addition to desperately trying to overcome the grievances of the Buddha, has used the essence of the one hundred and six gods and demons. He refined ninety-four of them.

With the perfection of the Heavenly Fire Avenue, the transformation process far exceeded Luo Li's imagination. Fifty-one of them turned into strange fires and supplemented Luo Li's Fire Avenue. Luo Li's Fire Avenue became even more powerful and perfect. Flawless.

At this point, there are still twelve essences of gods and demons left that have not been refined. Luo Li left these essences of gods and demons to the Hunyuan Sect, which can at least give birth to twelve Void-Returning True Ones for the Hunyuan Sect.

Today's salvation is over, Luo Li frowned, this won't work, he just wants to leave here and find another way.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound in his Taichu cave!


"Didi, didi, didi, master, Taichu No. 10 reports to you that the evolution of Taichufang City has been completed, and it has been promoted to the realm of field!"

Luo Li was stunned, he didn't expect that Taichufang City had finally evolved!

He hurriedly returned to Taichufang City. As long as Taichufang City regained its function, Luo Li could contact the old monk from the whirling world. The other party was a true master monk. He would definitely be better at overcoming the grievances of the Buddha.

Entering Taichufang City, Luo Li was stunned. His Taichufang City was no longer the original workshop market, but turned into a city!

Huge, splendid, big city with many streets and houses!

Luo Li walked into Taichufang City. This city was built on the mountains. Various majestic or exquisite small pavilions are looming in the city. The scenery is infinite, green and vast, with floating clouds and hundreds of birds soaring.

The ground is made of a kind of white jade, exuding endless luster. The jade is covered with exquisite and mysterious runes and patterns of lotus and lotus leaves. There are statues everywhere on the street, and the bodies of these statues are also It is covered with some mysterious and unspeakable runes, and some of them have some strange brilliance emanating from them.

In the city, there are countless pavilions, courtyards, carved beams and painted buildings, beautiful buildings, gardens, rocks and mountains, flowers blooming, and beautiful scenery everywhere. White walls, green trees, red tiles, red doors, pavilions, pavilions, flower stands, and exotic trees are all scattered at different heights, creating a beautiful scenery. Small bridges and flowing water, shaded by green pines, tinkling springs, gentle breeze and mist, steaming mist, and misty mist. , it’s really like a fairyland!

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Is this my Taichufang City?"

Taichu No. 10 replied: "Master, Taichu No. 10, at your service!

Taichufang City was officially promoted to the first level of the field realm!

Although Taichufang City is only the first level state, because the initial state of Taichufang City has been mutated, you have activated the dark mode and war plunder template of Taichufang City in advance. Taichufang City has just entered the first level state of the field realm, and it is perfect. Implemented dark mode, war plunder mode! "

"During this evolution, your Taichufang City will discover around you the Yanna Tower Chamber of Commerce, Jinquexuan Dojo, Badarogo Buddhist Hall, Qingjing Ghost House, Zifu Chonglou, and Shitihuanyin Chamber of Commerce that are allied with you. ...Wait for the last time the sixteen families were all annexed and integrated into one city, Tianyuan City Taichufang City!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What did you say? Tianyuan City?"

Taichu No. 10 said: "Yes, the Tianyuan Alliance has been completely integrated into one city, Tianyuan City, which is actually your Taichu City. You will integrate all the chambers of commerce, markets, bazaars, and monasteries of all your allies. annexation!”

Luo Li said: "This, this, such annexation, what will the owners of Fangshi do?"

Taichu No. 10 said: "Reporting to the master, at the beginning, Taoist Master Ziwei of Jinquexuan Dojo, Zen Master Yiwen of Badaroguo Buddhist Hall, Qingjingguizhai Emperor Qinggui and others were very opposed.

But this is already a fait accompli. Regardless of whether they oppose it or not, the integration of big chambers of commerce and cities is inevitable.

In fact, when you chamber of commerce meets each other, this fate has been determined. Whoever evolves to the realm of field first, enters the dark mode, and war plunder template, will conquer the other party first!

However, they are not without benefits. So far, Taichufang City has become a joint-stock system. You only own 51% of it, and they own the remaining 49%. All profits are shared by everyone!

Of course, this is just a book share. I control the entire market. Master, this market is actually yours!

Even if they are opposing, it is meaningless. The main body of the chamber of commerce has been transferred from them to our Taichufang City. In their star sea, they can no longer control their own chamber of commerce and can only enjoy profit sharing, so they can only accept it happily. Fait accompli.

But don’t worry, Master, the Chamber of Commerce will pay dividends and won’t treat them badly! Absolutely fair and reasonable! "

Luo Li was speechless. Why did he feel that the owner of Fangshi was actually from Taichu No. 10?

Taichu No. 10 continued: "Master, after the great integration, Taichufang City has:

Immortal Field, Immortal Forest, Fire Demon Furnace, Yan Na Breeding Farm, Zifu Treasure Refining Furnace, Golden Alchemy Room, Shitihuan Yin Memory Corridor, Qingjing Haunted House, Tianling Divine Spring, Life and Death Arena, Divine Light Corridor, Meditation Zen Room, Gourmet restaurants, crystal melting workshops, auction houses, plane shipyards, scrapyards, void business roads, ore prospecting yamen, mining yamen, ore refining workshops, soul catching kilns, Tianyong spiritual sites... and so on, one hundred and eight places. Special building!

Each special building has four branches, each of which has been promoted to a seventh-level building, in which all magic spirits are full!

The owner, one thousand and one stalls, all promoted to shops...


Master, I suggest you continue to advance to the level of Taichufang Market. If Taichufang Market can be promoted to the realm of Ruins, and if you ascend to the Immortal Realm, then you can sell Taichufang Market, and the Aurora Chamber of Commerce will send people to continue operating it. .

Moreover, the Aurora Chamber of Commerce will give you a grand prize, and legend has it that it will extract the source of your star sea and refine the treasure of the world for you!

This treasure can be brought to the immortal world. With this treasure, there is hope for golden immortals and great fortune!

We will even prepare a shop for you to operate in the fairy world! "

Luo Li listened carefully, nodded, and then said:

"Good guy, it's really amazing. I didn't expect that Taichufang City could evolve to such an extent. Not bad, not bad!

However, first wait for my function in the research center. You can contact the old monk in the world for me. I have something urgent to call him! "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

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