Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,358 Generous and wild singing of splendor!

"The name of this method is Tianyuan Taihe Hunyi Jue..."

"The so-called return to the origin means to return to one, the great road to one, all dharma to one, the true essence to one, the body to one, everything to one!"

"No matter how a monk practices, no matter how pure he is, he will be even more pure. The path has no end and will never end!"

"Tianyuan Taihe Hun Yi Jue, this method has only one use, and that is to refine it, to refine the steel a hundred times, so that the way of a monk will be endlessly pure."

"Use your own body as a furnace, use this method as a tempering fire, temper yourself, refine it repeatedly, and refine it to the extreme!"

"This method enables monks to put aside all distracting thoughts, all obsessions, and all non-thoughts, leaving only the purest mind, single-mindedly, and unified."

Luo Li slowly felt the magic of immortality. After a long time, the sound transmission from the divine consciousness ended, and the magic seemed to be engraved in his mind. Luo Li slowly sat down and began to meditate and understand this method.

This method is actually very simple and easy to understand for the monks who return to the void. It is nothing more than a method of removing impurities and refining the physical body and spirit. There is nothing special about it.

However, Luo Li felt that this method was unusual. This method assisted by immortal fate was of great significance to him. It could be said to change his life. According to his understanding, it would not be so simple, there must be a mystery!

So Luo Li continued to meditate and study.

As he studied, Luo Li was surprised to find that although he chose the way of true fire and abandoned the other four true meanings, the essence of the true meaning was still there. The essence of controlling all power and controlling all laws remained unchanged.

All dharma and all power are in the heart and in the eyes!

In less than a moment, Luo Li completely mastered everything about this method. Completely understood!

Suddenly Luo Li took a deep breath and couldn't help but said:

"So awesome! So awesome!"

Sure enough, there is a secret hidden in this method.

This method is an auxiliary method for returning to the void and promoting the return to the original state. All monks who return to the void have a tough mind. People with endless wisdom can also be said to be extremely confident. Anyone who can advance to the realm of Guiyuan can be said to be a person who has understood the great way. Among people, there will always be one person!

This kind of person is extremely confident in himself. If you get this method and practice it for a period of time, you will find that this method is just like this, and you will not think it is, or if you practice to a certain level, you will think that you have completed the cultivation of this method, and you will miss the opportunity.

The real purpose of this method is to hide a special divine power!


Absolute power!

By practicing with this divine power, you can refine yourself and eliminate all impurities. Obtain the body of ultimate essence and existence, and the great road will be unified.

Beyond that, master this divine power. All attack methods are now born with absolute power. No matter what method the enemy controls, what soul he cultivates, or what treasure he possesses, under this divine power, no matter any tangible or intangible existence, the power of his own spells. They all work 100%!

Once issued, it cannot be transferred. Can't be avoided, can't be eliminated. You can't change it, you can only carry it on!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, as expected, there was indeed a secret behind it.

However, the real mystery is not this divine power. This divine power is just an additional method. It really wants to tell those cultivators who ignore this method that after being promoted to Guiyuan, they will feel what they have lost. This is to warn them that the method There is no end, don't think that after returning to the void, you will be invincible, the road is endless, the road is still long, don't be arrogant.

Luo Li mastered this technique, stood up and left, leaving this place in a blink of an eye.

As he left, the hall automatically closed, and he left the dark waters and returned to heaven and earth.

Luo Li was not in a hurry to return to the Hunyuan Sect. Instead, he flew up into the sky, flew straight into the sky, and flew into the Qingming of the universe until there was a meteorite colony in front of him, and he randomly landed on a meteorite colony.

This method of assisting immortal fate is different from the previous ones, which require various opportunities to find opportunities. This method is very simple, just practice.

And Luo Li is proficient in all methods, and he quickly understood this method. When he mastered this method, when he used it, it was earth-shattering, so Luo Li chose Qingming, where there was very little interference and was suitable for practice.

In the Qingming void, it is not completely dark. From time to time, there are streams of light flying by, among which is the light of the monks flying in the sky.

These monks look a little different from ordinary monks. They all have a pair of wings on their backs, and they can fly like light in the dark world!

This is a disciple of Yunhai Qingming Sect.

Yunhai Qingming Sect's poem title, using the illusion to control the wind, untainted by the mundane world, soaring for nine days, becoming an immortal! This sect is one of the seven strange sects in the upper sect. The disciples of this sect are not human beings and should be counted as the Yu clan. They have been on the nine heavens since they were born. Their feet will never touch the ground in their lives. When their feet touch the ground, , the moment of their death.

In this catastrophe, it can be said that Yunhai Qingming Sect suffered the least damage, because they were originally above the Nine Heavens and had no losses. The reason why they were flying around was to build the lighthouse defense system of the Zhongtian Lord World. In this Qingming Sect, Among them, planning and exploration are carried out.

Luo Li randomly found a meteorite, sat down and started practicing. In an instant, an air shield completely enveloped a thousand-mile radius, and all the meteorite groups suddenly seemed to be at a standstill, motionless!

Time is like water, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye. The disciples of Qingming Sect in Yunhai who were flying around have escaped here hundreds of times. Suddenly, some disciples discovered that there seemed to be an infinite shield here to protect the meteorites, which triggered the Qingming Sect in Yunhai. The attention of the disciples of the Ming Sect.

They were unable to solve this problem, so they could only report it to the sect. Experts from the sect came here one after another, but they all came to no avail.

Finally, the three elders of Yunhai Qingming Sect, Lian Chengtian, Xue Yuetian, and Xiao Mingtian, brought over a hundred disciples with them to come here specifically to investigate the situation here.

When they were 300,000 miles away from here, suddenly, Luo Li opened his eyes. In an instant, with Luo Li as the core, everything within a thousand miles, including meteorites, brilliance, everything, even the laws of heaven, everything collapsed immediately!

Luo Li was the only one in this void, and Luo Li shouted softly:

"Drinking and drinking freely, singing generously and wildly."

Then Luo Li gave a light blow!

With one blow, endless flames surged out. It was like a galaxy bursting, pouring down in mighty force.

Endless flames, gushing wildly, endless, broad and magnificent.

In an instant, everything in the universe was drowned by this terrifying flame.

In an instant, it was as if the universe was on fire.

With a light blow, there was no change in the way of heaven, nor was there any dazzling light from any spell. There is only indomitable fierceness.

With one blow, the bright starry sky suddenly dimmed.

The stars, the universe, everything seemed to disappear completely under this blow!

In the distance, the Qingming Sect of the three cloud seas returned to the void. They just saw this blow. At this moment, they felt that everything about them, their energy, spirit, and even their souls, were occupied by the blow.

At this moment, no one has time to think about anything else, and no one is able to think about anything else.

The ultimate tyrannical power, with its unparalleled domineering power, crushes all resistance and all thoughts.

Absolute power, absolute invincibility!

At this moment, that blow is heaven and earth, destruction, and death.

No one, no life, can bear such a powerful and domineering blow.

Even though they were hundreds of thousands of miles away, even if they were only remotely aware of it, everyone was overwhelmed by the power of that blow. Before they knew it, some people were already bursting into tears and couldn't help themselves.

A power beyond limits, beyond all experiences of grandeur and greatness. Facing this kind of power, we can only be in awe with the most humble heart! (To be continued)


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