Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,367 The Millennium Grand Competition Sect Meeting!

Luo Li couldn't help shouting: "It's you!"

The person who came was none other than someone who had gone through many years of struggle to survive during the catastrophe of heaven and earth!

Li Douliang nodded and said, "Come with me quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

After saying that, he grabbed the hands of Luo Li and Fan Wujie and ran away. His whole body suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared. [23[w]x

The world in front of Luo Li changed, and he immediately found that he had left that strange divine kingdom and returned to the normal world.

The three of them immediately continued to flee. In the blink of an eye, they were flying hundreds of thousands of miles away from the dangerous place.

Luo Li observed the environment and suddenly discovered that he was not far away from the Zhongtian Lord World. The Small Thousand World transformed by the Ancient God of the Void was actually a satellite planet of the Zhongtian Lord World.

Continuing to fly, the Zhongtian Lord World appeared in front. It was completely safe. Luo Li looked at Li Douliang.

Frowning, he asked: "Dou Liang, why are you? Why are you with those ancient gods?"

Li Douliang looked into the distance and said slowly: "Actually, we are originally divine beings, and divine beings are originally part of the ancient gods!"

Before Luo Li could speak, Fan Wujie said angrily: "Nonsense, what kind of evil spirits, what kind of ancient gods, bullshit, we are who we are, we are not anyone or any existence!"

I don’t know why Fan Wujie was so angry, but Li Douliang seemed to understand very well. He just smiled and did not answer Fan Wujie’s anger.

Luo Li ignored Fan Wujie and continued to ask:

"Dou Liang, what's going on with you? Tell me!"

Li Douliang said: "The last catastrophe. After I looked for a way out, I was severely injured by the catastrophe. I was in a coma and was saved by the goddess of life."

Luo Li frowned and said, "Goddess of life?"

Luo Li's little snow rabbit is essentially the goddess of life and has super powerful healing abilities.

Luo Li said again: "These gods, gods and demons have been dead for so many years, why are they resurrected again? Just die if you are dead, it is really troublesome!"

Li Douliang continued: "Actually, these ancient gods and ancient demons are not resurrected. To be precise, they should be reborn!

A new life, a life different from the past!

During the apocalyptic period of the catastrophe between gods and demons, these ancient gods and demons all had a premonition of their own end and death, so they left their bloodline seeds one after another. Waiting for the world to change. His own rebirth.

The world of Zhongtian Lord has experienced countless thousands of years. Finally, this catastrophe of heaven and earth, wind, thunder, earth and fire reshaped the world and changed the world. The bloodline seeds they left behind were activated one after another, so many gods and demons were reborn.

The goddess of life thought that I was also the resurrected thunder god, so she saved me, and I was with her..."

Luo Li nodded, I see, that's what the so-called resurrection of gods and demons is all about.

Fan Wujie had no intention of paying attention to what Li Douli said. He suddenly interrupted Fan Wujie's words and asked:

"Whose kingdom is that kingdom of God just now?"

Luo Li also asked: "Yes, that divine kingdom is so powerful. It is countless times more powerful than the divine kingdom of the Ancient God of the Void! It cannot be broken at all!"

Li Douliang looked at Brahma Wujie and said: "That Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Perfection. The Kingdom of Void that was broken by you is only a semi-finished product. The Ancient God of Void is famous for not being able to construct gods because of his Void Divinity. The country has not been successfully built for so many years and cannot be connected to other divine kingdoms.

Brahma Wujie, did you feel a very strange feeling in that Kingdom of God just now?

It's very simple, because that Kingdom of God is the Kingdom of Light built by the Emperor of Light! "

Suddenly, Luo Li knew why Fan Wujie was so angry after leaving the kingdom of God. It turned out that the kingdom of God was the kingdom of the Emperor of Light, and Fan Wujie's bloodline was the God of Light. There was a close connection between the two. , so Fan Wujie was furious.

Brahma Wujie gritted his teeth and said: "No matter what the Emperor of Light is, no matter what he is, don't have any contact with me, I am the unique Brahma Wujie!

He should not try to control my life! "

Li Douliang continued: "During this catastrophe, gods and demons were resurrected, but there were not as many gods and demons as there were in the era of gods and demons. On the ancient gods' side, dozens of ancient gods were resurrected!

As far as I know, the Dark Demon Emperor on the Ancient Demon side has not been resurrected, and only three or four of the Twelve Ancient God Emperors and the Twelve Ancient Demon Demon Emperors have been resurrected! "

Luo Li suddenly looked at Li Douliang and asked: "Douliang, are you Li Douliang, a human monk, or the ancient god of thunder?"

Li Douliang was pressed by Luo Li, he hesitated and said slowly: "I, I am the supreme god Li Douliang, a monk from the Shenwei Sect of the human race!

I am not the God of Thunder, I am Li Douliang! "

When he finally said these words, he seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden. It seemed that he was also hesitating endlessly and had difficulty making a choice in this issue.

But he added: "Actually, some ancient gods are not determined to destroy the human race as we imagined. They are no different from us. They just want to live peacefully..."

Luo Li smiled and said, "Like the goddess of life?"

Luo Li could see that there must be an affair between Li Dou Liang and the goddess of life.

Li Douliang's face turned red and he didn't say much.

