Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,368 The Ice and Snow Reborn in the Sky!

h2\u003e Luo Li returns to the Hunyuan Sect and prepares to advance to the Guiyuan realm.

However, before being promoted to the Guiyuan realm, Luo Li quietly left. He left the Chunan area and fled into the distance.

After destroying the Ancient God Kingdom and building the lighthouse system this time, and before preparing to advance to the next level, Luo Li always felt that there was one thing he had not done for some reason.

This matter was looming in Luo Li's mind, making him always feel that something was almost missing.

If you miss this and advance to the Guiyuan realm, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

After the construction of the lighthouse system was completed, the Hunyuan Sect was only waiting for the sect conference. Luo Li had some free time, and he began to look for this matter.

After completing this, my heart will be pure, and I will be promoted to return to my original state.

After much deliberation, Luo Li went to the Liaodong region and returned to the Spiritual Butterfly Sect.

After this catastrophe, Luo Li never asked about the life and death of the Lingdie Sect, because he knew in his heart that although the Liaodong region was not as earth-shaking as Chunan, the catastrophe was not small.

In this catastrophe, I wonder if the Lingdie Sect can survive it. Does the life and death of the Lingdie Sect affect me?

So before Luo Li was promoted to the Guiyuan realm this time, he first returned to the Liaodong region to explore the Spiritual Butterfly Sect.

With one step, he used the Four-Nine Escape Technique and traveled tens of thousands of miles in an instant. Another step, tens of thousands of miles again, and soon, the Five Islands of Spirit Butterfly appeared in front of Luo Li.

Looking from a distance, Luo Li immediately discovered that indeed, this place was also suffering during the catastrophe. At least two of the original five islands disappeared, but the other three islands merged into one, and the area of ​​one of them expanded by hundreds of miles.

In a blink of an eye, Luo Li came to the island. Looking from a distance, Luo Li secretly let out a sigh of relief.

The Lingdie Sect is still there, and the Ziyang Cliff is still the same as before. Many monks and disciples of the Lingdie Sect continue to practice on the Ziyang Cliff.

Luo Li took another step and entered the Spiritual Butterfly Sect. Within the Spiritual Butterfly Sect, countless disciples passed by Luo Li, but none of them could feel Luo Li's presence.

Since Fang Yingxue's death, Luo Li didn't want to alarm anyone in the Spirit Butterfly Sect.

Wandering here, Luo Li immediately knew how many monks of the Lingdie Sect had avoided the catastrophe. Unexpectedly, the catastrophe occurred and the five Lingdie Islands were in ruins, but there was one place that was extremely safe.

That is the Yinzhou Continent in the dimensional cave world, where there is no spiritual energy. The power of that terrible catastrophe is reduced to the limit in this dry land.

Many Spirit Butterfly Sect monks escaped to Yinzhou Continent and hid there for half a year. After the catastrophe ended, they returned to the world with almost no losses.

Luo Li shook his head and smiled. He never thought it was such a chance.

There is no problem with the Lingdie Sect. It seems that this place is not what I have been dreaming about.

Luo Li just turned around and left. What he was worried about here has been relieved, so Luo Li returned to Hunyuan Sect.

This time when he returned to Hunyuan Sect, Luo Li was also silent. Almost no one saw him. He didn't want others to be as good as him, and no one could see him!

Luo Li wandered between the inner and outer gates of Hunyuan Sect, looking for the thing that haunted him.

Tianqing Peak, Zhengyi Mansion, Zhuanzhou Valley, Ancestral Hall, Xuanzhou Continent, all areas can be reached.

On this day, Luo Li came to the Ice and Snow Valley on the Xuanzhou Continent of the Hunyuan Sect.

This place is one of the blessed places of the Hunyuan Sect. It has an endless cold climate all the time, covered with ice and snow, and endless ice. There is a kind of red plum here. The colder it is, the more open it is. The essence of it is the best alchemy material.

Back then, this was Ning Qianxue's favorite place. She built a cave here. Luo Li had been here as a guest several times.

This time when he returned to his old place, Luo Li came here. When he came here, Luo Li suddenly knew why he had such things in his mind.

If you are cheerful, you will suddenly understand!

He took out the half of the kingdom he had obtained, and then took out another object. It was the last tear and a bit of ice crystal left by Ning Qianxue when she died.

This bit of ice crystal contains the way of Ning Qianxue, the goddess of ice and snow, the ultimate in endless ice!

Luo Li smiled. It was a truly happy smile. He had a feeling that by integrating this ice crystal into the Kingdom of God, he could rebuild the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, and perhaps Ning Qianxue could be resurrected!

This feeling is an innate premonition, an induction in the divine consciousness. If Luo Li obtains the stagnation of the Divine Kingdom in another two years, he will not be able to resurrect Ning Qianxue.

Therefore, before Luo Li went into seclusion, he had a vague feeling. Because he was in seclusion and promoted to Guiyuan, he didn't know how long it would take. Maybe he lost this opportunity.

Luo Li immediately prepared to resurrect Ning Qianxue, but Luo Li discovered that the Kingdom of God was not enough.

This was originally the kingdom of the Ancient God of the Void, but it was split into two by Luo Li and Fan Wujie. At this point, the power of the kingdom was completely insufficient to resurrect Ning Qianxue.

Luo Li sighed and had only one solution. He started to look for Fan Wujie.

Only by finding Fan Wujie, getting back half of the Kingdom of God in Fan Wujie's hands, and fusing the two to complete the Kingdom of God can Ning Qianxue be resurrected.

