Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1351 The Great Formless Five Elements are complete!

This is the end of the catastrophe of all races. The menacing billions of powerful foreigners were annihilated under Luo Li's world-destroying artifact. While talking and laughing, their weapons and oars flew into ashes!

Walking in this void, Luo Li was extremely happy. The nightmares in the hearts of countless monks for many years have dissipated today, and the catastrophe in the world of Zhongtian Lord has passed.

An indescribable pride appears in my heart. This feeling makes people extremely happy!

But Luo Li took advantage of it and the matter did not end there.

Of the resurrected Ancient Demons and Ancient Gods, only the Greedy Ancient Demon appeared, and the other Ancient Demons and Ancient Gods were nowhere to be seen. It was impossible for them not to be resurrected, but to hide in hiding.

This time the coalition of all races is controlled by the Demon Lord's clone, but the Tao Master's clone that suddenly appeared is not among them. The Tao Master's clone will not let it go, and there will still be disasters.

However, that is all for the future, let’s take stock of our income!

Luo Li began to take out his harvest and count it.

This harvest can be said to be a fruitful one.

However, it is difficult to count the harvest this time. Many treasures have never appeared before and their uses are unknown.

For example, the magic bead formed by the demon lord's clone, the magic eye left by the demon eye monarch, there are about forty-five such items, all relics left by the supreme power.

In addition to them, there are also treasures like Xuanhuang Blood. Luo Li knows the use and value of this kind of treasure. There are about eighteen such treasures!

During this catastrophe, Luo Li obtained a total of sixty-three treasures. Although the number was small, they were all of top quality. It can be encountered but cannot be sought, and its value is endless. It is not much worse than the heart of Brahma.

Luo Lifei danced here, extremely happy.

Suddenly, Luo Li was stunned. He had a strange feeling.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, endless golden light rose from his body, like the golden dawn of the eternal pagoda!

This golden light formed a violent impact when the Yuxu world exploded. He was knocked out. The oil in the Hunyuan golden lamp was exhausted, but the golden light never went out, protecting Luo Li. Finally the true meaning is born!

That's it for now. Although this is the great world of Yuxu. It has completely disappeared, but the aftermath of the world is still in chaos.

This is the same as when the great world of Zhongtian experienced a great calamity. Luo Li was born with true fire, true water, and true earth, which is a truth.

Luo Li's eyes lit up, and he suddenly activated the Eternal Pagoda Golden Dawn, making the golden light infinitely powerful, and the original meaning of gold gradually accumulated to a certain level. Suddenly Luo Li had a feeling, real gold appeared!

In that light, tiny metal particles are gradually transformed. These metal particles are like gold but not gold, exuding endless sharpness. This is real gold.

At this point, Luo Li has practiced true fire, true water, true soil, and true gold, the four origins of the universe. He is still missing one true wood, and the five elements are complete.

But it is very difficult to master this real wood. It is extremely difficult.

If you want to get the true meaning of the origin of the universe, you must get it through Dharma. Luo Li got the real water from all over the world and the ocean, the real soil from the three mountains and the ten directions of the sky, and the real gold from the eternal pagoda golden dawn, which means real wood. , can only be obtained from the forest of living beings.

But in the Forest of Living Beings, Luo Li practices the Way of the Gods. This way is completely about crossing the river by feeling for the stones, without any reference. It is too difficult to use this method to give birth to the true meaning of wood!

Unable to bear it, Luo Li slowly chanted:

"The sky is above! The soil is below! Good things are sure, and rewards for good will be behind!"

He used his special skills and moral power to find a solution.

In fact, Luo Li also used divine power in the past to find answers, but even the moral divine power could not solve the problem. Today he just used it casually, but he never expected that the answer would appear.

In the dark, Luo Li seemed to see something. Soon he woke up and looked around hesitantly!

Luo Li gritted his teeth, and among the many unknown treasures he obtained, he reached out and took out the gem eye of the Beholder Demon Lord.

This eye is composed of three thousand divided eyes. Looking at it, it seems that all eyes will be attracted by it, making people unable to help but watch, even if they are watched for millions of years.

Luo Li held the gem and stared at it. Following his gaze, in Luo Li's sea of ​​consciousness, a light group that had been motionless many years ago suddenly began to rotate.

That ball of light was the Immortal Qin Mystic Method, the Holy Formless Eternal True Way, among the three formless magic arts that Luo Li obtained at the Shenwei Sect ruins back then, also known as the Great Formless True Way!

"The Immortal Qin Secret Method, the Holy Formless Eternal True Way, ranks 33rd among the Xian Qin Secret Methods, and is called the Great Formless True Way!

This method is an auxiliary secret method, suitable for all skills, all divine power, and all fighting bodies!

This path pursues the path of eternal evolution, and those who practice mysticism, whether it is their own fighting body, practicing spells, or possessing magical powers, can continue to evolve..."

After obtaining this method, there has been no way to activate it. Later, when Luo Li practiced the secret method, the three major formless methods helped him to master it, but it completely collapsed because of it. From then on, he could no longer use it.

Today, with the divine power guiding the way, Luo Li knew how to activate them, and that was to use the true eye left behind by the beholder.

Suddenly, the formless truth emitted a strange light and fell on the demon eye. The demon eye immediately began to tremble and struggle, as if trying to escape, but was suppressed by Luo Li. After a long time, the demon eye disappeared and merged into the great formlessness. In the true way.

Not only did the Demonic Eyes merge into it, but the original two groups of light, the true meaning of the Middle Formless and the True Understanding of the Small Formless, also merged into it, becoming one with the True Way of the Great Formless!

After a long time, the Great Formless True Dao was integrated, and it contained endless power. The power flourished and was injected into Luo Li's Forest of Living Beings.