Luo Li finally said: "Let's go back and build the Void Lighthouse first. We should be able to succeed this time!"

Li Douliang said: "Okay, you go, I will continue to return to the God Realm, be my God of Thunder, and explore their actions. If they attack the God World, I will notify you at that time."

The so-called divine realm is the divine kingdom of light of the God of Light. He uses his own perfect divine kingdom as the core and connects other perfect divine kingdoms to build a realm known as the divine realm.

The Ancient God of the Void was not good at building the Kingdom of God, so his Kingdom was not perfect at all and was in a semi-finished state. Therefore, there was no way to connect to the Kingdom of Light, and it was finally destroyed by Luo Li.

At this point, the three of them broke up. When they broke up, Li Douliang suddenly took out a black feather, handed it to Luo Li, and said, "By the way, Luo Li, this is for you.

According to my observation, there seems to be someone on the Ancient Demon side who has sneaked in like me. This is the method of contact she left me. If you light this feather, she will know that you are contacting her. "

The ancient gods built the Kingdom of God, while the ancient demons sacrificed and refined the demonic realm. Although there are big differences, they can be said to be essentially the same.

Luo Li put away the black feather and said, "Okay, I understand!"

At this point, the three of them separated, and Luo Li and Fan Wujie returned to the void in the Chunan area.

It was still the same palace, and many returning beings came here. When they saw Luo Li returning, countless returning beings immediately came over to ask.

Luo Li said: "I'm sure, this is the rebellion caused by the ancient gods. These ancient gods..."

Luo Li told all the secrets of the ancient gods that he knew, and everyone sighed. Now the world of Zhongtian Lord is going to be troubled again.

Everyone sent out flying charms one after another to spread the word to the remaining disciples of the sect and their relatives and friends.

Soon, news came from far away, and news from Luo Li was received. Traces of ancient gods and ancient demons were also found in several other areas. It was they who destroyed the construction of the lighthouse system.

In other areas, the gods and demons all escaped. Only in the Central Plains area, an ancient demon was killed by the Kunlun Sword God with the Immortal Killing Sword.

Once you know the problem, it will be easy to solve it. Soon, Hui Xu Zhenyi will refine a strange magic weapon that can sense divine power to destroy it.

Then everyone built the Void Lighthouse again.

This time, there was actually no induction magic weapon, and the ancient gods and ancient demons would not come to destroy it, so it suddenly became extremely smooth.

Under Luo Li's control, he still used the original method of nine horizontal lines, nine vertical lines and eighteen main lines.

When the time came, a spiritual thought burst out from Luo Li's body, and all Return to the Void True Ones immediately sensed Luo Li's order.

At the same time, all the True Ones who returned to the void immediately activated the laws of heaven they had mastered, activated the lighthouse magic weapon in their hands, and then pressed it toward the void!

These lighthouse magic weapons immediately glowed, and they were connected in the void one by one. Suddenly, in the sky above the Chunan area, nine horizontal and nine vertical lines of eighteen rays of light were faintly visible, penetrating the entire Chunan area.

A roar, instant success!

At this point, these lighthouse magic weapons merge into the void, merge with the heaven and earth, correspond to the sun, moon and stars, completing the construction of the lighthouse system!

After the main line was constructed, the rest was much easier. With the joint efforts of many Huixu and countless other monks, one hundred and eight auxiliary lines were added to the main line, and one thousand were added below the auxiliary line. Zero hidden line.

The intersection of these lines is where the lighthouse is placed, forming thirty-six Tiangang formations, seventy-two Earthly Evil formations, and three thousand six hundred and sixty-five small formations. These formations are perfectly linked to form a lighthouse of their own. Defense system!

One year later, the last lighthouse was installed. Suddenly, 129,600 lighthouses were activated in the sky above Chunan, forming a huge protection system that merged with the heaven and earth. Any attempt to destroy the lighthouse would be destroyed by the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation. .

As for the demons from other lands who want to invade the world of the Central God, they are seeking death.

Over the past year, the ancient gods and ancient demons seemed to have disappeared, and there was no movement again.

According to Li Douliang, in fact, for the ancient gods and ancient demons, the concept of time is different from that of the human race. They have infinite lifespans, and they do not cherish every day and every moment like the human race!

The construction of the void lighthouse is incomparable. Among many regions, the Chunan region was the first to be completed, far surpassing other regions. The monks who participated in the construction of the lighthouse were all proud of their hearts.

After the construction of the lighthouse was completed, everyone partyed for three days and then dispersed. During this year, many people became good friends.

Luo Li and others returned to the Hunyuan Sect. The Wood God had returned, but he brought bad news. The innate five-element treasure that separated the five elements was secretly hidden by the Five Elements Sect. It was not news that could be found out in a moment.

The three great patriarchs have given up on destroying the Five Elements Sect and looking for the treasure. They have come up with another way, which is to seduce the Five Elements Sect and take out the treasure themselves.

And there is only one chance to do so, and that is the Sect Association.

The sect competition is held every thousand years to determine the ranking of the sects, the heaven, earth and spiritual land occupied by the major sects, and the sect assembly that determines the rise and fall of the sect!

Knowing this news, Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief. There were still eleven years until the sect conference, so he could use this time to advance to Guiyuan! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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