Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,370 The Ancient Flame Demon Fiery Way!

Walking on the earth, Luo Li searched for the strange fire between heaven and earth.

This kind of flame is extremely difficult to find, because what Luo Li possesses is the true fire of heaven and earth. Strange fire with unique characteristics is too rare.

However, as long as you look for it with your heart, you can still find it with the help of the induction power of the real fire of heaven and earth, and your own powerful strength in the realm of returning to the virtual world.

It's just that these strange fires are in extreme places, either above the Nine Heavens or below the Nine Abyss, and are extremely rare and extremely rare.

Every time he found a strange fire, Luo Li observed it carefully. Stones from other mountains could attack jade, thereby strengthening his own way of fire.

After searching and searching, three years later, Luo Li found dozens of strange spiritual fires.

On this day, Luo Li suddenly felt a fire all over his body, and he trembled. An indescribable sadness appeared in his heart.

Luo Li suddenly frowned. This was a tragedy shared by thousands of miles away. A strong man fell, and it was related to the Heavenly Way of Fire.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a blazing fire appeared in his hand. He felt it carefully and let out a long sigh.

Fierce heavenly fire, thousands of miles away, illustrious spiritual light, the divine way of fire! The Fire God Sect returned to Xu Zhenyi, and the eighth Burning Sky Flame Emperor Luo Baijin fell from the sky!

Luo Bai's flame was completely extinguished. At the last moment of extinction, thousands of miles away felt the same sorrow. Luo Li, who also practiced the way of fire, felt his disappearing aura!

But how did he fall? Did he become possessed by his cultivation, or was he killed by someone?

Luo Li doesn’t know!

Shaking his head, reassured by this thought, Luo Li continued to search for the strange fire between heaven and earth.

In a blink of an eye. Ten days later, Luo Li came to a towering snow-capped mountain. He looked at the snow-capped mountain and then walked towards it.

In fact, Luo Li was not looking for some strange fire when he came here this time. For some reason, seven days after Luo Baijin died, Luo Li had a strange feeling, as if he was being stared at by something, as if something was secretly following him. Monitor yourself.

This kind of induction. It was completely innate and had no basis. Even if Luo Li used various secret methods, he would not be able to detect the observers.

But Luo Li knew it. Something is watching me. So he decided to go to the Snowy Mountains.

In this snowy mountain. There is a kind of Tianshan snow lotus. If this kind of snow lotus is ten thousand years old, it will be higher than the snow lotus. A strange fire arose.

This kind of strange fire does not have any firepower, does not contain any light and heat, but it has a kind of calming ability, making people calm and forget everything.

As long as this strange fire lasts, the snow lotus will be in an extremely safe state. Even if countless pickers see this snow lotus, they will feel calm, forget the existence of this snow lotus, and leave here.

Luo Li has been here before and observed the snow lotus strange fire here, and he understands this strange fire very well.

Since he couldn't find the pursuer, Luo Li came here again, to the side of the snow lotus.

Looking at the ice-crystal snow lotus, Luo Li stretched out his hand, picked up a bit of strange fire on the snow lotus, and then soared into the sky, flying high into the sky.

As he flew away, Luo Li squeezed hard, and the snow lotus strange fire he took was immediately shattered. At the moment of shattering, Luo Li injected his own energy and used the power of the strange fire to use his own spells.

In an instant, the characteristic of the snow lotus strange fire that makes people calm and forget everything suddenly comes into play and changes at the same time.

In an instant, Luo Li exuded a strange power. No matter how secretive or hidden the pursuer was, he was affected by the snow lotus fire at this moment, forgot about himself, and exposed himself.

In an instant, Luo Li found the other person. Sure enough, someone was paying attention to him at all times, but the other person was millions of miles away from him. He used a strange magic power to burn the fire through the endless raging, isolating him thousands of miles away. , peeking at yourself secretly.

Luo Li smiled and said, "I found you!"

In an instant, Luo Li took advantage of this connection and used the other party's fierce fire to teleport instantly!

This is also the ability to watch the birth of strange fire during this period of time.

In an instant, Luo Li turned into flames, suddenly flashed across a distance of thousands of miles, appeared in a huge flame, turned around and appeared!

Appearing here and walking out of the flames, Luo Li took a long breath and frowned immediately!

This is not the Zhongtian Lord World. This should be the auxiliary dimensional space of the Zhongtian Lord World. The demonic energy here is billowing and the fire is raging. It is somewhat similar to the Great Brahma God Realm, but it is completely different.

In this demon fire, there is an ancient aura and an ancient magic power.

Arriving at this space, Luo Li looked in all directions and was stunned again. There was a familiar feeling here.

Here is a black hall. The black hall is extremely empty and grand. There are countless fire patterns carved on the ground. The real hall is built on a sea of ​​volcanic magma. There are countless scaffolds built up, just like a city on the water, except that the ground is not water. , but endless magma, bubbling and bubbling. If you accidentally fall into it, you will lose all your bones!

Luo Li is very familiar with this place. He has been here before and accidentally saw ten big characters carved on the wall: The Vajra is refined by the fire, and the Fire Demon burns the eight wastelands!

He couldn't help but said: "This is the Flame Demon Sect!"

