Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1369: Turn around and look for the shaft!

Luo Li said: "Let's call you Ning Qianxue! From today on, you will be my third apprentice!"

The little girl looked at Luo Li in surprise, and then said respectfully: "Master!"

At this point, Luo Li took Ning Qianxue's reincarnated body as his third apprentice.

But Luo Li didn't have time. Professor Ning Qianxue was about to advance to the Guiyuan realm, so he had no choice but to call Qing Hu.

Qinghu comes here to pay his respects to the master.

Luo Li pointed at Ning Qianxue and said: "Qinghu, this child is your third junior sister. From now on, you will teach her on my behalf!"

Qinghu nodded and said, "Yes, Master, I understand!"

Ning Qianxue looked at Qinghu quietly, a little timidly.

Qinghu smiled at Ning Qianxue. Qinghu was best at charming others, and soon Ning Qianxue had an endless crush on her, and the two of them fell in love.

Qinghu was about to take Ning Qianxue away. After thinking about it, he said to Luo Li:

"Master, according to the rules, should junior sister go to the outer sect to practice? Hunyuan Sect disciples must pass the trials of the three gates and nine gates of the outer sect before they can officially enter?"

This is the rule of Hunyuan Sect. All disciples must go through the trials of the outer sect before they can enter the inner sect.

Luo Li nodded and said: "This must be the case, no one is an exception.

However, she is still young and her mind is not very mature yet. You should take her with her for two years. When her character is stable, you can send her to the outer sect for trial. "

Qinghu nodded and said: "Yes, disciple understands!"

After saying that, she was about to take Ning Qianxue away, but Ning Qianxue grabbed the corner of Luo Li's clothes and refused to let go.

Luo Li shook his head and said, "You go with Senior Sister first..."

Ning Qianxue shook her head and said: "No, I won't leave, Master, I want to be with you!"

"Master. Why do I want you to hug me!"

"Master, are you my father?"

She kept talking and kept talking. He even acted coquettishly and cried loudly. Just don't let go.

In the end, Luo Li had no choice but to make a promise. Only then did she coax her to let go and leave with Qinghu.

After they left, Luo Li said goodbye to Fan Wujie. At this point, the entanglement in his heart disappeared and he could advance to the Great Dao.

There was nothing special about the place required to be promoted to Guiyuan, but Luo Li still came to Qin Lake on the Xuanzhou Continent.

Qinhu is located 3,200 miles west of the outer gate station. It is a lake with a radius of hundreds of miles. The lake is in the mountains, and the mountains are in the lake. There are many rivers and gurgling water!

In this lake, there are many peaks and islands, including several islands. If you listen carefully to the sound of flowing water on them, you will hear a strange sound. It's like the sound of running water is playing a piano. This sound is the sound of nature. When people hear it, they can calm their hearts. Forget all the troubles and worries, just concentrate on practicing here with ease!

Luo Li came to Qin Lake because the sound of the water here was as clear as the sound of a harp. In addition, it was here that he met Mo Yanlan!

Mo Yanlan had already ascended, and the man had gone, but Luo Li came here unknowingly. I just want to advance to the Guiyuan realm here.

When Luo Li came to Qinhu, the courtyard where his ancestor used to play Qin was still the same. But the pretty beauty from back then is no longer there.

He sat down slowly. Listening to the music that comes from this place, thinking about the beauty of the past, moving with the music, and gradually entering a state of confusion.

Luo Li started to practice at this point, so as to break through the realm of returning to the virtual world and advance to return to the original state!

Returning to the void is when a monk understands the laws of heaven and controls the power of heaven, thereby creating the world and destroying it.

However, this so-called power and law of heaven are the eternal natural force of heaven and earth, which runs through ancient and modern times and spreads throughout the universe.

They will not make any changes with the comprehension and control of the returning monks, but those returning monks will be invaded and dissolved by them and become a part of those laws of heaven.

Therefore, if you don’t enter Guiyuan, you will be turned into dust by heaven!

Return to the realm of return! The so-called returning to the Yuan means returning to the One Yuan. A monk cultivating immortality means cultivating the truth and cultivating the Tao!

You must find your own way as a monk!

A unique way!

In this way, we can resist the invasion of the laws of heaven and no longer be assimilated by them.

My own way, my own life’s cultivation, my life’s pursuit, my life’s hard work, my own self, everything!

Integrate all of this into one, turn it into your own power of Tao, find your own origin, and return all things to one. This is the realm of returning to origin!

Return to the original state, regenerate the inner world, find your own original path, understand everything about yourself, all things are unified, and finally get rid of the way of heaven and the law!

At this point, Qin Lake has been enveloped by a layer of aura, and no one within a thousand-mile radius can approach it.

Time flies in the blink of an eye, three years later.

On this day, in the piano room, Luo Li slowly opened his eyes, frowned and walked out of the piano room.

After walking out, Luo Li didn't look happy at all because his promotion failed!

I don’t know why, but at the last moment, the promotion that should have come naturally was just a hair short of being able to cross over and advance to the Guiyuan realm.

