Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,371: Destroy the world, create the world and refine the flame demon!

Luo Li looked at the Flame Demon Ancestor and let out a sigh of relief. This guy was both an ancient Flame Demon and a monk Flame Demon Ancestor. He could be said to be extremely powerful. Luo Bai all died in his hands, but it was himself. The number one rival!

However, Luo Li was extremely excited, because this guy was so strong, and it was just a chance to test whether his Way of Fire was correct!

The Flame Demon Ancestor slowly stood up, and demonic fire began to rise on his body. !

Luo Li looked at him and said coldly: "Then give it a try!

Let’s see which one is your ancient demonic flames, or my Five Elements True Fire! "

With a bang, endless flames erupted behind Luo Li!

The Flame Demon Ancestor also said coldly: "True fire? The true fire way from the origin of the universe?

But, nothing!

My fire is a demonic flame, which is best at swallowing, polluting, and changing. Even if you are the true fire from the origin of the universe, you will still have to be demonized before my demonic flames! "

The Flame Demon Ancestor also made a loud noise behind him, and countless raging fires appeared!

In an instant, a violent explosion came. As the two men emitted flames, the flames collided, triggering a violent explosion!

The entire Flame Demon Sect's hall was reduced to ashes, and two people appeared in this dimensional world.

This dimensional world is about ten thousand miles away. With this violent explosion, the distance between the two people suddenly became infinitely farther. They were thousands of miles apart, facing each other from afar.

As the two faced each other, endless flames immediately broke out between them!

In the hot and intense firelight, everything here was distorted by the high temperature and steaming mist!

The two began to set off their own fire.

Luo Li's true fire, the origin of the universe. Number one in the world, endless release!

The Demonic Fire of the Flame Demon Ancestor, the Demonic Way is extremely powerful, and it surges like wildfire in ancient times!

The two fight, this battle is a moral struggle between the two!

Is the demonic fire more powerful or the real fire?

The two people's fires were burning, corresponding to each other, and the fire fight began!

Fire of the Flame Demon Ancestor. The flames were raging. It burned from red to purple, then burned to white, and then turned white to the extreme, and suddenly turned into black magic fire. Endless darkness. Extremely scary!

Luo Li's flame. There is only one color, the most refined color of fire, the fire of Luo Li. It seems that there is no change, but it remains unchanged in response to all changes!

The entire world is divided into two by their flames. Everything in this world has been burned out. Their flames have broken through the laws of heaven. Just like the sun, they don't need any spiritual energy to support combustion, they just burn automatically!

The fire between the two was raging against each other, and they seemed to be motionless, facing each other!

But where the flame corresponds, there are countless changes.

Where their flames met, tongues of fire rose up in the flames. Thousands of monsters appeared in the fire tongues of the Flame Demon Ancestor.

These monsters are all fire monsters, including fire dragons, fire apes, fire horses, fire rats, and fire rabbits. They are endless. Under the command of the twelve flame demon generals, they rush towards Luo Li's flames. Come.

And among Luo Li's flame characters, countless fire spirits appeared. Under the leadership of a fire bird, endless fire giants were born, and they rushed toward each other one after another!

It turns out that the fire god Luo Li came to the world, but only one or two fire giants appeared. In the current flames, countless fire giants were born one by one, and followed Xiaohong to participate in a deadly battle!

The giant fought with many fire monsters. When the giant stepped hard, a fire bull was crushed to pieces and turned into thousands of fires, which were immediately absorbed by the giant. With this step, those who are familiar with the Hunyuan Sect's magic will immediately notice that It stepped lightly, and the spell it used was the dust-free fire that does not stain the world.

Then the giant waved his hand again, and it was the super-level spell Yao Ming Yan that wiped the day. Another monster was beaten into thousands of sparks and absorbed by the fire giant.

But in an instant, six or seven fire demon snakes pounced on the giant, and were swallowed by the fire snakes. Although the giant stood up forcibly and tore the fire snakes apart, the demonic energy rolled through his body. He turned around and turned into a demon. A fire demon, transformed by demonic energy!

This battle is extremely fierce!

The fire of the Flame Demon Ancestor changed again, from inky black, to bitter green, to blue, to purple gold. With each change, his fire monster was transformed.

Luo Li, on the other hand, remained unchanged in response to all changes, that is, one color, the color of extreme flames, refining all demons!

The fierce fire rises endlessly, and countless fire spirits continue to fight.

The two sides fought for a long time, with no winner or loser.

Suddenly the Flame Demon Ancestor looked towards the horizon, with a smile on his lips, and suddenly said:

"Okay, when the time comes, Luo Li, you will be defeated!"

His tone of voice was extremely calm, but he was extremely confident, as if all the battles were for this moment.

Then the Flame Demon Ancestor immediately shouted: "I control the heaven and earth, I control the universe, I give birth to the sky, and I transform the demon realm!"

Following his words, the whole world changed. This time, Yuan Void suddenly seemed to be alive, as if a huge demonic stomach was squirming. In an instant, Luo Li found that his true fire was no longer affected by him. Control, being absorbed and controlled by this world.

Luo Li remained motionless, looked at the Flame Demon Ancestor and said, "Is this your demon realm?"

The Flame Demon Ancestor laughed and said: "Yes, it is my demon realm. All our battles in this world are enriching my demon realm. In this world, it is your flame, which surpasses my demon fire a hundred times. A thousand times, ten thousand times, it’s meaningless. In the end, it can only become the fuel in my demon realm and become a part of me!”

Luo Li looked at him and said again: "What a fire demon, seducing the opponent to use all his flames, and then suddenly transforming, turning the opponent's fire into his own fire, so calculating, so calculating!