Since the last incident in the Kingdom of God, whether he was building the Void Lighthouse or returning to the Hunyuan Sect, Fan Wujie seemed to have become a different person, silent and just practicing hard.

Luo Li was stunned when he saw him again. He saw Fan Wujie with long hair, unkempt beard, and tattered clothes. Originally, he was the most beautiful person, but now he almost no longer pays attention to appearance and spends all his time All used for cultivation.

Seeing his appearance, Luo Li vaguely knew that the Kingdom of the Emperor of Light seemed to have caused some kind of stimulation to Brahma Wujie.

Luo Li came to Fan Wujie and said:

"Junior Brother Wujie, I'm in trouble again and I want to ask you for help!"

Fan Wujie was stunned and said, "Do you still have time to beg me?"

Luo Li nodded and said: "I want the half of the Kingdom of God in your hand, so that I can resurrect Ning Qianxue. Please help Junior Brother Wujie!"

Luo Li made up his mind to ask Fan Wujie first. If he didn't give it, he would have no choice but to take it away.

Resurrecting Ning Qianxue is inevitable!

Fan Wujie frowned and said, "Resurrect Ning Qianxue? Do you want my kingdom of God?"

He closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "Okay, I can give it to you, but you have to agree to a condition and help me once!"

After thinking about it, Fan Wujie said again: "No, no!"

Luo Li thought he was going to regret it and would take action.

Fan Wujie said: "No, you have to help me three times! Three times!"

This guy's essence remains unchanged and he immediately raises his price.

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Junior Brother Wujie, I really want to teach you a lesson, just three times, I will help you three times! Okay, I promise you!"

Fan Wujie just smiled, took out the divine kingdom and handed it to Luo Li.

Luo Li took it, and the two divine kingdoms merged into one, immediately turning into a complete divine kingdom. Then Luo Li put Ning Qianxue's ice crystal into this divine kingdom.

Suddenly, the Kingdom of God changed, turning into a world of ice and snow, and something seemed to be gestating in it.

Luo Li watched all this carefully, feeling excited, maybe Ning Qianxue was about to be resurrected.

It takes a while for that little light to grow slowly.

After waiting for nothing to happen, Luo Li thought for a while, looked at Fan Wujie and said:

"Junior Brother Wujie, you are probably worried that the Holy Emperor of Light will use the blood of the God of Light to seize your body, right? So you practice hard to protect yourself?"

Fan Wujie's expression suddenly changed, Luo Li hit the point!

Luo Li continued: "Actually, you don't have to worry about it. The God Emperor of Light is his God Emperor of Light, and you, Brahma Wujie, are your Brahma Wujie, what are you afraid of what he will do!"

Fan Wujie said: "But, but, he is the Emperor of Light!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "So what! In fact, the ancient god of my original bloodline also wanted to give me power and took the opportunity to seize my body!

As a result, he was killed by me. No matter what he is, what ancient gods, or what power he has, I am the unique Luo Li, and my body is mine. Those ancient gods who are already in the past tense, get out of here. Far away!

I, Luo Li, can do this, but can't you, Brahma Wujie, do the same? Don't be afraid of this, there is nothing to be afraid of! "

In Luo Li's words, Fan Wujie's eyes shone. He walked slowly and stood up. On him, there seemed to be a shadow yelling and shouting, but it gradually dispersed.

Fan Wujie raised his voice and said: "Yes, I am the unique Fan Wujie. What's so scary about me? What kind of God Emperor of Light, get out of here!"

At this point, Fan Wujie's body changed, his beard disappeared, his clothes were clean, and the jade trees grew in the wind again!

Luo Li nodded, cheering for Fan Wujie.

In fact, it wasn't Luo Li's words that were so powerful that he woke up Fan Wujie and left the Kingdom of God. The Emperor of Light had already taken action against Fan Wujie.

Unexpectedly, when Luo Li appeared, his essence was the god of the end of the world, and he was born to restrain the Emperor of Light.

Back then, when Fan Wujie passed the Chaos Pangu Ax test at the outer gate of the Hunyuan Sect, the Emperor of Light once seized his soul. However, when he encountered Luo Li, he was naturally suppressed, and the Emperor of Light suddenly dispersed. This time is also like this.

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li, his heart clear, and he said: "Two times, two times, you helped me once!"

Luo Li said: "Hahaha, okay! The second time is the second time!"

While they were talking, the Ice and Snow Divine Kingdom suddenly shattered with a soft sound, and a little girl appeared in the Divine Kingdom.

This little girl is about 10 years old, with delicate and elegant features. She looks pure and pure. She looks exactly like Ning Qianxue!

Luo Li and Fan Wujie looked at each other with surprise in their eyes, never expecting that Ning Qianxue would be resurrected.

But after the little girl landed, she looked at Luo Li and the two of them and said:

"I, I seem to have had a dream!"

"A very strange dream, so messed up, so strange!"

"You two look so familiar, as if I've dreamed of you!"

"Two weird uncles, especially you. I don't know why, but I feel very close to you. Are you my father?"

She opened her mouth and kept talking, with a strange and naughty tone in her words.

Seeing her like this, Luo Li and Fan Wujie looked at each other again, with a kind of sadness in their eyes.

Ning Qianxue is extremely cold and arrogant. Although she has been reincarnated, she is not the Ning Qianxue she used to be!

The appearance is the same, the memory is the same, but the people are different!

Fan Wujie said: "Even the ancient god, with powerful divine power, is not resurrected, but reincarnated. How can she survive?"

Luo Li said: "In short, whether it's her or not, she's back, so that's fine. Everything in the past is like water, and everything is starting over!" r1152


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