Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1363: The mountains and rivers are all in sight, but they are far away!

Everyone entered the palace and officially began to study the construction of the Void Lighthouse. **

In the main hall, Zhenjun Moxu stretched out his hand, and a water mirror illusion appeared.

This illusion is majestic and is a hundred feet in size. It is a real-time phantom image of the Chunan area. It was painted by the monks of Yunhai Qingming Sect after many days of hard work.

What's even more amazing about this image is that it's not fixed. The mountains, rivers, land, and stars in the sky are all moving all the time.

The illusion of the water mirror appeared, and many people who returned to the void looked over, and all of them frowned and watched carefully. If there were any magical fluctuations, they could not help appearing.

Such an illusion of heaven and earth is drawn so clearly, the map is so careful, and the movement trajectory is so clear. Except for the Yunhai Qingming Sect, no other sect can use this method.

It can be said that this illusory map is priceless, so many Huixu took a look at it and secretly operated spells. They immediately took this map into their hearts one by one and copied it after returning to the sect.

Luo Li nodded, and naturally there were monks from the Hunyuan Sect who started copying.

Seeing everyone copying, Zhenjun Moxu smiled and said slowly: "Seniors, everyone knows this Void Lighthouse. To maintain the lighthouse, Nascent Soul Golden Pill can be used, but to build the lighthouse, only the Returning Void True One can do it. arrive!

So we can only trouble the seniors. According to our calculations, it will take at least one hundred thousand to build the void lighthouse this time. All the seniors here need to refine more than a thousand lighthouses! "

Many people frowned when they heard that more than a thousand lighthouses were being refined.

The so-called lighthouse is actually a magic weapon. If you count the level, it must be at least a fourth-level magic weapon. Each person can refine a thousand of them. The materials and time required for refining the treasure are very troublesome.

But what's more troublesome is that if this lighthouse wants to become a real lighthouse in the void, it must be infused with the laws of heaven, so that the laws of heaven can be integrated with the heaven and earth. There should be other lighthouses within. Outreach to the stars in outer lands.

Because it involves the laws of heaven, this requires careful operation by Hui Xu Zhenyi to succeed, so it is very difficult. Likewise, only Return to the Void Zhenyi has the strength to refine a lighthouse.

so. I heard that each person needs to refine more than a thousand. This will take at least three or four years. Many Huixu Shinichi frowned, but there was no way. Now that we're here, this is all we can do!

Luo Li said: "Okay, since everyone is here, there is no problem, but refining the lighthouse is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so let me do the refining, and you can just decorate the lighthouse!"

As soon as these words were said, many people breathed a sigh of relief, saving countless troubles, but some people frowned secretly.

Although this void lighthouse requires more than 100,000 yuan, and the treasure refining materials are extremely amazing, it is too trivial for Luo Li who owns Taichufang City.

Refining this Void Beacon is even simpler. Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven has the ability to make all wishes come true. In addition, Luo Li's Avenue of Fire is the best at refining everything. It can be said that refining this Void Beacon is very labor-saving.

Another more critical point is that this Void Lighthouse builds a defense system and is located above the void. But will someone secretly leave hands and feet? If so, it will be like a cantilevered sword.

If Luo Li refines this treasure by himself, although Luo Li will not leave any hands or feet on this void lighthouse, he is not afraid of others plotting against him.

Just refining as he said, Luo Li immediately took out the materials in Taichufang City, activated the endless real fire, and automatically generated a furnace in Taichu Cave Heaven, sent the materials in, and started refining.

Luo Li promised to refine the lighthouse magic weapon. Zhenjun Moxu let out a sigh of relief and said:

"Okay, everyone, please take a look, this is how our Kunlun has designed it for you!"

"On this void, eighteen main lines, nine horizontally and nine vertically, are designed. On top of these eighteen main lines, there are one hundred and eight auxiliary lines, and below the auxiliary lines, there are one thousand and one hidden lines. Wire.

The intersection of these lines is where the lighthouse is placed, thus forming the thirty-six Tiangang formations, the seventy-two Earthly Evil Hidden formations, and the three thousand six hundred and sixty-five small formations. These formations are perfectly connected and call themselves one Lighthouse defense system!

In this way, it can perfectly correspond to the mountains, rivers, land, seas and lakes in the Chunan region. In addition, it can also be connected with the twenty-eight stars outside!

Finally, these lighthouses form their own system and are perfectly integrated with the lighthouse systems in other regions such as the Central Plains region and Liaodong region! "

True Lord Moxu kept talking. As he spoke, light spots automatically appeared on the illusion, forming a large array.

After a long time, Lord Moxu finished speaking and looked at everyone. Although it was him who said it, he was actually just borrowing his words. This was the formation set up by Kunlun.

Gudao Zhenyi opened his mouth and said: "Jia San Chou Qi Geng Wu Qi San, the layout of this lighthouse is wrong. It should be 1,300 feet upward. In this way, the White Tiger Seven Star Formation will become stronger and can withstand the greater cosmic wind." !”

Fu Gongming nodded and said: "It makes sense, it makes sense, but the lighthouse of Ding Si Wu Chen 236 has to change. This place corresponds to the Chunan area, which is the Canglang River in Xinzhou. Every first day of the new year, there must be a big tide in the Canglang River. , the upward movement of water vapor will affect the operation of the laws of heaven here, so the lighthouse there must be changed and moved a hundred miles northwest!"

