Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,365 Chasing back and forth into the Kingdom of God!

The monster turned around and walked away, thousands of miles away in an instant, as fast as light.

"It turns out to be it. What is this?"

"I don't know, but this is the thing that ruined our good deeds three times!"

"Catch him, catch this monster!"

"Don't let him get away!"

Luo Li immediately followed closely. Not only him, but many of the Returning Void True Ones were also chasing after him. He dared to play tricks on everyone, and everyone was furious.

Many returning voids were spread all over the Chunan area. Someone immediately surrounded them and rushed directly in front of the monster to intercept them.

This guy was the one who continuously sabotaged the construction of the Void Lighthouse three times and failed. Everyone hated him and wanted to catch him and destroy him.

But this guy is really as fast as light, and he can fly thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. Although his flight is caused by the wings behind him, it has a strange power, like a space shift, and he disappears immediately without a trace.

"Don't run away!" "Stop!" "Die!"

Luo Li chased after him wildly, using his strongest escape technique, he started to catch up, his whole body turned into a blaze of fire, and he kept chasing.

The monster was flying in the Chunan area. From all directions, Huixu Zhenyi gradually surrounded him. It looked like there was not much room for him to escape.

The monster looked back at Luo Li. There seemed to be a sneer on the snake's head, and then he flashed and disappeared.

This time it was not a flight, but a direct passage through space, from the Chunan region to the auxiliary dimensional space of the Chunan region.

The so-called auxiliary space is a dimensional world similar to Yinzhou Continent. It is attached to the Chunan region and calls itself the dimensional world.

Traveling through the dimensional world is nothing to return to the virtual world, but there are few such easy movements like it, which is traveling through the dimensional space.

Even if he escapes, no one will let him go!

Among them, the old Zen Master Jian Xin who was following Luo Li said coldly: "Follow me!"

The old Zen master also traveled through the dimensional space and jumped into the air to catch up. With him leading the way and two obvious dimensional landmarks, Luo Li immediately followed.

Suddenly the space flashed. Luo Li found himself in a dimensional void world. It is dark here without any light. This is an affiliated dimensional space belonging to Chu Nan's world.

There is no birth, no death, nothing here. And a big hole has been opened. Countless dimensional void storms. Sweeping up, it was a broken space that was about to collapse. Worthless.

The monster came here, dodged again, and left again.

When everyone arrived, they immediately followed him, and Luo Li and others continued their mad pursuit.

But this time, during this frenzied pursuit, most of the returning Void True One that was chasing him was suddenly lost. Only those with superb strength could cross time and space so easily.

The monster traveled to the second dimension, but it was also incomplete. He used it as a springboard and immediately continued to travel.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the monster traveled through seven dimensions in one breath. This time Luo Li looked back and saw that apart from him, there were only fifteen or sixteen people chasing him.

The monster traveled through seven dimensions in one go. Seeing that Luo Li and the others were still chasing him, this time he moved and then disappeared.

This time Luo Li and others chased after him, and they immediately discovered that they had returned to the real world, but they were already outside the void and far away from the Chunan area. At this time, Luo Li only had the old Zen Master Jianxin, Fan Wujie, and Fu Gongming waiting for him. people.

The monster fled towards the distant void, flying in his void, just like a fish soaring in the sea, like a fish in water, and in the blink of an eye it was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Luo Li continued to chase.

A Small Thousand World appeared in front of it. This was also the Small Thousand World attached to the Heavenly Lord World. It was still a million miles away from the planet. The monster fled towards the Small Thousand World and disappeared in the Small Thousand World.

"This guy is hiding in the Small Thousand Worlds!"

"Don't let him go. This guy is not a monster. I just received the summons. According to his appearance, he should be the ancient god of the void in the era of gods and demons!"

"No, isn't it? The Ancient God of the Void in the Age of Gods and Demons? Isn't he already dead?"

"The gods and demons are resurrected, this is the resurrection of gods and demons! Another catastrophe!"

"Fortunately, all races have been wiped out. All races are actually their descendants. They are terrifying together!"

"Kill him, no matter what gods or demons he is, kill him!"

Everyone just chased and entered this small thousand world planet.

There are billions of creatures on this planet, among which a kind of tauren is the leader, becoming the master of this world.

The monster should be hiding on top of this star clan. Suddenly, more than a dozen spiritual thoughts that had returned to the void were frantically searching for it.

"What should I do? Can he hide there?"

"No matter what, he should be on this planet. Lead me to smash this small world and force him to come out!"

Someone was about to take action to destroy the planet and force him to come out, but Luo Li said:

"Wait a minute!"

He felt it carefully and then said: "No, he has already left. This planet is his springboard, he escaped!"

After speaking, Luo Li used his own feelings to find the fluctuations in time and space transmission when the ancient god of the void escaped.

"What a powerful guy. This kind of escape technique uses the planet as a point to teleport between thousands of worlds. It's unique and unbelievable!"

"Yes, yes, it is indeed the Ancient God of the Void. He is really powerful!"

Following the teleportation fluctuations discovered by Luo Li, many people returned to the void and were filled with admiration!

