Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,360: Another reward for enlightenment!

h2\u003eThree thousand people entered the chess game, Luo Li waited silently, but he was not waiting idle.

Under his control, the Chaos Dao Chess could not stop functioning. Each of the three thousand disciples transformed into a chess realm in the Chaos Dao Chess.

These chess realms can be said to be like a small illusory world. Under Luo Li's control, each of these chess realms is so real and each one is so mysterious.

Luo Li looked at the chess game. There were more than three thousand chess realms, each one but cleverly integrated into one. They were combined to form a large, perfect chess game.

Those who enter chess do not know that they are in a chess game.

In Chaos Dao Chess, there is a group of monkeys wandering in Wuliang Mountain.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings. These monkeys are extremely comfortable in the mountains, picking wild fruits and devouring insects and moths, and they live a comfortable life.

Among the monkeys, sometimes when nothing happens, the big and small monkeys will play and bully a little monkey.

This little monkey has been different since he was born. As he grows up, it becomes even more obvious. Other monkeys are playing and jumping around, but he always seems to be thinking about something and does not play with the other monkeys.

Later, it was even more strange. I just pushed with my monkey arms and slapped the trees in front of me.

Being different and unable to blend in with the crowd will inevitably be regarded as an alien by other monkeys. So far, the monkey has been bullied by other monkeys, eating the least fruit, and being played with when nothing happens.

In the end, among the many monkeys, a habit was formed, eating, sleeping, and beating the little monkeys!

But he didn't care, he just pushed with both hands and slapped the trees in front of him.

The Monkey King was once bored and asked him why he was like this.

The monkey replied: "I don't know either, but I vaguely remember that this is the supreme method. By relying on this method, I can transcend!"

The Monkey King asked: "Detachment, what do you want to transcend? You are just a monkey. You will be a monkey in this life and you will still be a monkey in the next life. How to transcend?"

The monkey replied: "I don't know either, but I just know. In this way, I will definitely be able to transcend, transcend!"

He didn't know why, but Luo Li knew that this was Zhou Zimu, a monk from the Hunyuan Sect, who had just established his foundation cultivation and had just mastered the tsunami limitless kill of the Glazed Sea.

Tsunami Boundless Kill, one of the Glazed Sea killing moves, comes from the secret method of Shangmen Wuliang Sect, Boundless Sea. It is extremely simple, with only one move! That is, push with both hands, strike out with one palm, and then continue, strike out with another palm, without beginning or end, without front or back, just push out one palm after another!

It is extremely difficult to push this palm out. It requires all the strength, essence, energy and spirit to be launched out in an instant, forming a violent shock wave!

Then quickly return your breath, strike out with another palm, return again, strike out with another palm! A series of palms, all injected into the shock wave, exploded violently, like a tsunami, boundless and endless, killing all things.

Zimu had just mastered the Tsunami Infinite Kill, and he came to this chaotic chess game. This method meant the most to him and became an opportunity for him to break through this chess game!

A simple belief, even if he is a monkey, he pushes it and gives it away every day, never stopping, practicing all the time, every day.

Other monkeys would just tease him for fun, but Zimu didn't care, he just stuck to his own way and slapped him every day, because there was a voice in his heart, this was his chance!

Not recognized, isolated, abandoned, bullied, life seemed like a year, but he just didn't give up, and continued to send out such slaps, just for one belief.

As time goes by, the little monkey grows up, gradually becomes an old monkey, and then ages little by little in loneliness, and finally dies. At the last moment of death, he continues to shoot!

When the old monkey dies, another little monkey is born. When one of the little monkeys opens his eyes, he remembers his last life. He was the Zimu who died alone and became a little monkey again.

Is it still the same in this life?

If you continue like this, if you continue to be alone, no monkey will understand and identify with you!

If you don't continue, you will be among the monkeys and enjoy a free life!

The road is ahead, how to proceed?


In the end, he chose to continue pushing his hands and pushed his life away one by one!

Just like in the previous life, many monkeys still didn't understand him, isolated him, teased him, and bullied him!

Different from the previous life, the situation of no tigers in the mountains finally changed. One day a tiger came here.

When the tiger comes, the monkey's beautiful life is over. Many monkeys become his snacks and can be repaid with a meal.

The monkey king was the first to be eaten. Many monkeys were terrified and waited for their own death.

At this time, Zimu appeared, stretched out his palm, and pushed and pushed away with his weak monkey arms, like a tsunami, a violent wave, and the tiger was immediately knocked away. It was so frightened that it fled far away, and never dared to come here again.

Immediately, many monkeys surrounded him, hugged him and cheered. From then on, Zimu became the monkey king and led the group of monkeys.

All of a sudden, Zimu became the boss among the monkeys. This was an honor he had never had before. Countless female monkeys were waiting for his favor. Unlike the loneliness and perseverance in the first life, the second life was the temptation of glory and wealth.

But he continued, continued, continued, until he died of old age!

The test of the third life is the choice of one's own path. In the long river of time, one gets older little by little, and doubts arise in one's heart and oneself!

The fourth life, the fifth life, the sixth life...

During the nine lifetimes, Zimu went from firm belief, to doubt, to despair, to firm belief, to simplicity, to return to truth.

