Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1364 The God of the Void Again and Again!

Everyone finally returned to the Void Palace and began to study why the lighthouse defense system ended in failure.

Returning to the main hall, everyone began to reimagine what exactly led to the failure.

Everyone started the discussion with one word, and Fan Wujie was the first to fire, placing all the responsibility for the failure on Luo Li.

"Luo Li, I think your layout of this place is wrong. It shouldn't be like this!"

"There is also a seventh main line, which should go thousands of miles away to avoid the earth's light. You also made a mistake here!"

"Finally, there is another place, the ninth horizontal line..."

These are all places where one can do this or another, and Fan Wujie just picks them out to show his sense of existence.

When Fan Wujie said this, some people immediately objected.

Old Zen Master Jianxin was the first to say: "I don't think Luo Li's decision is wrong!"

Fu Gongming also said: "I think so too!"

Fan Wujie immediately said: "He is wrong. Look at his arrangement here, it will lead to..."

Fan Wujie fought against many returning voids alone, and started to debate here. Xin Yuan helped from time to time. The master and disciple were speechless as they talked about many other returning voids.

In the end, the arrangement was not successful and failed. No matter how reasonable it was, it was still wrong. No one could argue with the two of them.

Luo Li just listened without saying anything, and finally said:

"Okay, since you are so reasonable and think there is something wrong with what I did, then it's up to you!"

Fan Wujie said: "Okay. Look at me this time!"

This time, he was in charge of the arrangement of the Void Lighthouse.

He immediately began to make arrangements. During this operation, he saw countless monks looking at Luo Li's horse, which made Fan Wujie feel unhappy. He finally found an opportunity and immediately suppressed Luo Li, so Fan Wujie broke out immediately.

This time Fan Wujie stole the show. It can be said that he is the first monk in the world of Zhongtian Lord to enter the realm of Guiyuan. He is powerful in his own way. Under his auspices. The wisdom of all people was inspired by him. Seven days later, the second plan was developed.

This time is different from the last time in that a main line of ten horizontal and twelve vertical lines has been constructed. Known as the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Void Formation!

Fan Wujie looked at the research results. Extremely proud and confident.

Luo Li said nothing. He just said: "If the arrangement is successful, it will be a good thing. As for you and me, who is right and who is wrong. It doesn't make much sense!"

Fan Wujie smiled even more when he heard what Luo Li said.

Everyone immediately took action again and began to distribute in the void in Chunan area, preparing again.

This time, Luo Li did not do it alone, but seven people at the same time. In the four directions of the void, the seven people led everyone to decorate the void lighthouse together.

Almost all the monks were mobilized and busy. At the last moment, Fan Wujie took the lead, activated the lighthouse magic weapon in his hand, and then pressed it towards the void!

These lighthouse magic weapons immediately glowed and connected in the void one by one. Suddenly, in the sky above the Chunan area, ten horizontal and twelve vertical main lines were faintly visible, running through the entire Chunan area.

Then a click was heard.

All the lighthouse magic weapons in everyone's hands were shattered with a soft sound! The light that appeared in the sky was immediately extinguished!

The construction of the lighthouse system failed again!

This time it was Fan Wujie's turn to stay in the void stupidly, speechless, and just said to himself:

"How could this happen, how could this happen!"

The other Huixu people were also stunned. This time they had been calculating for a long time and deducing repeatedly. Why did they fail again?

Luo Li smiled after this time, as if he had discovered something.

After a long while, Zhenjun Moxu said:

"Seniors, not only our Chunan region has failed, but also the Void Lighthouse constructed at the same time, whether it is the Central Plains region or the Suiyuan Gaozang region, all constructions have failed!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that the problem was not their own, but the whole world.

Fan Wujie said: "How is it possible? It doesn't make sense. We who can scheme have done it. What is the problem?"

Then he gritted his teeth and said: "We still can't calculate it, there must be something that we ignore! Come again, come again, I won't believe it, I can't find the reason!"

At this point, many returning voids gathered in the hall again and started to calculate again.

This time, everyone worked together and calculated carefully. Every link they could think of was ignored. The calculation was completed and the calculation was repeated. This time, it took half a month before the calculation was completed.

Fan Wujie took a long breath and said, "There should be no problem this time!"

The old Zen Master Xinjian also said: "I have used my mind's Zen view of the future and made repeated calculations, and there is absolutely no problem!"

Not only Xinjian alone, Luo Li also used the divine power of rewarding good and punishing evil to conduct deductions, and finally found that there was absolutely no problem with this plan.

Since there are no problems, let’s start the layout.

Before the arrangement, another news came, and repeated deductions were made in several other areas, but they all failed in the end.

After hearing the news, everyone couldn't help but feel cold. They didn't know what would happen this time.

Everyone continued to prepare, and this time there was no more confidence than the previous two times.

Everyone prepared, and then started setting up again.

Sure enough, no matter how accurate the calculation was, the world did not buy it, and with another cry of life, all the lighthouse magic weapons were shattered again.

All those returning to the void felt cold in their hearts, but this time they were mentally prepared and not as desperate as the previous two times.

At this moment, Luo Li said slowly: "I caught you!"

Suddenly, he suddenly shot out and grabbed the void in the distance.

As soon as he grabbed it, there seemed to be slight waves in the void, and there was a loud noise, and a monster appeared there.

This monster has a human-shaped snake head, black scales all over its body, two horn-shaped heads, each connected to a slender neck, moving up and down, the snake hesitates, and its four small eyes emit a faint blue light. What is particularly eye-catching is that on both sides of the object's back, there are actually two pairs of small feather wings extending out. The feathers on the wings are as colorful as peacock feathers, with holes and eyes, which is very strange.

Luo Li looked at it and shouted: "One, two, and four, I caught you this time!"

It turns out that the failure to build the Void Lighthouse this time was caused by the destruction of this monster.

The monster was caught by Luo Li and appeared. It flashed and disappeared instantly. Luo Li shouted:

"I want to see what you are, monster, go over there!"

In an instant, a ball of flame chased after him, and following Luo Li's movements, other Huixu also chased after him.

But some people did not move. Shinichi Ryusu of the Evil Demon Sect looked at the disappearing monster stupidly, and then said:

"That, that, doesn't seem to be a monster, it seems to be the legendary Ancient God of the Void from the age of gods and demons!"

ps: Recommended

Bai Yujing, the divine palace, has five cities on the twelfth floor.

Immortals caress my head, tie my hair and grant me immortality.

One city, one creation, one floor, one supernatural power.

Zhong Shenxiu, breaks through the five continents, and is proud of the heroes in the troubled world.

One sword can break all laws, and all laws can be captured by one sword.

The way of the sword should be obtained from the straight, not from the curve.

It is my will that all the gods should be destroyed, and I alone control the sky!


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