Luo Li followed closely behind the fluctuation.

As Luo Li left, other Huixu followed behind him, but most of them did not move. With specialization in the art, this kind of teleportation was quite difficult to control, and many people could not escape like this.

The Ancient God of the Void escaped from a distance this time!

He didn't know how many thousands of miles he had flown, but Luo Li discovered that he had gone from that small world to another small world.

In this world, endless yellow sand is flying, and the entire world is like a planet composed of a large desert. This time, only five or six people followed Luo Li here.

When the Ancient God of Void arrived, he immediately escaped again. Without stopping.

Luo Li continued to chase, but at this point the old Zen Master Jianxin shook his head and said:

"No, I can't catch up anymore. I'm running so fast, I need to rest for a while!"

Fu Gongming also said: "I can't do it anymore. I'm really old. I'm old!"

There are only two or three people who can continue to chase.

Keep chasing like this, traveling through seven small worlds in one breath, and finally turn back. Luo Li found that he and Fan Wujie were the only ones left. Still catching up.

Apart from the two of them, there is no one else!

The reason for this is that although Luo Li has not yet advanced to the Guiyuan realm, he is already the same as himself. The fundamental way to give birth to oneself. Brahma is the avenue of light. The two of them had pure Taoist skills, which was why they were able to escape so continuously.

Continue to catch up, after the eleventh Little Thousand Worlds. Suddenly flying away this time, Luo Li felt as if he had broken through a strange shackles, as if he had traveled to a strange space!

This time can also be said to be the Small Thousand Worlds, but it is completely different from the normal Small Thousand Worlds.

With a flash of void, Luo Li appeared in this world.

This world should also be a small world, but it is completely different from the previous planet.

This place almost seemed to be a world of its own. When Luo Li arrived, he saw that this place was a flying land. On the flying land, a red sun shone on the sky and the earth.

On the flying land, there are mountains, rivers, waterfalls and springs, beautiful mountains and clear waters, strange rocks and waterfalls, mist and mist, ethereal and ethereal.

Looking from afar, you can see the endless green pines and cypresses all over the mountains on the flying land, like a dream. Looking closer, you can see the green grass on the ground, the green trees, and the white clouds floating under the feet. The flying land is surrounded by The vast sea of ​​clouds, like emptiness and illusion, like mist and tide, is ever-changing and cannot be described in words. It's like a fairyland on earth.

Something is wrong here. It is neither a small world nor a big world. It completely violates the laws of heaven and earth and becomes a strange world of its own. This was Luo Li's first feeling. At this point, he stopped chasing and just observed silently.

At this time, Fan Wujie arrived shortly afterwards. He also frowned and said:

"Here, something doesn't seem right here!"

Luo Li thought for a moment and said, "He is the Ancient God of the Void, and this is the world of the Kingdom of Gods!"

"The Kingdom of God? How is it possible!" Fan Wujie said in shock!

Legend has it that in the age of gods and demons, both the ancient gods and ancient demons had their own gods and demons who transitioned into the world. This was the fundamental source of power for the gods and demons. It was actually equivalent to Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven.

After Fan Wujie denied it, he immediately said: "This, this, is really possible, this should indeed be the divine realm of the Ancient God of the Void!

However, this place was originally a small thousand world, and he transformed the small thousand world into his own divine world! "

Then he immediately flew away and said at the same time: "Quickly, let's get out of here!

Within the kingdom of God, the ancient god is almost invincible! "

But Luo Li frowned and said, "We can't leave!"

Fan Wujie's escape failed immediately. It is easy to enter the world of God's Kingdom, but difficult to get out!

At this time, in the center of the world, the monster was sitting on a throne, rising slowly!

He looked at Luo Li and Fan Wujie and said:

"You are chasing, chasing, chasing? Why don't you chase!"

"I'll let you chase, chase, chase, come to my Kingdom of God, and die!"

Following his words, Luo Li and Fan Wujie suddenly had a feeling, as if they could pick off the stars in the sky by raising their hands, stamping their feet could make the rivers flow backwards, and taking a breath could make the sun and moon dim. Breathing out can make the wind and clouds change, as if he is the sky, the earth, the sea, and the world.

The Ancient God of Void roared:

"There is no way without the devil!"

In an instant, this world no longer had any mana and magic energy. It was as if there was nothing in this world, no boundaries, no size, no up and down, front and back, left and right, no past, present, and future.

In this world, all spells and magical powers are ineffective, and only divine power can operate.

The Ancient God of the Void laughed loudly, looking at Luo Li and Fan Wujie as if he were looking at two rats entering a cage, knowing that he was sure of victory.

But Luo Li and Fan Wujie are not afraid at all. In this lawless and demonic world, other monks who have returned to the void will be completely destroyed when they come here, but to Luo Li and Fan Wujie, this is nothing at all.

The two of them have nothing but endless magical powers!

Fan Wujie frowned and said, "In the Kingdom of God, this guy has endless power and is immortal. What should we do?"

Luo Li looked at the world and said: "It's easy to handle, easy to handle, I have a way, come on, let us destroy him!" (To be continued...)


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