Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,372 Wumeng’s majestic walking mud pill!

The world is destroyed, the world is born, and the world is destroyed again. In this life and death, the flame demon dissipates and dies!

Although the Balrog died, there was still essence left behind. Sixteen pieces of strange substance that looked like flames were the remains of the ancient demon and the essence of the devil!

When the Greedy Ancient Demon died, he left behind this demonic essence, and now when the Balrog died, he also left behind this essence.

Luo Li took these essences in his hands. If these essences are refined by the monks of the Great Perfection of God, they will definitely be promoted to the realm of returning to the void. If they are taken back to the Hunyuan Sect, the Hunyuan Sect will have at least sixteen more true ones of returning to the void.

But Luo Li shook his head, but he would not take it back, because Luo Li also needed these demon essences.

These devil essences are, in a sense, the strange fires of heaven and earth.

It just so happens that these demon essences can assist Luo Li and increase Luo Li's accumulation. Before this avenue, Luo Li must first cultivate himself, and then others.

Luo Li escaped and immediately left here and flew towards the distance. About hundreds of thousands of miles away, a small island appeared in the distance.

There were about hundreds of islands in that small island, all interconnected and dependent on each other. Luo Li randomly found a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and he wanted to practice here.

On this island, there are monks who have opened a cave. They should be a group of Jindan real people practicing here.

When Luo Li reached this point, he fell down and his pressure was slightly released.

Suddenly, a monk shouted on the island:

"That senior is here, little He Lianzi is justified!"

"Senior, senior. Lord Chen Junzhen of Zuodao Kusuo Sect is my seventh uncle. I don't know what senior has ordered!"

"Senior, senior..."

Luo Li did not speak, and continued to release his breath. The seven Jindan Daoists on the island could not withstand the power of this pressure. They immediately knew what Luo Li wanted, and immediately obeyed and left the island one by one.

After they left, Luo Li landed on the island. Choose one of the caves that is sunny and clean. Just fall.

When he landed in the cave, he took out the Four Treasures of Cultivation immediately.

Immediately practice the four treasures to show your power, and this place will be transformed. above the earth. Endless grass rises. On a stone platform. A bright moon rises, but the sun has not yet risen, so it is still night. The spiritual flags are fluttering, and endless spiritual energy gathers here.

Then Luo Li began to take out the Fire Demon Essence, picked up one, and slowly refined it. The powerful fire intention contained in the Fire Demon Essence was immediately injected into Luo Li's Avenue of Fire.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, the demon essence had been refined by Luo Li. Luo Li picked up the second one and started refining it.

Luo Li's true fire is the origin of heaven and earth, just like the general outline of fire, embracing everything.

The strange fire that Luo Li found, as well as the essence of the Fire Demon, are all powerful fire power in the Road of Fire. They belong to the special mutated fire road. They are like a special chapter in the general outline, which can be used just right. Auxiliary to the True Fire Avenue.

In the blink of an eye, two months later, Luo Li had refined all these flame demon essences. He let out a sigh of relief and completed the accumulation in another step, with endless gains.

Luo Li silently felt that this time he could definitely advance to the Guiyuan realm, but Luo Li smiled, he was not like that.

Since you have chosen to accumulate, then accumulate to the end, the more the better.

Time is running out, so why should I be in a hurry to advance to the Guiyuan realm? Anyway, with my own strength, I will be invincible if I advance early or later.

Continue to accumulate until there is no more accumulation. When the time comes and you advance to the Guiyuan realm, this will be your own strength.

At this time, there were still five years left before the sect conference. Luo Li thought about it and decided to continue traveling.

But this time around, he was different from before because he had a goal.

The demon essence of this ancient demon flame demon can create sixteen Void-Returning True Ones for the Hunyuan Sect, but they are all refined by themselves, which will benefit them endlessly.

Can I look for some more ancient demons and seize their demon essence? Although their demon essence is not much related to the avenue of fire, my own fire has the power to create and destroy the world. It can use the demon essence to Use flame transformation to give birth to the essence of fire.

Although the success rate of this kind of transformation is only 30%, the chance is not great, but it will be at least 30% successful. Otherwise, I have already traveled almost all over the Zhongtian world, and it would be too difficult to find the strange fire.

Instead of searching for a long time without any goal, it is better to have a clear goal and at least gain something!

In addition, if those ancient demons hold back now, they will definitely cause catastrophe to the world in the future. I can take this opportunity to extinguish their wings and kill them one by one, reducing the harm to them.

That's right, kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Luo Li nodded, it was a solution. Anyway, he was still wandering around, so if he stayed, he would stay!

Luo Li suddenly had an idea. He stood up, stretched out his hand, and the cave beneath his feet changed. Then he sent out a spiritual thought and left instantly.

Among the seven Jindan Daoist people, after Luo Li occupied their cave, some of them became desperate and decided to look for a new cave. However, everyone did not leave. There was still a trace of luck in their hearts, waiting here and waiting for the opportunity.

