Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1377: Good deeds and evil deeds will be rewarded by the Buddha!

Looking from a distance, a huge temple is right in front.

The temple is endlessly tall, but after thousands of years of abandonment, it has lost its former glory and no longer has the glory of the past. If you look carefully, you can see the broken bricks and tiles scattered in all directions.

Xuemei said: "This is it, come with me!"

After saying that, she took Luo Li into the ruins.

Stepping into the ruins and landing, Luo Li immediately felt as if he had entered another void world.

This is indeed another void world. Countless Buddhist powers in the ancient Kasyapa world built their own Buddhist homes on this continent. Later, they encountered a demonic calamity, the continent collapsed, and the entire world was turned into ruins.

Many eminent monks left this place with the remaining people of the great world of Kasyapa, but the many Buddhist kingdoms established in the past could only cope with the calamity.

In the catastrophe, only the most solid Buddhist buildings will remain, because the Buddha natures of each other are attracted to each other, and they come together to form a world of their own.

When she came here, Xuemei immediately relaxed, as if she had returned to her own home, and said slowly: "In fact, there are many Buddhist treasures hidden in the ruins of Kasyapa Buddha Kingdom, and there are also many Buddha spirits and demon spirits. It is a treasure place for Buddhist practice. , many Buddhist disciples come here to practice.

I have been a Buddhist since I was a child, and I used to explore this ruins through other passages. At that time, the ruins had not deteriorated into what they are now.

In this ruins, I narrowly escaped death and experienced countless experiences, but I also gained countless rewards. Then his psychic powers were promoted to divine power here, and I gained the power to control this place. It can be said that this place is my home field.

Later, there was a catastrophe, and all the original passages leading here disappeared. I thought that I was completely lost after the ruins of Kasyapa Buddha Kingdom.

who knows. When I arrived here, I found the ruins of Kasyapa Buddha Kingdom, and it turned out that I had arrived here. This is also my biggest reliance. "

Luo Li nodded and said: "That's good. As long as you separate the ancient demons here one by one, I will be sure to kill them one on one!"

As the two of them talked, the two entered the ruins. Luo Li immediately discovered that the ruins were constantly changing. The major halls rotate all the time, and there are two views just one step away.

In those countless halls, time and space flowed turbulently, and darkness flowed through. The whole world still had a faint trace of Buddha's light, but it was more of a kind of corruption and darkness. The power of destruction.

Luo Li felt this power, frowned and said: "This, this is..."

Xuemei said: "This is the power of Buddha's resentment!

Many Buddhist countries. Destroyed by the evil catastrophe, many of the Buddha spirits escaped the catastrophe and survived. As long as their faith remains unchanged, these Buddha spirits will not return to the dust and dissipate.

But it was too difficult. After the demonic calamity passed, believers lost their faith, and those Buddha spirits gradually degenerated. I lost faith in my heart and gradually developed the power of resentment. will dissipate, leaving only the power of Buddha's resentment. Many eminent monks want to transcend the power of Buddha's resentment. But it is impossible to do it!

This kind of power is the most terrifying, don't be contaminated by it. "

At this time, a dilapidated Dharma Hall appeared in front of it. The Dharma Hall was like a Vajra Mountain, very majestic. It didn't look so dilapidated in the past. There were seven turbulent flows of time and space outside, forming guards to protect the main hall.

Xuemei led Luo Li there and said:

“Originally, this place was the Buddhist kingdom of Tianlan Vajra, the third Dharma King among the seven Vajra Dharma Kings in the great world of Kasyapa.

The so-called Tianlan alludes to the void and white clouds. Although they are wandering and changing, they will always exist and never dissipate.

Tianlan King Kong died in the battle against the demons, and the Buddhist kingdom was destroyed. However, there is still the spirit of Ichigo Dharma Buddha here, who always keeps the fireworks in the temple alive. He was a good friend of mine back then. He once wished me through the catastrophe. Let's go and have a look. he! "

Before arriving at the main hall, seven turbulent flows of time and space formed a shelter, making it difficult to enter. However, Xuemei moved her eyebrows and thought lightly, and a passage suddenly appeared in the turbulent flow of time and space, allowing you to enter directly!