There is nothing else but this push and giveaway!

On this day, he pushed again. With this push, there was a roar in a trance, and a tsunami suddenly rose up next to him in Wuliang Mountain.

The tsunami rose, and everything around him, including trees, mountains, and monkeys, turned into flowing water, forming a tsunami that swept across the world!

At this point, I wake up from the dream, I realize this, I use this tsunami to kill countless people, Zimu refines his heart and tempers his nature, and breaks through the chess game!

Luo Li looked at him with a smile and said:

"Okay, good, good!"

If it were the reward of the Returning Patriarch, Zimu would have been ecstatic before. But after nine lives of loneliness, Zimu just smiled, bowed and replied:

"Thank you, Patriarch, for giving me the Dharma and enlightenment!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, you are my disciple of Hunyuan, the one who awakens a hundred people in advance, please wait, I will reward you!"

After saying that, Zimu flashed and was sent into a space, where dozens of broken chess awakened the monks. Everyone gathered together and started waiting!

There must be elites among the more than three thousand disciples who have realized the Taoist heart and broken the situation in advance. Luo Li has brought them together. After such a test, Luo Li will be rewarded.

This reward must benefit these disciples throughout their lives.

How to benefit? That was Luo Li's first time refining treasure after getting his own Way of Fire!

The Avenue of Fire has a wonderful function, and that is refining!

Regardless of whether refining elixirs or refining treasures, fire is the mainstay, especially the fire of Luo Li, which is from the beginning of creation to the end of destruction, and is good at refining all things.

Luo Li's refining is not as simple as an ordinary monk setting up a pill furnace and practicing magic weapons.

Many monks lost their memory after entering the chess game, and the Five Dharma Holy Lands they owned immediately lost their use.

However, these Five Dharma Holy Lands were not closed, and under Luo Li's control, they continued to provide a large amount of spiritual energy, enriching the chaotic chess game.

More than three thousand disciples, this is more than three thousand small thousand worlds, providing endless true energy. Those true energy, along with the dreams of the chess game of more than three thousand disciples, come together, so they should not be underestimated.

Luo Li manipulates this true energy, which is the furnace fire for his refining.

Those small dreams were shattered with the monk's enlightenment. Looking at the smash, there are actually the remains of the dream chess game. These remains are the understanding of the monk's enlightenment and their life insights. This is the mold for Luo Li's refining. !

Luo Li sat on the Chaos Dao Chess and quietly controlled it. In fact, he was also in the chess game, but he was the chess player.

Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven is directly connected to the Chaos Dao Chess. Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven is the refining furnace!

The true energy of these more than three thousand disciples, fused with the baptism of Chaos Dao Chess, entered Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven, and was injected into the remaining dream chess game wreckage of the awakened monks. Suddenly, each chess game wreckage suddenly changed.

Under the strange wishes of Taichu Cave Heaven, treasures began to be born one after another.

Some of these treasures are magic weapons, some are divine swords, some are talismans, and some are clones of living beings. They are all strange and strange, and none of them are the same.

However, they are most suitable for those awakened monks, because this is what these monks are born into in the chess game.

Suddenly, Zimu got a monkey head jade charm. Looking at the jade charm, Zimu smiled bitterly, but cherished the jade charm and hung it on his chest, because it held the memory of his nine lives of hard work, even if he encountered it again in the future. No matter how big the embarrassment is, no matter how difficult the bottleneck is, this jade talisman can make him fearless, keep moving forward, and overcome all difficulties!

In addition, this jade talisman hides nine spiritual lives. Under the realm of divine transformation, it can replace Zimu nine times!

All Hunyuan Sect monks who have passed the level have such treasures. However, those who have passed the level first will have their treasures infused with the most true energy, and those who have passed the level later will have their treasures receive the least amount of true energy.

This is normal. There is a sequence of enlightenment, and the monk who takes the first step will be rewarded heavily!

One by one, the monks broke through and received rewards, thanks to Luo Li.

Three thousand disciples came out one after another, but nothing is perfect in the world.

In that chaotic chess game, there were four disciples of the Hunyuan Sect who could not break out of the situation or break the chess game. In that chess game, they were wandering around and drifting with the tide. Even if countless opportunities appeared, they could not grasp them and lost them. hope.

Before Luo left the chess, he said that this chess was dangerous. They had gone too deep into the chess and had merged with the Chaos Dao chess and could not be rescued.

Many disciples were waiting in the chess game, looking at them all anxiously. Some of their friends kept shouting, but they couldn't wake them up despite all possible means.

Luo Li slowly appeared, looked at everyone, and said:

"Look at them!"

The voices and looks of those four people appeared in front of more than three thousand disciples.

Luo Li said: "Remember them!

They are completely lost in Tao chess. Remember, if you cannot grasp the Tao heart and control your own destiny in the future, you will be just like them! "

After saying that, Luo Li hit the Chaos Dao Chess, and with a roar, the four people turned into flying ashes and died!

Luo Li said again:

"A senior once said that in the world of immortality, if you make one mistake, you will be doomed!

Today I send this sentence to you!

Take care of yourself! "r1152


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