Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,359: Wash away the glitz and refine all living beings!

The blow was sent out, shocking the world. Luo Li slowly closed his hand with a smile on his face, thus completing the practice of Tianyuan Taihe Hunyi Jue.

This method of aiding by immortality is different from before. It is particularly easy for Luo Li, and he has absolutely mastered the divine power at this point.

After Luo Li completed the training, he took a long breath and looked around, with a satisfied expression and a happy heart. As long as he made a thought, he could be promoted to the realm of Guiyuan.

But Luo Li can't advance to the Guiyuan realm yet. To advance to the realm, it will take a long time to retreat. Now that the Hunyuan Sect's plan to ascend is just around the corner, it's not the right time.

After completing his training, Luo Li decided to return to the Hunyuan Sect. He glanced at the three Returning to the Void True Ones in the distance and didn't pay attention. In an instant, they returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord.

In the distance, the third elder of Qingming Sect in Yunhai watched Luo Li disappear and wanted to shout something, but Luo Li disappeared in a flash.

Luo Li fell from the sky, like a meteorite, sliding down like lightning and rushing straight to the earth.

In the blink of an eye, he was on the ground, only three feet away from the ground. In an instant, Luo Li stood still and stopped sliding!

Falling at such a high speed, there was no impact or any roar. In an instant, it went from extreme movement to extreme silence, but there was nothing inconsistent. It was so natural and smooth. This is the power of absolute divine power. wonderful.

Luo Li smiled, took a step forward, and with the flow of clouds and water, he was thousands of miles away, and then thousands of miles away again. In less than a moment, he was back to Hunyuan Sect.

Within the sect, many returning to the void have gone to the Suiyuan area to help the monks in the Suiyuan area to resist the invaders from the outside world.

Patriarch Mu Shen has not returned either, so he does not know the reality of the Five Elements Sect.

For a while, there was nothing to do. Luo Li walked among the sect, and the Hunyuan Sect was peaceful, after these years of great development. Great opportunities come again and again. It is no longer like before, and it is difficult for disciples to surpass three thousand. The number has increased significantly.

Nowadays, the Hunyuan Sect can be said to dominate the Chunan region and the entire Chunan region. There are countless monks from other regions who want to enter the Hunyuan Sect.

Countless monks are looking forward to entering the outer sect. Talented elites are emerging in endless streams. The tide is rising, so the number of inner sect disciples has exceeded four thousand.

At this point, all branches are prosperous, and Hunyuan Sect disciples can be seen everywhere. Practice everywhere.

Luo Li walked among these disciples, watching their practice and checking their cultivation. These disciples could not see Luo Li's existence at all. Even if Luo Li passed by them, they would ignore Luo Li.

"Senior Brother Lingxi, I heard that you have mastered the Ju Zhang Ten Thousand Touch Kill? Will Liuli Hai become a master soon?"

"Yes, I still have one last kill left, and my Glazed Sea will be completed. As long as the Glazed Sea is completed, I can be promoted to the Golden Core realm!"

"Congratulations, congratulations, you have been promoted to Jindan. Senior Brother Lingxi is very successful!"

"Haha, Junior Brother Huayan, don't make fun of me. I know that you will soon master Ten Thousand Hell Flames, and you will soon be promoted to the Golden Core Realm!"

"It's all thanks to Master's spiritual transmission that I can practice it so easily. Senior brother, I hope we can advance to the Golden Elixir realm together!'

Hearing their conversation, Luo Li couldn't help but frown. In their words, Luo Li heard an impetuous emotion.

Luo Li continued to stroll...

The more you wander. The more Luo Li discovered, he was indeed among the disciples of Hunyuan Sect. There is a kind of emotion, that is, being too ambitious and impetuous.

In their hearts, they are all eager to achieve success in cultivation and advance to the Golden Elixir Yuanying. They do not pay attention to the accumulation of cultivation or the cultivation of mental state at all.

They only practiced the five methods of Hunyuan to advance to the next level. Unlike Luo Li, who practiced hard and accumulated a lot, they ignored many of the most fundamental aspects of Hunyuan Sect.