Luo Baijin died here, right? "

The Flame Demon Ancestor said: "Yes, that's it, otherwise why would I have been fighting with you for so long?

In fact, that guy is also very strong, but no matter how strong he is, there is no point. In my demon realm, only I am the strongest! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "Yes, you are the strongest in your demon realm. Even if my true fire becomes stronger, it will be refined by you!"

It's a pity, it's a pity that this demon realm is ineffective against me. Since the whole world belongs to you and all the flames have been plundered, then well, then I will destroy this world!

As long as I break your demonic realm, everything you have will be in vain. "

The Flame Demon Ancestor laughed and said: "Are you kidding me? Destroy my demon realm. Are you dreaming? Who do you think you are? The god of the end of the world, hahahaha!"

Luo Li shook his head, but did not smile. He slowly adjusted his power. Suddenly there was a breath from ancient times. It spurted out on Luo Li. This breath is extremely terrifying,

This aura is still spreading outward, spreading ten miles, a hundred miles, and a thousand miles. For an instant, the world seemed to be stagnant!

Immediately, the Flame Demon Ancestor was dumbfounded and looked at Luo Li stupidly, not daring to move!

Luo Li was slowly rising into the sky, and a ball of flame appeared on his body. The flame was extremely pure, like the brilliance of glass, and then the flame changed and turned into a giant axe!

Luo Li used his true fire to unleash the mighty Pangu World-Destroying Ax!

At this point, the two powers merged into one, and this Pangu world-destroying ax was even more powerful and terrifying!

Endless flames erupted in the sky, and a huge flame giant appeared in the world in the distance. Standing proudly on the horizon, holding a giant ax, he wanted to open the sky and split the earth again.

The flames spurted out, triggering bursts of thunder. It was really rolling thunder, lightning and thunder.

With the roar of thunder, the Demonic Domain of the Flame Demon Ancestor began to collapse, forming cracks one after another. For some reason, a cold flaming evil wind hung in the cracks.

The energy of chaos, raging flames, fire from the sky, fire from the earth, thunder, lightning, and cracks in the earth suddenly seemed like the end of the world was coming, which was extremely terrifying.

I think of a voice between heaven and earth:

"Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy..."

Then Luo Li pulled out his ax and struck with one blow!

Boom, light, explosion, destruction, destruction of the world!

The world collapses, and the entire Demon Realm has only one result, and that is annihilation. No matter what exists, it will all dissipate under the flames of destruction.

Wherever the flames go, there is only one result: annihilation. No matter what exists, everything will dissipate under this light.


A huge mushroom cloud rose and began to explode in the world. Huge earthquakes occurred across the land thousands of miles away, and landslides and ground cracks occurred.

With one blow, everything was destroyed. The entire Flame Demon Sect's hometown, the entire Flame Demon Ancestor's Demon Realm, and the Flame Demon Ancestor were instantly turned into ashes, leaving nothing behind!

The light dissipated, Luo Li returned, and suddenly appeared in a void. Looking at the sea under his feet, corresponding to the stars, Luo Li immediately knew that he was in the Mobei region.

Looking in all directions, he saw countless flowing fires scattering in all directions. They were the fragments of the Demon Realm that he had shattered by the Flame Demon Ancestor. The Demon Realm was shattered and split in all directions.

Luo Li stretched out his finger and started to deduce. Then he smiled, and in an instant, he traveled thousands of miles away.

His apocalyptic blow completely destroyed the Demonic Domain of the Flame Demon Ancestor, but he knew that he did not kill the Flame Demon Ancestor.

There was a big tree here, which was hit by a piece of debris falling from the Demon Realm. It immediately burst into flames. Luo Li came to the flames, looked there and smiled:

"How are you, ancestor?"

In the flames, a figure appeared, it was the Flame Demon Ancestor. He looked at Luo Li angrily and said:

"My demonic realm has been shattered by you, and you still chase me endlessly. It's hateful, hateful!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "If you cut the grass without removing the root, it will grow again when the spring breeze blows!"

The ancestor of the Flame Demon roared: "I am proficient in the way of immortal fire. As long as there is fire burning between heaven and earth, even if the world is destroyed, I will not be extinguished. Let me see how you kill me!"

When it comes to you, I already know who you are. You are the sworn enemy of our gods and demons. Just wait, you will not be reincarnated under the gods and demons! "

Luo Li said slowly: "You should worry about yourself!"

After saying that, another kind of flame appeared on his body. This kind of flame was very strange. It seemed that the flame had endless power of life. It was not destruction or burning, but rebirth and creation!

The Flame Demon Ancestor was shocked and shouted: "What kind of flame is this?"

Luo Li said: "Since you know who I am, you should know my other ability!"

After saying that, the flame rolled up and involved the Flame Demon Ancestor. The flame suddenly turned into a fireball. In the flame, a world was vaguely born!

It was Luo Li's fire of creation, his experience in Chaos Dao Chess, and his own fire that created a world.

Although this world is small, unbearable, and insignificant, it is a complete small world, a dimensional space.

The ancestor of the Flame Demon was involved, the world was born, the world turned upside down, the five elements were reshaped, the sky was thundered and the earth was fire, everything changed, and his immortal fire body also changed with it. It was irresistible. I don’t know that in this small world, Turn into something.

But Luo Li didn't care. He slapped it with all his strength. In this small world, a giant ax appeared and destroyed the world again. With a snap, this small world immediately turned into ashes, and everything in it , all dissipate.

Including the ancient demon Balrog!

When this world was born, his power of immortal flames had been changed, and then the world collapsed. He could no longer be resurrected and died directly!

Ancient demon Balrog, die! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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