Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1366 The country is in danger and Ninja helps the divine cauldron to be overthrown!

Hearing what Luo Li said, Fan Wujie said angrily: "This is the Kingdom of God, what can we do?"

Luo Li said: "I said it's easy to handle, it's easy to handle!

It seems that this Kingdom of God was built with the help of the original Small Thousand Worlds. Although we cannot leave, the traces can be seen at a glance. What does this mean? "

Fan Wujie's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "I understand, this means that the foundation is unstable. The Kingdom of God was established in too short a time, and with the help of external forces, it is not strong enough at all."

Luo Li said: "Yes, the instability of the Kingdom of God means that its capacity is limited, so we will use this to make it explode!

After a while, we will release our divine power together to blast him and make his kingdom explode. I heard that all gods and demons will perish if their kingdom is shattered! "

Fan Wujie nodded and said: "Okay, okay, good idea!"

The two talked secretly here and then remained motionless.

Even though the power of the Ancient God of the Void swept over and locked the two of them, they did not move for a moment.

Sitting on the throne, the Ancient God of the Void slowly flew over.

Luo Li said: "Okay, when he gets closer, we will take action!"

The Ancient God of Void frowned and looked at Luo Li and the two of them, and said slowly:

"It's a strange feeling. Why do I feel that you two are in danger? I can't help but warn you, danger, danger. It makes no sense!"

After saying this, he suddenly stopped flying, gently stretched out his hand, and shouted in an indifferent but majestic voice: "God's punishment!"

Two rays of silver light shot out from the fingertips of the Ancient God of Void. The powerful silver light passed by, in the Kingdom of God. All laws collapsed one after another, revealing the deepest nothingness.

Divine Punishment is the most terrifying and powerful divine power of the Ancient God. It is the final blow released by the Ancient God with all its divine power and energy. Abandoning all techniques, all changes, divine punishment, only the purest divine power can eliminate all powerful enemies.

The age of gods and demons. Even if there is an endless battle between gods and demons. But few ancient gods used divine punishment, because of this divine power, they could kill a thousand enemies and injure themselves eight hundred. Kill powerful enemies at the same time. It is also a terrible harm to oneself.

The Ancient God of Void originally had thousands of methods. He tried to deal with Luo Li and the two of them, but he felt the endless warning coming from deep within his soul and made a prompt decision. Abandon all moves and directly use the strongest divine punishment.

Luo Li didn't know this, but Fan Wujie knew it. As soon as he pulled Luo Li, he ran away instantly, and then shouted:

"No, our plan was discovered by him, take action quickly!"

In an instant, endless divine power of light surged out from Fan Wujie's body, and Luo Li also immediately exploded with his own divine power!

In Luo Li's body, endless divine power exploded, and Luo Li's path of fire was determined. The former world-destroying divine power was automatically transformed into the divine power of fire.

At this moment, all three parties used their strongest methods, and suddenly a strange phenomenon occurred.

Fan Wujie pulled Luo Li, and the two of them came into physical contact. At the same time that their divine power exploded, Luo Li's divine power of fire and Fan Wujie's divine power of light surprisingly merged into one, and then exploded!

Fire, fire, where there is fire there is light!

The fusion of their two divine powers erupted, far exceeding the sum of their respective divine powers!

The divine power of fire merges with the divine power of light and explodes instantly, forming a series of chain reactions. The entire process of divine power explosion cannot be terminated, let alone reversed.

Their divine power expanded crazily, and they suddenly erupted with high temperatures and terrifying energy that exceeded the limits of all things, destroying everything!

The kingdom of the Ancient God of the Void was as fragile as paper under the explosion of divine power. In the explosion of expanding divine power, it was immediately shattered, shattered, and completely collapsed.

The Ancient God of the Void didn't even react. In the explosion, his kingdom collapsed, and his body turned into ashes with a click, just like an illusion!

This powerful ancient god died like this, silently!

But his death is not the end. With the death of the Ancient God of the Void, the divine power of Luo Li and Fan Wujie continues to explode!

If you look at it with the naked eye, the first thing you see is a flame appearing in the Kingdom of God, and then above the flame, light bursts out!

Then, an extremely blazing fire burst out. The fire soared into the sky, and wherever the fire passed, everything in the Kingdom of God was annihilated, decomposed into the most basic energy, and then added to the fire.

The terrible fire, like a storm, became more and more fierce, and its scope became wider and wider. The increasingly turbulent fire finally spread throughout the Kingdom of God, and then, the Kingdom of God completely disappeared!

In less than a breath, with a bang, the Kingdom of God disappeared!

But something even more bizarre happened. After a few breaths, all the energy re-condensed and formed new laws, and a new kingdom of God was born.

A dazzling new world spreads and reappears where the ancient kingdom of the Void God originally was!

This Kingdom of God is half smaller than the Kingdom of the Ancient Void God, with only a thousand miles in radius, and nothing exists in it. However, this Kingdom of God is extremely clean, extremely holy, and filled with light.

Luo Li and Fan Wujie were dumbfounded in this divine kingdom, extremely surprised.

After a long time, Brahma Wujie said: "What, what is going on?"

Luo Li frowned and said, "I don't know, but I know that the Ancient God of the Void has been eliminated by us!"