Suddenly, Luo Li's Forest of Living Beings began to change. Luo Li couldn't say anything about this change.

After a long time of change, Luo Li looked at it and was stunned. He found that the Forest of Living Beings had not changed much after changing.

At this moment, among the treasures seized by Luo Li, a treasure similar to the heart of wood suddenly flew up and floated in front of Luo Li.

The Forest of Living Beings began to beat with the heart of wood, and the heart of wood was gradually absorbed by the Forest of Living Beings. The Forest of Living Beings immediately closed and was in a wonderful state of evolution. At the same time, Luo Li felt a jump in his heart, and another truth was born!

The true meaning of wood! A true wood appeared out of thin air in front of Luo Li!

In fact, Luo Li's Forest of Living Beings did not evolve much. The real evolution of the Great Formless True Dao was catalyzed by the meaning of the true wood.

With the help of that strange treasure, the true wood was born in the ruins of this Yuxu world.

As the real wood appeared, the Great Formless True Dao absorbed the light from the Demon Eye. Nine-tenths of it disappeared, leaving only a tiny trace, which prevented the Great Formless True Dao from completely disappearing.

This Great Formless True Dao was not originally a true magical power that could be born in Luo Li's realm. It was only stimulated by the treasure. It absorbed the power of the Demon Eye and could be used by Luo Li.

When the power of the Demon Eye is used up, this method will naturally be dormant!

However, Luo Li was overjoyed. Finally, he fulfilled his wish, and the five elements of truth were all complete.

He could proceed to the next step of cultivation!

Ascend, ascend!

The first cultivator to ascend in Hunyuan Sect should be himself!

Ascend to the fairyland, a wider world, and more endless opportunities and adventures!

In Luo Li's heart, it seemed that a flame was ignited. He looked into the distance of the void and roared fiercely!

Then Luo Li tried to arrange the five elements of true fire, true wood, etc. into an order. According to the Hunyuan secret method, the five elements can be transformed into Tai Chi Dao by mutual generation, or into Chaos Demon by mutual restraint!

Then can we continue to try the combination of Tai Chi Dao and Chaos Demon!

Other disciples of Hunyuan Sect only practiced in this way with the Five Methods Holy Land, while he practiced in this way with the Five Methods True Meaning. If successful, the future is unimaginable!

But to Luo Li's surprise, the five elements of true meaning could not be arranged, as if there was an interference in the dark, making them unable to be arranged.

Luo Li frowned. He originally wanted to arrange the five elements according to the method of Hunyuan Sect and continue to evolve, but he didn't know why he couldn't arrange them?

At this moment, there was a flying light in the distance. Luo Li stretched out his hand, and the five elements of light disappeared, looking into the distance!

Hundreds of cultivators flew over in the distance. These cultivators were all returning to the void. The leaders were the Sword God and Master Xuanci. Master Hu Chan was also in the first sequence.

Everyone flew here. Luo Li looked over and found that many of these people were injured and their auras were dim. They attacked the Yuxu World as a siege to attract the attention of the Demon Lord's clone. It seems that countless people were injured in this battle. The Sword God saw Luo Li from a distance and suddenly showed ecstasy and shouted: "Luo Li, what about the Yuxu World? What about the Ten Thousand Races Coalition?" Luo Li smiled and said, "The Yuxu World has been reduced to ashes, and the Ten Thousand Races Coalition has all died!" As soon as he said this, there was silence all around, and everyone looked at Luo Li in disbelief! Luo Li continued, "My third senior brother Qinghen sacrificed himself and took the world-destroying artifact to sneak into the lungs of the Yuxu World, detonating the artifact, destroying the Yuxu World, and all the Ten Thousand Races Coalition have all died!" As soon as he said this, all the returning to the void cheered! "We won, we won, we won!"

"Really? We won?"

"Are you dreaming? The powerful and terrifying coalition of all races is gone?"

"We won, we won, our homeland is saved!"

Even the powerful Fanxu Zhenyi were very excited and happy to hear this news!

After a long time, everyone calmed down, and suddenly a cultivator asked:

"The Yuxu world was destroyed, where are the wreckage? Even in the great destruction, a big world can't be completely reduced to ashes, right?"

Like Luo Li, they thought of the essence and treasures left by the countless strong men after the catastrophe!

Luo Li shook his head and said: "The Great Brahma God took the lead and completely devoured the entire wreckage world!"

When he said this, everyone was shocked!

Someone couldn't help but say, "That's the essence of the remains of hundreds of millions of strong men?"

Someone cast a spell to investigate, and then said, "There is indeed the power of the Great Brahma Lord, and there are traces of the world being stripped. This time, the Great Brahma Lord got lucky!"

Everyone was talking, and suddenly Luo Li looked at one of the Returning Void Zhenyi.

Five Elements Sect Ruoshui Zhenyi! The last battle between the Five Elements Sect and the Hunyuan Sect, six Returning Voids died in the battle, and the strength plummeted.

There is a strange power in him, this power, in the dark, interferes with his five true meanings, unable to arrange the order, forming a cycle of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Could it be that the Five Elements Sect interfered with himself?

But how is it possible? But that interference is looming on Ruoshui!

Five Elements Sect, there must be something wrong, they blocked my road, I must investigate it clearly and destroy their obstruction!

Luo Li secretly made up his mind and stared at Five Elements Sect Ruoshui Zhenyi!

Luo Li didn't notice that there were also some other people returning to the void. They stared at Luo Li vaguely. They didn't believe the words that the Lord Brahma occupied the world of Yuxu and all the treasures were taken away by the Lord Brahma. They didn't believe it. There was endless greed in his eyes when he looked at Luo Li! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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