Suddenly, they were shocked, as if someone had said something to them. They immediately felt clear and knew that Luo Li was gone, and immediately returned to the cave.

This return was extremely smooth. Everything in the cave was calm and returned to their hands, and they were surprised to find that the aura in the cave seemed to have increased several times compared to before, enough for them to advance to the Nascent Soul realm.

This opportunity was right in front of them. Originally, none of the seven had any hope of being promoted to Nascent Soul, but now the opportunity suddenly appeared.

Immediately, these Jindan masters knelt down and thanked Luo Li.

At this moment, Luo Li continued to swim, heading towards the West Sea.

In the West Sea, before the catastrophe, the sea was endless, with only a few islands for humans to survive. After the catastrophe, it was even more desolate, with almost no human habitation.

Luo Li arrived at the West Sea, stepped on the sea, looked in all directions, and whistled fiercely.

The sound of the whistle was clear and spread in all directions. Following the sound, a wave of water appeared in the distant sea, and a huge shark fin, like a flag, appeared in the distance.

The shark looked like it was swimming, but in fact it was a magical escape. A moment ago it was a hundred thousand miles away, and in less than a moment, it was in front of Luo Li.

This shark jumped out of the horizontal plane with one leap. The entire shark's body seemed to be made of platinum. It was extremely hard and sharp, but also had a gorgeous beauty.

The shark jumped up to a hundred feet, and when it fell, it transformed into a middle-aged man, with an endlessly burly body, exuding thousands of bloody auras. When he landed in front of Luo Li, he bowed and said:

"I've met my benefactor!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "What kind of benefactor? It doesn't have to be like this. Fellow Daoist Sha should be worthy of being a fellow Daoist!"

This shark spirit's name is Sha Tongtian. It has a powerful aura and a ferocious body. It is equivalent to the monk's return to the virtual realm, so he can be called a Taoist friend with Luo Li.

But Sha Tongtian still said: "My benefactor is my benefactor. Three years ago, I met my benefactor. I didn't understand the reason and wanted to eat my benefactor. On the contrary, my benefactor did not kill me, but taught me the way of heaven and earth, so that I could be promoted and returned to the world." In the virtual realm, how can we not repay such a great favor!"

Three years ago, Luo Li came to this area of ​​the West Sea, looking for strange fire, and met this shark spirit. At that time, he was in the realm of gods and attacked Luo Li.

Luo Li didn't kill him, but surrendered him to find the strange fire to practice. When he left, he taught him a method. Unexpectedly, he used this method to break through and advance to the realm of returning to the virtual world.

Luo Li said: "You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Sha, actually I'm here to ask for a favor from you!"

Shark Jingsha Tongtian was stunned and said, "If anything happens, just ask me!"

Luo Li said: "I want to go to the West Sea, Tianyuan Sea, I wonder if you can take me there?"

The West Sea, Tianyuan Sea, is a terrifying sea area that was born after the catastrophe. During the catastrophe, the power of world blending did not dissipate in this sea area, but formed a terrifying area. In the Tianyuan Sea, there are countless Even if you return to the void, you don't dare to enter the time and space vortex easily.

According to the memory hidden in the Demonic Essence of the Flame Demon, Luo Li knew that because the space-time vortex was still there and the space-time storm was powerful, many ancient demons were hiding in that sea area, absorbing the space-time power there, and building their own Demonic realm.

It turns out that the Balrog is also there to absorb the power of time and space. When his demon realm is completed, he will leave.

Luo Li wanted to try there to see if he could meet other ancient demons and kill them to seize the essence of the demon god.

The Tianyuan Sea there is very scary, but a foot is long and an inch is short. In the local West Sea, all powerful sea monsters are born to live in the sea and may be able to come and go freely, so Luo Li came here to seek help from Sha Tongtian. .

When Sha Tongtian heard Luo Li's words, he frowned and said, "My benefactor, it's not that I won't help!

To be honest, my time for promotion and return to virtual reality is still short, and I can’t get in there, but I have a way!

I have a senior who is a pilot whale and the overlord of the Western Sea. He can freely enter and exit the Tianyuan Sea. I will ask him to guide you! "

Luo Li said: "Okay, then let's lead the way!"

Nasha Tongtian immediately said: "Okay, let's go!"

He just jumped and turned into a giant shark again. Luo Li landed on the back of his shark. He swam towards the distant sea, looking for the help of the pilot whale, the overlord of the Western Sea!

After swimming like this for a full day and night, Luo Li knew he had found a pilot whale from a distance!

In the distance, there was a huge island, a hundred miles away, floating slowly on the sea, with a thousand-foot water column spraying up on the island.

No need to look at this guy, this is the pilot whale. Compared with him, Sha Tongtian is just a loach. He is so big and has a majestic aura. He is one of the overlords in the Western Sea!

Suddenly, the pilot whale opened its mouth to take a breath, and with a bang, a huge wave of a hundred feet rose, and immediately turned into a tsunami, sweeping in all directions. (To be continued...)


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