Everyone began to discuss, and what Zhenjun Moxu provided was only a general framework. The real lighthouse defense system requires many Huixu Zhenyi to conduct research, analysis, and reformulation.

Qizhu said: "The twelve lighthouses above our Hunyuan Sect are in the wrong position!

Our Hunyuan Sect has five major illusions. These five illusions are illusory and uncertain, which will lead to changes in the vitality in the void. The arrangement of these lighthouses is completely unacceptable! "

Old Zen Master Jianxin also said: "The lighthouse array above our sect must also be moved. If we practice swordsmanship and the sword energy soars into the sky, it will destroy the balance of the lighthouse!"

The lighthouse defense system above each major sect is also one of the key points. The lighthouse defense system must be adapted to the needs of the sect.

Led by Luo Li, everyone began research here. This research lasted ten days and ten nights, and a perfect lighthouse defense system plan was established.

Everyone is very satisfied. With this plan, a perfect defense lighthouse system can be built.

Everyone looked at Luo Li, who said: "Okay, I have successfully refined three thousand lighthouses!"

After saying that, he began to take out the lighthouse magic weapons, each of which was about three feet in size and in the shape of a golden ball.

This lighthouse magic weapon is injected into the void, and after integrating into the heaven and earth, it will absorb the spiritual energy of the world and grow in size little by little. When Luo Li repaired the lighthouse system, each one was a hundred feet in size, but at first it was only three feet.

Luo Li said: "Let's divide these up first. It's enough for us to establish nine horizontal and ninety-eight main lines!"

Many people who returned to the void took the lighthouse magic weapon and looked at it without paying attention. However, many people who frowned at the beginning began to secretly check to see if Luo Li had set up any tricks.

No matter how they checked, there was no backdoor mechanism because Luo Li had no arrangement at all.

I couldn't help but admire these returns, secretly admiring them, Luo Li is really grand!

Then Luo Li started to make arrangements according to everyone's design plan, and immediately many Returning Void True Ones went from all directions, arriving at key positions to prepare for the first step of building a Void Lighthouse.

Establishing a lighthouse system is not something that can be accomplished in one go. It needs to be done step by step. However, in the first step, the nine horizontal, nine vertical and eighteen main lines must be constructed successfully in an instant. This is the keel and spine of the lighthouse defense system and is crucial.

Everyone did what they were told and immediately left in all directions. Not only these Huixu Zhenyi, but also the other disciples were assigned tasks one by one and got busy.

Everyone was in place, and Luo Li waited silently. This construction of nine horizontal, nine vertical and eighteen main lines was not a simple construction. It needed to correspond to the stars of heaven, earth, and time and space.

Time passed little by little, Luo Li waited silently in the void, and finally the sun slowly appeared in the distance. Luo Li smiled, the time has come!

In an instant, a divine thought burst out on Luo Li. This was a heart talisman specially refined by the old Zen Master Jianxin of the Heart Sword Zen Sect. When this talisman was activated, the divine thought immediately went in all directions, and all the Returning Void True Ones immediately sensed Luo Li's movement. Order.

At the same time, all the True Ones who returned to the void immediately activated the laws of heaven they had mastered, activated the lighthouse magic weapon in their hands, and then pressed it toward the void!

These lighthouse magic weapons immediately glowed, and they were connected in the void one by one. Suddenly, in the sky above the Chunan area, nine horizontal and nine vertical lines of eighteen rays of light were faintly visible, penetrating the entire Chunan area.

At this point, these lighthouse magic weapons will be integrated into the void, integrated with the heaven and earth, corresponding to the sun, moon and stars, and the construction of the lighthouse system will be completed!

At this moment, suddenly, a click was heard.

Luo Li felt a vibration of power between heaven and earth, and in response, the lighthouse magic weapon in his hand shattered with a soft sound!

Then not only Luo Li, but all the lighthouse magic weapons in the hands of Returning to the Void were shattered into pieces, and the nine horizontal and vertical lines and eighteen rays of light that appeared in the sky were immediately extinguished!

The construction of the lighthouse system failed!

In an instant, all the Huixu Zhenyi were dumbfounded!

They had been studying this for ten days, and it could be said that it was a perfect construction method. How could it fail just like that?

But it just failed!

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. No one was speechless. For a long time Gudao Zhenyi said: "Has the world changed and the previous methods no longer work?"

Everyone could only accept this statement, and suddenly Fan Wujie said:

"Let me just say, this fourth main plot shouldn't be like this. Look, you didn't listen to me and failed in the end!"

There was a hint of cynicism in his words!

In this research, Luo Li was the leader. There were many choices that could work this way or that, and it was Luo Li who made the decision.

Fan Wujie had made several suggestions, all of which were refuted by Luo Li, so he couldn't help but sneer at them!

Old Zen Master Jianxin began to knead with the mud and said, "This, let's go back and study it again!"

Xin Yuan said: "Yes, this time, we need everyone to make up their minds and vote. Don't make a single statement and use this failure as a reference!"

Xin Yuan immediately jumped out to support his apprentice. In the end, everyone had no choice but to return to the Void Palace and study it again.

Luo Li looked into the distance, but did not answer. He frowned. The moment the lighthouse magic weapon was shattered, Luo Li vaguely felt a divine power appearing vaguely! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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