Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,378 The dust of the Ancient Destroyer Demon has settled!

Seeing Luo Li transcending the resentful spirit of Buddha, Xuemei opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe it. It took her a long time to say:

"It turns out that you are the legendary extraditer!"

Just now, the Buddha spirit was also talking about extraditing people. Luo Li asked hesitantly: "What extraditing people?"

Xuemei explained: "In this ruins, countless eminent monks have come to deliver salvation, but none of them succeeded. However, there is a legend that in the future, there will be an extraditer here to deliver salvation to all living beings and send them back to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

Luo Li said: "This, this, I don't know, but I only know that it seems that those ancient demons have followed us into this ruins. If we don't destroy them, they will save us first! "

Xuemei smiled and said: "As long as they are here, we are not afraid. I can use this ruins to separate them quietly.

However, I don't have the ability to kill them, so I can only rely on you. In addition, you have to be careful. The most terrifying thing about them is that those who are chasing us are only the incarnations of the ancient demons, their true bodies, in the demon realm.

This is also the reason why they dare to enter the ruins. Even if the avatar dies, the main body will not be destroyed, and the avatars can continue to be born. It is easy to kill the avatar, but it is too difficult to kill the main body! "

Luo Li smiled and said: "Well, I have a way, as long as you can separate them!"

Xuemei said: "Okay, then leave it to me!"

She sat down and began to chant. As she chanted, it seemed that the remaining Buddha nature in the entire ruins was vibrating with her chanting.

In the midst of her chanting, among the ruins. The endless turbulence of time and space began to change quietly.

The dog demon walking at the front just paused and looked into the distance hesitantly, as if hesitating for something.

The dog demon at this time did not have the elephant-like body just now. The incarnation that appeared again was only three feet in size.

Jin Mo said: "What's going on? Is there something wrong?"

The dog demon said hesitantly: "It's strange. It seems that the location of the inner demon has changed. I have an indescribable feeling of danger!"

Feng Mo shook his head and said: "Trash. Not even the Demon Realm was born. That's why I feel dangerous. Go back and practice harder. If the Demon Realm is not born, I will wait for the Demonic Power. There are only one or two left!"

The dog demon is scolded by the wind demon. But it didn't dare to raise its head and refute. Among the demons, he is the weakest and has not yet been born into a demon realm. Lack of confidence.

Feng Mo continued: "Okay, let's go quickly, find the inner demon and her companion, and destroy them!"

The demons are moving forward again!

However, they did not notice that the plague demon walking at the end of the team quietly separated from everyone. None of the demons noticed it, because under the inner demon's magic power, their minds were obscured and they could not detect any abnormalities. place.

Bane Demon was walking when he suddenly saw a person standing proudly in front of him.

It's Luo Li!

The plague demon looked at Luo Li and immediately took a breath of cold air. He turned around and wanted to call his companions, but suddenly realized that he was the only demon.

One person and one demon looked at each other, and suddenly the two of them roared. No one said anything, and they directly attacked each other with their most powerful original power!

In an instant, Luo Li turned into a ball of flame, pouring out like a sea of ​​fire, and like a volcano erupting, roaring to destroy the world!

The endless true fire is boiling, as towering as a mountain, as surging as the sea, as sharp as gold, and as endless as wood!

Although it is a raging fire, it contains the mysteries of the five elements, and the mysteries of the five elements of heaven and earth are completely exploded on a single fire character.

Such a flame is really terrifying. What is even more terrifying is that the fire of the five elements changes and changes. The five elements merge into one. It suddenly turns into the flame of destruction, extinguishing it for all eternity. Then it changes again and turns into the fire of creation, which will be reborn for eternity. Creation, life and death, destruction and return!

Suddenly, the two collided, and with a loud bang, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

Then the two separated, with their backs facing each other.

A strange phenomenon suddenly appeared on Luo Li's body. Endless dirt immediately appeared on his clothes, which was extremely buried. His hair withered and gradually became bald. His hair was ridiculed, his armpits were sweating, and his forehead was sweating. There was an endless stench all over his body. Body odor, underarm odor, athlete's foot, all appear!

Luo Li took a long breath and said: "The Immortal's Five Declines! Terrible, terrible!"

The epidemic demon said bitterly: "It's a pity that it's just a short fall, otherwise the true immortal will also perish!"

The five declines of immortals are a phenomenon that occurs when an immortal falls. In the hands of the plague demon, it becomes the most terrifying disease. Unfortunately, the last decline did not appear, because flames appeared on the body of the plague demon, and the endless flames were His whole body was on fire.

The epidemic demon looked at the flames on his body, stared at Luo Li, and said: "The terrible avenue of fire, but it's nothing. I am just an incarnation. I will come back. By then, you will be dead." !”

Luo Li shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, you can't come back!

This is the fire of creation, the flame of destruction, which contains my absolute divine power, moral divine power, sacred divine power, great spiritual power, and my countless divine powers, all in this blow!

Now it's not just you who is burning, your demon realm is also burning! "

As the body of the plague demon burned, flames began to appear in the giant demon domain of the plague demon outside the void of countless dimensions.

The plague demon looked at the flames in surprise and exclaimed:

"The fire that destroys the world, the fire that destroys the world, it's him, the god of destruction!"