Fan Wujie said: "Destroyed like this? It's hard to believe that we spent so much time to eliminate the Greedy Ancient Demon!"

Luo Li said: "It feels strange, as if this divine kingdom belongs to me! But I can't control it!"

Fan Wujie tried it and said: "I can't control it either, but I know that as long as you and I work together, we can control it together.

This divine kingdom belongs to you and me. Let us unleash an explosion of divine power and turn the divine kingdom of the Ancient Void God into a common divine kingdom for both of us! "

Luo Li frowned, and immediately knew what was going on. In his Avenue of Fire, there was the power of creation, and with the power of light of Brahma Wujie, he refined the Kingdom of the Void and turned it into the Kingdom of the two of them. .

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's give it a try. Put this kingdom away!"

The two of them exerted their divine power together. As their divine power was injected, the kingdom of gods suddenly began to shrink and merge. In the blink of an eye, Luo Li and Fan Wujie appeared in the void of the normal universe. In front of their eyes, there was a gem-like stone. The same strange light.

This is the Kingdom of God just now. Looking at this Kingdom of God, Luo Li and Fan Wujie looked at each other. Fan Wujie said:

"How to divide this thing?"

Luo Li replied: "Let's just split it in half! The kingdom of God that we can't control is worthless!"

Fan Wujie nodded, and the two of them stretched out their hands to touch the gem and issued orders together. Suddenly, the Kingdom of God clicked. Split into two halves at once. half each.

So far the split. The Kingdom of God that Luo Li obtained suddenly changed from a thousand miles to only three hundred miles in radius. The loss is huge, but this divine kingdom is complete and can be refined and turned into your own exclusive divine kingdom.

The same is true for Fan Wujie's Kingdom of God. He looked at the Kingdom of God happily, and Luo Li couldn't help but say:

"Wujie, let me remind you!

Although we have divine power, we are still monks, and we are on the path of cultivation to achieve immortality and ascension.

But once the Kingdom of God is refined, it will be completely different! "

Fan Wujie was stunned, looked at Luo Li and asked, "What do you mean?"

Luo Li said: "Once you refine the Kingdom of God, you will follow the path of the God Lord.

The pinnacle of this path is the super beings such as the Demon Lord, the Taoist Lord, and the Buddha Lord!

With the Kingdom of God, it is now its own realm, and it is no longer possible to ascend to the fairy world, the real demon world, that kind of high-latitude world.

You have to take care of yourself! "

Fan Wujie was immediately stunned and said, "Is there still this saying?"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Yes, this is the secret I know in the True Immortal Art!"

Just as the two were talking, they suddenly looked into the distance, frowning.

In the distance, looming, there is divine power appearing.

That divine power is not much weaker than the Ancient God of the Void, and it is not just one, but dozens of them, surrounding it in all directions.

This is the home of the Ancient God of the Void. Something happened to him, and the other Ancient Gods felt the crisis and came here immediately.

If it were one or two Ancient Gods, Luo Li and the two of them wouldn't be afraid, but if there were dozens of them, they were too many, and that wouldn't work.

Luo Li immediately said: "Let's go!"

He and Fan Wujie ran away immediately, just in a flash.

In an instant, time and space shifted, and Luo Li and Fan Wujie suddenly found that they had moved into a world.

In the golden sky, a red sun hangs high.

A large river rushed across the plain, dividing the wide plain into two. The vast and continuous plains have been cultivated into fields, and there are many hard-working farmers working in the fields under the scorching sun.

Simple but beautiful villages are scattered across the plains, and the location of each village is as neat as if it had been divided in advance. In the center of the plain stands a steep and majestic holy mountain.

The holy mountain is ten thousand feet high, like a giant pillar supporting the sky. The cliffs are steep and straight, and there is no way up the mountain. On the top of the holy mountain, there is a magnificent palace. With tall spires, huge domes, tall petal-shaped windows, and pointed ribbed vaults, the entire building has simple and rigid lines, and is grand and solemn.

The golden glitter building material emits a crystal clear light, adding incomparable nobility and beauty to the entire palace. Rays of divine light radiated from the center of the palace, and the divine light even radiated to the entire world.

Luo Li and the two moved here and felt the difference of this space. A space with an area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles is filled with a kind of divine light that is difficult to see with the naked eye. The light is strong but not dazzling, powerful but not ostentatious. It is gentle but excludes the power of all other attributes.

This is also the Kingdom of God!

And it is a perfect kingdom that surpasses the Kingdom of the Ancient God of the Void by hundreds and thousands of times!

Moreover, you can feel that in the distance of this divine kingdom, there is a divine kingdom connected to this divine kingdom!

In this world, the method of destroying the Void Kingdom is no longer effective.

Fan Wujie immediately said: "No, we were fooled!"

The reason why those ancient gods appeared was to force Luo Li and the others to move, thereby moving them into this divine kingdom.

In this Kingdom of God, lights appeared one after another, and dozens of ancient gods returned to the Kingdom of God.

This is how to do?

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared quietly, grabbed Luo Li and Fan Wujie, and said, "Quick, follow me before they come back!"

Luo Li was stunned. When he saw that figure, he couldn't help but said excitedly: "It's you!" (To be continued...)


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