Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1362 It’s too late to come back!

h2\u003e Above the void, the three major sects of the Phantom Demon Sect, the Supreme Sensing Sect, and the Divine Escape Sect, as well as some Kunlun monks, are waiting here.

Grandma Mengdie of the Phantom Demon Sect looked into the distance and said hesitantly:

"It's been so long, why hasn't a sect arrived here?"

Shen Dun Sect Hui Xuan Zhenyi also frowned and said, "Yes, it's been so long, why hasn't even one sect arrived here?"

This time, it was Zang Xingzi who led the Taishang Induction Sect. After not seeing each other for many years, he had also been promoted to the realm of returning to the virtual world.

He opened his mouth and said: "Those sects who did not show up should be with the Hunyuan Sect! It seems that it will be difficult for us to return to the Chunan area this time!"

Grandma Mengdie of the Huanmo Sect mocked: "The Hunyuan Sect is really at its peak now. Do our three major sects need their consent to return to the Chunan region?"

Hui Xuanzhenyi said: "I'm afraid it is really recognized by the Hunyuan Sect! In fact, it is better to say that it is recognized by Luo Li than by the Hunyuan Sect!"

Zang Xingzi said: "I didn't expect that the young man back then has now become a person who controls the world."

Grandma Mengdie of the Illusion Demon Sect snorted coldly: "Luo Li, Huang Mao'er, my sworn enemy of the Illusion Demon Sect, Junior Sister Mi Ling died in his hands back then. I, the Illusion Demon Sect, will never surrender to him!"

Hui Xuanzhen let out a long sigh and said: "Actually, Luo Li can be considered my friend, but when it comes to the sect's righteousness, I will not back down a step.

Even if we are unable to return to the Chunan region, our Divine Dungeon Sect will not bow to the Hunyuan Sect. Since ancient times, our Divine Dungeon Sect has never surrendered to that sect! "

Grandma Mengdie nodded and said: "Yes, now I have the courage to come to the door, unlike those cowards who all give in!"

Zang Xingzi said: "Actually, they didn't give in. Luo Li saved them in times of crisis and protected the inheritance of their sect. How can we not repay such a great kindness!"

While they were chatting, a distant team appeared.

The team, led by Luo Li, with many returning to the void, plus the disciples of the Golden Pill of Transforming God Yuanying, totaling four to five thousand people, appeared in the distance in a mighty manner.

Looking over, I saw the opponent's aura like a tide, and the many voids here immediately changed their colors.

Luo Li led everyone, not walking very fast, but with every flying step, many void-returning auras were released, and many infuriating energies merged into one, like an ancient giant beast, slowly approaching!

In these three major sects, there are only seven people in Huixu. Facing each other, they are not worth mentioning and have no momentum at all.

Grandma Mengdie looked at the Kunlun monk on the side and couldn't help but said: "There are so many returning to the void, too many. It seems that we can only ask for Kunlun's help!"

Zang Xingzi shook his head and said: "That's nonsense. This time Kunlun is only led by Yuanying. There is no strong support at all. It seems that he does not dare to offend the Hunyuan Sect!

Originally, I hoped that the so-called oaths of other sects were false. They were worried that the Hunyuan Sect was too powerful and would form alliances with the weak to support us.

Now it seems that it is over, those sects have all turned to the Hunyuan Sect, and there is no place for me, the Supreme Sensing Sect, to stay! "

Hui Xuanzhenyi also sighed and said: "The situation is over! Let's go!"

After saying that, he stamped his feet and flashed his escape light. All the disciples of the Shen Escape Sect immediately turned into divine light and disappeared with him!

Seeing the Shen Dun Sect leaving, Grandma Mengdie let out a long sigh, stretched out her hand, and a stream of light flashed, and all the Illusion Demon Sect disciples disappeared.

Only Zang Xingzi did not leave, waiting for Luo Li to arrive, and shouted from a distance:

"But Fellow Taoist Luo Li of the Hunyuan Sect?"

Luo Li replied: "Ah, it turns out to be fellow Taoist Zang Xingzi. I haven't seen you for many years! Congratulations to fellow Taoist, it's also a return to the void!"

Zang Xingzi smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, our Supreme Induction Sect wants to return to the Chunan region. I wonder if Friend Luo Li will give us a place?"

Luo Li smiled but did not answer.

But the Evil Demon Sect Ryusuku Shinichi shouted:

“During the great catastrophe in Chunan, why didn’t you see your Supreme Sensing Sect staying in the Chunan area?

Now that the catastrophe is over, you want to come back. Sorry, there is no room for you here! "

This was Luo Li's answer.

Zang Xingzi let out a long sigh and said, "It's a pity that the Supreme Sensing Sect and the Hunyuan Sect have been allies for tens of thousands of years!"

Galaxy Star Sword Sect Fu Gongming also sneered:

“Our Galaxy Star Sword Sect and your Supreme Sensing Sect have been allies for hundreds of thousands of years, but when a crisis comes, you don’t notify us in advance.

It’s okay not to have this kind of friendship! "

Zang Xingzi shook his head and said: "Well, since there is no place for our Supreme Induction Sect to gain a foothold in the Chunan area, let's leave!

However, our Supreme Induction Sect will be back soon. Goodbye everyone! "

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and left with the disciples of the Supreme Induction Sect.

At this point, the three major visitors all left. Luo Li looked at the Kunlun disciples in the distance and said:

"I didn't know that fellow Daoist Kunlun was here. We and the monks from the Chunan region came to build a void lighthouse!"

At this time, a Nascent Soul Lord stood up from the other side and said: "I am Lord Moxu of the Feiyuan Dingkong Sect of the Kunlun branch. Our sect is good at the art of void positioning. It can be said that the lighthouse system of the entire Zhongtian Lord World is our sect." The door design was researched..."

This Feiyuan Dingkong Sect is the Kunlun branch. They specialize in designing the lighthouse system. Luo Li nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble you fellow Taoist!"

Then he looked back, and Taoist Tianzang of the Tibetan God Sect immediately stood up and said:

"Wait a minute, it's hard to talk like this, look at my Hidden God Sect's tricks!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and suddenly a pale red lotus flower grew in the void. The lotus was huge and floating in the void, covering an area of ​​dozens of acres, like a small island, with several golden palaces sitting among the petals. , majestic and majestic.

In this palace, there are green trees, green pines, red flowers and green grass, there are the small bridges and flowing water, the houses, the clear springs and ponds, the shade of green grass and trees, the flying green-billed birds, and the gorgeous houses. between.

On the ceiling of this palace, there are no stones and bricks, but only the colorful clouds. It looks like a layer of white clouds. The clouds are constantly changing and turning into various forms, and in the void outside, Not a single bit of the sun's poisonous fire and cosmic wind can enter this palace.

True Lord Moxu of the Kunlun Sect nodded and said: "Hidden God Sect, this art of hiding all things in the void is really famous in the world. You can build a resting courtyard in this void, yes, yes!"

Luo Li smiled and replied: "Constructing the void lighthouse defense system is not a matter of one or two days. Let's rest here first and recharge our batteries. We will succeed in one fell swoop!"

So everyone entered the void palace, and then assigned rest rooms according to the sect, began to rest, and waited for orders.

And many of them came to a main hall, and in that main hall, they began to study how to build a lighthouse defense system! r1152


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