In an instant, countless thousands of years ago, that terrible memory appeared, that is, the God of World Destruction, which shattered the world. No matter the ancient gods or ancient demons, they were all in the hands of your God of World Destruction, and they all died!

Boom, the plague demon's demon realm collapsed and shattered. The plague demon in front of Luo Li was also shocked. The main body turned into ashes. This incarnation was also dead!

Boom, the epidemic demon was shattered. Luo Li suddenly took action and grabbed it. In the void, the remaining essence fragments of the epidemic demon's shattered demon realm were collected by Luo Li.

After collecting all the fragments, Luo Li counted them, about seventeen. If these demon essences were transformed by themselves, five or six strange fires should be born to supplement his own path of fire.

However, this is just the beginning, starting with the other five ancient demons.

at this time. Their fierce battle attracted countless resentful spirits here.

There are withered Arhat zombies, and there are also soaring resentful King Kongs. There are dozens of Buddhas resenting each other, heading towards Luo Li's future.

They made all kinds of terrifying sounds and wanted to attack Luo Li. Luo Li stretched out his hand and the Hunyuan Golden Lantern appeared, and Sanskrit suddenly remembered:

"With one straight thought, all sentient beings become Buddhas. There is a Buddha in my heart. This Buddha is the true Buddha. If I don't have a Buddha mind, how can I find the true Buddha?"

Suddenly, many Buddhas resented him and immediately stopped moving. Luo Li began to transcend.

The Buddha's light from the Hunyuan golden lantern. Plus the moral power, plus the rebirth curse!

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

These Buddhist grievances were immediately transcended by Luo Li one by one, and the terrifying outer body of Buddha's grievances faded away. Become a light. Fall into the golden lamp. Transform into Buddha spirits and silently chant sutras and meditate there!

By overcoming these Buddhist grievances, one demonic grievance brought Luo Li nearly a hundred gold worth of good deeds. These good deeds are different from the previous good deeds and carry a powerful power.

When this kind of good deeds are injected into the body, the harm caused by the epidemic can be easily driven away.

The reason for this is that these Buddhas who have brought good deeds are dedicated to practicing Buddhism and are proficient in spiritual power. They have existed for tens of millions of years and are liberated today. This gratitude is extremely pure and extremely strong, so it can be used wonderfully.

Luo Li kept these good deeds separately and tried not to use them.

He looked into the distance and sent the signal. Xuemei appeared and said:

"I led them all to the other side of the ruins, and they couldn't feel the fighting here.

In addition, the minds of these demon gods were all confused by me. They could not predict the danger, nor could they feel the death of their companions, but I could only confuse them for an hour! "

The most terrifying power of inner demons is to confuse the mind. Many demons, no matter how powerful they are, are difficult to resist.

Luo Li said: "Okay, next one!"

Xuemei nodded and began to cast spells. The second person to leave with everyone was Shadow Demon.

When he saw Luo Li, Shadow Demon broke through Xuemei's inner demon confusion in an instant, and he knew that he was in danger!

But because of the existence of the Demon Realm, he had immense self-confidence. Even if he failed, it was just an incarnation. He did not escape, but just roared. Endless demon shadows rose from the ground, turning into a huge shadow demon and merging with him. One body!

Thousands of demonic shadows, fused with the battle body, control the endless power of shadow demons, then fight!

An earth-shattering, bloody battle!

After a long time, the flames dissipated, and Luo Li gently counted the eighteen demon essences in his hand to refine the shadow demon!


The third one is the Blood Demon. The terrifying power of the Blood Demon is blood boiling. Even if you are a puppet spirit with no blood in your body, he can make the energy in your body completely boil and explode!

But the origin of Luo Li is flame. No matter how boiling the flame is, it is still a flame, so kill the blood demon!

From the blood demon, Luo Li got sixteen demon essences!

Then continue, the fourth one, Wind Demon!

In fact, at this time, the confusion in Xuemei's heart had been solved by the other party, but the other party was arrogant and did not leave. Instead, he came to fight!

Because he is the wind demon, the omnipresent breeze, the violent wind that destroys everything!

He is extremely confident, he believes that he is invincible!

Therefore, he died and provided Luo Li with twenty-seven demon essences.

The last one is the Golden Demon!

The Golden Demon who is extremely powerful, thinks he can cut through everything, is fearless, and even dares to challenge the Emperor of Light.

Unfortunately, he met Luo Li, who was a fire demon!

Fire makes gold!

The attributes are perfect!

So far, the Golden Demon has provided Luo Li with twenty-eight demon essences.

But what surprised everyone was the dog demon.

The dog demon escaped. During the battle between Luo Li and the golden demon, he easily escaped from the ruins of Kasyapa. As early as Luo Li's battle with other ancient demons, he discovered that something was wrong, but he did not say anything and secretly looked for a way out. .

The dog demon is the weakest, because he does not even have a demon domain. Among the demons, all the demons bully him and look down on him, but he is the last ancient demon to survive.

Because although he is weak, he has a sense of awe, while other demons are very powerful, confident, and think they are invincible. This is because they were like this in the era of gods and demons, and they have lost their awe.

So they didn't die at Luo Li's hands, but because of their own pride! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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