The Yanmo Sect was one of the eight hundred sects at that time. The disciples of this sect practiced the way of demonic fire. The fire arose on their bodies and the flames were fierce. Moreover, the flames contained demonic aura. The monks killed by them had their own cultivation level. Refined by them, they can absorb the enemy's cultivation.

Disciples of this sect practice demonic fire. They have a bad temper and fierce personality.

The Flame Demon Sect had its glory back then and was one of the top sects. The Thirty Demon Sect was among the top ten and was rampant in the Qingsu area. Thirty thousand years ago, there was a battle with the powerful Vajra Sect and the Bahuang Sect. After three thousand years of fighting, the three sects finally perished together. All the strong ones died and all their skills were lost. Then they were attacked from behind by the Pluto Sect. All three sects were destroyed. The Pluto Sect rose in power and therefore became one of the most powerful sects.

Fortunately, the Yanmo Sect was protected by the Shenwei Sect, and the remaining disciples fled to Changzhou, Chu Na to build a sect. After 30,000 years of repairs, they returned to one of the central sects. However, after relying on the Shenwei Sect and relying on others, after 30,000 years of cultivation, the Yanmo Sect disciples no longer had the arrogance they had before, and began to learn to restrain themselves. Those who could not restrain themselves died, and the disciples in the sect no longer had the same hot temper as before. , but became extremely cunning.

During the last Xuanzhou catastrophe, the Ten Thousand Beasts Incarnation Sect invaded, and the other major side sects resisted desperately to protect their homes. However, the Flame Demon Sect pretended that the mountain gate was broken and hid in the magma to avoid the war.

As a result, Xuanzhou was saved by the Hunyuan Sect. This Flame Demon Sect was looked down upon and disgraced by everyone in the Xuanzhou continent. Later, during the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, the old beggar who was promoted to Huixu Zhenyi saved the disciples of the Ice Fire Sect and the Nine Transformations Sect. The Flame Demon Sect was ignored and never mentioned again. Luo Li thought they were all dead.

Unexpectedly, Luo Li was extremely surprised to return to the Yanmo Sect's hall today.

There was a dead silence in this hall. Looking past the dusty ground, there was only a ball of fire in the center of the hall. It was the sacred fire of Yanmo Sect, burning endlessly.

Luo Li gently touched the ashes on the ground and shook his head. These were the ashes after the human body was burned. It seemed that many disciples of the Yanmo Sect were in danger.

He looked into the distance and said: "Stop pretending to be a ghost and come out! Otherwise, I will tear down your doghouse!"

Following Luo Li's words, there was a bang, and a huge throne carved from white jade suddenly appeared on the side of the hall. On the throne, a person sat.

This man was wearing a big red robe, with blood-red hair like fire. He didn't look very old, but he had an indescribable feeling of vicissitudes. On the throne, the lines on his face were outlined by the light and shadow. The clear edges and corners reveal a solid calmness and rock-like hardness in the delicate beauty. And that invisible concentration gave him a layer of vague charm.

Seeing this person, Luo Li frowned. The distant memory gradually emerged, and he said, "Ancestor of the Yanmo Sect, Yanmo?"

During the Xuanzhou catastrophe, Luo Li had seen him from afar. He was none other than the Flame Demon Ancestor of the Flame Demon Sect!

The Flame Demon Ancestor looked at Luo Li, just smiled and said, "I didn't expect you have seen me! It's me! The Flame Demon Sect's supreme ancestor Nie Wuji!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Stop pretending to be a fool! What an ancestor of the Flame Demon? In fact, I should call you His Highness the Flame Demon, right?"

The Flame Demon Ancestor laughed and said: "Huode Zhenyi is really powerful, he saw that my true body is none other than me!

I am both the ancient demon Yanmo and the supreme ancestor of the Yanmo Sect, Huo Zuizai!

In fact, the foundation of our Flame Demon Sect is the inheritance left by the ancient demon Flame Demon. During the last catastrophe, I know that old bastard from the Tiantian Sect looks down on us, so we will not ask him for protection!

We, the Yanmo Sect, have our own way of overcoming the catastrophe, so we sunk the mountain gate into the earth and protected it with magma, so we can naturally survive the catastrophe! "

Luo Li looked around, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you are the only one who has survived the catastrophe, right? I'm afraid the other disciples of the Flame Demon Sect have all turned into ashes, right?"

When the Flame Demon Ancestor heard this, his eyes darkened and he said: "Yes, no one expected that this catastrophe would be so powerful!

However, the sacrifice of the children was not in vain. Their shouts and curses before they died unexpectedly triggered the bloodline of the Balrog, causing the ancient demon Balrog to resurrect and appear in our sect. Through this, he merged with me. , achieve my supreme hegemony!

At this point, I will become number one in the world, invincible to the Fire Demon, and my ancestor's fame will spread throughout the world! "

In his words, endless demonic fire rose and endless flames rolled! Move with His words!

Luo Li looked at him and said again: "So you turned this place into the Flame Demon Realm. I know, Luo Baijin, will he die in your hands?"

The Flame Demon Ancestor laughed loudly and said: "He who plays with fire, but can only play with two small fish and fire dragons, is he worthy of being called the Burning Sky Flame Emperor?

So I have perfected my magic skills and refined him. Now it's your turn, Luo Li, you are known as the True One of Fire Virtue, but I want to see how much fire you have in you! "(To be continued...)


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