Obviously everything has fallen into place, but I don't know why, but I just can't get to the last step and return to my original state.

what is the reason behind the scene?

Luo Li didn't know that he had no choice but to ask others. Whether it was the three major retreats or his own master, they were all far behind him. He had no way to help him and could only survive on his own.

With this failure, Luo Li thought about it, and finally there was only one possibility: his own way was still incomplete!

My own path of fire still hasn’t reached the path of returning to unity.

There are still some shortcomings. Even if the true meaning of the five elements is unified, it is still not enough.

"Not enough, not enough!"

"It's still not enough! Strange, what happened to me? Why do I have to advance to the Guiyuan realm?"

"Accumulating the foundation of eternal life! This is my way! But this time, why do I not want to accumulate at all, but just want to advance to the realm of Guiyuan?"

"When I got the magic of immortal fate, and when I found out that I didn't have to go through all the ups and downs and hardships like the previous times, I secretly rejoiced and felt happy in my heart!"

"What's wrong with me? Why do I have to advance to the Guiyuan realm?"

Luo Li began to reflect on himself and ask his true heart!

"I know, the reason why I am like this is because in the Lingshui Realm, I saw Fan Wujie promoted to the Guiyuan Realm!"

"Since then, I have begun to hope for promotion to the Guiyuan realm. In the final analysis, I don't want to be pulled down by Fan Wujie, and I don't want to lose to him!"

"Since then, I have lost my way. My way is actually to accumulate the foundation of eternity, soar into the sky, and crush all enemies with the power of the sky!"

"Since I started practicing, those powerful enemies have shown off their power one by one. Although my level is far lower than theirs, I can easily defeat them!"

"Why, it's because of my accumulation, little by little, step by step, endless accumulation, and finally turned into strength, and I am where I am today!"

"Golden elixir fights Yuanying, Yuanying destroys the transformed god, transformed god fights against returning to the void, returns to the void and returns to the original!"

"It's Fan Wujie who was promoted to Guiyuan, and he was beaten to pieces by me!"

"This is my way!"

"Why bother? Why rush for promotion? I still have plenty of time and opportunities, so why should I be in such a hurry!"

"I have to accumulate, accumulate, accumulate! If I want to go further and become stronger, I have to continue to accumulate. Only in this way can I continue to walk my path and obtain my path fruit!"

Luo Li's eyes gradually became clear and his heart felt comfortable. Although he was not promoted to Guiyuan, he felt refreshed, in tune with the world, and even more comfortable!

He walked out of the piano room, looked at the zhenqi shield outside, flicked his sleeves, and the zhenqi dissipated automatically, and then took a step away from Hunyuan Sect.

In the Jiuyang Sect, in the Tianyang Peak of the Blessed Land, the Thirteen Golden Pill Masters passed many tests and got the opportunity to practice in Tianyang Peak for a year. They were all extremely happy because there was a spiritual fire in Tianyang Peak. It's called Nine Yang True Flame.

Although this fire is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, it does not belong to the rank, because this fire is the only part of heaven and earth. It is only found in this blessed land and cannot leave this place. They can use the power of this true fire to practice their own Nine Yang Magic. .

But on this day, Master Thirteen Golden Cores suddenly discovered that there was an extra person beside them. This person appeared silently. After he appeared, everyone was unable to move and their whole body was stiff.

The man appeared strangely, and then Master Thirteen Golden Pills looked at him, wandering around the Nine Yang True Flame, watching, studying, and cultivating.

About a month later, the man smiled and said: "So that's it, this is the Fire of Nine Suns. Okay, I'm leaving!"

He looked at Thirteen Golden Pills and said: "I took advantage of your opportunity, this is a thank you gift!"

After saying that, he shook his hand, and Master Thirteen Golden Pills suddenly felt a real energy empowerment, which was equivalent to ten years of hard work.

That person left in a flash!

Thousands of miles below the earth, in the lungs of the earth, there is a group of earth fire elves. They were born from the earth's earth fire and live in the lungs of the earth.

The strongest elf among them, known as the Fire Elf Monarch, is as powerful as the human race's Return to the Void True One.

On this day, all the earth fire elves were shocked. The strongest fire elf monarch was stepped on the ground by someone. He touched the core flame of the fire elf monarch with his hand, as if he was studying something.

The fire elf monarch struggled desperately, but could not stand up. What was even more strange was that with the man's touch, he actually felt very comfortable.

After a long time, the man laughed and said: "I see, I didn't expect that my earth fire has such a variant. I understand, I understand!"

In an instant, Luo Li disappeared and continued to look for the next strange flame.

There are strange spiritual flames in the world. Each of these spiritual flames has its own way of fire. Luo Li observes them, refines them, and perfects his own way of fire!

Deep in the sea, there is a strange yin fire, boiling on the bottom of the sea. In the abyss of the earth, there is a terrible poisonous fire, containing endless poisonous power. Above the nine heavens, the true fire of the sun is eternal!

Luo Li is now wandering the earth, going to the most dangerous places, looking for the most bizarre fire, perfecting himself, and pursuing my path! (To be continued)


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