The reason for this is that Hunyuan Sect's great opportunities, countless resources, opportunities, and experts in recent years have made many new disciples broaden their horizons and become crazy.

Luo Li shook his head, this won't work. If this continues, the Hunyuan Sect's atmosphere will deteriorate, and a catastrophe will happen sooner or later.

Moreover, these disciples are not in a good state of mind. When the great catastrophe of the Hunyuan Sect appears, many of them may die. This will not work!

Thinking of this, Luo Li let out a long breath, and a fairy voice suddenly sounded in Hunyuan Sect:

"All Hunyuan Sect disciples, from Yuan Ying on down, gather in the main hall immediately!"

This voice sounded, and all the disciples of Hunyuan Sect were stunned. What is going on?

One of the well-informed people knew it immediately and said happily:

"This is Patriarch Luo Li, gathering his disciples to preach!"

"Ah, it's Patriarch Luo Li, isn't it?"

"The Nine-Tune Exquisite Heart I got last time was given by the Patriarch. The Patriarch is going to give us good things again!"

"Yes, yes, my Mingguangzi was also given by the ancestor. That's great, another great opportunity!"

"Go quickly, go quickly, the ancestor has blessed us, everyone go quickly!"

Immediately, countless disciples of the Hunyuan Sect gathered towards the main hall. Except for those who were practicing in seclusion or had missions, almost all the idle disciples of the Hunyuan Sect gathered in full force.

In front of the main hall, under the disciples of Yuanying, Jindan Zhenren and Foundation Establishment Zhenxiu gathered more than 3,000 people, densely packed here, waiting for Luo Li to appear.

Luo Li did not appear, but began to control the Chaos Dao Chess on top of the Chaos Dao Chess.

The Chaos Dao Chess moved according to Luo Li's wishes, and a world of cultivating immortals appeared in the Chaos Dao Chess. This world was somewhat similar to the Zhongtian Lord World, but there were some countless catastrophes in it.

The monks who enter here will forget everything about themselves and start a new life in this world.

In their new lives, there will be countless tribulations, and at the same time, there will be countless opportunities to cultivate immortality again and embark on the great road. During this process, the Hunyuan Sect's philosophy of cultivating immortality will unknowingly penetrate their bodies and minds!

It makes them dissipate their impetuosity, make their minds pure, and know what they need and how to work hard!

Luo Li looked at these disciples and suddenly appeared. Seeing Luo Li appear, everyone saluted together:

"Meet the Patriarch!"

"I've met Patriarch Luo Li!"

"The Patriarch is here, and I will be bowed down by my disciples!"

These monks are all new disciples of the sect, and they all call Luo Li the Patriarch.

Luo Li looked at them and said:

"Today, I will give you a great opportunity, but at the same time, this great opportunity is also a great tribulation and a great test!

If you can't pass, you may be completely lost in the world of mortals. You can take care of yourself. If you want to quit, please leave quickly! "

After Luo Li finished speaking, he looked at everyone and waited for them to leave.

However, no one left. The Hunyuan Sect monks are all confident people. They firmly believe that they can complete the test.

Luo Li nodded and said:

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Then Luo Li shook his hand, and all three thousand disciples were suddenly held in Luo Li's hands, and then in an instant, they came to Daoqi and threw them away.

Suddenly, all three thousand disciples were thrown into Daoqi and fell into the chaotic world of Daoqi.

When these monks entered, they immediately lost consciousness, forgot themselves, and fell into the rolling world of mortals. In that big world, they were beggars, farmers, generals, rich men, and emperors, and all living beings had no identity!

In their lives, they will suffer thousands of disasters to hone their Taoist heart.

In this tribulation, there will be an opportunity to cultivate immortality. If they seize the opportunity and get rid of their impetuosity, they will awaken their inner mind and leave the chaotic Taoist chess.

Luo Li smiled and waited silently beside the Tao chess, waiting for these disciples to break the puzzle of Tao chess and restore his life.

As long as they can get out of Tao chess, they will no longer be impetuous, their hearts will be pure, and they can start their own path to immortality again!

If you really can't get out, then Hunyuan Sect doesn't care, there is one more for him, one for him is missing!

The road is ruthless! (To be continued)


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