The two of them entered, but Xuemei frowned and said, "Strange, why did the Buddha lamp go out?"

Entering here, I saw a huge Vajra Dharma above the main hall. The Vajra looked at thousands of shapes, but it was as motionless as a mountain. However, seeing this Dharma, Xuemei showed a sad look.

She said sadly: "Unfortunately, we are a step too late. My good friend, his faith is empty, and his diamond is covered in dust..."

Looking over, in front of the Dharma image in the main hall, an old monk had already sat down and passed away!

This old monk and Buddha spirit finally lost his faith and died, but he shouldn't have been dead for long!

Luo Li didn't know what to say. Suddenly, the old monk slowly stood up and looked back at Luo Li and the two of them. In them, the endless aura of Buddha's resentment appeared.

This old monk has suddenly turned into a zombie, his whole body withered, like a demon, terrifying and terrifying!

Wherever that kind of aura went, thousands of demons were born and rushed toward the two of them. The old monk said:

"After thousands of years of waiting, they said they would come back to fetch us. Why, why, they haven't come yet. Where is my Buddha's path?"

"When will the so-called extraditer come? When will he extradite us out of misery!"

"Lie to me, lie to me, die, die with me!"

Xuemei was stunned when she saw the old monk's changed appearance, and immediately cast a spell. The endless brilliance that once protected her appeared, but under the power of the Buddha's resentment, the brilliance was quickly invaded and dimmed.

The most terrifying thing about the power of Buddha's resentment is that it contains the power of cause and effect, which means it can invade all dharma and destroy all armies!

Facing these thousands of Buddha's resentments, Luo Li stretched out his hand, and the Hunyuan golden lamp was lit. Suddenly the light appeared and the Buddha's sound sounded:

"The world is impermanent, the country is in danger, the four great sufferings are empty, the five yins are selfless, birth and death mutate, and hypocrisy has no owner."

"Know all dharmas. That is the nature of the mind. Achieve the wisdom body. It cannot be understood by others."

"With one straight thought, all sentient beings become Buddhas. There is a Buddha in my heart. This Buddha is the true Buddha. If I don't have a Buddha mind, how can I find the true Buddha?"

Thinking of the Buddha's sound, the zombie old monk was suddenly stunned. He stood there motionless and began to sing along with the Buddha's sound.

Gradually, the old monk became peaceful and no longer looked like a zombie!

Luo Li thought for a while, and immediately imitated the attitude of the old monk in the Great World, activated the light of the Hunyuan golden lamp, wrapped the old monk, and then muttered silently:

"Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil, life will eventually die, spirits will eventually perish, and all things will eventually perish. In glory, they are just a handful of loess and a handful of green ashes! A hundred years of life is like a dream. How can there be anything eternal? The sunset is apocalyptic, and the horror is audible, but it lasts only a moment..."

This is the method that Luo Li has used to transcend countless wronged souls, but the effect of transcending this Buddha's resentful demon soul is somewhat ineffective. It is not as easy as before.

Luo Li frowned and immediately used his divine power to reward good and punish evil. Although these Buddha spirits fell, they did not harm anyone during their lifetime. This should not be the case. This is unfair!

Immediately under the tenth-level Buddha treasure, under the rebirth mantra, and under the moral power, the zombie old monk immediately dissipated in the Buddha's light, turned into a little spiritual light, and was instantly injected into the Hunyuan golden lamp.

The old monk disappeared, and a golden wooden fish fell to the ground with a clang.

I saw a little brilliance in the golden lamp. An eminent monk was sitting there silently chanting sutras. He looked at Luo Li and smiled!

Apart from this bit of brilliance, Luo Li felt endless merit surge towards him in an instant.

I only consume one good deed, but at least I get a hundred good deeds in return, and this good deed is completely different from the previous good deeds, with a peaceful golden power, peaceful and powerful!

One for one hundred, Luo Li's eyes suddenly lit up, this seemed to be a good deal! In addition, this golden wooden fish should be a Buddhist treasure!

Looking at the past, these ruins and ruins are endless. How much good deeds must have been! How many Buddha treasures! (To be continued)



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